#ifndef ALIANAPHOTON_H #define ALIANAPHOTON_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliAnaPhoton.h 27413 2008-07-18 13:28:12Z gconesab $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // // Class for the photon identification. // Clusters from calorimeters are identified as photons // and kept in the AOD. Few histograms produced. // Produces input for other analysis classes like AliAnaPi0, // AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation ... // //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) // --- ROOT system --- class TH2F ; class TH1F; class TH3D; class TString ; class TObjString; // --- ANALYSIS system --- #include "AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass.h" class AliStack; class TParticle; class TList ; class AliAnaPhoton : public AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass { public: AliAnaPhoton() ; // default ctor virtual ~AliAnaPhoton() ; //virtual dtor private: AliAnaPhoton(const AliAnaPhoton & g) ; // cpy ctor AliAnaPhoton & operator = (const AliAnaPhoton & g) ;//cpy assignment public: //--------------------------------------- // General analysis frame methods //--------------------------------------- TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts(); TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void Init(); void InitParameters(); void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ; void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ; void Print(const Option_t * opt)const; // Analysis methods Bool_t ClusterSelected(AliVCluster* cl, TLorentzVector mom) ; void FillAcceptanceHistograms(); // Fill Shower Shape histograms void FillShowerShapeHistograms( AliVCluster* cluster, const Int_t mcTag) ; void SwitchOnFillShowerShapeHistograms() { fFillSSHistograms = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillShowerShapeHistograms() { fFillSSHistograms = kFALSE ; } //--------------------------------------- // Analysis parameters setters getters //--------------------------------------- TString GetCalorimeter() const { return fCalorimeter ; } void SetCalorimeter(TString & det) { fCalorimeter = det ; } // ** Cluster selection methods ** void SetMinDistanceToBadChannel(Float_t m1, Float_t m2, Float_t m3) { fMinDist = m1; fMinDist2 = m2; fMinDist3 = m3; } void SetTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) { fTimeCutMin = min; fTimeCutMax = max ; } Double_t GetTimeCutMin() const { return fTimeCutMin ; } Double_t GetTimeCutMax() const { return fTimeCutMax ; } void SetNCellCut(Int_t n) { fNCellsCut = n ; } Double_t GetNCellCut() const { return fNCellsCut ; } Bool_t IsTrackMatchRejectionOn() const { return fRejectTrackMatch ; } void SwitchOnTrackMatchRejection() { fRejectTrackMatch = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffTrackMatchRejection() { fRejectTrackMatch = kFALSE ; } // ** Conversion pair analysis ** Float_t GetMassCut() const { return fMassCut ; } void SetMassCut(Float_t m) { fMassCut = m ; } Bool_t IsCheckConversionOn() const { return fCheckConversion ; } void SwitchOnConversionChecker() { fCheckConversion = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffConversionChecker() { fCheckConversion = kFALSE ; } Bool_t AreConvertedPairsInAOD() const { return fAddConvertedPairsToAOD ; } void SwitchOnAdditionConvertedPairsToAOD() { fAddConvertedPairsToAOD = kTRUE ; fCheckConversion = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffAdditionConvertedPairsToAOD() { fAddConvertedPairsToAOD = kFALSE ; } Bool_t AreConvertedPairsRemoved() const { return fRemoveConvertedPair ; } void SwitchOnConvertedPairsRemoval() { fRemoveConvertedPair = kTRUE ; fCheckConversion = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffConvertedPairsRemoval() { fRemoveConvertedPair = kFALSE ; } void SetConvAsymCut(Float_t c) { fConvAsymCut = c ; } Float_t GetConvAsymCut() const { return fConvAsymCut ; } void SetConvDEtaCut(Float_t c) { fConvDEtaCut = c ; } Float_t GetConvDEtaCut() const { return fConvDEtaCut ; } void SetConvDPhiCut(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fConvDPhiMinCut = min ; fConvDPhiMaxCut = max ; } Float_t GetConvDPhiMinCut() const { return fConvDPhiMinCut ; } Float_t GetConvDPhiMaxCut() const { return fConvDPhiMaxCut ; } void FillNOriginHistograms(Int_t n) { fNOriginHistograms = n ; if(n > 14) fNOriginHistograms = 14; } void FillNPrimaryHistograms(Int_t n) { fNPrimaryHistograms= n ; if(n > 7) fNPrimaryHistograms = 7; } // For histograms in arrays, index in the array, corresponding to a particle enum mcTypes { mcPhoton = 0, mcPi0Decay = 1, mcOtherDecay = 2, mcPi0 = 3, mcEta = 4, mcElectron = 5, mcConversion = 6, mcOther = 7, mcAntiNeutron = 8, mcAntiProton = 9, mcPrompt = 10, mcFragmentation = 11, mcISR = 12, mcString = 13 }; enum mcPTypes { mcPPhoton = 0, mcPPi0Decay = 1, mcPOtherDecay = 2, mcPOther = 3, mcPPrompt = 4, mcPFragmentation = 5, mcPISR = 6 }; enum mcssTypes { mcssPhoton = 0, mcssOther = 1, mcssPi0 = 2, mcssEta = 3, mcssConversion = 4, mcssElectron = 5 }; private: TString fCalorimeter ; // Calorimeter where the gamma is searched; Float_t fMinDist ; // Minimal distance to bad channel to accept cluster Float_t fMinDist2; // Cuts on Minimal distance to study acceptance evaluation Float_t fMinDist3; // One more cut on distance used for acceptance-efficiency study Bool_t fRejectTrackMatch ; // If PID on, reject clusters which have an associated TPC track Double_t fTimeCutMin ; // Remove clusters/cells with time smaller than this value, in ns Double_t fTimeCutMax ; // Remove clusters/cells with time larger than this value, in ns Int_t fNCellsCut ; // Accept for the analysis clusters with more than fNCellsCut cells Bool_t fFillSSHistograms ; // Fill shower shape histograms Int_t fNOriginHistograms; // Fill only NOriginHistograms of the 14 defined types Int_t fNPrimaryHistograms; // Fill only NPrimaryHistograms of the 7 defined types //Conversion pairs selection cuts Bool_t fCheckConversion; // Combine pairs of clusters with mass close to 0 Bool_t fRemoveConvertedPair; // Remove conversion pairs Bool_t fAddConvertedPairsToAOD; // Put Converted pairs in AOD Float_t fMassCut; // Mass cut for the conversion pairs selection Float_t fConvAsymCut; // Select conversion pairs when asymmetry is smaller than cut Float_t fConvDEtaCut; // Select conversion pairs when deta of pair smaller than cut Float_t fConvDPhiMinCut; // Select conversion pairs when dphi of pair lager than cut Float_t fConvDPhiMaxCut; // Select conversion pairs when dphi of pair smaller than cut //Histograms TH2F * fhNCellsE; //! number of cells in cluster vs E TH2F * fhMaxCellDiffClusterE; //! Fraction of energy carried by cell with maximum energy TH1F * fhEPhoton ; //! Number of identified photon vs energy TH1F * fhPtPhoton ; //! Number of identified photon vs transerse momentum TH2F * fhPhiPhoton ; //! Azimuthal angle of identified photon vs transerse momentum TH2F * fhEtaPhoton ; //! Pseudorapidity of identified photon vs transerse momentum TH2F * fhEtaPhiPhoton ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for transerse momentum > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhi05Photon ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for transerse momentum < 0.5 //Conversion pairs TH1F * fhPtPhotonConv ; //! Number of identified photon vs transerse momentum TH2F * fhEtaPhiPhotonConv ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for transerse momentum > 0.5, for converted TH2F * fhEtaPhi05PhotonConv ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for transerse momentum < 0.5, for converted TH2F * fhConvDeltaEta; //! Small mass photons, correlation in eta TH2F * fhConvDeltaPhi; //! Small mass photons, correlation in phi TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaPhi; //! Small mass photons, correlation in phi and eta TH2F * fhConvAsym; //! Small mass photons, correlation in energy asymmetry TH2F * fhConvPt; //! Small mass photons, pT of pair //Vertex distance TH2F * fhConvDistEta; //! Approx distance to vertex vs cluster Eta TH2F * fhConvDistEn; //! Approx distance to vertex vs Energy TH2F * fhConvDistMass; //! Approx distance to vertex vs Mass TH2F * fhConvDistEtaCutEta; //! Approx distance to vertex vs cluster Eta, dEta < 0.05 TH2F * fhConvDistEnCutEta; //! Approx distance to vertex vs Energy, dEta < 0.05 TH2F * fhConvDistMassCutEta; //! Approx distance to vertex vs Mass, dEta < 0.05 TH2F * fhConvDistEtaCutMass; //! Approx distance to vertex vs cluster Eta, dEta < 0.05, m < 10 MeV TH2F * fhConvDistEnCutMass; //! Approx distance to vertex vs Energy, dEta < 0.05, m < 10 MeV TH2F * fhConvDistEtaCutAsy; //! Approx distance to vertex vs cluster Eta, dEta < 0.05, m < 10 MeV, A < 0.1 TH2F * fhConvDistEnCutAsy; //! Approx distance to vertex vs energy, dEta < 0.05, m < 10 MeV, A < 0.1 //Shower shape TH2F * fhDispE; //! cluster dispersion vs E TH2F * fhLam0E; //! cluster lambda0 vs E TH2F * fhLam1E; //! cluster lambda1 vs E TH2F * fhdDispE; //! cluster dispersion/Ncells vs E TH2F * fhdLam0E; //! cluster lambda0/Ncells vs E TH2F * fhdLam1E; //! cluster lambda1/Ncells vs E TH2F * fhDispETRD; //! cluster dispersion vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhLam0ETRD; //! cluster lambda0 vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhLam1ETRD; //! cluster lambda1 vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhdDispETRD; //! cluster dispersion/Ncells vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhdLam0ETRD; //! cluster lambda0/Ncells vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhdLam1ETRD; //! cluster lambda1/Ncells vs E, SM covered by TRD TH2F * fhNCellsLam0LowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda0 TH2F * fhNCellsLam1LowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda1 TH2F * fhNCellsDispLowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs dispersion TH2F * fhNCellsLam0HighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda0, E>2 TH2F * fhNCellsLam1HighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda1, E>2 TH2F * fhNCellsDispHighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs dispersion, E>2 TH2F * fhNCellsdLam0LowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda0/ncells TH2F * fhNCellsdLam1LowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda1/ncells TH2F * fhNCellsdDispLowE; //! number of cells in cluster vs dispersion/ncells TH2F * fhNCellsdLam0HighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda0/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhNCellsdLam1HighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs lambda1/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhNCellsdDispHighE; //! number of cells in cluster vs dispersion/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhEtaLam0LowE; //! cluster eta vs lambda0, E<2 TH2F * fhPhiLam0LowE; //! cluster phi vs lambda0, E<2 TH2F * fhEtaLam0HighE; //! cluster eta vs lambda0, E>2 TH2F * fhPhiLam0HighE; //! cluster phi vs lambda0, E>2 TH2F * fhLam0DispLowE; //! cluster lambda0 vs dispersion, E<2 TH2F * fhLam0DispHighE; //! cluster lambda0 vs dispersion, E>2 TH2F * fhLam1Lam0LowE; //! cluster lambda1 vs lambda0, E<2 TH2F * fhLam1Lam0HighE; //! cluster lambda1 vs lambda0, E>2 TH2F * fhDispLam1LowE; //! cluster disp vs lambda1, E<2 TH2F * fhDispLam1HighE; //! cluster disp vs lambda1, E>2 TH2F * fhEtadLam0LowE; //! cluster eta vs lambda0/ncells, E<2 TH2F * fhPhidLam0LowE; //! cluster phi vs lambda0/ncells, E<2 TH2F * fhEtadLam0HighE; //! cluster eta vs lambda0/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhPhidLam0HighE; //! cluster phi vs lambda0/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhdLam0dDispLowE; //! cluster lambda0/ncells vs dispersion/ncells, E<2 TH2F * fhdLam0dDispHighE; //! cluster lambda0/ncells vs dispersion/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhdLam1dLam0LowE; //! cluster lambda1/ncells vs lambda0/ncells, E<2 TH2F * fhdLam1dLam0HighE; //! cluster lambda1/ncells vs lambda0/ncells, E>2 TH2F * fhdDispdLam1LowE; //! cluster disp/ncells vs lambda1/ncells, E<2 TH2F * fhdDispdLam1HighE; //! cluster disp/ncells vs lambda1/ncells, E>2 //Fill MC dependent histograms TH1F * fhDeltaE ; //! MC-Reco E distribution TH1F * fhDeltaPt ; //! MC-Reco pT distribution TH1F * fhRatioE ; //! Reco/MC E distribution TH1F * fhRatioPt ; //! Reco/MC pT distribution TH2F * fh2E ; //! E distribution, Reco vs MC TH2F * fh2Pt ; //! pT distribution, Reco vs MC //Origin of this cluster is ... TH1F * fhMCE[14]; //! Number of identified photon vs cluster energy coming from MC particle TH1F * fhPtMC[14]; //! Number of identified photon vs cluster pT coming from MC particle TH2F * fhPhiMC[14]; //! Phi of identified photon coming from MC particle TH2F * fhEtaMC[14]; //! eta of identified photon coming from MC particle TH1F * fhEPrimMC[7]; //! Number of generated photon vs energy TH1F * fhPtPrimMC[7]; //! Number of generated photon vs pT TH2F * fhPhiPrimMC[7]; //! Phi of generted photon TH2F * fhYPrimMC[7]; //! Rapidity of generated photon TH1F * fhEPrimMCAcc[7]; //! Number of generated photon vs energy, in calorimeter acceptance TH1F * fhPtPrimMCAcc[7]; //! Number of generated photon vs pT, in calorimeter acceptance TH2F * fhPhiPrimMCAcc[7]; //! Phi of generted photon, in calorimeter acceptance TH2F * fhYPrimMCAcc[7]; //! Rapidity of generated photon, in calorimeter acceptance //Conversion pairs analysis histograms TH1F * fhPtConversionTagged; //! Number of identified gamma from Conversion , tagged as conversion TH1F * fhPtAntiNeutronTagged; //! Number of identified gamma from AntiNeutrons gamma, tagged as conversion TH1F * fhPtAntiProtonTagged; //! Number of identified gamma from AntiProtons gamma, tagged as conversion TH1F * fhPtUnknownTagged; //! Number of identified gamma from unknown, tagged as conversion TH2F * fhEtaPhiConversion ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi for transerse momentum > 0.5, for MC converted TH2F * fhEtaPhi05Conversion ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi for transerse momentum < 0.5, for MC converted TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta, origin of both clusters is conversion TH2F * fhConvDeltaPhiMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in phi, origin of both clusters is conversion TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaPhiMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta-phi, origin of both clusters is conversion TH2F * fhConvAsymMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in energy asymmetry, origin of both clusters is conversion TH2F * fhConvPtMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, pt of pair, origin of both clusters is conversion TH2F * fhConvDispersionMCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, dispersion of cluster 1 vs cluster 2 TH2F * fhConvM02MCConversion; //! Small mass cluster pairs, m02 of cluster 1 vs cluster 2 TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvDeltaPhiMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in phi, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaPhiMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta-phi, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvAsymMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in energy asymmetry, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvPtMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, pt of pair, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvDispersionMCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, dispersion of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvM02MCAntiNeutron; //! Small mass cluster pairs, m02 of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is anti neutron TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvDeltaPhiMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in phi, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaPhiMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta-phi, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvAsymMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in energy asymmetry, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvPtMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, pt of pairs, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvDispersionMCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, dispersion of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvM02MCAntiProton; //! Small mass cluster pairs, m02 of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is anti proton TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvDeltaPhiMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in phi, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvDeltaEtaPhiMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in eta-phi, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvAsymMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, correlation in energy asymmetry, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvPtMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, pt of pairs, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvDispersionMCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, dispersion of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvM02MCString; //! Small mass cluster pairs, m02 of cluster 1 vs cluster 2, origin of both clusters is string TH2F * fhConvDistMCConversion; //! Calculated conversion distance vs real distance to vertex TH2F * fhConvDistMCConversionCuts; //! Calculated conversion distance vs real distance to vertex // Shower Shape MC TH2F * fhMCELambda0[6] ; //! E vs Lambda0 from MC particle TH2F * fhMCEdLambda0[6]; //! E vs dLambda0 from MC particle TH2F * fhMCELambda1[6] ; //! E vs Lambda1 from MC particle TH2F * fhMCEdLambda1[6]; //! E vs dLambda1 from MC particle TH2F * fhMCEDispersion[6] ; //! E vs Dispersion from MC particle TH2F * fhMCEdDispersion[6]; //! E vs dDispersion from MC particle TH2F * fhMCPhotonELambda0NoOverlap ; //! E vs Lambda0 from MC photons, no overlap TH2F * fhMCPhotonELambda0TwoOverlap ; //! E vs Lambda0 from MC photons, 2 particles overlap TH2F * fhMCPhotonELambda0NOverlap ; //! E vs Lambda0 from MC photons, N particles overlap TH2F * fhMCPhotonEdLambda0NoOverlap ; //! E vs dLambda0 from MC photons, no overlap TH2F * fhMCPhotonEdLambda0TwoOverlap ; //! E vs dLambda0 from MC photons, 2 particles overlap TH2F * fhMCPhotonEdLambda0NOverlap ; //! E vs dLambda0 from MC photons, N particles overlap TH2F * fhMCLambda0vsClusterMaxCellDiffE0[6]; //! Lambda0 vs fraction of energy of max cell for E < 2 GeV TH2F * fhMCLambda0vsClusterMaxCellDiffE2[6]; //! Lambda0 vs fraction of energy of max cell for 2< E < 6 GeV TH2F * fhMCLambda0vsClusterMaxCellDiffE6[6]; //! Lambda0 vs fraction of energy of max cell for E > 6 GeV TH2F * fhMCNCellsvsClusterMaxCellDiffE0[6]; //! NCells vs fraction of energy of max cell for E < 2 TH2F * fhMCNCellsvsClusterMaxCellDiffE2[6]; //! NCells vs fraction of energy of max cell for 2 < E < 6 GeV TH2F * fhMCNCellsvsClusterMaxCellDiffE6[6]; //! NCells vs fraction of energy of max cell for E > 6 TH2F * fhMCNCellsE[6]; //! NCells per cluster vs energy TH2F * fhMCMaxCellDiffClusterE[6]; //! Fraction of energy carried by cell with maximum energy //Embedding TH2F * fhEmbeddedSignalFractionEnergy ; //! Fraction of photon energy of embedded signal vs cluster energy TH2F * fhEmbedPhotonELambda0FullSignal ; //! Lambda0 vs E for embedded photons with more than 90% of the cluster energy TH2F * fhEmbedPhotonEdLambda0FullSignal ; //! dLambda0 vs E for embedded photons with more than 90% of the cluster energy TH2F * fhEmbedPhotonELambda0MostlySignal ; //! Lambda0 vs E for embedded photons with 90%