#ifndef AliUEHistograms_H #define AliUEHistograms_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliUEHistograms.h 20164 2007-08-14 15:31:50Z morsch $ */ // encapsulates several AliUEHist objects for a full UE analysis plus additional control histograms #include "TNamed.h" #include "AliUEHist.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "THn.h" // in cxx file causes .../THn.h:257: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef class THnT THnF’ class AliVParticle; class TList; class TSeqCollection; class TObjArray; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class AliUEHistograms : public TNamed { public: AliUEHistograms(const char* name = "AliUEHistograms", const char* histograms = "", const char* binning = 0); virtual ~AliUEHistograms(); void Fill(Int_t eventType, Float_t zVtx, AliUEHist::CFStep step, AliVParticle* leading, TList* toward, TList* away, TList* min, TList* max); void FillCorrelations(Double_t centrality, Float_t zVtx, AliUEHist::CFStep step, TObjArray* particles, TObjArray* mixed = 0, Float_t weight = 1, Bool_t firstTime = kTRUE, Bool_t twoTrackEfficiencyCut = kFALSE, Float_t bSign = 0, Float_t twoTrackEfficiencyCutValue = 0.02, Bool_t applyEfficiency = kFALSE); void Fill(AliVParticle* leadingMC, AliVParticle* leadingReco); void FillEvent(Int_t eventType, Int_t step); void FillEvent(Double_t centrality, Int_t step); void FillTrackingEfficiency(TObjArray* mc, TObjArray* recoPrim, TObjArray* recoAll, TObjArray* recoPrimPID, TObjArray* recoAllPID, TObjArray* fake, Int_t particleType, Double_t centrality = 0, Double_t zVtx = 0); void FillFakePt(TObjArray* fake, Double_t centrality); void CopyReconstructedData(AliUEHistograms* from); void DeepCopy(AliUEHistograms* from); AliUEHist* GetUEHist(Int_t id); AliUEHist* GetNumberDensitypT() { return fNumberDensitypT; } AliUEHist* GetSumpT() { return fSumpT; } AliUEHist* GetNumberDensityPhi() { return fNumberDensityPhi; } void SetNumberDensitypT(AliUEHist* obj) { fNumberDensitypT = obj; } void SetSumpT(AliUEHist* obj) { fSumpT = obj; } void SetNumberDensityPhi(AliUEHist* obj) { fNumberDensityPhi = obj; } void SetRunNumber(Long64_t runNumber) { fRunNumber = runNumber; } void SetEfficiencyCorrectionTriggers(THnF* hist) { fEfficiencyCorrectionTriggers = hist; } void SetEfficiencyCorrectionAssociated(THnF* hist) { fEfficiencyCorrectionAssociated = hist; } TH2F* GetCorrelationpT() { return fCorrelationpT; } TH2F* GetCorrelationEta() { return fCorrelationEta; } TH2F* GetCorrelationPhi() { return fCorrelationPhi; } TH2F* GetCorrelationR() { return fCorrelationR; } TH2F* GetCorrelationLeading2Phi() { return fCorrelationLeading2Phi; } TH2F* GetCorrelationMultiplicity() { return fCorrelationMultiplicity; } TH3F* GetYield() { return fYields; } TH1F* GetInvYield() { return fInvYield; } TH2F* GetEventCount() { return fEventCount; } TH3F* GetEventCountDifferential() { return fEventCountDifferential; } TH1F* GetVertexContributors() { return fVertexContributors; } TH1F* GetCentralityDistribution() { return fCentralityDistribution; } TH2F* GetCentralityCorrelation() { return fCentralityCorrelation; } Long64_t GetRunNumber() { return fRunNumber; } Int_t GetMergeCount() { return fMergeCount; } TH3F* GetTwoTrackDistance(Int_t i) { return fTwoTrackDistancePt[i]; } Bool_t GetWeightPerEvent() { return fWeightPerEvent; } void Correct(AliUEHistograms* corrections); void SetEtaRange(Float_t etaMin, Float_t etaMax); void SetPtRange(Float_t ptMin, Float_t ptMax); void SetPartSpecies(Int_t species); void SetZVtxRange(Float_t min, Float_t max); void SetContaminationEnhancement(TH1F* hist); void SetCombineMinMax(Bool_t flag); void SetTrackEtaCut(Float_t value); void SetWeightPerEvent(Bool_t flag); void SetSelectCharge(Int_t selectCharge) { fSelectCharge = selectCharge; } void SetSelectTriggerCharge(Int_t selectCharge) { fTriggerSelectCharge = selectCharge; } void SetSelectAssociatedCharge(Int_t selectCharge) { fAssociatedSelectCharge = selectCharge; } void SetTriggerRestrictEta(Float_t eta) { fTriggerRestrictEta = eta; } void SetEtaOrdering(Bool_t flag) { fEtaOrdering = flag; } void SetPairCuts(Bool_t conversions, Bool_t resonances) { fCutConversions = conversions; fCutResonances = resonances; } void SetRejectResonanceDaughters(Int_t value) { fRejectResonanceDaughters = value; } void SetOnlyOneEtaSide(Int_t flag) { fOnlyOneEtaSide = flag; } void SetPtOrder(Bool_t flag) { fPtOrder = flag; } void SetTwoTrackCutMinRadius(Float_t min) { fTwoTrackCutMinRadius = min; } void ExtendTrackingEfficiency(Bool_t verbose = kFALSE); void Reset(); AliUEHistograms(const AliUEHistograms &c); AliUEHistograms& operator=(const AliUEHistograms& c); virtual void Copy(TObject& c) const; virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection* list); void Scale(Double_t factor); protected: void FillRegion(AliUEHist::Region region, Float_t zVtx, AliUEHist::CFStep step, AliVParticle* leading, TList* list, Int_t multiplicity); Int_t CountParticles(TList* list, Float_t ptMin); void DeleteContainers(); inline Float_t GetInvMassSquared(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2); inline Float_t GetInvMassSquaredCheap(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2); inline Float_t GetDPhiStar(Float_t phi1, Float_t pt1, Float_t charge1, Float_t phi2, Float_t pt2, Float_t charge2, Float_t radius, Float_t bSign); static const Int_t fgkUEHists; // number of histograms AliUEHist* fNumberDensitypT; // d^2N/dphideta vs pT,lead AliUEHist* fSumpT; // d^2 sum(pT)/dphideta vs pT,lead AliUEHist* fNumberDensityPhi; // d^2N/dphideta vs delta phi,lead (in pT,lead bins) TH2F* fCorrelationpT; // pT,lead: true vs reco TH2F* fCorrelationEta; // #eta,lead; true vs reco TH2F* fCorrelationPhi; // #phi,lead; true vs reco TH2F* fCorrelationR; // R = sqrt(delta eta^2 + delta phi^2) (true vs reco) vs pT,lead,MC TH2F* fCorrelationLeading2Phi;// delta phi (true vs reco) vs pT,lead,MC TH2F* fCorrelationMultiplicity; // number of mc particls vs reco particles (for pT > 0.5 GeV/c) TH3F* fYields; // centrality vs pT vs eta TH1F* fInvYield; // invariant yield as cross check of tracking TH2F* fEventCount; // event count as function of step, (for pp: event type (plus additional step -1 for all events without vertex range even in MC)) (for PbPb: centrality) TH3F* fEventCountDifferential;// event count as function of leading pT, step, event type TH1F* fVertexContributors; // number of contributors to the vertex TH1F* fCentralityDistribution; // distribution of the variable used for centrality selection TH2F* fCentralityCorrelation; // centrality vs multiplicity TH3F* fITSClusterMap; // its cluster map vs centrality vs pT TH3F* fTwoTrackDistancePt[2]; // control histograms for two-track efficiency study: dphi*_min vs deta (0 = before cut, 1 = after cut) TH2F* fControlConvResoncances; // control histograms for cuts on conversions and resonances THnF* fEfficiencyCorrectionTriggers; // if non-0 this efficiency correction is applied on the fly to the filling for trigger particles. The factor is multiplicative, i.e. should contain 1/efficiency THnF* fEfficiencyCorrectionAssociated; // if non-0 this efficiency correction is applied on the fly to the filling for associated particles. The factor is multiplicative, i.e. should contain 1/efficiency Int_t fSelectCharge; // (un)like sign selection when building correlations: 0: no selection; 1: unlike sign; 2: like sign Int_t fTriggerSelectCharge; // select charge of trigger particle Int_t fAssociatedSelectCharge; // select charge of associated particle Float_t fTriggerRestrictEta; // restrict eta range for trigger particle (default: -1 [off]) Bool_t fEtaOrdering; // activate eta ordering to prevent shape distortions. see FillCorrelation for the details Bool_t fCutConversions; // cut on conversions (inv mass) Bool_t fCutResonances; // cut on resonances (inv mass) Int_t fRejectResonanceDaughters; // reject all daughters of all resonance candidates (1: test method (cut at m_inv=0.9); 2: k0; 3: lambda) Int_t fOnlyOneEtaSide; // decides that only trigger particle from one eta side are considered (0 = all; -1 = negative, 1 = positive) Bool_t fWeightPerEvent; // weight with the number of trigger particles per event Bool_t fPtOrder; // apply pT,a < pT,t condition Float_t fTwoTrackCutMinRadius; // min radius for TTR cut Long64_t fRunNumber; // run number that has been processed Int_t fMergeCount; // counts how many objects have been merged together ClassDef(AliUEHistograms, 28) // underlying event histogram container }; Float_t AliUEHistograms::GetDPhiStar(Float_t phi1, Float_t pt1, Float_t charge1, Float_t phi2, Float_t pt2, Float_t charge2, Float_t radius, Float_t bSign) { // // calculates dphistar // Float_t dphistar = phi1 - phi2 - charge1 * bSign * TMath::ASin(0.075 * radius / pt1) + charge2 * bSign * TMath::ASin(0.075 * radius / pt2); static const Double_t kPi = TMath::Pi(); // circularity // if (dphistar > 2 * kPi) // dphistar -= 2 * kPi; // if (dphistar < -2 * kPi) // dphistar += 2 * kPi; if (dphistar > kPi) dphistar = kPi * 2 - dphistar; if (dphistar < -kPi) dphistar = -kPi * 2 - dphistar; if (dphistar > kPi) // might look funny but is needed dphistar = kPi * 2 - dphistar; return dphistar; } Float_t AliUEHistograms::GetInvMassSquared(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2) { // calculate inv mass squared // same can be achieved, but with more computing time with /*TLorentzVector photon, p1, p2; p1.SetPtEtaPhiM(triggerParticle->Pt(), triggerEta, triggerParticle->Phi(), 0.510e-3); p2.SetPtEtaPhiM(particle->Pt(), eta[j], particle->Phi(), 0.510e-3); photon = p1+p2; photon.M()*/ Float_t tantheta1 = 1e10; if (eta1 < -1e-10 || eta1 > 1e-10) { Float_t expTmp = TMath::Exp(-eta1); tantheta1 = 2.0 * expTmp / ( 1.0 - expTmp*expTmp); } Float_t tantheta2 = 1e10; if (eta2 < -1e-10 || eta2 > 1e-10) { Float_t expTmp = TMath::Exp(-eta2); tantheta2 = 2.0 * expTmp / ( 1.0 - expTmp*expTmp); } Float_t e1squ = m0_1 * m0_1 + pt1 * pt1 * (1.0 + 1.0 / tantheta1 / tantheta1); Float_t e2squ = m0_2 * m0_2 + pt2 * pt2 * (1.0 + 1.0 / tantheta2 / tantheta2); Float_t mass2 = m0_1 * m0_1 + m0_2 * m0_2 + 2 * ( TMath::Sqrt(e1squ * e2squ) - ( pt1 * pt2 * ( TMath::Cos(phi1 - phi2) + 1.0 / tantheta1 / tantheta2 ) ) ); // Printf(Form("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", pt1, eta1, phi1, pt2, eta2, phi2, m0_1, m0_2, mass2)); return mass2; } Float_t AliUEHistograms::GetInvMassSquaredCheap(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2) { // calculate inv mass squared approximately Float_t tantheta1 = 1e10; if (eta1 < -1e-10 || eta1 > 1e-10) { Float_t expTmp = 1.0-eta1+eta1*eta1/2-eta1*eta1*eta1/6+eta1*eta1*eta1*eta1/24; tantheta1 = 2.0 * expTmp / ( 1.0 - expTmp*expTmp); } Float_t tantheta2 = 1e10; if (eta2 < -1e-10 || eta2 > 1e-10) { Float_t expTmp = 1.0-eta2+eta2*eta2/2-eta2*eta2*eta2/6+eta2*eta2*eta2*eta2/24; tantheta2 = 2.0 * expTmp / ( 1.0 - expTmp*expTmp); } Float_t e1squ = m0_1 * m0_1 + pt1 * pt1 * (1.0 + 1.0 / tantheta1 / tantheta1); Float_t e2squ = m0_2 * m0_2 + pt2 * pt2 * (1.0 + 1.0 / tantheta2 / tantheta2); // fold onto 0...pi Float_t deltaPhi = TMath::Abs(phi1 - phi2); while (deltaPhi > TMath::TwoPi()) deltaPhi -= TMath::TwoPi(); if (deltaPhi > TMath::Pi()) deltaPhi = TMath::TwoPi() - deltaPhi; Float_t cosDeltaPhi = 0; if (deltaPhi < TMath::Pi()/3) cosDeltaPhi = 1.0 - deltaPhi*deltaPhi/2 + deltaPhi*deltaPhi*deltaPhi*deltaPhi/24; else if (deltaPhi < 2*TMath::Pi()/3) cosDeltaPhi = -(deltaPhi - TMath::Pi()/2) + 1.0/6 * TMath::Power((deltaPhi - TMath::Pi()/2), 3); else cosDeltaPhi = -1.0 + 1.0/2.0*(deltaPhi - TMath::Pi())*(deltaPhi - TMath::Pi()) - 1.0/24.0 * TMath::Power(deltaPhi - TMath::Pi(), 4); Float_t mass2 = m0_1 * m0_1 + m0_2 * m0_2 + 2 * ( TMath::Sqrt(e1squ * e2squ) - ( pt1 * pt2 * ( cosDeltaPhi + 1.0 / tantheta1 / tantheta2 ) ) ); // Printf(Form("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", pt1, eta1, phi1, pt2, eta2, phi2, m0_1, m0_2, mass2)); return mass2; } #endif