#include "AliJEbeHistos.h" #include "AliJCard.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ AliJEbeHistos::AliJEbeHistos(AliJCard* cardP): fcard(cardP), fmaxEtaRange(0), fmaxTriggEtaRange(0), ftriggFiducCut(0), fhistoList(NULL), fUseDirectory(true), fTopDirectory(false) { // constructor fcard=cardP; fmaxEtaRange = fcard->Get("EtaRange"); ftriggFiducCut = fcard->Get("TriggerFiducialEtaCut"); //FK// Fiduc cut fmaxTriggEtaRange = fmaxEtaRange - ftriggFiducCut; //FK// Trigger range fhistoList = new TList(); fTopDirectory = gDirectory; //fhtyp[1] = "Real"; //fhtyp[2] = "Mixed"; //fhtyp[3] = "Rap. Gap"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliJEbeHistos::AliJEbeHistos(const AliJEbeHistos& obj): fcard(obj.fcard), fmaxEtaRange(obj.fmaxEtaRange), fmaxTriggEtaRange(obj.fmaxTriggEtaRange), ftriggFiducCut(obj.ftriggFiducCut), fhistoList(obj.fhistoList), fUseDirectory(obj.fUseDirectory), fTopDirectory(obj.fTopDirectory) { // copy constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliJEbeHistos& AliJEbeHistos::operator=(const AliJEbeHistos& obj) { JUNUSED(obj); // copy constructor return *this; } void AliJEbeHistos::CreateUnfoldingHistos(){ // pi0mass histos int hic; float b1 = 0, b2 = 0.50; int bins=300; double lbin = 0.0; double hbin = 0.5; const int NPTBins = 51; Double_t PTBINS[NPTBins+1] = { 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0, 10.5, 14.0, 21.0, 32.0}; if(fcard->GetNoOfBins(kCentrType) > kMaxNoCentrBin ){ cout<<"ERROR: No of Centrality bins exceed max dim in AliJEbeHistos.cxx "<mkdir("UnfoldingHistos"); if( nwd ) nwd->cd(); for( hic=0;hicGetNoOfBins(kCentrType);hic++){ for(int ih = 1; ih < kNHarmonics; ih++){ b1 = fcard->GetBinBorder(kCentrType, hic); b2 = fcard->GetBinBorder(kCentrType, hic+1); //inclusive fpt spectra================================================ sprintf(fhname,"hVnObsVector%02d%02d", hic, ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Observed v_{%d}: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhVnObsVector[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, bins, lbin,hbin); fhVnObsVector[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhVnObsVector[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"hResponseDist%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Response Distribution v_{%d}: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhResponseDist[hic][ih] = new TH2D(fhname, fhtit, bins, -0.5, 0.5, bins, -0.5,0.5); fhResponseDist[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhResponseDist[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"hVnObsEP%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Observed EP v_{%d}: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhVnObsEP[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, bins, -0.2,0.5); fhVnObsEP[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhVnObsEP[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"hCosndPhiPt%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Cos%d#Delta#phi Pt: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhCosndPhiPt[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, NPTBins, PTBINS); fhCosndPhiPt[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhCosndPhiPt[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"heCosndPhiPt%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "eCos%d#Delta#phi Pt: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fheCosndPhiPt[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, NPTBins, PTBINS); fheCosndPhiPt[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fheCosndPhiPt[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"hCounter%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Counter Pt %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhCounter[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, NPTBins, PTBINS); fhCounter[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhCounter[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhname,"hEventPlane%02d%02d", hic,ih); sprintf(fhtit, "Event Planes %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhEventPlane[hic][ih] = new TH1D(fhname, fhtit, 100, -6.5,6.5); fhEventPlane[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhEventPlane[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhtit, "Q vector from V0 %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhQvectorV0[hic][ih] = new TH1D(Form("hQvectorV0_%02d%02d",hic,ih),fhtit ,400, 0, 100); fhQvectorV0[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); sprintf(fhtit, "Q vector from V0A %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhQvectorV0A[hic][ih] = new TH1D(Form("hQvectorV0A_%02d%02d",hic,ih),fhtit ,400, 0, 100); fhQvectorV0A[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); sprintf(fhtit, "Q vector from V0C %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhQvectorV0C[hic][ih] = new TH1D(Form("hQvectorV0C_%02d%02d",hic,ih), fhtit ,400, 0, 100); fhQvectorV0C[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhQvectorV0[hic][ih]); fhistoList->Add(fhQvectorV0A[hic][ih]); fhistoList->Add(fhQvectorV0C[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhtit, "Q vector correlation V0A and V0C %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih] = new TH2D(Form("hQvectorCorrelation_%02d%02d",hic,ih),fhtit , 400, 0, 100, 400, 0 ,100); fhQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih]); sprintf(fhtit, "VnObs vs V0C Qvector correlation %02d: %3.0f -%3.0f ", ih, b1, b2); fhVnObsVsQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih] = new TH2D(Form("hVnObsVsQvectorCorrelation_%02d%02d",hic,ih),fhtit , 400, 0, 0.5, 400, 0 ,100); fhVnObsVsQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhVnObsVsQvectorCorrelation[hic][ih]); } sprintf(fhname,"hMultiCount%02d", hic); sprintf(fhtit, "Multiplicity count: %3.0f -%3.0f ", b1, b2); fhMultiCount[hic] = new TH1D( fhname, fhtit, 1000, 0, 10000 ); fhistoList->Add(fhMultiCount[hic]); } // tmp histogram for e-b-e for(int ih = 1; ih < kNHarmonics; ih++){ fhEPCosndPhi[ih] = new TH1D(Form("hEPCosndPhi_%02d",ih), Form("cos%d#Delta#phi",ih), 400, -1.1, 1.1); fhEPCosndPhi[ih]->Sumw2(); fhEPCosndPhi2[ih] = new TH1D(Form("hEPCosndPhi2_%02d",ih), Form("cos%d#Delta#phi",ih), 400, -1.1, 1.1); fhEPCosndPhi2[ih]->Sumw2(); fhistoList->Add(fhEPCosndPhi[ih]); fhistoList->Add(fhEPCosndPhi2[ih]); } cwd->cd(); }