enum anaModes {mLocal,mLocalPAR,mPROOF,mGrid,mGridPAR}; //mLocal: Analyze locally files in your computer using aliroot //mLocalPAR: Analyze locally files in your computer using root + PAR files //mPROOF: Analyze CAF files with PROOF //mGrid: Analyze files on Grid via AliEn plug-in and using precompiled FLOW libraries //mGridPAR: Analyze files on Grid via AliEn plug-in and using par files for FLOW package //Analysis modes const TString analysisMode = "TPC"; //"TPC", "Global" //Centrality stuff Int_t binfirst = 0; //where do we start numbering bins Int_t binlast = 8; //where do we stop numbering bins const Int_t numberOfCentralityBins = 9; //Float_t centralityArray[numberOfCentralityBins+1] = {0.,100.}; // in centrality percentile Float_t centralityArray[numberOfCentralityBins+1] = {0.,5.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.}; // in centrality percentile const TString centralityEstimator = "V0M"; Double_t vertexZ = 10.; Int_t AODfilterBit = 128; //output file TString commonOutputFileName = "AnalysisResults"; //void runEffContTaskCentralityTrain(Int_t mode = mPROOF,Int_t nRuns = 600000, Bool_t DATA = kFALSE, //const Char_t* dataDir="/alice/sim/LHC11a10a_000138662_AOD048", Int_t offset=0) { //PbPbAOD //const Char_t* dataDir="/alice/sim/LHC11a10a_000139510", Int_t offset=0) { //PbPb ESD void runEffContTaskCentralityTrain(Int_t mode = mLocal, Bool_t DATA = kFALSE) { //void runEffContTaskCentralityTrain(const char* runListFileName = "listOfRuns.txt",Int_t mode = mGrid, Bool_t DATA = kFALSE) {` // Time: TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // Load needed libraries: LoadLibraries(mode); // Create and configure the AliEn plug-in: if(mode == mGrid || mode == mGridPAR) { gROOT->LoadMacro("CreateAlienHandler.C"); AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(runListFileName); if (!alienHandler) return; gROOT->LoadMacro("AliAnalysisTaskEffContBF.cxx++"); } // Chains: if(mode==mLocal || mode == mLocalPAR) { gROOT->LoadMacro("AliAnalysisTaskEffContBF.cxx++"); //TChain* chain = new TChain("esdTree"); //chain->Add("/project/alice/users/alisrm/AcceptanceFilter/MonteCarlo/Set1/AliESDs.root"); TChain* chain = new TChain("aodTree"); for (Int_t i=0;i<99; i++){ filename = "/project/alice/users/alisrm/Efficiency_Contamination/LHC13b3_HIJING_pA_AOD/"; filename += i; filename += "/AliAOD.root"; chain->Add(filename.Data()); } //chain->Add("/project/alice/users/alisrm/Efficiency_Contamination/AOD_LHC11a10a/AliAOD.root"); //si da //chain->Add("/project/alice/users/alisrm/Efficiency_Contamination/AOD_LHC10d2/AliAOD.root"); //chain->Add("/project/alice/users/pchrist/Data/2011/Set3/AliAOD.root"); //data } //Proof if(mode == mPROOF) { gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".include %s/include", gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT"))); gProof->Load("AliAnalysisTaskEffContBF.cxx++"); } // Create analysis manager: AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("FluctuationsAnalysisManager"); // Connect plug-in to the analysis manager: if(mode == mGrid || mode == mGridPAR) { mgr->SetGridHandler(alienHandler); } AliVEventHandler* aodH = new AliAODInputHandler; //NUEVO mgr->SetInputEventHandler(aodH); //NUEVO //AliMCEventHandler *mc = new AliMCEventHandler(); //mc->SetReadTR(kFALSE); //mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mc); // Task to check the offline trigger: //if(mode == mLocal || mode == mGrid || mode == mGridPAR) //gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C"); //AliPhysicsSelectionTask* physicsSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(!DATA); //physicsSelTask->GetPhysicsSelection()->SetAnalyzeMC(); // Enable debug printouts: //mgr->SetDebugLevel(2); //Add the centrality determination task /*gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskCentrality.C"); AliCentralitySelectionTask *centralityTask = AddTaskCentrality(); centralityTask->SetMCInput();*/ //antes for ESD //centralityTask->SetPass(2); //AliCentralitySelectionTask *taskCentrality = AddTaskCentrality(); //taskCentrality->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kMB); // Load the analysis task: gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskBalanceEffCont.C"); //gROOT->LoadMacro("AddEfficiencyTaskCentralityTrain.C"); //for (Int_t i=binfirst; iInitAnalysis()){return;} mgr->PrintStatus(); if(mode == mLocal || mode == mLocalPAR) mgr->StartAnalysis("local",chain); else if(mode == mPROOF) mgr->StartAnalysis("proof",dataDir,nRuns,offset); else if(mode == mGrid || mode == mGridPAR) mgr->StartAnalysis("grid"); // Print real and CPU time used for analysis: timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); } // end of void runTaskFluctuations(...) //=============================================================// void LoadLibraries(const anaModes mode) { //-------------------------------------- // Load the needed libraries most of them already loaded by aliroot //-------------------------------------- gSystem->Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libXMLIO"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); //---------------------------------------------------------- // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<< //---------------------------------------------------------- if (mode==mLocal || mode==mGrid || mode == mGridPAR) { //-------------------------------------------------------- // If you want to use already compiled libraries // in the aliroot distribution //-------------------------------------------------------- gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase"); gSystem->Load("libESD"); gSystem->Load("libAOD"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice"); gSystem->Load("libCORRFW"); gSystem->Load("libPWGTools"); // Use AliRoot includes to compile our task gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include"); } else if (mode == mLocalPAR) { //-------------------------------------------------------- //If you want to use root and par files from aliroot //-------------------------------------------------------- SetupPar("STEERBase"); SetupPar("ESD"); SetupPar("AOD"); SetupPar("ANALYSIS"); SetupPar("ANALYSISalice"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // <<<<<<<<<< PROOF mode >>>>>>>>>>>> //--------------------------------------------------------- else if (mode==mPROOF) { // Connect to proof printf("*** Connect to PROOF ***\n"); gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy","2"); // Put appropriate username here TProof::Open("alice-caf.cern.ch"); //TProof::Open("skaf.saske.sk"); //TProof::Open("prf000-iep-grid.saske.sk"); // gProof->EnablePackage("VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v5-04-06-AN"); gProof->EnablePackage("VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v5-04-44-AN"); TString extraLibs = ""; extraLibs += "CORRFW:PWGTools"; TList *list = new TList(); list->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS",extraLibs.Data())); //gProof->EnablePackage("VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v5-04-06-AN",list); gProof->EnablePackage("VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v5-04-44-AN"); } } // end of void LoadLibraries(const anaModes mode) //=============================================================================================== void SetupPar(char* pararchivename) { //Load par files, create analysis libraries //For testing, if par file already decompressed and modified //classes then do not decompress. TString cdir(Form("%s", gSystem->WorkingDirectory() )) ; TString parpar(Form("%s.par", pararchivename)) ; if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(parpar.Data()) ) { gSystem->ChangeDirectory(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) ; TString processline(Form(".! make %s", parpar.Data())) ; gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir) ; processline = Form(".! mv /tmp/%s .", parpar.Data()) ; gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ; } if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(pararchivename) ) { TString processline = Form(".! tar xvzf %s",parpar.Data()) ; gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()); } TString ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pararchivename); // check for BUILD.sh and execute if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) { printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Building PAR archive ***\n"); cout<Exec("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) { Error("runProcess","Cannot Build the PAR Archive! - Abort!"); return -1; } } // check for SETUP.C and execute if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) { printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Setup PAR archive ***\n"); cout<Macro("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C"); } gSystem->ChangeDirectory(ocwd.Data()); printf("Current dir: %s\n", ocwd.Data()); } // end of void SetupPar(char* pararchivename) //=============================================================================================== // Helper macros for creating chains // from: CreateESDChain.C,v 1.10 jgrosseo Exp TChain* CreateESDChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset) { // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list. // In case of directory the structure is expected as: // //AliESDs.root // //AliESDs.root // ... if (!aDataDir) return 0; Long_t id, size, flags, modtime; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataDir, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime)) { printf("%s not found.\n", aDataDir); return 0; } TChain* chain = new TChain("esdTree"); TChain* chaingAlice = 0; if (flags & 2) { TString execDir(gSystem->pwd()); TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory(".", aDataDir); TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles(); Int_t nDirs = dirList->GetEntries(); gSystem->cd(execDir); Int_t count = 0; for (Int_t iDir=0; iDirAt(iDir); if (!presentDir || !presentDir->IsDirectory() || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), "..") == 0) continue; if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; TString presentDirName(aDataDir); presentDirName += "/"; presentDirName += presentDir->GetName(); chain->Add(presentDirName + "/AliESDs.root/esdTree"); // cerr<> esdfile; if (!esdfile.Contains("root")) continue; // protection if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; // add esd file chain->Add(esdfile); } in.close(); } return chain; } // end of TChain* CreateESDChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset) //=============================================================================================== TChain* CreateAODChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset) { // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list. // In case of directory the structure is expected as: // //AliAOD.root // //AliAOD.root // ... if (!aDataDir) return 0; Long_t id, size, flags, modtime; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataDir, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime)) { printf("%s not found.\n", aDataDir); return 0; } TChain* chain = new TChain("aodTree"); TChain* chaingAlice = 0; if (flags & 2) { TString execDir(gSystem->pwd()); TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory(".", aDataDir); TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles(); Int_t nDirs = dirList->GetEntries(); gSystem->cd(execDir); Int_t count = 0; for (Int_t iDir=0; iDirAt(iDir); if (!presentDir || !presentDir->IsDirectory() || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), "..") == 0) continue; if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; TString presentDirName(aDataDir); presentDirName += "/"; presentDirName += presentDir->GetName(); chain->Add(presentDirName + "/AliAOD.root/aodTree"); // cerr<> aodfile; if (!aodfile.Contains("root")) continue; // protection if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; // add aod file chain->Add(aodfile); } in.close(); } return chain; } // end of TChain* CreateAODChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset)