/************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dielectron HF // // // // // /* Detailed description */ // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliDielectron.h" #include "AliDielectronHelper.h" #include "AliDielectronMC.h" #include "AliDielectronPair.h" #include "AliDielectronSignalMC.h" #include "AliDielectronHistos.h" #include "AliDielectronHF.h" ClassImp(AliDielectronHF) AliDielectronHF::AliDielectronHF() : TNamed(), fArrPairType(), fPairType(kSeOnlyOS), fSignalsMC(0x0), fAxes(kMaxCuts), fHasMC(kFALSE), fStepGenerated(kFALSE), fRefObj(1) { // // Default Constructor // for (Int_t i=0; iGetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray()); else { TString opt=""; Double_t pmin=0., pmax=0.; if(!option.IsNull()) { TObjArray *arr=option.Tokenize(";"); arr->SetOwner(); opt=((TObjString*)arr->At(0))->GetString(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>1) pmin=(((TObjString*)arr->At(1))->GetString()).Atof(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>2) pmax=(((TObjString*)arr->At(2))->GetString()).Atof(); delete arr; } hist=new TProfile("","",binsX->GetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray()); ((TProfile*)hist)->BuildOptions(pmin,pmax,opt.Data()); // printf(" name %s PROFILE options: pmin %.1f pmax %.1f err %s \n",name,((TProfile*)hist)->GetYmin(),((TProfile*)hist)->GetYmax(),((TProfile*)hist)->GetErrorOption() ); } // store variales in axes UInt_t valType[4] = {0}; valType[0]=valTypeX; valType[1]=valTypeP; AliDielectronHistos::StoreVariables(hist, valType); hist->SetUniqueID(valTypeW); // store weighting variable // adapt the name and title of the histogram in case they are empty AliDielectronHistos::AdaptNameTitle(hist, histClass); hist->SetName(Form("HF_%s",hist->GetName())); fRefObj.AddLast(hist); delete binsX; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::UserProfile(const char* histClass, UInt_t valTypeP, const TVectorD * const binsX, const TVectorD * const binsY, UInt_t valTypeX, UInt_t valTypeY, TString option, UInt_t valTypeW) { // // Histogram creation 2D case with arbitraty binning X and Y // the TVectorD is assumed to be surplus after the creation and will be deleted!!! // TH1 *hist=0x0; if(valTypeP==AliDielectronHistos::kNoProfile) { hist=new TH2F("","", binsX->GetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray(), binsY->GetNrows()-1,binsY->GetMatrixArray()); } else { TString opt=""; Double_t pmin=0., pmax=0.; if(!option.IsNull()) { TObjArray *arr=option.Tokenize(";"); arr->SetOwner(); opt=((TObjString*)arr->At(0))->GetString(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>1) pmin=(((TObjString*)arr->At(1))->GetString()).Atof(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>2) pmax=(((TObjString*)arr->At(2))->GetString()).Atof(); delete arr; } hist=new TProfile2D("","", binsX->GetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray(), binsY->GetNrows()-1,binsY->GetMatrixArray()); ((TProfile2D*)hist)->BuildOptions(pmin,pmax,opt.Data()); } // store variales in axes UInt_t valType[4] = {0}; valType[0]=valTypeX; valType[1]=valTypeY; valType[2]=valTypeP; AliDielectronHistos::StoreVariables(hist, valType); hist->SetUniqueID(valTypeW); // store weighting variable // adapt the name and title of the histogram in case they are empty AliDielectronHistos::AdaptNameTitle(hist, histClass); hist->SetName(Form("HF_%s",hist->GetName())); fRefObj.AddLast(hist); delete binsX; delete binsY; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::UserProfile(const char* histClass, UInt_t valTypeP, const TVectorD * const binsX, const TVectorD * const binsY, const TVectorD * const binsZ, UInt_t valTypeX, UInt_t valTypeY, UInt_t valTypeZ, TString option, UInt_t valTypeW) { // // Histogram creation 3D case with arbitraty binning X, Y, Z // the TVectorD is assumed to be surplus after the creation and will be deleted!!! // TH1 *hist=0x0; if(valTypeP==AliDielectronHistos::kNoProfile) { hist=new TH3F("","", binsX->GetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray(), binsY->GetNrows()-1,binsY->GetMatrixArray(), binsZ->GetNrows()-1,binsZ->GetMatrixArray()); } else { TString opt=""; Double_t pmin=0., pmax=0.; if(!option.IsNull()) { TObjArray *arr=option.Tokenize(";"); arr->SetOwner(); opt=((TObjString*)arr->At(0))->GetString(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>1) pmin=(((TObjString*)arr->At(1))->GetString()).Atof(); if(arr->GetEntriesFast()>2) pmax=(((TObjString*)arr->At(2))->GetString()).Atof(); delete arr; } hist=new TProfile3D("","", binsX->GetNrows()-1,binsX->GetMatrixArray(), binsY->GetNrows()-1,binsY->GetMatrixArray(), binsZ->GetNrows()-1,binsZ->GetMatrixArray()); ((TProfile3D*)hist)->BuildOptions(pmin,pmax,opt.Data()); } // store variales in axes UInt_t valType[4] = {0}; valType[0]=valTypeX; valType[1]=valTypeY; valType[2]=valTypeZ; valType[3]=valTypeP; AliDielectronHistos::StoreVariables(hist, valType); hist->SetUniqueID(valTypeW); // store weighting variable // adapt the name and title of the histogram in case they are empty AliDielectronHistos::AdaptNameTitle(hist, histClass); hist->SetName(Form("HF_%s",hist->GetName())); fRefObj.AddLast(hist); delete binsX; delete binsY; delete binsZ; } //________________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::AddCutVariable(AliDielectronVarManager::ValueTypes type, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t log, Bool_t leg, EBinType btype) { // // Add a variable to the mixing handler // // limit number of variables to kMaxCuts if (fAxes.GetEntriesFast()>=kMaxCuts) return; TVectorD *binLimits=0x0; if (!log) binLimits=AliDielectronHelper::MakeLinBinning(nbins,min,max); else binLimits=AliDielectronHelper::MakeLogBinning(nbins,min,max); if (!binLimits) return; Int_t size=fAxes.GetEntriesFast(); fVarCuts[size]=(UShort_t)type; fVarCutType[size]=leg; fAxes.Add(binLimits->Clone()); fBinType[size]=btype; } //________________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::AddCutVariable(AliDielectronVarManager::ValueTypes type, const char* binLimitStr, Bool_t leg, EBinType btype) { // // Add a variable to the mixing handler with arbitrary binning // // limit number of variables to kMaxCuts if (fAxes.GetEntriesFast()>=kMaxCuts) return; TVectorD *binLimits=AliDielectronHelper::MakeArbitraryBinning(binLimitStr); if (!binLimits) return; Int_t size=fAxes.GetEntriesFast(); fVarCuts[size]=(UShort_t)type; fVarCutType[size]=leg; fAxes.Add(binLimits); fBinType[size]=btype; } //________________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::AddCutVariable(AliDielectronVarManager::ValueTypes type, TVectorD * binLimits, Bool_t leg, EBinType btype) { // // Add a variable to the mixing handler with a vector // the TVectorD is assumed to be surplus after the creation and will be deleted!!! // // limit number of variables to kMaxCuts if (fAxes.GetEntriesFast()>=kMaxCuts) return; if (!binLimits) return; Int_t size=fAxes.GetEntriesFast(); fVarCuts[size]=(UShort_t)type; fVarCutType[size]=leg; fAxes.Add(binLimits); fBinType[size]=btype; } //______________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::Fill(Int_t label1, Int_t label2, Int_t nSignal) { // // fill the pure MC part of the container starting from a pair of 2 particles (part1 and part2 are legs) // // fill only if we have asked for these steps if(!fStepGenerated) return; AliVParticle* part1 = AliDielectronMC::Instance()->GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label1); AliVParticle* part2 = AliDielectronMC::Instance()->GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label2); if(!part1 || !part2) return; AliDielectronMC* dieMC = AliDielectronMC::Instance(); Int_t mLabel1 = dieMC->GetMothersLabel(label1); // should work for both ESD and AOD Int_t mLabel2 = dieMC->GetMothersLabel(label2); // check the same mother option AliDielectronSignalMC* sigMC = (AliDielectronSignalMC*)fSignalsMC->At(nSignal); if(sigMC->GetMothersRelation()==AliDielectronSignalMC::kSame && mLabel1!=mLabel2) return; if(sigMC->GetMothersRelation()==AliDielectronSignalMC::kDifferent && mLabel1==mLabel2) return; // fill the leg variables Double_t valuesLeg1[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; Double_t valuesLeg2[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(part1,valuesLeg1); AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(part2,valuesLeg2); // fill the pair and event variables Double_t valuesPair[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(dieMC->GetMCEvent(), valuesPair); AliDielectronVarManager::FillVarMCParticle2(part1,part2,valuesPair); // if pair types are filled, fill mc sources at the end Int_t istep=0; if(fPairType!=kMConly) istep=AliDielectron::kEv1PMRot+1; // only OS at the moment if(part1->Charge()*part2->Charge()<0) { Fill(istep+nSignal+fSignalsMC->GetEntries(), valuesPair, valuesLeg1, valuesLeg2); } return; } //______________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::Fill(Int_t pairIndex, const AliDielectronPair *particle) { // // fill histograms for event, pair and daughter cuts and pair types // // only OS pairs in case of MC ////////////////////////////// if(fHasMC && pairIndex!=AliDielectron::kEv1PM) return; // only selected pair types in case of data if(!IsPairTypeSelected(pairIndex)) return; // get event and pair variables Double_t valuesPair[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(particle,valuesPair); // get leg variables Double_t valuesLeg1[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]={0}; AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(particle->GetFirstDaughter(),valuesLeg1); Double_t valuesLeg2[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]={0}; AliDielectronVarManager::Fill(particle->GetSecondDaughter(),valuesLeg2); // fill // if pair types are filled, fill mc sources at the end Int_t istep = 0; if(fPairType!=kMConly) istep=AliDielectron::kEv1PMRot+1; // mc source steps (only OS SE pairs) if(fHasMC && fSignalsMC && pairIndex==AliDielectron::kEv1PM) { for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { if(AliDielectronMC::Instance()->IsMCTruth(particle, (AliDielectronSignalMC*)fSignalsMC->At(i))) Fill(istep+i, valuesPair, valuesLeg1, valuesLeg2); } } // all pair types w/o use of mc information if(fPairType==kMConly) return; // remove comments //// select correct step if we are looking at signals too //// if(fHasMC && fSignalsMC) pairIndex += ( fSignalsMC->GetEntries() * (fStepGenerated ? 2 : 1) ); Fill(pairIndex, valuesPair, valuesLeg1, valuesLeg2); return; } //______________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::Fill(Int_t index, Double_t * const valuesPair, Double_t * const valuesLeg1, Double_t * const valuesLeg2) { // // main fill function using index and values as input // TObjArray *histArr = static_cast(fArrPairType.At(index)); if(!histArr) return; Int_t size = GetNumberOfBins(); // loop over all histograms for(Int_t ihist=0; ihist(fAxes.At(ivar)); Int_t nbins = bins->GetNrows()-1; // bin limits for current ivar bin Int_t ibin = (ihist/sizeAdd)%nbins; Double_t lowEdge = (*bins)[ibin]; Double_t upEdge = (*bins)[ibin+1]; switch(fBinType[ivar]) { case kStdBin: upEdge=(*bins)[ibin+1]; break; case kBinToMax: upEdge=(*bins)[nbins]; break; case kBinFromMin: lowEdge=(*bins)[0]; break; case kSymBin: upEdge=(*bins)[nbins-ibin]; if(ibin>=((Double_t)(nbins+1))/2) upEdge=(*bins)[nbins]; // to avoid low>up break; } // leg variable if(fVarCutType[ivar]) { if( (valuesLeg1[fVarCuts[ivar]] < lowEdge || valuesLeg1[fVarCuts[ivar]] >= upEdge) || (valuesLeg2[fVarCuts[ivar]] < lowEdge || valuesLeg2[fVarCuts[ivar]] >= upEdge) ) { selected=kFALSE; break; } } else { // pair and event variables if( (valuesPair[fVarCuts[ivar]] < lowEdge || valuesPair[fVarCuts[ivar]] >= upEdge) ) { selected=kFALSE; break; } } sizeAdd*=nbins; } //end of var cut loop // do not fill the histogram if(!selected) continue; // fill the object with Pair and event values TObjArray *tmp = (TObjArray*) histArr->At(ihist); TString title = tmp->GetName(); AliDebug(10,title.Data()); for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliDielectronHistos::FillValues(tmp->At(i), valuesPair); } // AliDebug(10,Form("Fill var %d %s value %f in %s \n",fVar,AliDielectronVarManager::GetValueName(fVar),valuesPair[fVar],tmp->GetName())); } //end of hist loop } //______________________________________________ void AliDielectronHF::Init() { // // initialise event buffers // // has MC signals fHasMC=AliDielectronMC::Instance()->HasMC(); Int_t steps = 0; if(fHasMC) steps=fSignalsMC->GetEntries(); if(fStepGenerated) steps*=2; // init pair type array fArrPairType.SetName(Form("%s_HF",GetName())); if(fHasMC && fPairType==kMConly) fArrPairType.Expand(steps); else fArrPairType.Expand(AliDielectron::kEv1PMRot+1+steps); Int_t size = GetNumberOfBins(); AliDebug(10,Form("Creating a histo array with size %d \n",size)); Int_t sizeAdd = 1; // fill object array with the array of bin cells TObjArray *histArr = new TObjArray(0); if(!histArr) return; histArr->SetOwner(kTRUE); histArr->Expand(size); // printf("fRefObj %p \n",fRefObj); // array of histograms to each bin cell for(Int_t ihist=0; ihistAddAt(fRefObj.Clone(""), ihist); //histArr->AddAt(fRefObj.Clone(Form("h%04d",ihist)), ihist); } // loop over all cut variables and do the naming according to its bin cell Int_t nvars = fAxes.GetEntriesFast(); for(Int_t ivar=0; ivar(fAxes.At(ivar)); Int_t nbins = bins->GetNrows()-1; // loop over all bin cells an set unique titles for(Int_t ihist=0; ihist=((Double_t)(nbins+1))/2) upEdge=(*bins)[nbins]; // to avoid low>up break; } TObjArray *tmp= (TObjArray*) histArr->At(ihist); TString title = tmp->GetName(); if(!ivar) title =""; if( ivar) title+=":"; if(fVarCutType[ivar]) title+="Leg"; title+=AliDielectronVarManager::GetValueName(fVarCuts[ivar]); title+=Form("#%.2f#%.2f",lowEdge,upEdge); tmp->SetName(title.Data()); AliDebug(10,title.Data()); } // end: array of bin cell sizeAdd*=nbins; } //end: cut loop // copy array to the selected pair types/ MC sources // pair types Int_t istep=0; if(fPairType != kMConly) { for(istep=0; istepClone(AliDielectron::PairClassName(istep)); ((TObjArray*)fArrPairType[istep])->SetOwner(); } else { fArrPairType[istep]=new TObjArray(0); ((TObjArray*)fArrPairType[istep])->SetOwner(); ((TObjArray*)fArrPairType[istep])->SetName(AliDielectron::PairClassName(istep)); } } //end: loop over pair types } // mc sources if(fHasMC) { for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { TString title = Form("(Signal: %s)",fSignalsMC->At(i)->GetTitle()); fArrPairType[istep+i]=(TObjArray*)histArr->Clone(title.Data()); if(fStepGenerated) { title+=" MC truth"; fArrPairType[istep+i+fSignalsMC->GetEntries()]=(TObjArray*)histArr->Clone(title.Data()); } } // end: loop over sources } // clean up if(histArr) { delete histArr; histArr=0; } } //______________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronHF::GetNumberOfBins() const { // // return the number of bins this mixing handler has // Int_t size=1; for (Int_t i=0; i(fAxes.At(i)))->GetNrows()-1); return size; } //______________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronHF::IsPairTypeSelected(Int_t itype) { // // check whether a pair type was selected // TODO: cross check or replace by mixinghandlers processsing Bool_t selected = kFALSE; // fill all if(fPairType==kAll) return kTRUE; switch(itype) { case AliDielectron::kEv1PP: case AliDielectron::kEv1MM: if(fPairType==kSeAll || fPairType==kSeMeAll || fPairType==kSeReAll ) selected = kTRUE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv1PM: if(fPairType!=kMeOnlyOS) selected = kTRUE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv1PEv2P: case AliDielectron::kEv1MEv2M: if(fPairType==kMeAll || fPairType==kSeMeAll) selected = kTRUE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv1PEv2M: if(fPairType==kMeAll || fPairType==kSeMeAll) selected = kTRUE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv1MEv2P: if(fPairType==kMeAll || fPairType==kSeMeAll || fPairType==kMeOnlyOS || fPairType==kSeMeOnlyOS) selected = kTRUE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv2PP: case AliDielectron::kEv2PM: case AliDielectron::kEv2MM: selected = kFALSE; break; case AliDielectron::kEv1PMRot: if(fPairType==kSeReAll || fPairType==kSeReOnlyOS) selected = kTRUE; break; } return selected; }