#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskpxpx_H_Included #define AliAnalysisTaskpxpx_H_Included #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "TString.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliPIDResponse.h" class AliAODEvent; class AliESDEvent; class AliInputEventHandler; class TH1; class TH2; class TH2; class TH3; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class TH1D; class TH2D; class TH2D; class TH3D; class TProfile; class AliAnalysisTaskpxpx : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskpxpx(); AliAnalysisTaskpxpx(const TString & name); private: AliAnalysisTaskpxpx(const AliAnalysisTaskpxpx&); const AliAnalysisTaskpxpx& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskpxpx&); public: virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskpxpx(); // Implementation of interace methods //virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void FinishTaskOutput(); virtual void Terminate(Option_t* ); virtual void createHistograms(); virtual void finalizeHistograms(); virtual void addToList(TH1 *h); TH1D * createHisto1D(const TString & name, const TString & title,int n, double xmin, double xmax,const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); TH1D * createHisto1D(const TString & name, const TString & title,int n, double * bins,const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); TH2D * createHisto2D(const TString & name, const TString & title, int nx, double xmin, double xmax, int ny, double ymin, double ymax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle, const TString & zTitle); TH2D * createHisto2D(const TString & name, const TString & title, int nx, double* xbins, int ny, double ymin, double ymax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle, const TString & zTitle); TH1F * createHisto1F(const TString & name, const TString & title,int n, double xmin, double xmax,const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); TH1F * createHisto1F(const TString & name, const TString & title,int n, double * bins,const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); TH2F * createHisto2F(const TString & name, const TString & title, int nx, double xmin, double xmax, int ny, double ymin, double ymax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle, const TString & zTitle); TH2F * createHisto2F(const TString & name, const TString & title, int nx, double* xbins, int ny, double ymin, double ymax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle, const TString & zTitle); TH3F * createHisto3F(const TString & name, const TString & title, int nx, double xmin, double xmax, int ny, double ymin, double ymax, int nz, double zmin, double zmax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle, const TString & zTitle); TProfile * createProfile(const TString & title,const TString & description, int n, double xMin,double xMax, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); TProfile * createProfile(const TString & name,const TString & description, int nx, double* bins, const TString & xTitle, const TString & yTitle); //________________________________________________________________________ float * getFloatArray(int size, float v); double * getDoubleArray(int size, double v); void fillHistoWithArray(TH1 * h, double * array, int size); void fillHistoWithArray(TH2 * h, double * array, int size1, int size2); void fillHistoWithArray(TH3 * h, double * array, int size1, int size2, int size3); void fillHistoWithArray(TH1 * h, float * array, int size); void fillHistoWithArray(TH2 * h, float * array, int size1, int size2); void fillHistoWithArray(TH3 * h, float * array, int size1, int size2, int size3); virtual void SetDebugLevel( int v ) { _debugLevel = v; } virtual void SetSinglesOnly(int v) { _singlesOnly = v; } virtual void SetUseWeights(int v) { _useWeights = v; } virtual void SetSameFilter(int v) { _sameFilter = v; } virtual void SetRejectPileup(int v) { _rejectPileup = v; } virtual void SetRejectPairConversion(int v) { _rejectPairConversion = v; } virtual void SetVertexZMin(double v) { _vertexZMin = v; } virtual void SetVertexZMax(double v) { _vertexZMax = v; } virtual void SetVertexXYMin(double v) { _vertexXYMin = v; } virtual void SetVertexXYMax(double v) { _vertexXYMax = v; } virtual void SetCentralityMethod(int v) { _centralityMethod = v; } virtual void SetCentrality(double centralityMin, double centralityMax) { _centralityMin = centralityMin; _centralityMax = centralityMax; } virtual void SetRequestedCharge_1(int v) { _requestedCharge_1 = v; } virtual void SetRequestedCharge_2(int v) { _requestedCharge_2 = v; } virtual void SetPtMin1( double v) { _min_pt_1 = v; } virtual void SetPtMax1( double v) { _max_pt_1 = v; } virtual void SetEtaMin1(double v) { _min_eta_1 = v; } virtual void SetEtaMax1(double v) { _max_eta_1 = v; } virtual void SetPtMin2( double v) { _min_pt_2 = v; } virtual void SetPtMax2( double v) { _max_pt_2 = v; } virtual void SetEtaMin2(double v) { _min_eta_2 = v; } virtual void SetEtaMax2(double v) { _max_eta_2 = v; } virtual void SetDcaZMin(double v) { _dcaZMin = v; } virtual void SetDcaZMax(double v) { _dcaZMax = v; } virtual void SetDcaXYMin(double v) { _dcaXYMin = v; } virtual void SetDcaXYMax(double v) { _dcaXYMax = v; } virtual void SetTPCNclus(int v) { _tpcnclus = v; } virtual void SetChi2PerNDF(double v) { _chi2ndf = v; } virtual void SetDedxMin(double v) { _dedxMin = v; } virtual void SetDedxMax(double v) { _dedxMax = v; } virtual void SetNClusterMin(int v) { _nClusterMin = v; } virtual void SetTrackFilterBit(int v) { _trackFilterBit = v; } virtual void SetWeigth_1(TH3F * v) { _weight_1 = v; } virtual void SetWeigth_2(TH3F * v) { _weight_2 = v; } void SetNSigmaCut(Double_t nsigma){ fNSigmaCut = nsigma;} protected: // Handlers and events AliAODEvent* fAODEvent; //! AOD Event AliESDEvent* fESDEvent; //! ESD Event AliInputEventHandler* fInputHandler; //! Generic InputEventHandler AliPIDResponse* fPIDResponse; // Histogram settings //TList* _inputHistoList; TList* _outputHistoList; //int _outputSlot; double _twoPi; long _eventCount; //configuration variables and filters int _debugLevel; int _singlesOnly; int _useWeights; int _sameFilter; int _rejectPileup; int _rejectPairConversion; double _vertexZMin; double _vertexZMax; double _vertexXYMin; double _vertexXYMax; int _centralityMethod; double _centralityMin; double _centralityMax; int _requestedCharge_1; int _requestedCharge_2; double _dcaZMin; double _dcaZMax; double _dcaXYMin; double _dcaXYMax; double _dedxMin; double _dedxMax; int _nClusterMin; int _trackFilterBit; Double_t fNSigmaCut; int _tpcnclus; double _chi2ndf; //double _min_eta_1; //double _max_eta_1; //double _min_eta_2; //double _max_eta_2; // event and track wise variables double _field; int _nTracks; double _mult0; double _mult1; double _mult2; double _mult3; double _mult4; double _mult4a; double _mult5; double _mult6; //particle 1 int arraySize; int *_id_1; //! int *_charge_1; //! //int * _iPhi_1; //! //int * _iEta_1; //! int *_iEtaPhi_1; //! int *_iPt_1; //! float *_pt_1; //! float *_px_1; //! float *_py_1; //! float *_pz_1; //! //float * _phi_1; //! //float* _eta_1; //! float *_correction_1; //! float *_dedx_1; //! //particle 2 int *_id_2; //! int *_charge_2; //! //int *_iPhi_2; //! //int *_iEta_2; //! int *_iEtaPhi_2; //! int *_iPt_2; //! float *_pt_2; //! float *_px_2; //! float *_py_2; //! float *_pz_2; //! //float *_phi_2; //! //float *_eta_2; //! float *_correction_2; //! float *_dedx_2; //! float * _correctionWeight_1; //! float * _correctionWeight_2; //! //histograming int _nBins_M0; double _min_M0; double _max_M0; double _width_M0; int _nBins_M1; double _min_M1; double _max_M1; double _width_M1; int _nBins_M2; double _min_M2; double _max_M2; double _width_M2; int _nBins_M3; double _min_M3; double _max_M3; double _width_M3; int _nBins_M4; double _min_M4; double _max_M4; double _width_M4; int _nBins_M5; double _min_M5; double _max_M5; double _width_M5; int _nBins_M6; double _min_M6; double _max_M6; double _width_M6; int _nBins_vertexZ; double _min_vertexZ; double _max_vertexZ; double _width_vertexZ; int _nBins_pt_1; double _min_pt_1; double _max_pt_1; double _width_pt_1; int _nBins_phi_1; double _min_phi_1; double _max_phi_1; double _width_phi_1; int _nBins_eta_1; double _min_eta_1; double _max_eta_1; double _width_eta_1; int _nBins_etaPhi_1; int _nBins_etaPhiPt_1; int _nBins_zEtaPhiPt_1; int _nBins_pt_2; double _min_pt_2; double _max_pt_2; double _width_pt_2; int _nBins_phi_2; double _min_phi_2; double _max_phi_2; double _width_phi_2; int _nBins_eta_2; double _min_eta_2; double _max_eta_2; double _width_eta_2; int _nBins_etaPhi_2; int _nBins_etaPhiPt_2; int _nBins_zEtaPhiPt_2; int _nBins_etaPhi_12; double __n1_1; double __n1_2; double __n2_12; double __s1pt_1; double __s1pt_2; double __s2ptpt_12; double __s2NPt_12; double __s2PtN_12; double __n1Nw_1; double __n1Nw_2; double __n2Nw_12; double __s1ptNw_1; double __s1ptNw_2; double __s2ptptNw_12; double __s2NPtNw_12; double __s2PtNNw_12; double * __n1_1_vsPt; //! double * __n1_1_vsEtaPhi; //! double * __s1pt_1_vsEtaPhi; //! float * __n1_1_vsZEtaPhiPt; //! double * __n1_2_vsPt; //! double * __n1_2_vsEtaPhi; //! double * __s1pt_2_vsEtaPhi; //! float * __n1_2_vsZEtaPhiPt; //! //double * __n2_12_vsPtPt; //double * __n2_12_vsEtaPhi; //double * __s2ptpt_12_vsEtaPhi; //double * __s2PtN_12_vsEtaPhi; //double * __s2NPt_12_vsEtaPhi; double * __n2_12_vsPtPt; //! float * __n2_12_vsEtaPhi; //! float * __s2ptpt_12_vsEtaPhi; //! float * __s2PtN_12_vsEtaPhi; //! float * __s2NPt_12_vsEtaPhi; //! TH3F * _weight_1; TH3F * _weight_2; TH1D * _eventAccounting; TH1D * _m0; TH1D * _m1; TH1D * _m2; TH1D * _m3; TH1D * _m4; TH1D * _m5; TH1D * _m6; TH1D * _vertexZ; TH1F * _Ncluster1; TH1F * _Ncluster2; TH1F * _etadis; TH1F * _phidis; TH1F * _dcaz; TH1F * _dcaxy; // PARTICLE 1 (satisfies filter 1) // Primary filled quantities TH1F * _n1_1_vsPt; TH2F * _n1_1_vsEtaVsPhi; TH2F * _s1pt_1_vsEtaVsPhi; TH3F * _n1_1_vsZVsEtaVsPhiVsPt; TProfile * _n1_1_vsM; // w/ weight TProfile * _s1pt_1_vsM; TProfile * _n1Nw_1_vsM; // w/o weight TProfile * _s1ptNw_1_vsM; TH2D * _dedxVsP_1; TH2D * _corrDedxVsP_1; TH2F * _betaVsP_1; // PARTICLE 2 (satisfies filter 2) // Primary filled quantities TH1F * _n1_2_vsPt; TH2F * _n1_2_vsEtaVsPhi; TH2F * _s1pt_2_vsEtaVsPhi; TH3F * _n1_2_vsZVsEtaVsPhiVsPt; TProfile * _n1_2_vsM; TProfile * _s1pt_2_vsM; TProfile * _n1Nw_2_vsM; // w/o weight TProfile * _s1ptNw_2_vsM; TH2D * _dedxVsP_2; TH2D * _corrDedxVsP_2; TH2F * _betaVsP_2; // Pairs 1 & 2 TH1F * _n2_12_vsEtaPhi; TH2F * _n2_12_vsPtVsPt; TH1F * _s2PtPt_12_vsEtaPhi; TH1F * _s2PtN_12_vsEtaPhi; TH1F * _s2NPt_12_vsEtaPhi; TProfile * _n2_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2PtPt_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2PtN_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2NPt_12_vsM; TProfile * _n2Nw_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2PtPtNw_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2PtNNw_12_vsM; TProfile * _s2NPtNw_12_vsM; TH1F * _invMass; TH1F * _invMassElec; TString n1Name; TString n1NwName; TString n2Name; TString n2NwName; TString n3Name; TString n1n1Name; TString n1n1n1Name; TString n2n1Name; TString r1Name; TString r2Name; TString r3Name; TString r2r1Name; TString c2Name; TString c3Name; TString d3Name; TString p3Name; TString cName; TString intR2Name; TString binCorrName; TString intBinCorrName; TString countsName; TString part_1_Name; TString part_2_Name; TString part_3_Name; TString pair_12_Name; TString pair_13_Name; TString pair_23_Name; TString tripletName; TString avg; TString avgName; TString sumName; TString s1ptName; TString s1ptNwName; TString s1DptName; TString s2PtPtName; TString s2NPtName; TString s2PtNName; TString s2DptDptName; TString s2PtPtNwName; TString s2NPtNwName; TString s2PtNNwName; TString ptName; TString ptptName; TString pt1pt1Name; TString DptName; TString DptDptName; TString RDptDptName; TString nPtName; TString ptNName; TString seanName; TString _title_counts; TString _title_m0; TString _title_m1; TString _title_m2; TString _title_m3; TString _title_m4; TString _title_m5; TString _title_m6; TString _title_eta_1; TString _title_phi_1; TString _title_pt_1; TString _title_etaPhi_1; TString _title_n_1; TString _title_SumPt_1; TString _title_AvgPt_1; TString _title_AvgN_1; TString _title_AvgSumPt_1; TString _title_eta_2; TString _title_phi_2; TString _title_pt_2; TString _title_etaPhi_2; TString _title_n_2; TString _title_SumPt_2; TString _title_AvgPt_2; TString _title_AvgN_2; TString _title_AvgSumPt_2; TString _title_etaPhi_12; TString _title_AvgN2_12; TString _title_AvgSumPtPt_12; TString _title_AvgSumPtN_12; TString _title_AvgNSumPt_12; TString vsZ; TString vsM; TString vsPt; TString vsPhi; TString vsEta; TString vsEtaPhi; TString vsPtVsPt; ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskpxpx,1) }; #endif