//------------------------------------ // Configuration macro: // // Configure JETAN FastJet analysis. // // Modified by: K. Read // //------------------------------------ AliJetFinder* ConfigJetAnalysis() { // // Configuration goes here // printf("========================== \n"); printf("ConfigJetAnalysisFastJet() \n"); printf("========================== \n"); Bool_t kInputIsESD = kTRUE; //uncomment for input ESD //Bool_t kInputIsESD = kFALSE; //uncomment for input AODs Bool_t kFollowsFilter = kTRUE; //uncomment if follows ESD filter task //Bool_t kFollowsFilter = kFALSE; //uncomment if no ESD filter task //Alternatively, select input via anaInputData environment variable. if (gSystem->Getenv("anaInputData")){ TString kInputData = gSystem->Getenv("anaInputData"); if( kInputData == "AOD" ){ kInputIsESD = kFALSE; kFollowsFilter = kFALSE; } } // Define the grids AliJetGrid *grid = new AliJetGrid(419,119,0.,2*TMath::Pi(),-0.9,0.9); grid->SetGridType(1); grid->InitParams(80.*TMath::Pi()/180,190.*TMath::Pi()/180,-0.7,0.7); grid->SetMatrixIndexes(); grid->SetIndexIJ(); AliJetGrid *grid2 = new AliJetGrid(131,95,80.*TMath::Pi()/180.,190.*TMath::Pi()/180.,-0.7,0.7); grid2->SetGridType(0); grid2->SetMatrixIndexes(); grid2->SetIndexIJ(); // Define reader header if(kInputIsESD && !kFollowsFilter) AliJetESDReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetESDReaderHeader(); else AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("Testing"); if(kInputIsESD && !kFollowsFilter) jrh->SetReadSignalOnly(kFALSE); // Detector options: 0 = Charged particles only (MomentumArray) // 1 = Charged particles only (UnitArray) // 2 = Neutral cells only (UnitArray) // 3 = Charged particles + neutral cells (UnitArray) jrh->SetDetector(3); //jrh->SetDebug(-1); //jrh->SetFiducialEta(-0.7,0.7); //jrh->SetFiducialPhi(80.*TMath::Pi()/180,190.*TMath::Pi()/180); jrh->SetPtCut(0.1); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-0.9,0.9); //fiducial range used by AliJetFillUnitArrayTracks jrh->SetFiducialPhi(0,2*TMath::Pi()); //fiducial range used by AliJetFillUnitArrayTracks // Define reader and set its header if(kInputIsESD && !kFollowsFilter) AliJetESDReader *er = new AliJetESDReader(); else AliJetAODReader *er = new AliJetAODReader(); er->SetReaderHeader(jrh); er->SetTPCGrid(grid); er->SetEMCalGrid(grid2); er->SetApplyMIPCorrection(kFALSE); // Define jet header AliFastJetHeaderV1 *jh=new AliFastJetHeaderV1(); Double_t R=0.4; Double_t Rbkg=0.2; // AliFastJetHeaderV1 *jh=new AliFastJetHeaderV1(); jh->SetComment("Fast jet code with default parameters"); //jh->SetDebug(-1); //jh->SetBGMode(1); //Do BG Subtraction jh->SetBGMode(0); //No BG Subtraction. Store AOD track refs. jh->SetRparam(R); // setup parameters jh->SetRparamBkg(Rbkg); // setup parameters jh->SetPtMin(0.2); //jh->SetGhostEtaMax(0.9); jh->SetGhostArea(0.01); jh->SetGhostEtaMax(0.7);//used to set the rap_min and rap_max, that are then used by FJ jh->SetPhiRange(80.*TMath::Pi()/180+R,190.*TMath::Pi()/180-R);//used in AliFastJetFinder for the range // Define jet finder. Set its header and reader jetFinder = new AliFastJetFinder(); jetFinder->SetJetHeader(jh); jetFinder->SetJetReader(er); //jetFinder->SetPlotMode(kTRUE); printf("============================== \n"); printf("END ConfigJetAnalysisFastJet() \n"); printf("============================== \n"); return jetFinder; }