// Macro plotCumulants.C is used to represent true correlations, a.k.a. cumulants, // as a function of reference multiplicity. Different order cumulants provide // independent estimates of the flow harmonics. In the ideal case when only flow // correlations are present we have: // c{2} = v^2, c{4} = -v^4, c{6} = 4v^6 and c{8} = -33v^8. // In practice cumulants can are calculated via Q-vectors (QC) or via formalism // of generating functions (GFC). // Set how many output analysis files in total you want to access: const Int_t nFiles = 2; // Set how many of those output analysis files you want to represent with a mesh (usually used to represent results of simulations): const Int_t nSim = 0; // Set paths of all output analysis files (first the ones to be represented with mesh (simulations), then the ones to be represented with markers (real data)) TString files[nFiles] = {"trackletsCorrectedNUA","default"}; // subdirectory names holding .root //TString files[nFiles] = {"outputCentrality0","outputCentrality1"}; // file names (use case: centrality train) // Set analysis types for all output analysis files (can be "ESD","AOD","MC","","MK", ....): TString type[nFiles] = {"ESD","ESD"}; //TString type[nFiles] = {"MK","MK"}; // Set mesh color: Int_t meshColor[nSim] = {}; // Set marker styles: Int_t markerStyle[nFiles-nSim] = {kFullSquare,kOpenSquare}; // Set marker colors: Int_t markerColor[nFiles-nSim] = {kBlack,kRed}; // Set legend entries: TString legendEntry[nFiles] = {"",""}; // Set if you want to rebin the histograms into wider multiplicity bins (set for each cumulant order separately): Bool_t rebin = kFALSE; Int_t nMergedBins[4] = {10,10,10,10}; // set how many original multiplicity bins will be merged into 1 new one // Set if you whish to plot cumulants versus (by default they are plotted versus # of RPs): Bool_t plotCumulantsVsReferenceMultiplicity = kFALSE; Bool_t showReferenceMultiplicityVsNoOfRPs = kFALSE; // Set flow values whose theoretical contribution to cumulants will be shown on the plots with the straight coloured lines: Bool_t showTheoreticalLines = kFALSE; const Int_t nFlowValues = 1; Double_t v[nFlowValues] = {0.05}; Int_t lineColor[nFlowValues] = {kRed}; // If the statistical error of 6th and 8th order cumulant is huge you may prefer not to show them: Bool_t plotOnly2ndAnd4thOrderCumulant = kFALSE; // Set if you want independent canvas with results for reference flow vs multiplicity: Bool_t showRefFlowVsM = kTRUE; Int_t refFlowVsMMarkerStyle[nFiles] = {kFullSquare,kOpenSquare}; // marker style is different for different file Int_t refFlowVsMMarkerColor[4] = {kBlack,kRed,kBlue,kGreen+2}; // marker color is different for different cumulant order Int_t refFlowVsMeshOrder = -1; // set results of which order will be plotted as mesh in all pads [0=2nd, 1=4th, 2=6th, 3=8th, -1=do not show] Int_t refFlowVsMMeshColor = kRed-10; // mesh color for above specified order Double_t refFlowVsMxRange[2] = {1.,11000.}; // x range on the plots for reference multiplicity vs M Double_t refFlowVsMyRange[2] = {0.0,0.194}; // x range on the plots for reference multiplicity vs M // Set if you want to show theoretical curves for the toy model: Bool_t showToyModel = kFALSE; const Int_t nToyModels = 2; // number of toy models with different parameters k, vn, v2n Double_t k[nToyModels] = {2.,4.}; Double_t vn[nToyModels] = {0.25,0.25}; Double_t v2n[nToyModels] = {0.0,0.0}; Int_t lineColorToyModel[nToyModels] = {kBlack,kRed}; // For comparison sake show also GFC results with dotted line: Bool_t showAlsoGFCResults = kFALSE; Int_t gfcLineStyle = 3; // For comparison sake show also Monte Carlo QC results with coloured mesh: Bool_t showAlsoMCEPResults = kFALSE; Bool_t showOnlyMCEPResults = kFALSE; Int_t mcepMeshColor[nSim] = {}; // Set the naming convention: Bool_t bLookInSubdirectories = kFALSE; // if kTRUE: Look in subdirectories , , ..., for output files // if kFALSE: Look in for files .root, .root, .... TString commonOutputFileName = "AnalysisResults.root"; // Set method names which calculate cumulants vs multiplicity (do not touch these settings unless you are looking for a trouble): const Int_t nMethods = 3; TString method[nMethods] = {"QC","GFC","MCEP"}; TFile *commonOutputFiles[nFiles] = {NULL}; // common output files "AnalysisResults.root" TList *lists[nFiles][nMethods] = {{NULL}}; // lists cobj holding objects with results for each method TH1D *cumulantsVsM[nFiles][nMethods][4] = {{{NULL}}}; // histograms with results for cumulants vs multiplicity (4 stands for 4 cumulant orders) TH1D *refFlowVsM[nFiles][nMethods][4] = {{{NULL}}}; // histograms with results for reference flow vs multiplicity (4 stands for 4 cumulant orders) TGraph *lines[nFlowValues][4] = {{NULL}}; // lines denoting theoretical flow contribution to cumulants TProfile *refMultVsNoOfRPs[nFiles] = {NULL}; // versus # of RPs TF1 *toyModel[2][nToyModels] = {{NULL}}; // [cumulant order][number of toy models] // Ranges for plots: Double_t xMin[4]={0.}; Double_t xMax[4]={0.}; Double_t yMin[4]={0.}; Double_t yMax[4]={0.}; enum libModes {mLocal,mLocalSource}; void plotCumulants(Int_t analysisMode=mLocal) { // analysisMode: if analysisMode = mLocal -> analyze data on your computer using aliroot // if analysisMode = mLocalSource -> analyze data on your computer using root + source files // Cross-check user settings: CrossCheckSettings(); // Load needed libraries: LoadLibrariesPC(analysisMode); // Global settings which will affect all plots: GlobalSettings(); // Access all common output files: AccessCommonOutputFiles(commonOutputFileName); // Get from common output files the lists holding histograms for each method: GetLists(); // Get histograms with results for cumulants vs multiplicity: GetHistograms(); // Determine ranges for plots: DetermineMinMax(); // Make lines which indicate theoretical contributions of flow to cumulants: Lines(); // Print number of events and average multiplicities for each common output file: Print(); // Make plots for cumulants vs multiplicity: // to be improved PlotCumulantsVsM(); // Make plots for reference flow vs multiplicity: if(showRefFlowVsM){PlotRefFlowVsM();} } // end of void plotCumulants(Int_t analysisMode=mLocal) // ===================================================================================== void PlotRefFlowVsM() { // Make plots for reference flow vs multiplicity. // Calculate reference flow from cumulants vs M: CalculateReferenceFlowFromCumulantsVsM(); TCanvas *cRefFlowVsM = new TCanvas("cRefFlowVsM","Reference Flow"); cRefFlowVsM->Divide(2,2); TLegend *lRefFlowVsM = new TLegend(0.1,0.7,0.33,0.9); lRefFlowVsM->SetFillStyle(0); lRefFlowVsM->SetHeader(" Therminator (20-30%)"); TString refFlowVsMFlag[4] = {"v_{2}{2,QC}","v_{2}{4,QC}","v_{2}{6,QC}","v_{2}{8,QC}"}; for(Int_t f=0;fcd(co+1); // Style histogram: if(f==0) // superimpose histograms from other files on top of this one { TH1D *styleHist = (TH1D*)StyleHist(refFlowVsMFlag[co].Data(),co)->Clone(); if(styleHist) { styleHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(refFlowVsMxRange[0],refFlowVsMxRange[1]); styleHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(refFlowVsMyRange[0],refFlowVsMyRange[1]); styleHist->Draw(); } } // end of if(f==0) // Plot first the mesh for reference flow of specified order in all pads: if(refFlowVsMeshOrder != -1) { TGraph *rfMeshOutOf = GetErrorMesh(refFlowVsM[f][m][refFlowVsMeshOrder]); if(rfMeshOutOf) { rfMeshOutOf->SetFillColor(refFlowVsMMeshColor); rfMeshOutOf->Draw("lfsame"); if(refFlowVsMeshOrder==co){lRefFlowVsM->AddEntry(rfMeshOutOf,Form("v_{2}{%i,QC} stat. error",2*(refFlowVsMeshOrder+1)),"f");} } } // end of if(refFlowVsMeshOrder != -1) // Plot reference flow vs M: refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->SetMarkerStyle(refFlowVsMMarkerStyle[f]); refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->SetMarkerColor(refFlowVsMMarkerColor[co]); refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->Draw("e1same"); lRefFlowVsM->AddEntry(refFlowVsM[f][m][co],Form("v_{2}{%i,QC}, %s",2*(co+1),files[f].Data()),"p"); } // end of for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) // cumulant order } // end of for(Int_t m=0;mcd(1); lRefFlowVsM->Draw("same"); } // end of void PlotRefFlowVsM() // ===================================================================================== void PlotCumulantsVsM() { // Make plots for cumulants vs multiplicity: // to be improved TCanvas *c = NULL; Int_t coMax = 0; if(!plotOnly2ndAnd4thOrderCumulant) { c = new TCanvas("c","cumulants"); c->Divide(2,2); coMax = 4; } else { c = new TCanvas("c","cumulants",1200,500); c->Divide(2,1); coMax = 2; } TLegend *legend = new TLegend(0.1,0.7,0.33,0.9); legend->SetFillStyle(0); //legend->SetHeader(" minClustersTpcRP"); TString qcFlag[4] = {"QC{2}","QC{4}","QC{6}","QC{8}"}; for(Int_t co=0;cocd(co+1); TH1D *styleHist = (TH1D*) StyleHist(qcFlag[co].Data(),co)->Clone(); if(styleHist){styleHist->Draw();} if(co==0) { if(showToyModel) { for(Int_t ntm=0;ntmSetLineColor(lineColorToyModel[ntm]); tm->Draw("same"); } } // for(Int_t ntm=0;ntmSetLineColor(lineColorToyModel[ntm]); tm->Draw("same"); } } // for(Int_t ntm=0;ntmSetFillColor(mcepMeshColor[s]); mcepQC->Draw("lfsame"); } if(co==0){legend->AddEntry(mcepQC,Form("%s (MC)",legendEntry[s].Data()),"f");} } // end of if(showAlsoMCEPResults) // QC: TGraph *errorMesh = GetErrorMesh(cumulantsVsM[s][0][co]); if(errorMesh) { errorMesh->SetFillColor(meshColor[s]); if(!(showOnlyMCEPResults && showAlsoMCEPResults)){errorMesh->Draw("lfsame");} } if(co==0 && !(showOnlyMCEPResults && showAlsoMCEPResults)){legend->AddEntry(errorMesh,legendEntry[s].Data(),"f");} } // end of if(Int_t s=0;sDraw("lsame"); if(co==0){legend->AddEntry(lines[fv][co],Form("v_{2} = %g",v[fv]),"l");} } } // data: for(Int_t f=nSim;fDraw("e1same"); cumulantsVsM[f][0][co]->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle[f-nSim]); cumulantsVsM[f][0][co]->SetMarkerColor(markerColor[f-nSim]); if(co==0) { if(showAlsoGFCResults) { legend->AddEntry(cumulantsVsM[f][0][co],Form("%s (QC)",legendEntry[f].Data()),"p"); } else { legend->AddEntry(cumulantsVsM[f][0][co],legendEntry[f].Data(),"p"); } } } // GFC results: if(showAlsoGFCResults && cumulantsVsM[f][1][co]) { cumulantsVsM[f][1][co]->Draw("lsame"); cumulantsVsM[f][1][co]->SetLineStyle(gfcLineStyle); if(co==0){legend->AddEntry(cumulantsVsM[f][1][co],Form("%s (GFC)",legendEntry[f].Data()),"l");} } } // Draw legend: if(co==0){legend->Draw("same");} } // end of for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) // cumulant order // Plot also vs # of RPs: if(plotCumulantsVsReferenceMultiplicity && showReferenceMultiplicityVsNoOfRPs) { TCanvas *cRefMultVsNoOfRPs = new TCanvas("cRefMultVsNoOfRPs","#LTreference multiplicity#GT vs # of RPs",1200,600); cRefMultVsNoOfRPs->Divide(nFiles,1); for(Int_t f=0;fcd(f+1); if(refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]) { refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->SetTitle(legendEntry[f].Data()); refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->FindLastBinAbove()); refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->Draw(); } else { cout< not supported yet !!!!"<SetPoint(0,xMin[0],pow(v[fv],2)); lines[fv][0]->SetPoint(1,xMax[0]+0.5,pow(v[fv],2)); lines[fv][0]->SetLineColor(lineColor[fv]); lines[fv][1] = new TGraph(2); lines[fv][1]->SetPoint(0,xMin[1],-pow(v[fv],4)); lines[fv][1]->SetPoint(1,xMax[1]+0.5,-pow(v[fv],4)); lines[fv][1]->SetLineColor(lineColor[fv]); lines[fv][2] = new TGraph(2); lines[fv][2]->SetPoint(0,xMin[2],4.*pow(v[fv],6)); lines[fv][2]->SetPoint(1,xMax[2]+0.5,4.*pow(v[fv],6)); lines[fv][2]->SetLineColor(lineColor[fv]); lines[fv][3] = new TGraph(2); lines[fv][3]->SetPoint(0,xMin[3],-33.*pow(v[fv],8)); lines[fv][3]->SetPoint(1,xMax[3]+0.5,-33.*pow(v[fv],8)); lines[fv][3]->SetLineColor(lineColor[fv]); } } // end of void Lines() // ===================================================================================== TF1* ToyModel(Int_t co, Double_t k, Double_t vn, Double_t v2n) { // Make theoretical curves for the toy model. TF1 *function = NULL; if(co==0) { function = new TF1("function","([1]*[1]*(x-0.5-[0])+[0]-1)/((x-0.5)-1)",1.5,1000); function->SetParameter(0,k); function->SetParameter(1,vn); } else if(co==1) { function = new TF1("function","-1.*([1]*[1]*[1]*[1]*([0]-(x-0.5))*(12.*[0]-6.*[0]*[0]-12.*(x-0.5)-5.*[0]*(x-0.5)+6.*[0]*[0]*(x-0.5)+9.*(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)-3.*[0]*(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)-(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)*(x-0.5))+[1]*[1]*4.*([0]-1.)*(x-0.5-[0])*([0]*(x-0.5-1.)-2.*(x-0.5-2.))-[1]*[1]*[2]*2.*(x-0.5-1.)*([0]-1.)*(x-0.5-[0])*(x-0.5-2.*[0])-[2]*[2]*([0]-1.)*([0]-1.)*((x-0.5)-[0])*(x-0.5-1.)+([0]-1.)*(-6.+9*[0]-[0]*[0]+2.*(x-0.5)-5.*[0]*(x-0.5)+[0]*[0]*(x-0.5)))/((x-0.5-1.)*(x-0.5-1.)*(x-0.5-2.)*(x-0.5-3.))",3.5,100); function->SetParameter(0,k); function->SetParameter(1,vn); function->SetParameter(2,v2n); } return function; } // end of TF1* ToyModel(Int_t co) // ===================================================================================== void CalculateReferenceFlowFromCumulantsVsM() { // Calculate reference flow from cumulants vs M: for(Int_t f=0;fClone(Form("%i,%i,%i",f,m,co)); if(!refFlowVsM[f][m][co]){cout<<" WARNING: "<Reset(); // to have empty histogram with the same binning as the one with cumulants Int_t nBins = refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->GetNbinsX(); for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBins;b++) { Double_t qcVsM = cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]->GetBinContent(b); // QC vs M Double_t qcErrorVsM = cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]->GetBinError(b); // QC vs M stat. error Double_t vVsM = 0.; // reference flow vs M Double_t vErrorVsM = 0.; // reference flow vs M stat. error if(co==0) // 2nd order { if(qcVsM>0.) { vVsM = pow(qcVsM,1./2.); vErrorVsM = (1./2.)*pow(qcVsM,-1./2.)*qcErrorVsM; } } // end of if(co==0) 2nd order else if(co==1) // 4th order { if(qcVsM<0.) { vVsM = pow(-1.*qcVsM,1./4.); vErrorVsM = (1./4.)*pow(-qcVsM,-3./4.)*qcErrorVsM; } } // end of if(co==1) 4th order else if(co==2) // 6th order { if(qcVsM>0.) { vVsM = pow((1./4.)*qcVsM,1./6.); vErrorVsM = (1./6.)*pow(2.,-1./3.)*pow(qcVsM,-5./6.)*qcErrorVsM; } } // end of if(co==2) 6th order else if(co==3) // 8th order { if(qcVsM<0.) { vVsM = pow((-1./33.)*qcVsM,1./8.); vErrorVsM = (1./8.)*pow(33.,-1./8.)*pow(-qcVsM,-7./8.)*qcErrorVsM; } } // end of if(co==3) 8th order // Store final results and statisticial errror for reference flow: refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->SetBinContent(b,vVsM); refFlowVsM[f][m][co]->SetBinError(b,vErrorVsM); } // end of for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBins;b++) } else { cout<GetName()< (lists[f][m]->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method[m].Data()))); } Double_t nEvts = 0.; Double_t AvM = 0.; if(commonHist && commonHist->GetHistMultRP()) { nEvts = commonHist->GetHistMultRP()->GetEntries(); AvM = commonHist->GetHistMultRP()->GetMean(); } if(!(strcmp(method[m].Data(),"QC"))) { cout< = "< = "< (lists[f][m]->FindObject("Integrated Flow")); if(temp) {temp = dynamic_cast (temp->FindObject("Results"));} if(temp) { for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) { // Cumulants vs multiplicity: cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = dynamic_cast (temp->FindObject(Form("fIntFlowQcumulantsVsM, %s",qcFlag[co].Data()))); if(plotCumulantsVsReferenceMultiplicity && cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]) { cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = Map(cumulantsVsM[f][m][co],f); } if(rebin && cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]) { cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = Rebin(cumulantsVsM[f][m][co],co); } } // end of for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) } // end of if(temp) } // end of if(!(strcmp(method[m].Data(),"QC"))) else if(!(strcmp(method[m].Data(),"GFC")) && lists[f][m]) { temp = dynamic_cast (lists[f][m]->FindObject("Reference Flow")); if(temp) {temp = dynamic_cast (temp->FindObject("Results"));} if(temp) { for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) { cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = dynamic_cast (temp->FindObject(Form("fReferenceFlowCumulantsVsM, %s",gfcFlag[co].Data()))); if(showAlsoGFCResults && !cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]) { cout<GetName()<<" !!!!"< (lists[f][m]->FindObject("FlowPro_VsM_MCEP")); if(!mcepVsM) { cout<GetName()<<" !!!!"<GetNbinsX(),mcepVsM->GetBinLowEdge(1),mcepVsM->GetBinLowEdge(1+mcepVsM->GetNbinsX())); } // end of for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) for(Int_t b=1;b<=mcepVsM->GetNbinsX();b++) { Double_t v = mcepVsM->GetBinContent(b); Double_t vError = mcepVsM->GetBinError(b); if(TMath::Abs(v)<1.e-44 || TMath::Abs(vError)<1.e-44){continue;} // Monte Carlo QC{2}: Double_t qc2 = pow(v,2.); Double_t qc2Error = 2.*TMath::Abs(v)*vError; // error propagation for f(x) = x^2 cumulantsVsM[f][m][0]->SetBinContent(b,qc2); cumulantsVsM[f][m][0]->SetBinError(b,qc2Error); // Monte Carlo QC{4}: Double_t qc4 = -pow(v,4.); Double_t qc4Error = 4.*TMath::Abs(pow(v,3.))*vError; // error propagation for f(x) = -x^4 cumulantsVsM[f][m][1]->SetBinContent(b,qc4); cumulantsVsM[f][m][1]->SetBinError(b,qc4Error); // Monte Carlo QC{6}: Double_t qc6 = 4.*pow(v,6.); Double_t qc6Error = 24.*TMath::Abs(pow(v,5.))*vError; // error propagation for f(x) = 4x^6 cumulantsVsM[f][m][2]->SetBinContent(b,qc6); cumulantsVsM[f][m][2]->SetBinError(b,qc6Error); // Monte Carlo QC{8}: Double_t qc8 = -33.*pow(v,8.); Double_t qc8Error = 264.*TMath::Abs(pow(v,7.))*vError; // error propagation for f(x) = -33x^8 cumulantsVsM[f][m][3]->SetBinContent(b,qc8); cumulantsVsM[f][m][3]->SetBinError(b,qc8Error); } // end of for(Int_t b=1;b<=mcepVsM->GetNbinsX();b++) for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) { if(plotCumulantsVsReferenceMultiplicity && cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]) { cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = Map(cumulantsVsM[f][m][co],f); } if(rebin && cumulantsVsM[f][m][co]) { cumulantsVsM[f][m][co] = Rebin(cumulantsVsM[f][m][co],co); } } // end of for(Int_t co=0;co<4;co++) } // end of else if(!(strcmp(method[m].Data(),"MCEP"))) } // end of for(Int_t m=0;m vs number of Reference Particles (RPs). // Set here from which method's output file this profile will be accessed: TString methodName = "QC"; // Alternatives are GFC and MCEP Int_t i = -1; for(Int_t m=0;m (lists[f][i]->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method[i].Data()))); } else { cout<GetName())<GetRefMultVsNoOfRPs()) { refMultVsNoOfRPs[f] = commonHist->GetRefMultVsNoOfRPs(); } else { cout<GetRefMultVsNoOfRPs() is NULL in GetProfileRefMultVsNoOfRPs() !!!!"<. if(!refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]) { cout<FindFirstBinAbove(); // FindFirstBinAbove(Double_t threshold = 0, Int_t axis = 1) Int_t rpMaxBin = refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->FindLastBinAbove(); // FindLastBinAbove(Double_t threshold = 0, Int_t axis = 1) Int_t rmMinBin = 440000;; Int_t rmMaxBin = (Int_t)TMath::Floor(refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetMaximum()); for(Int_t rpBin=rpMinBin;rpBin<=rpMaxBin;rpBin++) // non-empty # of RPs bins { if(refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetBinContent(rpBin)>0. && refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetBinContent(rpBin)GetBinContent(rpBin)); } } // end of for(Int_t rpBin=rpMinBin;rpBin<=rpMaxBin;rpBin++) // non-empty # of RPs bins if(hist) { temp = (TH1D*) hist->Clone(); temp->Reset(); for(Int_t rmBin=rmMinBin;rmBin<=rmMaxBin;rmBin++) // reference multiplicity bins { Double_t value = 0.; Double_t error = 0.; Double_t dSum1 = 0.; // sum value_i/(error_i)^2 Double_t dSum2 = 0.; // sum 1/(error_i)^2 for(Int_t rpBin=rpMinBin;rpBin<=rpMaxBin;rpBin++) // # of RPs bins { if((Int_t)TMath::Floor(refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetBinContent(rpBin)) >= temp->GetBinLowEdge(rmBin) && (Int_t)TMath::Floor(refMultVsNoOfRPs[f]->GetBinContent(rpBin)) < temp->GetBinLowEdge(rmBin+1)) { value = hist->GetBinContent(rpBin); error = hist->GetBinError(rpBin); if(error>0.) { dSum1+=value/(error*error); dSum2+=1./(error*error); } } } // end of for(Int_t rpBin=1;rpBin<=nBins;rpBin++) // # of RPs bins if(dSum2>0.) { temp->SetBinContent(rmBin,dSum1/dSum2); temp->SetBinError(rmBin,pow(1./dSum2,0.5)); } } // end of for(Int_t rmBin=1;rmBin<=nBins;rmBin++) // reference multiplicity bins } // end of if(hist) return temp; } // end of Map() // ===================================================================================== TH1D* Rebin(TH1D *hist, Int_t co) { // Rebin original histograms. if(nMergedBins[co] == 0) { cout<GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); if(nBinsOld == 0){cout<<" WARNING: nBinsOld == 0 !!!!"<GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t xMaxOld = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Double_t binWidthOld = (xMaxOld-xMinOld)/nBinsOld; Int_t nBinsNew = TMath::Floor(nBinsOld/nMergedBins[co]); Double_t xMinNew = xMinOld; Double_t xMaxNew = xMinOld + nBinsNew*nMergedBins[co]*binWidthOld; TH1D *temp = new TH1D("","",nBinsNew,xMinNew,xMaxNew); // rebinned histogram Int_t binNew = 1; Double_t value = 0.; Double_t error = 0.; Double_t dSum1 = 0.; // sum value_i/(error_i)^2 Double_t dSum2 = 0.; // sum 1/(error_i)^2 for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsOld;b++) { value = hist->GetBinContent(b); error = hist->GetBinError(b); if(error>0.) { dSum1+=value/(error*error); dSum2+=1./(error*error); } if(b%nMergedBins[co] == 0) { if(dSum2>0.) { temp->SetBinContent(binNew,dSum1/dSum2); temp->SetBinError(binNew,pow(1./dSum2,0.5)); } binNew++; dSum1 = 0.; dSum2 = 0.; } // end of if(b%nMergedBins[co] == 0) } // end of for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsOld;b++) return temp; } // end of TH1D* Rebin(TH1D *hist, Int_t co) // ===================================================================================== TGraphErrors* GetGraphErrors(Int_t bin, Int_t nFiles, TH1D** qc) { TGraphErrors *ge = new TGraphErrors(nFiles); for(Int_t f=0;fSetPoint(f,f+0.5,qc[f]->GetBinContent(bin+1)); ge->SetPointError(f,0,qc[f]->GetBinError(bin+1)); } return ge; } // end of TGraphErrors* GetGraphErrors(Int_t bin, Int_t nFiles, TH1D** qc) // ===================================================================================== TH1D* StyleHist(TString yAxisTitle, Int_t co) { // Style histogram. TH1D *styleHist = new TH1D(yAxisTitle.Data(),"",(Int_t)xMax[co],0,xMax[co]); // y-axis: styleHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(yMin[co],yMax[co]); if(plotCumulantsVsReferenceMultiplicity) { styleHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#LTreference multiplicity#GT"); } else { styleHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of RPs"); } styleHist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle.Data()); return styleHist; } // end of TH1D* StyleHist(TString yAxisTitle, Int_t co) // =========================================================================================== TGraph* GetErrorMesh(TH1D *hist) { // Error mesh. if(hist) { Int_t nBins = hist->GetNbinsX(); Double_t value = 0.; Double_t error = 0.; // Counting the non-empty bins: Int_t nNonEmptyBins = 0; for(Int_t i=1;iGetBinContent(i); error = hist->GetBinError(i); if(TMath::Abs(value)>0.0 && error>0.0) { nNonEmptyBins++; } } // end of for(Int_t i=1;iGetBinContent(i); error = hist->GetBinError(i); // Setting up the the mesh: if(TMath::Abs(value)>0.0 && error>0.0) { binCenter = hist->GetBinCenter(i); errorMesh->SetPoint(count,binCenter,value+error); errorMesh->SetPoint(2*nNonEmptyBins-(count+1),binCenter,value-error); count++; } } // end of for(Int_t i=1;iGetPoint(0,xStart,yStart); errorMesh->SetPoint(2*nNonEmptyBins,xStart,yStart); } // end if(hist) return errorMesh; } // end of TGraph* GetErrorMesh(TH1D *hist) // =========================================================================================== void GlobalSettings() { // Settings which will affect all plots. gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); // default color is white instead of gray gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // remove stat. box from all histos TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(4); // prefer exp notation for 5 and more significant digits } // end of void GlobalSettings() // =========================================================================================== void GetLists() { // Get from common output files the lists holding histograms for each method. TString fileName[nFiles][nMethods]; TDirectoryFile *dirFile[nFiles][nMethods] = {{NULL}}; TString listName[nFiles][nMethods]; for(Int_t f=0;fFindObjectAny(fileName[f][i].Data());} // Form a list name for each method: if(dirFile[f][i]) { TList* listTemp = dirFile[f][i]->GetListOfKeys(); if(listTemp && listTemp->GetEntries() == 1) { listName[f][i] = listTemp->At(0)->GetName(); // to be improved - implemented better dirFile[f][i]->GetObject(listName[f][i].Data(),lists[f][i]); } else { cout<GetName()<<" !!!!"<GetName()<<" !!!!"<AccessPathName(Form("%s/%s/%s",gSystem->pwd(),files[f].Data(),commonOutputFileName.Data()),kFileExists))) { commonOutputFiles[f] = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s/%s",gSystem->pwd(),files[f].Data(),commonOutputFileName.Data()),"READ"); } else { cout<pwd(),files[f].Data(),commonOutputFileName.Data())<<" !!!!"<AccessPathName(Form("%s/%s%s",gSystem->pwd(),files[f].Data(),".root"),kFileExists))) { commonOutputFiles[f] = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s%s",gSystem->pwd(),files[f].Data(),".root"),"READ"); } else { cout<pwd(),files[f].Data(),".root")<<" !!!!"<Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libXMLIO"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); //---------------------------------------------------------- // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<< //---------------------------------------------------------- if (analysisMode==mLocal) { //-------------------------------------------------------- // If you want to use already compiled libraries // in the aliroot distribution //-------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== //load needed libraries: gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include"); //gSystem->Load("libTree"); // for AliRoot gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/include"); //gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase"); //cerr<<"libPWGflowBase loaded ..."<LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonConstants.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZConstants.cxx+"); // Flow event gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowVector.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowTrackSimple.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowEventSimple.cxx+"); // Output histosgrams gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonHist.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonHistResults.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZHist1.cxx+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZHist2.cxx+"); cout << "finished loading macros!" << endl; } } // end of void LoadLibraries(const libModes analysisMode)