///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AddTaskPhiFlow macro // Author: Redmer A. Bertens, Utrecht University, 2012 // rbertens@cern.ch, r.a.bertens@uu.nl // Commented where necessary ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AliAnalysisDataContainer; class AliFlowTrackCuts; class AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts; class AliFlowEventCuts; class AliFlowEventSimpleCuts; class AliAnalysisDataContainer; AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow* AddTaskPhiFlow(Bool_t SP = kTRUE, // select flow analysis methods Bool_t SPSUB = kTRUE, Bool_t QC = kTRUE, Bool_t EP = kTRUE, Bool_t EP3sub = kFALSE, Bool_t VZERO_SP = kFALSE, // use vzero sp method Float_t centrMin = 20., // centrality selection Float_t centrMax = 30., Double_t ITSsigma = 0., // pid mode (see task implementation) Double_t ITSrange = 0., Double_t TPCcontrol = 1., Double_t TPCsigma = 3., Double_t TPCrange = 0., Double_t ITScontrol = -1., Double_t Bpurity = 0.3, TString suffixName = "UniqueID", // unique id for output objects Bool_t bCentralTrigger = kTRUE, // trigger selection Float_t EtaGap = 0., // eta gap for SPSUB TString DCA = "pt", // dca mode (see task implementation) Int_t harm = 2, // harmonic vn UInt_t poi_filter = 1, // aod filterbits UInt_t rp_filter = 1, Bool_t event_mixing = kFALSE, Bool_t highPtMode = kFALSE, // use with caution !!! disables invariant mass fit method Float_t deltaPhiMass = 0.0003, // dM in which to look for phi Float_t POIPtMax = 5., // max pt of daughterp particles Bool_t shrinkSP = kFALSE, // shrink output Bool_t fullUforVZERO_SP = kFALSE, // do full u for VZERO_SP Bool_t debug = kTRUE) // macro debug mode, for task's debug mode see header { // some defaults that have been removed as function arguments (august 30 2012) Float_t POIPtMin = 0.2; // pt of daughters Float_t deltaDip = 0.; Float_t deltaDipMaxPt = 0.; Bool_t TPCStandAloneTracks = kFALSE; // deprecated Bool_t useGlobalRPCuts = kTRUE; // deprecated Float_t vertexZ = 10.; Float_t POIEtaMin = -0.8; Float_t POIEtaMax = 0.8; // start of macro Double_t PIDconfig[] = {ITSsigma, ITSrange, TPCcontrol, TPCsigma, TPCrange, ITScontrol, Bpurity}; // main function, create and add tasks if(debug) cout << " === Adding Task PhiFlow === " << endl; // set up main output container's name TString fileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(); fileName += ":PhiReconstruction"; suffixName += Form("%.0f", centrMin); suffixName += Form("%.0f", centrMax); fileName+=suffixName; if(debug) cout << " --> Reconstruction data container: " << fileName << endl; // check validity of arguments if(EP3sub) { if(highPtMode) { if(debug) cout << " --> Can't launch 3 subevent method for high pt analysis, exiting ... <--" << endl; return 0x0; } if(debug) cout << " --> Starting 3 subevent plane method - try at your own risk !!! <-- " << endl; if(!(harm!=2||harm!=3)) { if(debug) cout << " --> Fatal error: can only return v2 and v3 with 3 subevent method! " << endl; return 0x0; } } // get the manager and input event handler AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { if(debug) cout << " Fatal error: no analysis manager found! " << endl; return 0x0; } if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()) { if(debug) cout << " Fatal error: no imput event handler found!" << endl; return 0x0; } if(EP3sub&&debug) { // don't use this on train ! this is why it's only enabled in macro debug mode gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGCF/FLOW/macros/AddTaskVZERO.C"); AddTaskVZERO(0,0,0,0); } // create the main task AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow *task = new AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow("TaskPhiFlow"); if(debug) cout << " === AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow === " << task << endl; if(!task) { if(debug) cout << " --> Unexpected error occurred: NO TASK WAS CREATED! (could be a library problem!) " << endl; return 0x0; } if(task->SetVZEROSubEvents(EP3sub)) cout << " --> Setting up VZERO subevents method ... " << endl; if(event_mixing) { if(debug) cout << " --> Enabeling event mixing for reconstruction - try at your own risk !!! <-- " << endl; // set vertex and mixing bins - arrays MUST have length 20! Int_t c[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Int_t v[] = {-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if(((Int_t)(sizeof(c)/sizeof(c[1]))!=20)||((Int_t)(sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[1]))!=20)) { cout << " --> Fatal error: check mixing parameters ! <-- " << endl; return 0x0; } else task->SetMixingBins(c, v); } // set triggers if (bCentralTrigger) task->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kMB | AliVEvent::kCentral | AliVEvent::kSemiCentral); else task->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kMB); if(debug) cout << " --> Set trigger selection to "; if(debug&&bCentralTrigger) cout << " kMB, kCentral, kSemiCentral " << endl; if(debug&&(!bCentralTrigger)) cout << " kMB " << endl; // set event cuts for flow package analysis AliFlowEventCuts* cutsEvent = new AliFlowEventCuts("event cuts"); task->SetCentralityParameters(centrMin, centrMax, centralityName); task->SetQA(kTRUE); //set RP cuts for flow package analysis cutsRP = new AliFlowTrackCuts("RFPcuts"); if(!cutsRP) { if(debug) cout << " Fatal error: no RP cuts found, could be a library problem! " << endl; return 0x0; } if(useGlobalRPCuts&&(!VZERO_SP)) { AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType rptype = AliFlowTrackCuts::kGlobal; cutsRP->SetParamType(rptype); cutsRP->SetPtRange(0.2, 5.0); cutsRP->SetEtaRange(-0.8, 0.8); cutsRP->SetMinNClustersTPC(70); cutsRP->SetMinChi2PerClusterTPC(0.1); cutsRP->SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(4.0); cutsRP->SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE); cutsRP->SetMaxDCAToVertexXY(0.3); cutsRP->SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(0.3); cutsRP->SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE); cutsRP->SetMinimalTPCdedx(10.); if(rp_filter < 9999 ) { if(debug) cout << " > set RP filterbit " << rp_filter << endl; cutsRP->SetAODfilterBit(rp_filter); } if(debug) cout << " --> kGlobal RP's " << cutsRP << endl; } if(VZERO_SP) { // use vzero sub analysis cutsRP = cutsRP->GetStandardVZEROOnlyTrackCuts(); // select vzero tracks cutsRP->SetVZEROgainEqualizationPerRing(kFALSE); cutsRP->SetApplyRecentering(kTRUE); // cutsRP->SetUseVZERORing(7, kFALSE); SP = kFALSE; // disable other methods SPSUB = kTRUE; // calculate sp_qa and sp_qb QC = kFALSE; EP = kFALSE; EP3sub = kFALSE; EtaGap = 0.; // no eta gap, full tpc poi's if(debug) cout << " --> VZERO RP's " << cutsRP << endl; } task->SetRPCuts(cutsRP); // set POI cuts for kaon selection AliFlowTrackCuts* cutsPOI = new AliFlowTrackCuts("GlobalPOI"); if(!cutsPOI) { if(debug) cout << " Fatal error: no POI cuts (could be a library problem)!" << endl; return 0x0; } AliFlowTrackCuts* cutsPOI = cutsPOI->GetStandardGlobalTrackCuts2010(); cutsPOI->SetPtRange(POIPtMin, POIPtMax); // pt range of DAUGHTERS !!! cutsPOI->SetMaxDCAToVertexXY(0.3); // FIXME not implemented in aod086 aod095 see PassesDCACut() in implementation cutsPOI->SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(0.3); // to let the aliflow track cuts do the pid task->SetUseTrackCutsPID(kTRUE); cutsPOI->SetPID(AliPID::kKaon, AliFlowTrackCuts::kTOFbayesian); if(poi_filter < 9999 ) { if(debug) cout << " > set POI filterbit " << poi_filter << endl; cutsPOI->SetAODfilterBit(poi_filter); } if(debug) cout << " --> cutsPOI " << cutsPOI << endl; task->SetPOICuts(cutsPOI); //set POI cuts for aods XY Z - 3 distinct cases Double_t POIDCA[] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; if(DCA == "none" ) { // 1 --- do nothing if (debug) cout << " --> No DCA cut on POI's <-- " << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) POIDCA[i] = 0.; } if(DCA == "fix" ) { // 2 --- use fixed values for xy z if (debug) cout << " --> Fixed DCA cut on POI's <-- " << endl; POIDCA[0] = -1.; POIDCA[1] = 0.3; POIDCA[2] = 0.3; POIDCA[3] = 0.; POIDCA[4] = 0.; } if(DCA == "pt" ) { // 3 --- use pt dependent cut if (debug) cout << " --> Pt dependent DCA cut on POI's <-- " << endl; POIDCA[0] = 1.; POIDCA[1] = 0.0105; POIDCA[2] = 0.0350; POIDCA[3] = 1.1; POIDCA[4] = 2.; } task->SetPOIDCAXYZ(POIDCA); if(highPtMode) { // high pt loop - loop will end macro Float_t _pt[] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 12., 15.}; task->SetPtBins(_pt, (Int_t)(sizeof(_pt)/sizeof(_pt[1]))-1); // general approach: use kinematic filters which select kaon pairs with a certain mass window AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* HighPtSubEventFilterA = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts("HighPtSubEventFilterA"); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetEtaMin(-0.8); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetEtaMax(0.0); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetMassMin(1.019445 - deltaPhiMass); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetMassMax(1.019445 + deltaPhiMass); AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* HighPtSubEventFilterB = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts("HighPtSubEventFilterB"); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetEtaMin(0.0); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetEtaMax(+0.8); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetMassMin(1.019445 - deltaPhiMass); HighPtSubEventFilterA->SetMassMax(1.019445 + deltaPhiMass); AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* HighPtGenericFilter = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts("HighPtGenericFilter"); HighPtGenericFilter->SetEtaMin(-0.8); HighPtGenericFilter->SetEtaMax(+0.8); HighPtGenericFilter->SetMassMin(1.019445 - deltaPhiMass); HighPtGenericFilter->SetMassMax(1.019445 + deltaPhiMass); if(debug) cout << " --> Created poi filters " << endl; // set pair and event cuts if((deltaDip>0.005)&&(deltaDipMaxPt>0.005)) task->SetMaxDeltaDipAngleAndPt(deltaDip, deltaDipMaxPt); else cout << " --> Disabled Delta-Dip exclusion. <-- " << endl; task->SetCandidateEtaAndPt(POIEtaMin, POIEtaMax, 0., 15.); task->SetCentralityParameters(centrMin, centrMax, "TRK", "V0M", kTRUE, kFALSE); task->SetVertexZ(vertexZ); if(debug) cout << " --> Set pair cuts and event cuts" << endl; // specify the PID procedure which will be used task->SetPIDConfiguration(PIDconfig); AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput = mgr->GetCommonInputContainer(); AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutHist = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("PhiV2_%s", OutputName(centrMin, centrMax,PIDconfig, suffixName, bCentralTrigger, EtaGap, POIEtaMin, POIEtaMax, 0., 15., deltaDip, deltaDipMaxPt, DCA, harm, TPCStandAloneTracks, vertexZ, debug, useGlobalRPCuts).Data()), TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, fileName); if(debug) cout << " --> Created IO containers " << cinput << ", " << coutHist << endl; mgr->AddTask(task); if(debug) cout << " === ADDING MAIN TASK == " << endl; mgr->ConnectInput(task, 0, cinput); mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, coutHist); if(debug) cout << " --> Connected IO containers " << endl; if (SP || EP || QC || SPSUB) // if flow analysis should be done after reconstruction { Int_t mb(999); if(debug) cout << " === RECEIVED REQUEST FOR FLOW ANALYSIS === " << endl; AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("FC%s", suffixName.Data()), AliFlowEventSimple::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kExchangeContainer); mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 2, flowEvent); if(debug) cout << " --> Created IO containers " << flowEvent << endl; if(debug) cout << " --> suffixName " << suffixName << endl; if (QC) { // add qc tasks AddQCmethod(Form("QCTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), harm, flowEvent, HighPtGenericFilter, debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging QC task ... " << mb << " succes! "<< endl; } if (SPSUB) { // add sp subevent tasks AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -.5*EtaGap, .5*EtaGap, +0.8, "Qa", harm, flowEvent, HighPtSubEventFilterB, NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, true, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP Qa task " << mb << " succes!" << endl; AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -.5*EtaGap, .5*EtaGap, +0.8, "Qb", harm, flowEvent, HighPtSubEventFilterA, NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, true, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP Qb task ..." << mb << " succes!"<< endl; } if (SP) { // add sp tasks AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -0.0, +0.0, +0.8, "QaQb", harm, flowEvent, HighPtGenericFilter, NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP task ... " << mb << " succes!" << endl; } if (EP) { // add ep tasks AddSPmethod(Form("EPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -0.0, +0.0, +0.8, "QaQb", harm, flowEvent, HighPtGenericFilter, NULL, true, shrinkSP, debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging EP task ... " << mb << " succes!" << endl; } } // print summary to screen cout << endl << endl << " ==== AddTaskPhiFlow launched ===== " << endl; cout << " ************ Configured PID routine ************ " << endl; cout << " 0 < " << PIDconfig[1] << " p_t, ITS || TPC with s < " << PIDconfig[0] << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] < 0.) cout << " --> TPC control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] > 0.) cout << " --> TPC control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[1] << " < " << PIDconfig[4] << " p_t, TPC || ITS with s < " << PIDconfig[3] << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] < 0.) cout << " --> ITS control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] > 0.) cout << " --> ITS control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[4] << " < 7 p_t, TPC / TOF Bayesian with p < " << PIDconfig[6] << endl; cout << " ************ Configured DCA setup ************** " << endl; cout << " DCA type: " << DCA; if (DCA == "") cout << "default"; cout << endl << " ************* Task statisti:q!cs ****************** " << endl; cout << " -> Launched PHI reconstruction " << endl; if(SP) cout << " --> Launched QaQb SP filters and corresponding SP task " << endl; if(EP) cout << " --> Launched QaQb QC filters and corresponding EP task " << endl; if(SPSUB) cout << " --> Launched Qa&&Qb SP filters and corresponding SP tasks " << endl; if(QC) cout << " --> Launched QaQb QC filters and corresponding QC task " << endl; if(EP3sub) cout << " --> Launched VZERO subevent analysis alongside reconstruction - USE WITH CAUTION!" << endl; cout << " ************************************************ " << endl; TString condit = ""; (task->SetQA(kFALSE)) ? condit+= " --> Enabled QA plots <-- " : condit+= " --> Disabled QA plots <-- "; (task->SetIsMC(kFALSE)) ? condit+= " --> MC mode <-- " : condit+= " --> DATA mode <-- "; (task->UseEventMixing(event_mixing, kTRUE)) ? condit+= " --> Using EVENT MIXING <--" : condit+= "--> Combinatorial background <--"; cout << condit << endl; cout << " --> Now go for a coffee! <-- " << endl; cout << " ************************************************ " << endl; return task; } // end of high pt loop - high-pt task is ready to go at this point Float_t _pt[] = {0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0}; task->SetPtBins(_pt, (Int_t)(sizeof(_pt)/sizeof(_pt[1]))-1); // POI filter cuts, will filter invm mass bands and subevents AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* POIfilterQC[30]; AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* POIfilterSP[30][2]; Double_t flowBands[2][30]; for (Int_t mb = 0; mb < 30; mb++) { flowBands[0][mb] = 0.99 + mb * 0.0034; flowBands[1][mb] = 0.99 + (mb + 1) * 0.0034; POIfilterSP[mb][0] = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts(Form("FilterPOISP_MB%d_ETANEG", mb)); if(!POIfilterSP[mb][0]) { if(debug) cout << " FAILED to initialize POI filters, could be a library problem!" << endl; return 0x0; } POIfilterSP[mb][0]->SetEtaMin(-0.8); POIfilterSP[mb][0]->SetEtaMax(0.0); POIfilterSP[mb][0]->SetMassMin(flowBands[0][mb]); POIfilterSP[mb][0]->SetMassMax(flowBands[1][mb]); POIfilterSP[mb][1] = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts(Form("FilterPOISP_MB%d_ETAPOS", mb)); POIfilterSP[mb][1]->SetEtaMin(0.0); POIfilterSP[mb][1]->SetEtaMax(+0.8); POIfilterSP[mb][1]->SetMassMin(flowBands[0][mb]); POIfilterSP[mb][1]->SetMassMax(flowBands[1][mb]); POIfilterQC[mb] = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts(Form("FilterPOIQC_MB%d", mb)); POIfilterQC[mb]->SetEtaMin(-0.8); POIfilterQC[mb]->SetEtaMax(+0.8); POIfilterQC[mb]->SetMassMin(flowBands[0][mb]); POIfilterQC[mb]->SetMassMax(flowBands[1][mb]); } if(debug) cout << " --> Created poi filters " << endl; task->SetCommonConstants(30, flowBands[0][0], flowBands[1][29]); if(debug) cout << " --> Set common constants " << endl; // set pair and event cuts if((deltaDip>0.005)&&(deltaDipMaxPt>0.005)) task->SetMaxDeltaDipAngleAndPt(deltaDip, deltaDipMaxPt); else cout << " --> Disabled Delta-Dip exclusion. <-- " << endl; task->SetCandidateEtaAndPt(POIEtaMin, POIEtaMax, 0., 10.); task->SetCentralityParameters(centrMin, centrMax, "TRK", "V0M", kTRUE, kFALSE); task->SetVertexZ(vertexZ); if(debug) cout << " --> Set pair cuts and event cuts" << endl; // set the kaon cuts, and specify the PID procedure which will be used task->SetPIDConfiguration(PIDconfig); if(debug) { cout << " ************ Configured PID routine ************ " << endl; cout << " 0 < " << PIDconfig[1] << " p_t, ITS || TPC with s < " << PIDconfig[0] << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] < 0.) cout << " --> TPC control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] > 0.) cout << " --> TPC control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[1] << " < " << PIDconfig[4] << " p_t, TPC || ITS with s < " << PIDconfig[3] << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] < 0.) cout << " --> ITS control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] > 0.) cout << " --> ITS control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[4] << " < 7 p_t, TPC / TOF Bayesian with p < " << PIDconfig[6] << endl; cout << " ************************************************ " << endl; } if (TPCStandAloneTracks) { // switch to tpc standalone tracks for POI selection if(debug) cout << " --> Switching to TPC standalone analsis " << endl; task->SetRequireStrictKaonCuts(); task->SetRequireTPCStandAloneKaons(); } // create and configure IO containers AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput = mgr->GetCommonInputContainer(); AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutHist = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("PhiV2_%s", OutputName(centrMin, centrMax,PIDconfig, suffixName, bCentralTrigger, EtaGap, POIEtaMin, POIEtaMax, 0., 10., deltaDip, deltaDipMaxPt, DCA, harm, TPCStandAloneTracks, vertexZ, debug, useGlobalRPCuts).Data()), TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, fileName); if(debug) cout << " --> Created IO containers " << cinput << ", " << coutHist << endl; mgr->AddTask(task); if(debug) cout << " === ADDING MAIN TASK == " << endl; mgr->ConnectInput(task, 0, cinput); mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, coutHist); if(debug) cout << " --> Connected IO containers " << endl; if (SP || EP || QC || SPSUB) // if flow analysis should be done after reconstruction { if(debug) cout << " === RECEIVED REQUEST FOR FLOW ANALYSIS === " << endl; AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("FC%s", suffixName.Data()), AliFlowEventSimple::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kExchangeContainer); mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 2, flowEvent); if(debug) cout << " --> Created IO containers " << flowEvent << endl; if(debug) cout << " --> suffixName " << suffixName << endl; for (int mb = 0; mb != 30; ++mb) { if (QC) { // add qc tasks AddQCmethod(Form("QCTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), harm, flowEvent, POIfilterQC[mb], debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging QC task ... " << mb << " succes! "<< endl; } if (SPSUB) { // add sp subevent tasks AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -.5*EtaGap, .5*EtaGap, +0.8, "Qa", harm, flowEvent, POIfilterSP[mb][1], NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, true, suffixName.Data(), VZERO_SP, fullUforVZERO_SP); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP Qa task " << mb << " succes!" << endl; AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -.5*EtaGap, .5*EtaGap, +0.8, "Qb", harm, flowEvent, POIfilterSP[mb][0], NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, true, suffixName.Data(), VZERO_SP, fullUforVZERO_SP); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP Qb task ..." << mb << " succes!"<< endl; } if (SP) { // add sp tasks AddSPmethod(Form("SPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -0.0, +0.0, +0.8, "QaQb", harm, flowEvent, POIfilterQC[mb], NULL, false, shrinkSP, debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging SP task ... " << mb << " succes!" << endl; } if (EP) { // add ep tasks AddSPmethod(Form("EPTPCMB_%d_%s", mb, suffixName.Data()), -0.8, -0.0, +0.0, +0.8, "QaQb", harm, flowEvent, POIfilterQC[mb], NULL, true, shrinkSP, debug, 0x0, suffixName.Data()); if(debug) cout << " --> Hanging EP task ... " << mb << " succes!" << endl; } } } // print summary to screen cout << endl << endl << " ==== AddTaskPhiFlow launched ===== " << endl; cout << " ************ Configured PID routine ************ " << endl; cout << " 0 < " << PIDconfig[1] << " p_t, ITS || TPC with s < " << PIDconfig[0] << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] < 0.) cout << " --> TPC control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[2] > 0.) cout << " --> TPC control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[1] << " < " << PIDconfig[4] << " p_t, TPC || ITS with s < " << PIDconfig[3] << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] < 0.) cout << " --> ITS control disabled " << endl; if(PIDconfig[5] > 0.) cout << " --> ITS control enabled " << endl; cout << " " << PIDconfig[4] << " < 7 p_t, TPC / TOF Bayesian with p < " << PIDconfig[6] << endl; cout << " ************ Configured DCA setup ************** " << endl; cout << " DCA type: " << DCA; if (DCA == "") cout << "default"; cout << endl << " ************* Task statisti:q!cs ****************** " << endl; cout << " -> Launched PHI reconstruction " << endl; if(SP) cout << " --> Launched 30 QaQb SP filters and corresponding 30 SP tasks " << endl; if(EP) cout << " --> Launched 30 QaQb QC filters and corresponding 30 EP tasks " << endl; if(SPSUB) cout << " --> Launched 30+30 Qa&&Qb SP filters and corresponding 30+30 SP tasks " << endl; if(QC) cout << " --> Launched 30 QaQb QC filters and corresponding 30 QC tasks " << endl; if(EP3sub) cout << " --> Launched VZERO subevent analysis alongside reconstruction - USE WITH CAUTION!" << endl; cout << " ************************************************ " << endl; TString condit = ""; (task->SetQA(kFALSE)) ? condit+= " --> Enabled QA plots <-- " : condit+= " --> Disabled QA plots <-- "; (task->SetIsMC(kFALSE)) ? condit+= " --> MC mode <-- " : condit+= " --> DATA mode <-- "; (task->UseEventMixing(event_mixing, kTRUE)) ? condit+= " --> Using EVENT MIXING <--" : condit+= "--> Combinatorial background <--"; cout << condit << endl; cout << " --> Now go for a coffee! <-- " << endl; cout << " ************************************************ " << endl; return task; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AddSPmethod(char *name, double minEtaA, double maxEtaA, double minEtaB, double maxEtaB, char *Qvector, int harmonic, AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent, AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsPOI = NULL, AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsRFP = NULL, bool bEP, bool shrink = false, bool debug, bool etagap = false, char *suffixName, Bool_t VZERO_SP = kFALSE, Bool_t fullUforVZERO_SP = kFALSE) { // add sp task and invm filter tasks if(debug) (bEP) ? cout << " ****** Reveived request for EP task ****** " << endl : cout << " ******* Switching to SP task ******* " << endl; TString fileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(); (bEP) ? fileName+=":EP" : fileName+=":SP"; fileName+=suffixName; if(etagap) { fileName+="_SUBEVENTS"; if(debug) cout << " --> Setting up subevent analysis <-- " << endl; } if(debug) cout << " --> fileName " << fileName << endl; TString myNameSP; (bEP) ? myNameSP = Form("%sEPv%d%s", name, harmonic, Qvector): myNameSP = Form("%sSPv%d%s", name, harmonic, Qvector); if(debug) cout << " Task and filter name: " << myNameSP << endl; AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent2 = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("Filter_%s", myNameSP.Data()), AliFlowEventSimple::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kExchangeContainer); AliAnalysisTaskFilterFE *tskFilter = new AliAnalysisTaskFilterFE(Form("TaskFilter_%s", myNameSP.Data()), cutsRFP, cutsPOI); tskFilter->SetSubeventEtaRange(minEtaA, maxEtaA, minEtaB, maxEtaB); if(VZERO_SP) { tskFilter->SetSubeventEtaRange(-10, -1, 1, 10); if(fullUforVZERO_SP) { printf(" > NOTE: Using full TPC as POI selection u < \n"); cutsPOI->SetEtaMin(-0.8); cutsPOI->SetEtaMax(0.8); } else { printf(" > NOTE: Using half of TPC as POI selection u < \n"); } } mgr->AddTask(tskFilter); mgr->ConnectInput(tskFilter, 0, flowEvent); mgr->ConnectOutput(tskFilter, 1, flowEvent2); AliAnalysisDataContainer *outSP = mgr->CreateContainer(myNameSP.Data(), TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, fileName); AliAnalysisTaskScalarProduct *tskSP = new AliAnalysisTaskScalarProduct(Form("TaskScalarProduct_%s", myNameSP.Data()), kFALSE); tskSP->SetApplyCorrectionForNUA(kTRUE); tskSP->SetHarmonic(harmonic); tskSP->SetTotalQvector(Qvector); if (bEP) tskSP->SetBehaveAsEP(); if (shrink) tskSP->SetBookOnlyBasicCCH(kTRUE); mgr->AddTask(tskSP); mgr->ConnectInput(tskSP, 0, flowEvent2); mgr->ConnectOutput(tskSP, 1, outSP); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AddQCmethod(char *name, int harmonic, AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent, AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsPOI = NULL, Bool_t debug, AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsRFP = NULL, char *suffixName) { // add qc task and invm filter tasks if(debug) cout << " ****** Received request for QC v" << harmonic << " task " << name << ", POI " << cutsPOI << ", IO ****** " << flowEvent << endl; TString fileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(); fileName+=":QC"; fileName+=suffixName; if(debug) cout << " --> Common filename: " << fileName << endl; TString myName = Form("%s", name); if(debug) cout << " --> myName: " << myName << endl; AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliAnalysisDataContainer *flowEvent2 = mgr->CreateContainer(Form("Filter_%s", myName.Data()), AliFlowEventSimple::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kExchangeContainer); AliAnalysisTaskFilterFE *tskFilter = new AliAnalysisTaskFilterFE(Form("TaskFilter_%s", myName.Data()), cutsRFP, cutsPOI); mgr->AddTask(tskFilter); mgr->ConnectInput(tskFilter, 0, flowEvent); mgr->ConnectOutput(tskFilter, 1, flowEvent2); AliAnalysisDataContainer *outQC = mgr->CreateContainer(myName.Data(), TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, fileName); AliAnalysisTaskQCumulants *tskQC = new AliAnalysisTaskQCumulants(Form("TaskQCumulants_%s", myName.Data()), kFALSE); tskQC->SetApplyCorrectionForNUA(kTRUE); tskQC->SetHarmonic(harmonic); tskQC->SetBookOnlyBasicCCH(kTRUE); mgr->AddTask(tskQC); mgr->ConnectInput(tskQC, 0, flowEvent2); mgr->ConnectOutput(tskQC, 1, outQC); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString OutputName( Float_t centrMin, Float_t centrMax, Double_t PIDconfig[7], TString suffixName, Bool_t bCentralTrigger, Float_t EtaGap, Float_t POIEtaMin, Float_t POIEtaMax, Float_t POIPtMin, Float_t POIPtMax, Float_t deltaDip, Float_t deltaDipMaxPt, TString DCA, Int_t harm, Bool_t TPCStandAloneTracks, Float_t vertexZ, Bool_t debug, Bool_t useGlobalRPCuts) { // generate output name TString centralityName = ""; centralityName += suffixName; centralityName += "_DCA"; centralityName += DCA; centralityName += Form("_vZ%.f", vertexZ); centralityName += "_"; for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) centralityName += Form("%.1f_", PIDconfig[i]); centralityName += "_POIEta"; centralityName += Form("%.1f", POIEtaMin); centralityName += Form("%.1f", POIEtaMax); centralityName += "_gap"; centralityName += Form("%.1f", -0.5*EtaGap); centralityName += Form("%.1f", 0.5*EtaGap); centralityName += "_"; centralityName += Form("dDip%.2f", deltaDip); centralityName += "-"; centralityName += Form("dDipPt%.2f", deltaDipMaxPt); if (TPCStandAloneTracks) { centralityName += "-"; centralityName += "TPCStandAloneTracks"; } if (bCentralTrigger) { centralityName += "-"; centralityName += "kMBkCkSC"; } if (!useGlobalRPCuts) { centralityName += "-"; centralityName += "TPCRP"; } if(debug) cout << " --> centralityName " << centralityName << endl; return centralityName; } //_____________________________________________________________________________