/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Example class on how to read AODCaloClusters, ESDCaloCells and AODTracks and how // fill AODs with PWG4PartCorr analysis frame // Select the type of detector information that you want to analyze, CTS (tracking), PHOS or EMCAL // Select the PID custer type of the calorimeters // Set min momentum of the cluster/tracks // Fill few histograms // //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) //_________________________________________________________________________ // --- ROOT system --- //#include "Riostream.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TParticle.h" //---- AliRoot system ---- #include "AliAnaExample.h" #include "AliCaloTrackReader.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAODPWG4Particle.h" #include "AliESDCaloCells.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliCaloPID.h" ClassImp(AliAnaExample) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliAnaExample::AliAnaExample() : AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass(),fPdg(0), fDetector(""), fhPt(0),fhPhi(0),fhEta(0), fh2Pt(0),fh2Phi(0),fh2Eta(0), fhNCells(0), fhAmplitude(0) { //Default Ctor //Initialize parameters InitParameters(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliAnaExample::AliAnaExample(const AliAnaExample & ex) : AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass(ex), fPdg(ex.fPdg), fDetector(ex.fDetector), fhPt(ex.fhPt), fhPhi(ex.fhPhi),fhEta(ex.fhEta), fh2Pt(ex.fh2Pt), fh2Phi(ex.fh2Phi),fh2Eta(ex.fh2Eta), fhNCells(ex.fhNCells), fhAmplitude(ex.fhAmplitude) { // cpy ctor } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliAnaExample & AliAnaExample::operator = (const AliAnaExample & ex) { // assignment operator if(this == &ex)return *this; ((AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass *)this)->operator=(ex); fPdg = ex.fPdg; fDetector = ex.fDetector; fhPt = ex.fhPt; fhPhi = ex.fhPhi; fhEta = ex.fhEta; fh2Pt = ex.fh2Pt; fh2Phi = ex.fh2Phi; fh2Eta = ex.fh2Eta; fhNCells = ex.fhNCells; fhAmplitude = ex.fhAmplitude; return *this; } // //____________________________________________________________________________ // AliAnaExample::~AliAnaExample() // { // // Remove all pointers except analysis output pointers. // ; // } //________________________________________________________________________ TList * AliAnaExample::GetCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms to be saved in output file and // store them in fOutputContainer AliDebug(1,"Init parton histograms"); TList * outputContainer = new TList() ; outputContainer->SetName("ExampleHistos") ; Int_t nptbins = GetHistoNPtBins(); Int_t nphibins = GetHistoNPhiBins(); Int_t netabins = GetHistoNEtaBins(); Float_t ptmax = GetHistoPtMax(); Float_t phimax = GetHistoPhiMax(); Float_t etamax = GetHistoEtaMax(); Float_t ptmin = GetHistoPtMin(); Float_t phimin = GetHistoPhiMin(); Float_t etamin = GetHistoEtaMin(); fhPt = new TH1F ("hPt","p_T distribution", nptbins,ptmin,ptmax); fhPt->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)"); outputContainer->Add(fhPt); fhPhi = new TH1F ("hPhi","#phi distribution",nphibins,phimin,phimax); fhPhi->SetXTitle("#phi (rad)"); outputContainer->Add(fhPhi); fhEta = new TH1F ("hEta","#eta distribution",netabins,etamin,etamax); fhEta->SetXTitle("#eta "); outputContainer->Add(fhEta); if(GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) { //Calo cells fhNCells = new TH1F ("hNCells","# cells per event", 100,0,1000); fhNCells->SetXTitle("n cells"); outputContainer->Add(fhNCells); fhAmplitude = new TH1F ("hAmplitude","#eta distribution", 100,0,1000); fhAmplitude->SetXTitle("Amplitude "); outputContainer->Add(fhAmplitude); } if(IsDataMC()){ fh2Pt = new TH2F ("h2Pt","p_T distribution, reconstructed vs generated", nptbins,ptmin,ptmax,nptbins,ptmin,ptmax); fh2Pt->SetXTitle("p_{T,rec} (GeV/c)"); fh2Pt->SetYTitle("p_{T,gen} (GeV/c)"); outputContainer->Add(fh2Pt); fh2Phi = new TH2F ("h2Phi","#phi distribution, reconstructed vs generated", nphibins,phimin,phimax, nphibins,phimin,phimax); fh2Phi->SetXTitle("#phi_{rec} (rad)"); fh2Phi->SetYTitle("#phi_{gen} (rad)"); outputContainer->Add(fh2Phi); fh2Eta = new TH2F ("h2Eta","#eta distribution, reconstructed vs generated", netabins,etamin,etamax,netabins,etamin,etamax); fh2Eta->SetXTitle("#eta_{rec} "); fh2Eta->SetYTitle("#eta_{gen} "); outputContainer->Add(fh2Eta); } return outputContainer; } //__________________________________________________ void AliAnaExample::InitParameters() { //Initialize the parameters of the analysis. SetOutputAODClassName("AliAODPWG4Particle"); SetOutputAODName("example"); fPdg = 22; //Keep photons fDetector = "PHOS"; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliAnaExample::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; printf("Min Pt = %3.2f\n", GetMinPt()); printf("Max Pt = %3.2f\n", GetMaxPt()); printf("Select clusters with pdg %d \n",fPdg); printf("Select detector %s \n",fDetector.Data()); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliAnaExample::MakeAnalysisFillAOD() { //Do analysis and fill aods //Some prints if(GetDebug() > 0){ if(fDetector == "EMCAL" && GetAODEMCAL())printf("Example : in EMCAL aod entries %d\n", GetAODEMCAL()->GetEntriesFast()); if(fDetector == "CTS" && GetAODCTS())printf("Example : in CTS aod entries %d\n", GetAODCTS()->GetEntriesFast()); if(fDetector == "PHOS" && GetAODPHOS())printf("Example : in PHOS aod entries %d\n", GetAODPHOS()->GetEntriesFast()); } //Get List with tracks or clusters TClonesArray * partList = new TClonesArray; if(fDetector == "CTS") partList = GetAODCTS(); else if(fDetector == "EMCAL") partList = GetAODEMCAL(); else if(fDetector == "PHOS") partList = GetAODPHOS(); if(!partList || partList->GetEntriesFast() == 0) return ; //Fill AODCaloClusters and AODParticle with PHOS/EMCAL aods if(fDetector == "EMCAL" || fDetector == "PHOS"){ //WORK WITH CALOCLUSTERS if(GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC){ ConnectAODCaloClusters(); //Do Only when filling AODCaloClusters if(GetDebug() > 0) printf("Example: in calo clusters aod entries %d\n", GetAODCaloClusters()->GetEntriesFast()); } //Get vertex for photon momentum calculation Double_t v[3] ; //vertex ; GetReader()->GetVertex(v); TLorentzVector mom ; for(Int_t i = 0; i < partList->GetEntriesFast(); i++){ AliAODCaloCluster * calo = (AliAODCaloCluster*) (partList->At(i)); //Fill AODCaloClusters if(GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) AddAODCaloCluster(AliAODCaloCluster(*(calo))); //Fill AODParticle after some selection calo->GetMomentum(mom,v); Int_t pdg = fPdg; if(IsCaloPIDOn()){ Double_t pid[13]; calo->GetPID(pid); pdg = GetCaloPID()->GetPdg(fDetector,pid,mom.E()); //pdg = GetCaloPID()->GetPdg(fDetector,mom, // calo->GetM02(), calo->GetM02(), // calo->GetDispersion(), 0, 0); } //Acceptance selection Bool_t in = kTRUE; if(IsFidutialCutOn()) in = GetFidutialCut()->IsInFidutialCut(mom,fDetector) ; if(GetDebug() > 1) printf("cluster pt %2.2f, phi %2.2f, pdg %d, in fidutial cut %d \n",mom.Pt(), mom.Phi(), pdg, in); //Select cluster if momentum, pdg and acceptance are good if(mom.Pt() > GetMinPt() && pdg ==fPdg && in) { AliAODPWG4Particle ph = AliAODPWG4Particle(mom); //AddAODParticleCorrelation(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation(mom)); ph.SetLabel(calo->GetLabel(0)); ph.SetPdg(pdg); ph.SetDetector(fDetector); AddAODParticle(ph); }//selection }//loop if(GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) { //WORK WITH ESDCALOCELLS //Don't connect in the same analysis PHOS and EMCAL cells. AliESDCaloCells * esdCell = new AliESDCaloCells ; if(fDetector == "PHOS") { ConnectAODPHOSCells(); //Do Only when filling AODCaloCells esdCell = (AliESDCaloCells *) GetPHOSCells(); } else { ConnectAODEMCALCells(); //Do Only when filling AODCaloCells esdCell = (AliESDCaloCells *) GetEMCALCells(); } if(!esdCell) AliFatal("No CELLS available for analysis"); //Some prints if(GetDebug() > 0 && esdCell ) printf("Example : in ESD %s cell entries %d\n", fDetector.Data(), esdCell->GetNumberOfCells()); //Fill AODCells in file Int_t ncells = esdCell->GetNumberOfCells() ; GetAODCaloCells()->CreateContainer(ncells); GetAODCaloCells()->SetType((AliAODCaloCells::AODCells_t) esdCell->GetType()); for (Int_t iCell = 0; iCell < ncells; iCell++) { if(GetDebug() > 2) printf("cell : amp %f, absId %d, time %f\n", esdCell->GetAmplitude(iCell), esdCell->GetCellNumber(iCell), esdCell->GetTime(iCell)); GetAODCaloCells()->SetCell(iCell,esdCell->GetCellNumber(iCell),esdCell->GetAmplitude(iCell)); } GetAODCaloCells()->Sort(); } }//cluster-cell analysis else if(fDetector == "CTS"){ //Track analysis //Fill AODParticle with CTS aods TVector3 p3; for(Int_t i = 0; i < GetAODCTS()->GetEntriesFast(); i++){ AliAODTrack * track = (AliAODTrack*) (GetAODCTS()->At(i)); //Fill AODParticle after some selection Double_t mom[3] = {track->Px(),track->Py(),track->Pz()}; p3.SetXYZ(mom[0],mom[1],mom[2]); //Acceptance selection Bool_t in = GetFidutialCut()->IsInFidutialCut(mom,"CTS") ; if(GetDebug() > 1) printf("track pt %2.2f, phi %2.2f, in fidutial cut %d\n",p3.Pt(), p3.Phi(), in); if(p3.Pt() > GetMinPt() && in) { AliAODPWG4Particle tr = AliAODPWG4Particle(mom[0],mom[1],mom[2],0); tr.SetDetector("CTS"); AddAODParticle(tr); }//selection }//loop }//CTS analysis if(GetDebug() > 0) { if(fDetector!="CTS" && GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) printf("Example: final aod calocluster entries %d\n", GetAODCaloClusters()->GetEntriesFast()); printf("Example: final aod branch entries %d\n", GetOutputAODBranch()->GetEntriesFast()); if(fDetector!="CTS" && GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) printf("Example: final aod cell entries %d\n", GetAODCaloCells()->GetNumberOfCells()); } } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliAnaExample::MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() { //Do analysis and fill histograms //Loop on stored AODParticles Int_t naod = GetOutputAODBranch()->GetEntriesFast(); if(GetDebug() > 0) printf("histo aod branch entries %d\n", naod); for(Int_t iaod = 0; iaod < naod ; iaod++){ AliAODPWG4Particle* ph = (AliAODPWG4Particle*) (GetOutputAODBranch()->At(iaod)); fhPt->Fill(ph->Pt()); fhPhi->Fill(ph->Phi()); fhEta->Fill(ph->Eta()); if(IsDataMC()){ //Play with the MC stack if available AliStack * stack = GetMCStack() ; if(ph->GetLabel() < 0 || !stack) { printf("*** bad label or no stack ***: label %d \n", ph->GetLabel()); continue; } if(ph->GetLabel() >= stack->GetNtrack()) { printf("*** large label ***: label %d, n tracks %d \n", ph->GetLabel(), stack->GetNtrack()); continue ; } TParticle * mom = GetMCStack()->Particle(ph->GetLabel()); fh2Pt->Fill(ph->Pt(), mom->Pt()); fh2Phi->Fill(ph->Phi(), mom->Phi()); fh2Eta->Fill(ph->Eta(), mom->Eta()); }//Work with stack also }// aod branch loop // CaloCells histograms if(GetReader()->GetDataType()!= AliCaloTrackReader::kMC) { if(GetAODCaloCells()){ Int_t ncells = GetAODCaloCells()->GetNumberOfCells(); fhNCells->Fill(ncells) ; for (Int_t iCell = 0; iCell < ncells; iCell++) { if(GetDebug() > 2) printf("cell : amp %f, absId %d \n", GetAODCaloCells()->GetAmplitude(iCell), GetAODCaloCells()->GetCellNumber(iCell)); fhAmplitude->Fill(GetAODCaloCells()->GetAmplitude(iCell)); } }//calo cells container exist } }