//============================================================================// // Macro makeWeights.C is used to make phi, pt and eta weights. Before using // // this macro you should already have available output file "AnalysisResults" // // with results from various flow analysis methods. When calling this macro // // you must specify the analysis type and flow analysis method whose output // // file will be used to make the weights for the subsequent runs. See bellow // // for available options for analysis type and flow analysis method. Remark: // // for cumulants, GFC and QC, you must also specify the cumulant order. // //============================================================================// //========================= phi-weights ===================================// // Phi-weights are obtained by inverting the azimuthal acceptance profile. // // This procedure fails if there is a phi bin with no entries. In order to // // avoid this one can attempt to rebin original histogram and make binning // // in phi coarser: // Bool_t rebinOriginalPhiHistogram = kTRUE; Int_t nMerge = 4; // indicates how many original bins will be merged into one new bin //========================= pt-weights ========================= // You can make pt-weights in three different ways: // 1.) pt-weights are growing linearly as a function of pt for // pt <= ptCutoff. For pt > ptCutoff the pt-weights are // constant and equal to ptMax. To enable this option set // useLinearPtWeights = kTRUE; // 2.) pt-weights are growing quadratically as a function of pt // for pt <= ptCutoff. For pt > ptCutoff the pt-weights are // constant and equal to ptMax. To enable this option set // useQadraticPtWeights = kTRUE; // 3.) pt-weights are simply v(pt) from the specified method's // result for differential flow vs pt. To enable this option // set useLinearPtWeights = kFALSE and useQadraticPtWeights = kFALSE. Double_t ptCutoff = 2; // in GeV Double_t ptWeightsMax = 0.2; Bool_t useLinearPtWeights = kTRUE; Bool_t useQuadraticPtWeights = kFALSE; //========================= eta-weights ======================== // Eta-weights are simply v(eta) from the specified method's // result for differential flow vs eta. //============================================================== // Name of the common output file: TString outputFileName = "AnalysisResults.root"; //TString outputFileName = "outputCentrality0.root"; enum libModes {mLocal,mLocalSource}; //void makeWeights(TString type="", TString method="GFC", TString cumulantOrder="4th", Int_t mode=mLocalSource) void makeWeights(TString type="ESD", TString method="SP", TString cumulantOrder="", Int_t mode=mLocal) { // 1. type: "ESD", "AOD", "ESDMCkineESD", "ESDMCkineMC", for Monte Carlo and 'on the fly' use simply "", ; // 2. method: MCEP, LYZ1, LYZ2, LYZEP, SP, FQD, GFC or QC; // 3. cumulantOrder: 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th; // 4. mode: if mode = mLocal -> analyze data on your computer using aliroot // if mode = mLocalSource -> analyze data on your computer using root + source files // Cross-check if the user's settings make sense: CrossCheckSettings(); // Load needed libraries: LoadLibrariesMW(mode); // Access the common output file: TFile *outputFile = NULL; if(!(gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s%s%s",gSystem->pwd(),"/",outputFileName.Data()),kFileExists))) { outputFile = TFile::Open(outputFileName.Data(),"READ"); } else { cout<pwd()<<" !!!!"<FindObjectAny(methodFileName.Data()); TList *methodList = NULL; if(methodFile) { TList* listTemp = methodFile->GetListOfKeys(); if(listTemp && listTemp->GetEntries() == 1) { TString listName = listTemp->At(0)->GetName(); // to be improved - implemented better (use dynamic_cast instead) methodFile->GetObject(listName.Data(),methodList); } else { cout<<" WARNING: Accessing TList from TDirectoryFile failed for method "< methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method.Data())); commonHistRes = dynamic_cast methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%s",method.Data())); } else if(method=="GFC") // GFC has distinct common hist results for different cumulant orders (but control histos are the same for different orders) { commonHist = dynamic_cast methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method.Data())); commonHistRes = dynamic_cast methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data())); } else // this is for sure QC - treated separately because it has distinct both common control and result histograms for different QC orders { commonHist = dynamic_cast methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data())); commonHistRes = dynamic_cast methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data())); } if(!commonHist) { cout<SetOptStat(0); // remove statistic box from all histograms // phi-weights: TH1F *phiWeights = (TH1F*)commonHist->GetHistPhiRP()->Clone("phi_weights"); // to be improved (transferred into TH1D eventually) phiWeights->SetTitle("#phi-weights: correcting for non-uniform acceptance"); phiWeights->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}"); phiWeights->SetXTitle("#phi"); if(rebinOriginalPhiHistogram) { phiWeights->Rebin(nMerge); } Int_t nBinsPhi = 0; // number of phi bins Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhi = 0; // number of empty phi bins Double_t nParticlesInBin = 0.; // number of particles in particular phi bin Double_t nParticlesPerBin = 0.; // average number of particles per phi bin Double_t nParticles = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins // calculate phi-weights: nBinsPhi = phiWeights->GetNbinsX(); nParticles = phiWeights->Integral(); if(nBinsPhi) nParticlesPerBin = nParticles/nBinsPhi; for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhi;b++) { Double_t wPhi = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin nParticlesInBin = phiWeights->GetBinContent(b); if(nParticlesInBin) { wPhi = nParticlesPerBin/nParticlesInBin; } else { counterOfEmptyBinsPhi++; } phiWeights->SetBinContent(b,wPhi); phiWeights->SetBinError(b,0.); } if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhi) { weightsList->Add(phiWeights); cout<<"Phi weights created."< GetHistPhiSub0()->Clone("phi_weights_sub0"); phiWeightsSub0->SetTitle("#phi-weights for subevent 0"); phiWeightsSub0->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}"); phiWeightsSub0->SetXTitle("#phi"); if(rebinOriginalPhiHistogram) { phiWeightsSub0->Rebin(nMerge); } Int_t nBinsPhiSub0 = 0; // number of phi bins Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0 = 0; // number of empty phi bins Double_t nParticlesInBinSub0 = 0.; // number of particles in this phi bin Double_t nParticlesPerBinSub0 = 0.; // average number of particles/bin Double_t nParticlesSub0 = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins //subevent 1 TH1F *phiWeightsSub1 = (TH1F*)commonHist-> GetHistPhiSub1()->Clone("phi_weights_sub1"); phiWeightsSub1->SetTitle("#phi-weights for subevent 0"); phiWeightsSub1->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}"); phiWeightsSub1->SetXTitle("#phi"); if(rebinOriginalPhiHistogram) { phiWeightsSub1->Rebin(nMerge); } Int_t nBinsPhiSub1 = 0; // number of phi bins Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1 = 0; // number of empty phi bins Double_t nParticlesInBinSub1 = 0.; // number of particles in this phi bin Double_t nParticlesPerBinSub1 = 0.; // average number of particles/bin Double_t nParticlesSub1 = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins // calculate phi-weights for subevent 0: nBinsPhiSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->GetNbinsX(); nParticlesSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->Integral(); if(nBinsPhiSub0) nParticlesPerBinSub0 = nParticlesSub0/nBinsPhiSub0; for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhiSub0;b++) { Double_t wPhiSub0 = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin nParticlesInBinSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->GetBinContent(b); if(nParticlesInBinSub0) { wPhiSub0 = nParticlesPerBinSub0/nParticlesInBinSub0; } else { counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0++; } phiWeightsSub0->SetBinContent(b,wPhiSub0); phiWeightsSub0->SetBinError(b,0.); } if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0) { weightsList->Add(phiWeightsSub0); cout<<"Phi weights created for subevent 0."<GetNbinsX(); nParticlesSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->Integral(); if(nBinsPhiSub1) nParticlesPerBinSub1 = nParticlesSub1/nBinsPhiSub1; for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhiSub1;b++) { Double_t wPhiSub1 = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin nParticlesInBinSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->GetBinContent(b); if(nParticlesInBinSub1) { wPhiSub1 = nParticlesPerBinSub1/nParticlesInBinSub1; } else { counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1++; } phiWeightsSub1->SetBinContent(b,wPhiSub1); phiWeightsSub1->SetBinError(b,0.); } if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1) { weightsList->Add(phiWeightsSub1); cout<<"Phi weights created for subevent 1."<GetPtMin(); Double_t ptMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPtMax(); Int_t nBinsPt = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsPt(); Double_t ptBinWidth = 0.; if(nBinsPt) ptBinWidth = (ptMax-ptMin)/nBinsPt; TH1D *ptWeights = new TH1D("pt_weights","",nBinsPt,ptMin,ptMax); ptWeights->SetXTitle("p_{t} [GeV]"); ptWeights->SetYTitle("w_{p_{T}}"); if(useLinearPtWeights) { ptWeights->SetTitle("Linear p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal"); } else if(useQuadraticPtWeights) { ptWeights->SetTitle("Quadratic p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal"); } else { ptWeights->SetTitle("Differential flow as p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal"); } // calculate pt weights: for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPt;b++) { if(useLinearPtWeights) { if(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth < ptCutoff) { ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth)*(ptWeightsMax/ptCutoff)); } else { ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,ptWeightsMax); } if(b==nBinsPt) { weightsList->Add(ptWeights); cout<<"Pt weights (linear) created."<SetBinContent(b,pow(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth,2.)*(ptWeightsMax/pow(ptCutoff,2.))); } else { ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,ptWeightsMax); } if(b==nBinsPt) { weightsList->Add(ptWeights); cout<<"Pt weights (quadratic) created."<SetBinContent(b,commonHistRes->GetHistDiffFlowPtPOI()->GetBinContent(b)); if(b==nBinsPt) { weightsList->Add(ptWeights); cout<<"Pt weights (from differential flow) created."<GetHistDiffFlowEtaPOI()->Clone("eta_weights"); etaWeights->SetXTitle("#eta [GeV]"); etaWeights->SetYTitle("w_{#eta}"); etaWeights->SetTitle("Differential flow as #eta-weights: optimizing the flow signal"); if(etaWeights) { weightsList->Add(etaWeights); cout<<"Eta weights (from differential flow) created."<WriteObject(weightsList,"weights","SingleKey"); cout<<"New file \"weights.root\" created to hold those phi, pt and eta weights."<Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libXMLIO"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); //---------------------------------------------------------- // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<< //---------------------------------------------------------- if (mode==mLocal) { //-------------------------------------------------------- // If you want to use already compiled libraries // in the aliroot distribution //-------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== //load needed libraries: gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include"); //gSystem->Load("libTree"); // for AliRoot gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/include"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase"); //cerr<<"libPWGflowBase loaded ..."<LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowCommonConstants.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowLYZConstants.cxx+"); // Flow event gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowVector.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowTrackSimple.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowTrackSimpleCuts.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowEventSimple.cxx+"); // Output histosgrams gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowCommonHist.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowCommonHistResults.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowLYZHist1.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("BaseAliFlowLYZHist2.cxx+"); cout << "finished loading macros!" << endl; } } // end of void LoadLibrariesMW(const libModes mode)