// Title: Sample Analysis Macro for looking at data on STAR NTuples // Author: Jim Thomas jhthomas@lbl.gov // Modified: Mikolaj Krzewicki mikolaj.krzewicki@cern.ch // Date: 04-Aug-2010 // #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TNtuple.h" #include "TLeaf.h" void readStarEvents() { gSystem->Load("libTree.so"); gSystem->Load("libVMC.so"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase"); Long64_t EventCounter = 0 ; Int_t TrackCounter = 0 ; Int_t PrintInfo = 1 ; // Print event and track data (1/0) (on/off) Int_t PDG_ID ; // for PID test using Particle Data Group PID names TH1F* myHistogram = new TH1F("Pt","Transverse Momentum", 100, 0.0, 3.0) ; TCanvas* myCanvas = new TCanvas("c1","c1",150,50,500,500) ; myCanvas -> cd() ; myHistogram -> Draw() ; // Prepare the histogram and canvas for updates AliStarEventReader* starReader = new AliStarEventReader( "/data/alice3/jthomas/testData/") ; AliStarEvent* starEvent = starReader->GetEvent(); while ( starReader->GetNextEvent() ) // Get next event { if ( !starReader->AcceptEvent(starEvent) ) continue; // Test if the event is good if ( PrintInfo == 1 ) starEvent->Print() ; // Print basic information for this event if ((EventCounter%100) == 0) { TrackCounter = 0 ; //loop over track for ( Int_t j = 0 ; j < starEvent->GetNumberOfTracks() ; j++ ) { AliStarTrack* starTrack = starEvent->GetTrack(j); // Get next track if ( !starReader->AcceptTrack(starTrack) ) continue; // Test if the track is good // Do something useful with the track if ( TrackCounter<5 && PrintInfo==1 ) starTrack->Print(); ; // Print the track data PDG_ID = starReader->ParticleID(starTrack); // Assign Particle Data Book ID number to track (very simple PID algorithm) // Note this is an overly simplified ID algorithm and should really be extended for serious work if ( PDG_ID == 211 ) myHistogram->Fill( starTrack->GetPt() ) ; TrackCounter ++ ; // Count the number of accepted and analyzed tracks } //starEvent->Print("all"); //if you want to print info for all tracks if ( PrintInfo == 1 ) // Talk to the user and decide whether to continue, or stop. { cout << endl << "Enter 0 to quit, 1 to continue, 2 to continue without printing " << endl ; Int_t k = 0 ; cin >> k ; if ( k == 2 ) PrintInfo = 0 ; if (k <= 0) return ; } } EventCounter ++ ; if ( (EventCounter%10000) == 0 ) cout << EventCounter << endl ; if ( (EventCounter%10000) == 0 ) myCanvas->Update() ; } myCanvas->Update() ; // Final update of histograms delete starReader ; starReader = NULL ; // Prepare to exit }