//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliFemtoEventReaderAOD - the reader class for the Alice AOD // // Reads in AOD information and converts it into internal AliFemtoEvent // // Authors: Adam Kisiel kisiel@mps.ohio-state.edu // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ALIFEMTOEVENTREADERAOD_H #define ALIFEMTOEVENTREADERAOD_H #include "AliFemtoEventReader.h" #include "AliFemtoEnumeration.h" #include #include #include "TTree.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TBits.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include //#include "AliPWG2AODTrack.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliFemtoV0.h" #include "AliAODpidUtil.h" class AliFemtoEvent; class AliFemtoTrack; class AliFemtoEventReaderAOD : public AliFemtoEventReader { public: AliFemtoEventReaderAOD(); AliFemtoEventReaderAOD(const AliFemtoEventReaderAOD &aReader); virtual ~AliFemtoEventReaderAOD(); AliFemtoEventReaderAOD& operator=(const AliFemtoEventReaderAOD& aReader); virtual AliFemtoEvent* ReturnHbtEvent(); AliFemtoString Report(); void SetInputFile(const char* inputFile); void SetFilterBit(UInt_t ibit); void SetReadMC(unsigned char a); void SetReadV0(unsigned char a); void SetCentralityPreSelection(double min, double max); void SetNoCentrality(bool anocent); void SetAODpidUtil(AliAODpidUtil *aAODpidUtil); void SetMagneticFieldSign(int s); protected: virtual void CopyAODtoFemtoEvent(AliFemtoEvent *tEvent); virtual void CopyAODtoFemtoTrack( AliAODTrack *tAodTrack, AliFemtoTrack *tFemtoTrack // AliPWG2AODTrack *tPWG2AODTrack ); virtual void CopyAODtoFemtoV0(AliAODv0 *tAODv0, AliFemtoV0 *tFemtoV0); virtual void CopyPIDtoFemtoTrack( AliAODTrack *tAodTrack, AliFemtoTrack *tFemtoTrack); int fNumberofEvent; // number of Events in AOD file int fCurEvent; // number of current event AliAODEvent* fEvent; // AOD event TBits fAllTrue; // Bit set with all true bits TBits fAllFalse; // Bit set with all false bits UInt_t fFilterBit; // Bitmap bit for AOD filters // TClonesArray* fPWG2AODTracks; // Link to PWG2 specific AOD information (if it exists) unsigned char fReadMC; // Attempt to read the MC information from the AOD unsigned char fReadV0; // Read V0 information from the AOD and put it into V0Collection unsigned char fUsePreCent; // Use centrality pre-selection to speed up analysis double fCentRange[2]; // Centrality pre-selection range unsigned char fNoCentrality; // Do not use centrality determination (for pp) AliAODpidUtil* fAODpidUtil; private: AliAODMCParticle* GetParticleWithLabel(TClonesArray *mcP, Int_t aLabel); string fInputFile; // name of input file with AOD filenames string fFileName; // name of current AOD file TChain* fTree; // AOD tree TFile* fAodFile; // AOD file int fMagFieldSign; // Magnetic field sign #ifdef __ROOT__ ClassDef(AliFemtoEventReaderAOD, 11) #endif }; #endif