/* Copyright(c) 1998-2014, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // Short comment describing what this class does needed! // $Id: AliJPiZero.h,v 1.4 2008/05/08 15:19:52 djkim Exp $ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \file AliJPiZero.h \brief \author J. Rak, D.J.Kim, R.Diaz (University of Jyvaskyla) \email: djkim@jyu.fi \version $Revision: 1.4 $ \date $Date: 2008/05/08 15:19:52 $ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ALIJPIZERO_H #define ALIJPIZERO_H #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include #endif #include #include class AliJBaseTrack; class AliJPhoton; // #include "AliJBaseTrack.h" // #include "AliJPhoton.h" //class AliJPhoton; //class TObject; class AliJPiZero : public AliJBaseTrack { public: AliJPiZero(); virtual ~AliJPiZero(){;} //destructor AliJPiZero(const AliJPiZero& a);//{PhotSum.SetPxPyPzE(0,0,0,0);} //constructor AliJPiZero& operator=(const AliJPiZero& pizero); bool SetMass(AliJPhoton* g1, AliJPhoton* g2); float GetInvMass() const {return M();} float GetAsymm() const {return fAsymm;} int GetMassBin() const {return fMassBin;} void SetMassBin(int im) {fMassBin=im;} void ResetToZero() {SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, 0, 0);fAsymm=0; fMassBin=-1; fIsGood=kFALSE; fConvPlaneDelta=-999; fPtBin=-1;} AliJPhoton *GetPhoton( Int_t i ) const { return fPhoton[i]; } void SetGood( Bool_t b ) { fIsGood = b;} Bool_t GetGood() const { return fIsGood; } void SetConvPlaneDelta( Double_t d ) {fConvPlaneDelta = d; } Double_t GetConvPlaneDelta() const { return fConvPlaneDelta; } void SetPtBin( Int_t b ) { fPtBin = b; } Int_t GetPtBin() const { return fPtBin; } Double_t Theta() { return fPhoton[0]->Angle( fPhoton[1]->Vect() ); } Double_t DPhi() { return TMath::Abs( fPhoton[0]->Phi() - fPhoton[1]->Phi() ); } Double_t DZ() { return TMath::Abs( fPhoton[0]->GetZ() - fPhoton[1]->GetZ() ); } TVector3 GetP() const {return Vect();} TLorentzVector GetSum() const {return *(TLorentzVector*)this;} double DeltaConversion(); // double operator- (const AliJPiZero &pi0); // AliJPiZero& operator= (const AliJPiZero& piz); protected: float fAsymm; //assymtery and inv. mass int fMassBin; //mass bin Bool_t fIsGood; //! AliJPhoton *fPhoton[2]; //! Double_t fConvPlaneDelta; //! plane delta form conversion plane Int_t fPtBin; //! pt bin ClassDef(AliJPiZero,1) }; #endif