//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliFemtoEventReaderStandard - the reader class for the Alice ESD, AOD // // the model Kinematics information tailored for the Task framework // // Authors: Adam Kisiel Adam.Kisiel@cern.ch // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliFemtoEventReaderStandard.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TBits.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliFmPhysicalHelixD.h" #include "AliFmThreeVectorF.h" #include "SystemOfUnits.h" #include "AliFemtoEvent.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliFemtoModelHiddenInfo.h" #include "AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliVertexerTracks.h" ClassImp(AliFemtoEventReaderStandard) #if !(ST_NO_NAMESPACES) using namespace units; #endif using namespace std; //____________________________ AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::AliFemtoEventReaderStandard(): AliFemtoEventReader(), fFileName(" "), fNumberofEvent(0), fCurEvent(0), fCurFile(0), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fStack(0x0), fGenHeader(0x0), fInputType(kUnknown), fUsePhysicsSel(kFALSE), fSelect(0), fTrackCuts(0x0), fUseTPCOnly(kFALSE) { //constructor with 0 parameters , look at default settings } //__________________ AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::AliFemtoEventReaderStandard(const AliFemtoEventReaderStandard& aReader): AliFemtoEventReader(aReader), fFileName(" "), fNumberofEvent(0), fCurEvent(0), fCurFile(0), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fStack(0x0), fGenHeader(0x0), fInputType(kUnknown), fUsePhysicsSel(kFALSE), fSelect(0), fTrackCuts(0x0), fUseTPCOnly(kFALSE) { // Copy constructor fCurEvent = aReader.fCurEvent; fCurFile = aReader.fCurFile; fESDEvent = new AliESDEvent(); fAODEvent = new AliAODEvent(); fStack = aReader.fStack; fInputType = aReader.fInputType; fUsePhysicsSel = aReader.fUsePhysicsSel; if (fUsePhysicsSel) fSelect = new AliPhysicsSelection(); fTrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(*(aReader.fTrackCuts)); fUseTPCOnly = aReader.fUseTPCOnly; } //__________________ AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::~AliFemtoEventReaderStandard() { //Destructor delete fESDEvent; delete fAODEvent; if (fTrackCuts) delete fTrackCuts; } //__________________ AliFemtoEventReaderStandard& AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::operator=(const AliFemtoEventReaderStandard& aReader) { // Assignment operator if (this == &aReader) return *this; fCurEvent = aReader.fCurEvent; fCurFile = aReader.fCurFile; if (fESDEvent) delete fESDEvent; fESDEvent = new AliESDEvent(); if (fAODEvent) delete fAODEvent; fAODEvent = new AliAODEvent(); fStack = aReader.fStack; fGenHeader = aReader.fGenHeader; fInputType = aReader.fInputType; fUsePhysicsSel = aReader.fUsePhysicsSel; if (fUsePhysicsSel) fSelect = new AliPhysicsSelection(); if (fTrackCuts) delete fTrackCuts; fTrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(*(aReader.fTrackCuts)); fUseTPCOnly = aReader.fUseTPCOnly; return *this; } //__________________ // Simple report AliFemtoString AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::Report() { AliFemtoString temp = "\n This is the AliFemtoEventReaderStandard\n"; return temp; } //__________________ AliFemtoEvent* AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::ReturnHbtEvent() { // Get the event, read all the relevant information // and fill the AliFemtoEvent class // Returns a valid AliFemtoEvent AliFemtoEvent *hbtEvent = 0; string tFriendFileName; hbtEvent = new AliFemtoEvent; // Get the friend information cout<<"starting to read event "<GetAliESDOld())fESDEvent->CopyFromOldESD(); if (fUsePhysicsSel) { hbtEvent->SetIsCollisionCandidate(fSelect->IsCollisionCandidate(fESDEvent)); if (!(fSelect->IsCollisionCandidate(fESDEvent))) printf("Event not a collision candidate\n"); } else hbtEvent->SetIsCollisionCandidate(kTRUE); } else { hbtEvent->SetIsCollisionCandidate(kTRUE); } double fV1[3]; //setting basic things if ((fInputType == kESD) || (fInputType == kESDKine)) { hbtEvent->SetRunNumber(fESDEvent->GetRunNumber()); hbtEvent->SetMagneticField(fESDEvent->GetMagneticField()*kilogauss);//to check if here is ok hbtEvent->SetZDCN1Energy(fESDEvent->GetZDCN1Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCP1Energy(fESDEvent->GetZDCP1Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCN2Energy(fESDEvent->GetZDCN2Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCP2Energy(fESDEvent->GetZDCP2Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCEMEnergy(fESDEvent->GetZDCEMEnergy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCParticipants(fESDEvent->GetZDCParticipants()); hbtEvent->SetTriggerMask(fESDEvent->GetTriggerMask()); hbtEvent->SetTriggerCluster(fESDEvent->GetTriggerCluster()); printf("Got event type %i\n", fESDEvent->GetEventType()); //Vertex double fVCov[6]; // if (fUseTPCOnly) { // fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexTPC()->GetXYZ(fV1); // fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexTPC()->GetCovMatrix(fVCov); // if (!fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexTPC()->GetStatus()) // fVCov[4] = -1001.0; // } // else { if (fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()) { fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(fV1); fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetCovMatrix(fVCov); if (!fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetStatus()) { // Get the vertex from SPD fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetXYZ(fV1); fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetCovMatrix(fVCov); if (!fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetStatus()) fVCov[4] = -1001.0; else { fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetXYZ(fV1); fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetCovMatrix(fVCov); } } } else { if (fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()) { fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetXYZ(fV1); fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetCovMatrix(fVCov); } } if ((!fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()) && (!fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD())) { cout << "No vertex found !!!" << endl; fV1[0] = 10000.0; fV1[1] = 10000.0; fV1[2] = 10000.0; fVCov[4] = -1001.0; } AliFmThreeVectorF vertex(fV1[0],fV1[1],fV1[2]); hbtEvent->SetPrimVertPos(vertex); hbtEvent->SetPrimVertCov(fVCov); } if ((fInputType == kAOD) || (fInputType == kAODKine)) { hbtEvent->SetRunNumber(fAODEvent->GetRunNumber()); hbtEvent->SetMagneticField(fAODEvent->GetMagneticField()*kilogauss);//to check if here is ok hbtEvent->SetZDCN1Energy(fAODEvent->GetZDCN1Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCP1Energy(fAODEvent->GetZDCP1Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCN2Energy(fAODEvent->GetZDCN2Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCP2Energy(fAODEvent->GetZDCP2Energy()); hbtEvent->SetZDCEMEnergy(fAODEvent->GetZDCEMEnergy(0)); hbtEvent->SetZDCParticipants(0); hbtEvent->SetTriggerMask(fAODEvent->GetTriggerMask()); hbtEvent->SetTriggerCluster(fAODEvent->GetTriggerCluster()); // Primary Vertex position fAODEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPosition(fV1); AliFmThreeVectorF vertex(fV1[0],fV1[1],fV1[2]); hbtEvent->SetPrimVertPos(vertex); } if ((fInputType == kESDKine) || (fInputType == kAODKine)) { Double_t tReactionPlane = 0; AliGenHijingEventHeader *hdh = dynamic_cast (fGenHeader); if (!hdh) { AliGenCocktailEventHeader *cdh = dynamic_cast (fGenHeader); if (cdh) { TList *tGenHeaders = cdh->GetHeaders(); for (int ihead = 0; iheadGetEntries(); ihead++) { hdh = dynamic_cast (fGenHeader); if (hdh) break; } } } if (hdh) { tReactionPlane = hdh->ReactionPlaneAngle(); cout << "Got reaction plane " << tReactionPlane << endl; } hbtEvent->SetReactionPlaneAngle(tReactionPlane); } //starting to reading tracks int nofTracks=0; //number of reconstructed tracks in event if ((fInputType == kESD) || (fInputType == kESDKine)) nofTracks = fESDEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); else if ((fInputType == kAOD) || (fInputType == kAODKine)) nofTracks = fAODEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); int realnofTracks=0;//number of track which we use ina analysis TClonesArray *mcP = 0; Int_t *motherids=0; if (fInputType == kAODKine) { // Attempt to access MC header AliAODMCHeader *mcH; mcH = (AliAODMCHeader *) fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName()); if (!mcH) { cout << "AOD MC information requested, but no header found!" << endl; } mcP = (TClonesArray *) fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()); if (!mcP) { cout << "AOD MC information requested, but no particle array found!" << endl; } hbtEvent->SetReactionPlaneAngle(fAODEvent->GetHeader()->GetQTheta(0)/2.0); if (mcP) { motherids = new Int_t[((AliAODMCParticle *) mcP->At(mcP->GetEntries()-1))->GetLabel()]; for (int ip=0; ipGetEntries(); ip++) motherids[ip] = 0; // Read in mother ids AliAODMCParticle *motherpart; for (int ip=0; ipGetEntries(); ip++) { motherpart = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcP->At(ip); if (motherpart->GetDaughter(0) > 0) motherids[motherpart->GetDaughter(0)] = ip; if (motherpart->GetDaughter(1) > 0) motherids[motherpart->GetDaughter(1)] = ip; } } } if (fInputType == kESDKine) { motherids = new Int_t[fStack->GetNtrack()]; for (int ip=0; ipGetNtrack(); ip++) motherids[ip] = 0; // Read in mother ids TParticle *motherpart; for (int ip=0; ipGetNtrack(); ip++) { motherpart = fStack->Particle(ip); if (motherpart->GetDaughter(0) > 0) motherids[motherpart->GetDaughter(0)] = ip; if (motherpart->GetDaughter(1) > 0) motherids[motherpart->GetDaughter(1)] = ip; } } for (int i=0;iGetTrack(i); esdtrack = AliESDtrackCuts::GetTPCOnlyTrack(fESDEvent, mcp->GetID()); // printf("Got %p for track %i | ", esdtrack, mcp->GetID()); } else { esdtrack = fESDEvent->GetTrack(i);//getting next track } if (esdtrack && (fTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(esdtrack))) { trackCopy->SetCharge((short)esdtrack->GetSign()); //in aliroot we have AliPID //0-electron 1-muon 2-pion 3-kaon 4-proton 5-photon 6-pi0 7-neutron 8-kaon0 9-eleCon //we use only 5 first double esdpid[5]; esdtrack->GetESDpid(esdpid); trackCopy->SetPidProbElectron(esdpid[0]); trackCopy->SetPidProbMuon(esdpid[1]); trackCopy->SetPidProbPion(esdpid[2]); trackCopy->SetPidProbKaon(esdpid[3]); trackCopy->SetPidProbProton(esdpid[4]); double pxyz[3]; double impact[2]; double covimpact[3]; // if (fUseTPCOnly) { // if (!esdtrack->GetTPCInnerParam()) { // cout << "No TPC inner param !" << endl; // delete trackCopy; // continue; // } // AliExternalTrackParam *param = new AliExternalTrackParam(*esdtrack->GetTPCInnerParam()); // param->GetXYZ(rxyz); // param->PropagateToDCA(fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertexTPC(), (fESDEvent->GetMagneticField()), 10000, impact, covimpact); // param->GetPxPyPz(pxyz);//reading noconstarined momentum // if (fRotateToEventPlane) { // double tPhi = TMath::ATan2(pxyz[1], pxyz[0]); // double tRad = TMath::Hypot(pxyz[0], pxyz[1]); // pxyz[0] = tRad*TMath::Cos(tPhi - tReactionPlane); // pxyz[1] = tRad*TMath::Sin(tPhi - tReactionPlane); // } // AliFemtoThreeVector v(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); // if (v.mag() < 0.0001) { // // cout << "Found 0 momentum ???? " << pxyz[0] << " " << pxyz[1] << " " << pxyz[2] << endl; // delete trackCopy; // continue; // } // trackCopy->SetP(v);//setting momentum // trackCopy->SetPt(sqrt(pxyz[0]*pxyz[0]+pxyz[1]*pxyz[1])); // const AliFmThreeVectorD kP(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); // const AliFmThreeVectorD kOrigin(fV1[0],fV1[1],fV1[2]); // //setting helix I do not if it is ok // AliFmPhysicalHelixD helix(kP,kOrigin,(double)(fESDEvent->GetMagneticField())*kilogauss,(double)(trackCopy->Charge())); // trackCopy->SetHelix(helix); // //some stuff which could be useful // trackCopy->SetImpactD(impact[0]); // trackCopy->SetImpactZ(impact[1]); // trackCopy->SetCdd(covimpact[0]); // trackCopy->SetCdz(covimpact[1]); // trackCopy->SetCzz(covimpact[2]); // trackCopy->SetSigmaToVertex(GetSigmaToVertex(impact, covimpact)); // delete param; // } // else { if (fUseTPCOnly) tGoodMomentum=esdtrack->GetPxPyPz(pxyz); else tGoodMomentum=esdtrack->GetConstrainedPxPyPz(pxyz); //reading constrained momentum // printf("Got good momentum %i\n", tGoodMomentum); AliFemtoThreeVector v(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); if (v.Mag() < 0.0001) { delete trackCopy; continue; } trackCopy->SetP(v);//setting momentum trackCopy->SetPt(sqrt(pxyz[0]*pxyz[0]+pxyz[1]*pxyz[1])); const AliFmThreeVectorD kP(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); const AliFmThreeVectorD kOrigin(fV1[0],fV1[1],fV1[2]); //setting helix I do not if it is ok AliFmPhysicalHelixD helix(kP,kOrigin,(double)(fESDEvent->GetMagneticField())*kilogauss,(double)(trackCopy->Charge())); trackCopy->SetHelix(helix); //some stuff which could be useful float imp[2]; float cim[3]; esdtrack->GetImpactParameters(imp,cim); impact[0] = imp[0]; impact[1] = imp[1]; covimpact[0] = cim[0]; covimpact[1] = cim[1]; covimpact[2] = cim[2]; trackCopy->SetImpactD(impact[0]); trackCopy->SetImpactZ(impact[1]); trackCopy->SetCdd(covimpact[0]); trackCopy->SetCdz(covimpact[1]); trackCopy->SetCzz(covimpact[2]); trackCopy->SetSigmaToVertex(AliESDtrackCuts::GetSigmaToVertex(esdtrack)); trackCopy->SetTrackId(esdtrack->GetID()); trackCopy->SetFlags(esdtrack->GetStatus()); trackCopy->SetLabel(esdtrack->GetLabel()); trackCopy->SetITSchi2(esdtrack->GetITSchi2()); trackCopy->SetITSncls(esdtrack->GetNcls(0)); trackCopy->SetTPCchi2(esdtrack->GetTPCchi2()); trackCopy->SetTPCncls(esdtrack->GetTPCNcls()); trackCopy->SetTPCnclsF(esdtrack->GetTPCNclsF()); trackCopy->SetTPCsignalN((short)esdtrack->GetTPCsignalN()); //due to bug in aliesdtrack class trackCopy->SetTPCsignalS(esdtrack->GetTPCsignalSigma()); trackCopy->SetTPCClusterMap(esdtrack->GetTPCClusterMap()); trackCopy->SetTPCSharedMap(esdtrack->GetTPCSharedMap()); double xtpc[3]; esdtrack->GetInnerXYZ(xtpc); xtpc[2] -= fV1[2]; trackCopy->SetNominalTPCEntrancePoint(xtpc); esdtrack->GetOuterXYZ(xtpc); xtpc[2] -= fV1[2]; trackCopy->SetNominalTPCExitPoint(xtpc); int indexes[3]; for (int ik=0; ik<3; ik++) { indexes[ik] = esdtrack->GetKinkIndex(ik); } trackCopy->SetKinkIndexes(indexes); // Fill the hidden information with the simulated data if (fInputType == kESDKine) { if (TMath::Abs(esdtrack->GetLabel()) < fStack->GetNtrack()) { TParticle *tPart = fStack->Particle(TMath::Abs(esdtrack->GetLabel())); // Check the mother information // Using the new way of storing the freeze-out information // Final state particle is stored twice on the stack // one copy (mother) is stored with original freeze-out information // and is not tracked // the other one (daughter) is stored with primary vertex position // and is tracked // Freeze-out coordinates double fpx=0.0, fpy=0.0, fpz=0.0, fpt=0.0; fpx = tPart->Vx() - fV1[0]; fpy = tPart->Vy() - fV1[1]; fpz = tPart->Vz() - fV1[2]; fpt = tPart->T(); AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo *tInfo = new AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo(); tInfo->SetGlobalEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz); fpx *= 1e13; fpy *= 1e13; fpz *= 1e13; fpt *= 1e13; if (motherids[TMath::Abs(esdtrack->GetLabel())]>0) { TParticle *mother = fStack->Particle(motherids[TMath::Abs(esdtrack->GetLabel())]); // Check if this is the same particle stored twice on the stack if ((mother->GetPdgCode() == tPart->GetPdgCode() || (mother->Px() == tPart->Px()))) { // It is the same particle // Read in the original freeze-out information // and convert it from to [fm] // EPOS style fpx = mother->Vx()*1e13*0.197327; fpy = mother->Vy()*1e13*0.197327; fpz = mother->Vz()*1e13*0.197327; fpt = mother->T() *1e13*0.197327; // Therminator style // fpx = mother->Vx()*1e13; // fpy = mother->Vy()*1e13; // fpz = mother->Vz()*1e13; // fpt = mother->T() *1e13*3e10; } } tInfo->SetPDGPid(tPart->GetPdgCode()); tInfo->SetTrueMomentum(tPart->Px(), tPart->Py(), tPart->Pz()); Double_t mass2 = (tPart->Energy() *tPart->Energy() - tPart->Px()*tPart->Px() - tPart->Py()*tPart->Py() - tPart->Pz()*tPart->Pz()); if (mass2>0.0) tInfo->SetMass(TMath::Sqrt(mass2)); else tInfo->SetMass(0.0); tInfo->SetEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz, fpt); trackCopy->SetHiddenInfo(tInfo); } else { AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo *tInfo = new AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo(); tInfo->SetMass(0.0); double fpx=0.0, fpy=0.0, fpz=0.0, fpt=0.0; fpx = fV1[0]*1e13; fpy = fV1[1]*1e13; fpz = fV1[2]*1e13; fpt = 0.0; tInfo->SetEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz, fpt); tInfo->SetTrueMomentum(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); trackCopy->SetHiddenInfo(tInfo); } } // cout << "Got freeze-out " << fpx << " " << fpy << " " << fpz << " " << fpt << " " << mass2 << " " << tPart->GetPdgCode() << endl; } else tGoodMomentum = false; if (fUseTPCOnly) if (esdtrack) delete esdtrack; } if ((fInputType == kAOD) || (fInputType == kAODKine)) { // Read in the normal AliAODTracks const AliAODTrack *aodtrack=fAODEvent->GetTrack(i); // getting the AODtrack directly // if (!aodtrack->TestFilterBit(fFilterBit)) // continue; CopyAODtoFemtoTrack(aodtrack, trackCopy); if (mcP) { // Fill the hidden information with the simulated data // Int_t pLabel = aodtrack->GetLabel(); AliAODMCParticle *tPart = GetParticleWithLabel(mcP, (TMath::Abs(aodtrack->GetLabel()))); AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo *tInfo = new AliFemtoModelGlobalHiddenInfo(); double fpx=0.0, fpy=0.0, fpz=0.0, fpt=0.0; if (!tPart) { fpx = fV1[0]; fpy = fV1[1]; fpz = fV1[2]; tInfo->SetGlobalEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz); tInfo->SetPDGPid(0); tInfo->SetTrueMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); tInfo->SetEmissionPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); tInfo->SetMass(0); } else { // Check the mother information // Using the new way of storing the freeze-out information // Final state particle is stored twice on the stack // one copy (mother) is stored with original freeze-out information // and is not tracked // the other one (daughter) is stored with primary vertex position // and is tracked // Freeze-out coordinates fpx = tPart->Xv() - fV1[0]; fpy = tPart->Yv() - fV1[1]; fpz = tPart->Zv() - fV1[2]; // fpt = tPart->T(); tInfo->SetGlobalEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz); fpx *= 1e13; fpy *= 1e13; fpz *= 1e13; // fpt *= 1e13; // cout << "Looking for mother ids " << endl; if (motherids[TMath::Abs(aodtrack->GetLabel())]>0) { // cout << "Got mother id" << endl; AliAODMCParticle *mother = GetParticleWithLabel(mcP, motherids[TMath::Abs(aodtrack->GetLabel())]); // Check if this is the same particle stored twice on the stack if (mother) { if ((mother->GetPdgCode() == tPart->GetPdgCode() || (mother->Px() == tPart->Px()))) { // It is the same particle // Read in the original freeze-out information // and convert it from to [fm] // EPOS style // fpx = mother->Xv()*1e13*0.197327; // fpy = mother->Yv()*1e13*0.197327; // fpz = mother->Zv()*1e13*0.197327; // fpt = mother->T() *1e13*0.197327*0.5; // Therminator style fpx = mother->Xv()*1e13; fpy = mother->Yv()*1e13; fpz = mother->Zv()*1e13; // fpt = mother->T() *1e13*3e10; } } } // if (fRotateToEventPlane) { // double tPhi = TMath::ATan2(fpy, fpx); // double tRad = TMath::Hypot(fpx, fpy); // fpx = tRad*TMath::Cos(tPhi - tReactionPlane); // fpy = tRad*TMath::Sin(tPhi - tReactionPlane); // } tInfo->SetPDGPid(tPart->GetPdgCode()); // if (fRotateToEventPlane) { // double tPhi = TMath::ATan2(tPart->Py(), tPart->Px()); // double tRad = TMath::Hypot(tPart->Px(), tPart->Py()); // tInfo->SetTrueMomentum(tRad*TMath::Cos(tPhi - tReactionPlane), // tRad*TMath::Sin(tPhi - tReactionPlane), // tPart->Pz()); // } // else tInfo->SetTrueMomentum(tPart->Px(), tPart->Py(), tPart->Pz()); Double_t mass2 = (tPart->E() *tPart->E() - tPart->Px()*tPart->Px() - tPart->Py()*tPart->Py() - tPart->Pz()*tPart->Pz()); if (mass2>0.0) tInfo->SetMass(TMath::Sqrt(mass2)); else tInfo->SetMass(0.0); tInfo->SetEmissionPoint(fpx, fpy, fpz, fpt); } trackCopy->SetHiddenInfo(tInfo); } double pxyz[3]; aodtrack->PxPyPz(pxyz);//reading noconstarined momentum const AliFmThreeVectorD ktP(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); // Check the sanity of the tracks - reject zero momentum tracks if (ktP.Mag() == 0) { delete trackCopy; continue; } } //decision if we want this track //if we using diffrent labels we want that this label was use for first time //if we use hidden info we want to have match between sim data and ESD if (tGoodMomentum==true) { hbtEvent->TrackCollection()->push_back(trackCopy);//adding track to analysis realnofTracks++;//real number of tracks // delete trackCopy; } else { delete trackCopy; } } if (motherids) delete [] motherids; hbtEvent->SetNumberOfTracks(realnofTracks);//setting number of track which we read in event fCurEvent++; // cout<<"end of reading nt "<GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPosition(fV1); tFemtoTrack->SetCharge(tAodTrack->Charge()); //in aliroot we have AliPID //0-electron 1-muon 2-pion 3-kaon 4-proton 5-photon 6-pi0 7-neutron 8-kaon0 9-eleCon //we use only 5 first // AOD pid has 10 components double aodpid[10]; tAodTrack->GetPID(aodpid); tFemtoTrack->SetPidProbElectron(aodpid[0]); tFemtoTrack->SetPidProbMuon(aodpid[1]); tFemtoTrack->SetPidProbPion(aodpid[2]); tFemtoTrack->SetPidProbKaon(aodpid[3]); tFemtoTrack->SetPidProbProton(aodpid[4]); double pxyz[3]; tAodTrack->PxPyPz(pxyz);//reading noconstrained momentum AliFemtoThreeVector v(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); tFemtoTrack->SetP(v);//setting momentum tFemtoTrack->SetPt(sqrt(pxyz[0]*pxyz[0]+pxyz[1]*pxyz[1])); const AliFmThreeVectorD kOrigin(fV1[0],fV1[1],fV1[2]); //setting track helix const AliFmThreeVectorD ktP(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]); AliFmPhysicalHelixD helix(ktP,kOrigin,(double)(fAODEvent->GetMagneticField())*kilogauss,(double)(tFemtoTrack->Charge())); tFemtoTrack->SetHelix(helix); // Flags tFemtoTrack->SetTrackId(tAodTrack->GetID()); tFemtoTrack->SetFlags(1); tFemtoTrack->SetLabel(tAodTrack->GetLabel()); // Track quality information float covmat[6]; tAodTrack->GetCovMatrix(covmat); tFemtoTrack->SetImpactD(covmat[0]); tFemtoTrack->SetImpactZ(covmat[2]); tFemtoTrack->SetCdd(covmat[3]); tFemtoTrack->SetCdz(covmat[4]); tFemtoTrack->SetCzz(covmat[5]); // This information is only available in the ESD // We put in fake values or reasonable estimates tFemtoTrack->SetITSchi2(tAodTrack->Chi2perNDF()); tFemtoTrack->SetITSncls(1); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCchi2(tAodTrack->Chi2perNDF()); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCncls(1); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCnclsF(1); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCsignalN(1); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCsignalS(1); TBits tAllTrue; TBits tAllFalse; tAllTrue.ResetAllBits(kTRUE); tAllFalse.ResetAllBits(kFALSE); // If not use dummy values tFemtoTrack->SetTPCClusterMap(tAllTrue); tFemtoTrack->SetTPCSharedMap(tAllFalse); double xtpc[3] = {0,0,0}; tFemtoTrack->SetNominalTPCEntrancePoint(xtpc); tFemtoTrack->SetNominalTPCExitPoint(xtpc); int indexes[3]; for (int ik=0; ik<3; ik++) { indexes[ik] = 0; } tFemtoTrack->SetKinkIndexes(indexes); } AliAODMCParticle* AliFemtoEventReaderStandard::GetParticleWithLabel(TClonesArray *mcP, Int_t aLabel) { if (aLabel < 0) return 0; AliAODMCParticle *aodP; Int_t posstack = 0; if (aLabel > mcP->GetEntries()) posstack = mcP->GetEntries(); else posstack = aLabel; aodP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcP->At(posstack); if (aodP->GetLabel() > posstack) { do { aodP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcP->At(posstack); if (aodP->GetLabel() == aLabel) return aodP; posstack--; } while (posstack > 0); } else { do { aodP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcP->At(posstack); if (aodP->GetLabel() == aLabel) return aodP; posstack++; } while (posstack < mcP->GetEntries()); } return 0; }