AliJetReader *CreateJetReader(Char_t *jr,UInt_t filterMask); // Common config AliJetFinder *CreateJetFinder(Char_t *jf,Float_t radius = -1); AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(Char_t *jr, Char_t *jf,Float_t radius = -1,UInt_t filterMask = 0); // for the new AF Int_t AddTaskJetsDelta(char *nonStdFile = "",UInt_t filterMask = 0); AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(UInt_t filterMask = 0); AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(UInt_t filterMask ){ // fills the standard "jets" branch in the AOD // need the ESDFilter to run before, to access the AODtracks // Tracks selected by the first Filter (1<<0) // needs to be adapted for different cuts // UA1 as standard chosen, since it is the most robust and simple JF // R = 0.4 suffficient to provide accurate jet axis for correlation studies // energy resolution suffers a little // Acceptance of jets not limited by the Jet Finder but should be done // by user to abs(eta) < 0.5 return AddTaskJets("AOD","UA1",0.4,filterMask); } Int_t AddTaskJetsDelta(char *nonStdFile,UInt_t filterMask){ // Adds a whole set of jet finders all to be written // to a delta AOD // this can in principle be done also with on the fly // if we have an ESD input jet fidner task does automatically fetch the ouput aod AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskJetsDelta", "No analysis manager to connect to."); return 0; } // Check the analysis type using the event handlers connected to the analysis manager. //============================================================================== if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()) { ::Error("AddTaskJetsDelta", "This task requires an input event handler"); return 0; } AliAODHandler *aodh = (AliAODHandler*)mgr->GetOutputEventHandler(); if (!aodh) { ::Error("AddTaskJetsDelta", "This task needs an output event handler"); return 0; } TString outFile(nonStdFile); TString type = mgr->GetInputEventHandler()->GetDataType(); AliAnalysisTaskJets *jetana = 0; Int_t iCount = 0; const char *cJF[7] = {"UA1","UA1","UA1","CDF","DA","SISCONE","FASTJET"}; const Float_t radius[7] = { 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 0.7, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4}; const UInt_t flag[7] = { 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; // flag first bit AOD, second bit AODMC2 third bit AODMC2 // i.e. 7 all, 6 only MC2 and MC // this stay at three const char *cReader[3] = {"AOD","AODMC","AODMC2"}; for(int i = 0; i< 7;i++){ for(int ib = 0;ib<3;ib++){ if(flag[i]&(1<0)cRadius = Form("%02d",(int)((radius[i]+0.01)*10.)); // add an offset beacuse of precision jetana->SetNonStdBranch(Form("jets%s_%s%s",cReader[ib],cJF[i],cRadius)); if(outFile.Length()>0)jetana->SetNonStdOutputFile(outFile.Data()); iCount++; } } } } Printf("Added %d JetFinders",iCount); } AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(Char_t *jr, Char_t *jf, Float_t radius,UInt_t filterMask) { // Creates a jet finder task, configures it and adds it to the analysis manager. // Get the pointer to the existing analysis manager via the static access method. //============================================================================== AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskJets", "No analysis manager to connect to."); return NULL; } // Check the analysis type using the event handlers connected to the analysis manager. //============================================================================== if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()) { ::Error("AddTaskJets", "This task requires an input event handler"); return NULL; } AliAODHandler *aodh = (AliAODHandler*)mgr->GetOutputEventHandler(); if (!aodh) { ::Error("AddTaskJets", "This task needs an output event handler"); return NULL; } // Create the task and configure it. //=========================================================================== AliAnalysisTaskJets *jetana; AliJetReader *er = CreateJetReader(jr,filterMask); // Define jet header and jet finder AliJetFinder *jetFinder = CreateJetFinder(jf,radius); if (jetFinder){ if (er) jetFinder->SetJetReader(er); } char *cRadius = ""; if(radius>0)cRadius = Form("%02d",(int)((radius+0.01)*10.)); jetana = new AliAnalysisTaskJets(Form("JetAnalysis%s_%s%s",jr,jf,cRadius)); TString type = mgr->GetInputEventHandler()->GetDataType(); if (type == "AOD") jetana->SetNonStdBranch(Form("jets%s",jf)); TString c_jr(jr); c_jr.ToLower(); TString c_jf(jf); c_jf.ToLower(); AliAnalysisDataContainer *cout_jet = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("jethist_%s_%s%s",c_jr.Data(),c_jf.Data(),cRadius), TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, Form("%s:PWG4_jethist_%s_%s%s",AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(), c_jr.Data(),c_jf.Data(),cRadius)); // Connect jet finder to task. jetana->SetJetFinder(jetFinder); jetana->SetConfigFile(""); jetana->SetDebugLevel(0); mgr->AddTask(jetana); // Create ONLY the output containers for the data produced by the task. // Get and connect other common input/output containers via the manager as below //============================================================================== mgr->ConnectInput (jetana, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer()); // AOD output slot will be used in a different way in future mgr->ConnectOutput (jetana, 0, mgr->GetCommonOutputContainer()); mgr->ConnectOutput (jetana, 1, cout_jet); return jetana; } AliJetFinder *CreateJetFinder(Char_t *jf,Float_t radius){ AliJetFinder *jetFinder = 0; switch (jf) { case "CDF": AliCdfJetHeader *jh = new AliCdfJetHeader(); jh->SetRadius(0.7); if(radius>0)jh->SetRadius(radius); jh->SetAODwrite(kTRUE); // jh->SetDebugCDF(1); jetFinder = new AliCdfJetFinder(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "DA": AliDAJetHeader *jh=new AliDAJetHeader(); jh->SetComment("DA jet code with default parameters"); jh->SelectJets(kTRUE); jh->SetRadius(0.7); if(radius>0)jh->SetRadius(radius); jetFinder = new AliDAJetFinder(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "FASTJET": // DEFAULT is ANTI KT AliFastJetHeaderV1 *jh = new AliFastJetHeaderV1(); jh->SetRparam(0.4); // setup parameters if(radius>0)jh->SetRparam(radius); jh->SetAlgorithm(2); // antikt from fastjet/JetDefinition.hh jetFinder = new AliFastJetFinder(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "FASTKT": AliFastJetHeaderV1 *jh = new AliFastJetHeaderV1(); jh->SetRparam(0.4); // setup parameters if(radius>0)jh->SetRparam(radius); jh->SetAlgorithm(0); // kt from fastjet/JetDefinition.hh jetFinder = new AliFastJetFinder(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "SISCONE": AliSISConeJetHeader * jh = new AliSISConeJetHeader(); jh->SetJetEtaMax(1.5); jh->SetJetEtaMin(-1.5); //siscone parameters jh->SetConeRadius(0.4); // default cone radius if(radius>0)jh->SetConeRadius(radius); // cone radius jh->SetOverlapThreshold(0.75); // overlap parameter, between 0 and 1 excluded!! 0.75 value is advised jh->SetPtProtojetMin(0); // pt min of protojets jh->SetMinJetPt(10); // Ptmin of jets (GeV) //do you want to subtract BG (0 = no, 1 = yes) jh->SetBGMode(0); //for background jh->SetRapRange( -0.9, 0.9); // rapidity range for subtracting background must be < ghostmaxrap-0.95*R jh->SetPhiRange(0 , 2*TMath::Pi()); // phi range for subtracting background //to determine jets area jh->SetBGAlgorithm(1); // algorithm for rho calculation : 0 = kT, 1 = Cambridge jh->SetGhostEtaMax(4); // eta max where ghosts are generated jh->SetGhostArea(0.05); // area of a ghost jh->SetMeanGhostKt(1e-100); // average transverse momentum of the ghosts. jh->SetAreaTypeNumber(4); // from 1 to 5 : 1 = active_area, 2 = active_area_explicit_ghosts, 3 = one_ghost_passive_area, 4 = passive_area, 5 = voronoi_area jetFinder = new AliSISConeJetFinder(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "UA1": AliUA1JetHeaderV1 *jh=new AliUA1JetHeaderV1(); jh->SetComment("UA1 jet code with default parameters"); jh->BackgMode(0); jh->SetRadius(0.4); if(radius>0)jh->SetRadius(radius); jh->SetEtSeed(4.); jh->SetEtSeed(4.); jh->SetNAcceptJets(6); jh->SetLegoNbinPhi(432); jh->SetLegoNbinEta(274); jh->SetLegoEtaMin(-2); jh->SetLegoEtaMax(+2); jh->SetMinJetEt(5.); jh->SetJetEtaMax(1.5); jh->SetJetEtaMin(-1.5); jetFinder = new AliUA1JetFinderV1(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; case "UA1MC": AliUA1JetHeaderV1 *jh=new AliUA1JetHeaderV1(); jh->SetComment("UA1 jet code with default MC parameters"); jh->BackgMode(0); jh->SetRadius(1.0); if(radius>0)jh->SetRadius(radius); jh->SetEtSeed(4.); jh->SetNAcceptJets(6); jh->SetLegoNbinPhi(432); jh->SetLegoNbinEta(274); jh->SetLegoEtaMin(-2); jh->SetLegoEtaMax(+2); jh->SetMinJetEt(5.); jh->SetJetEtaMax(1.5); jh->SetJetEtaMin(-1.5); jetFinder = new AliUA1JetFinderV1(); if (jh) jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); break; default: Printf("\n >>>>>>> AddTaskJets Error Wrong jet finder selected\n"); break; } return jetFinder; } AliJetReader *CreateJetReader(Char_t *jr,UInt_t filterMask){ AliJetReader *er = 0; switch (jr) { case "MC": AliJetKineReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetKineReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("MC full Kinematics"); jrh->SetFastSimTPC(kFALSE); jrh->SetFastSimEMCAL(kFALSE); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-2.1,2.1); // to take all MC particles default is 0 .9 // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetKineReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; case "MC2": AliJetKineReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetKineReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("MC full Kinematics spearate config charged only"); jrh->SetFastSimTPC(kFALSE); jrh->SetFastSimEMCAL(kFALSE); jrh->SetChargedOnly(kTRUE); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-2.1,2.1); // to take all MC particles default is 0 .9 // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetKineReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; case "ESD": AliJetESDReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetESDReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("Testing"); jrh->SetFirstEvent(0); jrh->SetLastEvent(1000); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetReadSignalOnly(kFALSE); // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetESDReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; case "AOD": AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("AOD Reader"); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetTestFilterMask(16); // Change this one for a different set of cuts if(filterMask>0)jrh->SetTestFilterMask(filterMask); // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetAODReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; case "AODMC": AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("AOD MC Reader"); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-2.1,2.1); // to take all MC particles default is 0.9 jrh->SetReadAODMC(1);// 1 all primary MC , 2 all primary charged // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetAODReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; case "AODMC2": AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("AOD MC Reader"); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-2.1,2.1); // to take all MC particles default is 0.9 jrh->SetReadAODMC(2);// 1 all primary MC , 2 all primary charged // Define reader and set its header er = new AliJetAODReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); break; default: ::Error("AddTaskJets", "Wrong jet reader selected\n"); return 0; } return er; }