/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: ALICE Offline. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //=========================================================================// // AliEbyE Analysis for Particle Ratio Fluctuation // // Deepika Rathee | Satyajit Jena // // drathee@cern.ch | sjena@cern.ch // // Date: Wed Jul 9 18:38:30 CEST 2014 // // New approch to find particle ratio to reduce memory // // (Test Only) // //=========================================================================// #include "TMath.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliEbyEPidRatioDCA.h" using namespace std; ClassImp(AliEbyEPidRatioDCA) //________________________________________________________________________ AliEbyEPidRatioDCA::AliEbyEPidRatioDCA() : AliEbyEPidRatioBase("DCA", "DCA"), fESDTrackCutsBkg(NULL), fHnDCA(NULL) { // Constructor AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliEbyEPidRatioDCA",10); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEbyEPidRatioDCA::~AliEbyEPidRatioDCA() { // Destructor } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEbyEPidRatioDCA::Process() { Float_t etaRange[2]; fESDTrackCutsBkg->GetEtaRange(etaRange[0],etaRange[1]); Float_t ptRange[2]; fESDTrackCutsBkg->GetPtRange(ptRange[0],ptRange[1]); // -- Track Loop for (Int_t idxTrack = 0; idxTrack < fNTracks; ++idxTrack) { AliVTrack *track = (fESD) ? static_cast(fESD->GetTrack(idxTrack)) : static_cast(fAOD->GetTrack(idxTrack)); // -- Check if track is accepted for basic parameters if (!fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedBasicCharged(track)) continue; // -- Check if accepted - ESD if (fESD && !fESDTrackCutsBkg->AcceptTrack(dynamic_cast(track))) continue; // -- Check if accepted - AOD if (fAOD){ AliAODTrack * trackAOD = dynamic_cast(track); if (!trackAOD) { AliError("Pointer to dynamic_cast(track) = ZERO"); continue; } if (!trackAOD->TestFilterBit(fAODtrackCutBit)) continue; // -- Check if in pT and eta range (is done in ESDTrackCuts for ESDs) if(!(track->Pt() > ptRange[0] && track->Pt() <= ptRange[1] && TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) <= etaRange[1])) continue; } Int_t gPdgCode = 0; Int_t iPid = 0; Double_t pid[3]; if (fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedPID(track, pid, (AliPID::kPion))) { iPid = 1; gPdgCode = 211;} else if (fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedPID(track, pid, (AliPID::kKaon))) { iPid = 2; gPdgCode = 321;} else if (fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedPID(track, pid, (AliPID::kProton))){ iPid = 3; gPdgCode = 2212;} else iPid = 0; Double_t yP; if (!fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedRapidity(track, yP, iPid)) continue; Bool_t isDCArAccepted = fHelper->IsTrackAcceptedDCA(track); // -- Check if accepted with thighter DCA cuts // ?!?!? How to mimic this in AODs? if (fESD && !fESDTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(dynamic_cast(track))) isDCArAccepted = kFALSE; // -- Check for contamination Int_t contIdx = (fIsMC) ? GetContIdxTrack(TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()), track->Charge(), gPdgCode) : 1; // -- Get DCAs (dca_r, dca_z, sigma_xy, sigma_xy_z, sigma_z) Float_t dca[2], cov[3]; // if (fESD) (dynamic_cast(track))->GetImpactParameters(dca, cov); else dca[0] = 1.; // -- Fill THnSparse if(iPid != 0) { Double_t hnDCA[10] = {fCentralityBin,0, track->Eta(), yP, track->Phi(), track->Pt(), track->Charge(), contIdx, isDCArAccepted, dca[0]}; fHnDCA->Fill(hnDCA); } Double_t hnDCA[10] = {fCentralityBin, iPid, track->Eta(), yP, track->Phi(), track->Pt(), track->Charge(), contIdx, isDCArAccepted, dca[0]}; fHnDCA->Fill(hnDCA); } // for (Int_t idxTrack = 0; idxTrack < fNTracks; ++idxTrack) { return; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEbyEPidRatioDCA::CreateHistograms() { Int_t binHnDCA[11] = {AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsCent,4, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsEta, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsRap, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsPhi, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsPt, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistNBinsSign, 4, 2, 77}; Double_t minHnDCA[11] = {AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeCent[0],-0.5, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeEta[0], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeRap[0], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangePhi[0], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangePt[0], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeSign[0], 0.5, -0.5, -3.,-0.5}; Double_t maxHnDCA[11] = {AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeCent[1],3.5, AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeEta[1], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeRap[1], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangePhi[1], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangePt[1], AliEbyEPidRatioHelper::fgkfHistRangeSign[1], 4.5, 1.5, 3., 3.5}; fHnDCA = new THnSparseD("hnDCA", "cent:pid:etaRec:yRec:phiRec:ptRec:sign:contPart:contSign:DCArAccepted:DCAr", 11, binHnDCA, minHnDCA, maxHnDCA); fHnDCA->Sumw2(); fHnDCA->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("centrality"); // 0-5|5-10|10-20|20-30|30-40|40-50|50-60|60-70|70-80|80-90 --> 10 bins fHnDCA->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("N_{ch}|N_{#pi}|N_{K}|N_{p}"); // 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 fHnDCA->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("#eta_{Rec}"); // eta [-0.9, 0.9] fHnDCA->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("#it{y}_{Rec}"); // rapidity [-0.5, 0.5] fHnDCA->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("#varphi_{Rec} (rad)"); // phi [ 0. , 2Pi] fHnDCA->GetAxis(5)->SetTitle("#it{p}_{T,Rec} (GeV/#it{c})"); // pT [ 0.2, 2.6] fHnDCA->GetAxis(6)->SetTitle("sign"); // -1 | 0 | +1 fHnDCA->GetAxis(7)->SetTitle("contPart"); // 1 primary | 2 missId | 3 from WeakDecay | 4 p from Material fHnDCA->GetAxis(8)->SetTitle("DCArAccepted"); // 0 not accepted | 1 accepted fHnDCA->GetAxis(9)->SetTitle("DCAr"); // DCAr [-3, 3] fHelper->BinLogAxis(fHnDCA, 4, fESDTrackCuts); fHelper->BinLogAxis(fHnDCA, 4, fESDTrackCutsBkg); // -- Set binning for DCAr Double_t binsDCAr[77] = {-3.,-2.85,-2.7,-2.55,-2.4,-2.25,-2.1,-1.95,-1.8,-1.65,-1.5,-1.35,-1.2,-1.05,-0.9,-0.75,-0.6,-0.45,-0.3,-0.285,-0.27,-0.255,-0.24,-0.225,-0.21,-0.195,-0.18,-0.165,-0.15,-0.135,-0.12,-0.105,-0.09,-0.075,-0.06,-0.045,-0.03,-0.015,0.,0.015,0.03,0.045,0.06,0.075,0.09,0.105,0.12,0.135,0.15,0.165,0.18,0.195,0.21,0.225,0.24,0.255,0.27,0.285,0.3,0.45,0.6,0.75,0.9,1.05,1.2,1.35,1.5,1.65,1.8,1.95,2.1,2.25,2.4,2.55,2.7,2.85,3.}; fHnDCA->GetAxis(9)->Set(76, binsDCAr); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ return; } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEbyEPidRatioDCA::GetContIdxTrack(Int_t label, Int_t sign, Int_t gPdgCode) { Int_t contIdx = -1; AliVParticle* particle = (fESD) ? fMCEvent->GetTrack(label) : static_cast(fArrayMC->At(label)); if (!particle) return contIdx; Bool_t isPhysicalPrimary = (fESD) ? fStack->IsPhysicalPrimary(label): (static_cast(particle))->IsPhysicalPrimary(); Bool_t isSecondaryFromWeakDecay = (fESD) ? fStack->IsSecondaryFromWeakDecay(label) : (static_cast(particle))->IsSecondaryFromWeakDecay(); Bool_t isSecondaryFromMaterial = (fESD) ? fStack->IsSecondaryFromMaterial(label) : (static_cast(particle))->IsSecondaryFromMaterial(); if (isPhysicalPrimary) { if (gPdgCode == 0) { // -- Check if correctly identified if (particle->PdgCode() == (sign*gPdgCode)) contIdx = 1; // -- MissIdentification else contIdx = 2; } else contIdx = 1; } // -- Check if secondaries from material or weak decay else if(isSecondaryFromWeakDecay) contIdx = 3; else if (isSecondaryFromMaterial) contIdx = 4; else contIdx = -1; return contIdx; }