////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Id: AliFlowV0.cxx 18618 2007-05-16 15:38:22Z snelling $ // // Author: Emanuele Simili // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_____________________________________________________________ // // Description: // an array of AliFlowV0 is part of the AliFlowEvent, // The object AliFlowV0 contains data members wich summarize the V0s // information most useful for flow study (Pt, eta, phi, ecc.). // AliFlowV0 also contains a references to the two daughter tracks // in the TrackClollection() of the AliFlowEvent from wich the V0 has // been reconstructed. // #include "AliFlowV0.h" #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowEvent.h" #include using namespace std; //required for resolving the 'cout' symbol ClassImp(AliFlowV0) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliFlowV0::AliFlowV0(): fPhi(0.), fPt(0.), fEta(0.), fChi2(0.), fMass(0.), fDca(0.), fCrossDCA(0.), fSigma(1.), fLabel(0), fMostLikelihoodPID(0), fPointAngle(0.), fDaughterP(-1), fDaughterN(-1) { // default constructor for(Int_t dd=0;dd<3;dd++) { fCrossPoint[dd] = 0. ; } // fDaughterP = -1 ; fDaughterN = -1 ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliFlowV0::AliFlowV0(const Char_t* name): fPhi(0.), fPt(0.), fEta(0.), fChi2(0.), fMass(0.), fDca(0.), fCrossDCA(0.), fSigma(1.), fLabel(0), fMostLikelihoodPID(0), fPointAngle(0.), fDaughterP(-1), fDaughterN(-1) { // TNamed constructor SetName(name) ; AliFlowV0() ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliFlowV0::~AliFlowV0() { // default destructor (dummy) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowV0::P() const { // Returns the reconstructed momentum of the v0 if(Pt()<=0) { return 0. ; } if(Eta()==0) { return 0. ; } float momentum = Pt()/TMath::Sqrt(1-(tanh(Eta())*tanh(Eta()))) ; return momentum; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowV0::Y() const { // Rapidity of the v0 if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)P()) == TMath::Abs((Float_t)Pt())) { return 0. ; } else if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)P()) < TMath::Abs((Float_t)Pt())) { cout << "v0: " << GetName() << " has Pt() > P() !!!" << endl ; return -1000. ; } // - Float_t mass = Mass() ; Double_t pz = TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() - Pt()*Pt()); if(Eta() < 0) { pz = -pz ; } Double_t e = TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() + mass*mass) ; Float_t rapidity = 0.5 * TMath::Log((e + pz)/(e - pz)) ; return rapidity ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* AliFlowV0::Pid() const { // Returns the P.Id. in char* basing on the stored pdg code (MostLikelihoodPID()) . const char *name[] = {"gamma","K0","K0s","K0l","Lambda0"} ; int pdgCode = TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) ; TString pId = "" ; if(pdgCode == 22) { pId = name[0] ; } else if(pdgCode == 311) { pId = name[1] ; } else if(pdgCode == 310) { pId = name[2] ; } else if(pdgCode == 130) { pId = name[3] ; } else if(pdgCode == 3122) { pId = name[4] ; } // ... else { pId = "0" ; } return pId.Data() ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void AliFlowV0::SetPid(const Char_t* pid) // { // // Sets the P.Id. hypotesis of the track from a char* imput ("K0","Lambda0",...). // // The string itself is not stored, what is stored is the PDG code. // // if(strstr(pid,"gamma")) { fMostLikelihoodPID = 22 ; } // else if(strstr(pid,"K0")) { fMostLikelihoodPID = 311 ; } // else if(strstr(pid,"K0s")) { fMostLikelihoodPID = 310 ; } // else if(strstr(pid,"K0l")) { fMostLikelihoodPID = 130 ; } // else if(strstr(pid,"Lambda0")) { fMostLikelihoodPID = 3122 ; } // // ... // else { fMostLikelihoodPID = 0 ; cout << "AliFlowV0 - !BAD IMPUT!" << endl ; } // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////