/************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //##################################################### //# # //# Class AliDielectronMC # //# Cut Class for Jpsi->e+e- analysis # //# # //# by WooJin J. Park, GSI / W.J.Park@gsi.de # //# # //##################################################### #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliDielectronSignalMC.h" #include "AliDielectronMC.h" AliDielectronMC* AliDielectronMC::fgInstance=0x0; //____________________________________________________________ AliDielectronMC* AliDielectronMC::Instance() { // // return pointer to singleton implementation // if (fgInstance) return fgInstance; AnalysisType type=kUNSET; Bool_t hasMC=kFALSE; if (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()){ if (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()->IsA()==AliESDInputHandler::Class()) type=kESD; else if (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()->IsA()==AliAODInputHandler::Class()) type=kAOD; AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler()); if(type == kESD) hasMC=mcHandler!=0x0; } fgInstance=new AliDielectronMC(type); fgInstance->SetHasMC(hasMC); return fgInstance; } //____________________________________________________________ AliDielectronMC::AliDielectronMC(AnalysisType type): fMCEvent(0x0), fStack(0x0), fAnaType(type), fHasMC(kTRUE), fMcArray(0x0) { // // default constructor // } //____________________________________________________________ AliDielectronMC::~AliDielectronMC() { // // default destructor // } //____________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronMC::Initialize() { // // initialize MC class // if (!ConnectMCEvent()) AliError("Initialization of MC object failed!"); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetNMCTracks() { // // return the number of generated tracks from MC event // if(fAnaType == kESD){ if (!fMCEvent){ AliError("No fMCEvent"); return 0; } return fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks();} else if(fAnaType == kAOD){ if(!fMcArray) { AliError("No fMcArray"); return 0; } return fMcArray->GetEntriesFast(); } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetNMCTracksFromStack() { // // return the number of generated tracks from stack // if (!fStack){ AliError("No fStack"); return -999; } return fStack->GetNtrack(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetNPrimary() const { // // return the number of primary track from MC event // if (!fMCEvent){ AliError("No fMCEvent"); return 0; } return fMCEvent->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetNPrimaryFromStack() { // // return the number of primary track from stack // if (!fStack){ AliError("No fStack"); return -999; } return fStack->GetNprimary(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliVParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(Int_t itrk) const { // // return MC track directly from MC event // if (itrk<0) return NULL; AliVParticle * track=0x0; if(fAnaType == kESD){ if (!fMCEvent){ AliError("No fMCEvent"); return NULL;} track = fMCEvent->GetTrack(itrk); // tracks from MC event (ESD) } else if(fAnaType == kAOD) { if (!fMcArray){ AliError("No fMcArray"); return NULL;} if (itrk>fMcArray->GetEntriesFast()) { AliWarning(Form("track %d out of array size %d",itrk,fMcArray->GetEntriesFast())); return NULL;} track = (AliVParticle*)fMcArray->At(itrk); // tracks from MC event (AOD) } return track; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::ConnectMCEvent() { // // connect stack object from the mc handler // if(fAnaType == kESD){ fMCEvent=0x0; AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler()); if (!mcHandler){ /*AliError("Could not retrive MC event handler!");*/ return kFALSE; } if (!mcHandler->InitOk() ) return kFALSE; if (!mcHandler->TreeK() ) return kFALSE; if (!mcHandler->TreeTR() ) return kFALSE; AliMCEvent* mcEvent = mcHandler->MCEvent(); if (!mcEvent){ /*AliError("Could not retrieve MC event!");*/ return kFALSE; } fMCEvent = mcEvent; if (!UpdateStack()) return kFALSE; } else if(fAnaType == kAOD) { fMcArray = 0x0; AliAODEvent *aod=((AliAODInputHandler*)((AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager())->GetInputEventHandler()))->GetEvent(); fMcArray = dynamic_cast(aod->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if (!fMcArray){ /*AliError("Could not retrieve MC array!");*/ return kFALSE; } else fHasMC=kTRUE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::UpdateStack() { // // update stack with new event // if (!fMCEvent){ AliError("No fMCEvent"); return kFALSE;} AliStack* stack = fMCEvent->Stack(); if (!stack){ AliError("Could not retrive stack!"); return kFALSE; } fStack = stack; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ AliMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrack( const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return MC track // if (!fMCEvent){ AliError("No fMCEvent"); return NULL;} Int_t nStack = fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t label = TMath::Abs(_track->GetLabel()); if(label>nStack)return NULL; if(label<0) return NULL; AliMCParticle *mctrack = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(label)); return mctrack; } //____________________________________________________________ AliAODMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrack( const AliAODTrack* _track) { // // return MC track // if(!fMcArray) { AliError("No fMcArray"); return NULL;} Int_t label = _track->GetLabel(); if(label < 0 || label > fMcArray->GetEntriesFast()) return NULL; AliAODMCParticle *mctrack = (AliAODMCParticle*)fMcArray->At(label); return mctrack; } //____________________________________________________________ TParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return MC track from stack // Int_t label = TMath::Abs(_track->GetLabel()); if (!fStack) AliWarning("fStack is not available. Update stack first."); TParticle* mcpart = fStack->Particle(label); if (!mcpart) return NULL; return mcpart; } //____________________________________________________________ AliMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackMother(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return MC track mother // AliMCParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrack(_track); if (!mcpart) return NULL; if(mcpart->GetMother()<0) return NULL; AliMCParticle* mcmother = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(mcpart->GetMother())); if (!mcmother) return NULL; return mcmother; } //______________________________________________________________ AliAODMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackMother(const AliAODTrack* _track) { // // return MC track mother // AliAODMCParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrack(_track); if (!mcpart) return NULL; if(mcpart->GetMother() < 0) return NULL; AliAODMCParticle* mcmother = dynamic_cast(fMcArray->At(mcpart->GetMother())); if (!mcmother) return NULL; return mcmother; } //____________________________________________________________ AliMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackMother(const AliMCParticle* _particle){ // // return MC track mother // if(_particle->GetMother() < 0) return NULL; AliMCParticle* mcmother = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(_particle->GetMother())); return mcmother; } //____________________________________________________________ AliAODMCParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackMother(const AliAODMCParticle* _particle){ // // return MC track mother // if( _particle->GetMother() < 0) return NULL; AliAODMCParticle* mcmother = dynamic_cast(fMcArray->At(_particle->GetMother())); return mcmother; } //____________________________________________________________ TParticle* AliDielectronMC::GetMCTrackMotherFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return MC track mother from stack // TParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrackFromStack(_track); if ( !mcpart || mcpart->GetFirstMother()<=0 ) return NULL; TParticle* mcmother = fStack->Particle(mcpart->GetFirstMother()); if (!mcmother) return NULL; return mcmother; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCPID(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return PDG code of the track from the MC truth info // AliMCParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrack(_track); if (!mcpart) return -999; return mcpart->PdgCode(); } //__________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCPID(const AliAODTrack* _track) { // // return PDG code of the track from the MC truth info // AliAODMCParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrack(_track); if (!mcpart) return -999; return mcpart->PdgCode(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCPIDFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return MC PDG code from stack // TParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrackFromStack(_track); if (!mcpart) return -999; return mcpart->GetPdgCode(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMotherPDG( const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return PDG code of the mother track from the MC truth info // AliMCParticle* mcmother = GetMCTrackMother(_track); if (!mcmother) return -999; return mcmother->PdgCode(); } //________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMotherPDG( const AliAODTrack* _track) { // // return PDG code of the mother track from the MC truth info // AliAODMCParticle* mcmother = GetMCTrackMother(_track); if (!mcmother) return -999; return mcmother->PdgCode(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMotherPDGFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return PDG code of the mother track from stack // TParticle* mcmother = GetMCTrackMotherFromStack(_track); if (!mcmother) return -999; return mcmother->GetPdgCode(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCProcess(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return process number of the track // AliMCParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrack(_track); if (!mcpart) return -999; return 0; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCProcessFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return process number of the track // TParticle* mcpart = GetMCTrackFromStack(_track); if (!mcpart) return -999; return mcpart->GetUniqueID(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::NumberOfDaughters(const AliESDtrack* track) { // // returns the number of daughters // AliMCParticle *mcmother=GetMCTrackMother(track); if(!mcmother||!mcmother->Particle()) return -999; // return mcmother->GetFirstDaughter()>0?mcmother->GetLastDaughter()-mcmother->GetFirstDaughter()+1:0; return mcmother->Particle()->GetNDaughters(); } //_________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::NumberOfDaughters(const AliAODTrack* track) { // // returns the number of daughters // AliAODMCParticle *mcmother=GetMCTrackMother(track); if(!mcmother) return -999; return NumberOfDaughters(mcmother); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::NumberOfDaughters(const AliMCParticle* particle) { // // returns the number of daughters // AliMCParticle *mcmother=GetMCTrackMother(particle); if(!mcmother||!mcmother->Particle()) return -999; //return mcmother->GetFirstDaughter()>0?mcmother->GetLastDaughter()-mcmother->GetFirstDaughter()+1:0; return mcmother->Particle()->GetNDaughters(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::NumberOfDaughters(const AliAODMCParticle* particle) { // // returns the number of daughters // AliAODMCParticle *mcmother=GetMCTrackMother(particle); if(!mcmother) return -999; return mcmother->GetNDaughters(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCProcessMother(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return process number of the mother of the track // AliMCParticle* mcmother = GetMCTrackMother(_track); if (!mcmother) return -999; return 0; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMCProcessMotherFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track) { // // return process number of the mother of the track // TParticle* mcmother = GetMCTrackMotherFromStack(_track); if (!mcmother) return -999; return mcmother->GetUniqueID(); } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMCMotherToEE(const AliVParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother) { // // Check if the Mother 'particle' is of type pdgMother and decays to e+e- // if (fAnaType==kESD && !fMCEvent) return kFALSE; if (fAnaType==kAOD && !fMcArray) return kFALSE; if (!particle) return kFALSE; if (particle->IsA()==AliMCParticle::Class()){ return IsMCMotherToEEesd(static_cast(particle),pdgMother); } else if (particle->IsA()==AliAODMCParticle::Class()){ return IsMCMotherToEEaod(static_cast(particle),pdgMother); } else { AliError("Unknown particle type"); } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMCMotherToEEesd(const AliMCParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother) { // // Check if the Mother 'particle' is of type pdgMother and decays to e+e- // ESD case // //check pdg code if (particle->PdgCode()!=pdgMother) return kFALSE; Int_t ifirst = particle->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ilast = particle->GetLastDaughter(); //check number of daughters if ((ilast-ifirst)!=1) return kFALSE; AliMCParticle *firstD=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(ifirst)); AliMCParticle *secondD=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(ilast)); //TODO: check how you can get rid of the hardcoded numbers. One should make use of the PdgCodes set in AliDielectron!!! if (firstD->Charge()>0){ if (firstD->PdgCode()!=-11) return kFALSE; if (secondD->PdgCode()!=11) return kFALSE; }else{ if (firstD->PdgCode()!=11) return kFALSE; if (secondD->PdgCode()!=-11) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMCMotherToEEaod(const AliAODMCParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother) { // // Check if the Mother 'particle' is of type pdgMother and decays to e+e- // AOD case // if (particle->GetPdgCode()!=pdgMother) return kFALSE; if (particle->GetNDaughters()!=2) return kFALSE; Int_t ifirst = particle->GetDaughter(0); Int_t ilast = particle->GetDaughter(1); //check number of daughters if ((ilast-ifirst)!=1) return kFALSE; AliAODMCParticle *firstD=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(ifirst)); AliAODMCParticle *secondD=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(ilast)); //TODO: check how you can get rid of the hardcoded numbers. One should make use of the PdgCodes set in AliDielectron!!! if (firstD->Charge()>0){ if (firstD->GetPdgCode()!=-11) return kFALSE; if (secondD->GetPdgCode()!=11) return kFALSE; }else{ if (firstD->GetPdgCode()!=11) return kFALSE; if (secondD->GetPdgCode()!=-11) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetLabelMotherWithPdg(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother) { // // test if mother of particle 1 and 2 has pdgCode pdgMother and is the same; // if (fAnaType==kESD){ if (!fMCEvent) return -1; return GetLabelMotherWithPdgESD(particle1, particle2, pdgMother); } else if (fAnaType==kAOD) { if (!fMcArray) return -1; return GetLabelMotherWithPdgAOD(particle1, particle2, pdgMother); } return -1; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetLabelMotherWithPdgESD(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother) { // // test if mother of particle 1 and 2 has pdgCode +-11 (electron), // have the same mother and the mother had pdg code pdgMother // ESD case //TODO: check how you can get rid of the hardcoded numbers. One should make use of the PdgCodes set in AliDielectron!!! // AliMCParticle *mcPart1=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(particle1->GetLabel())); AliMCParticle *mcPart2=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(particle2->GetLabel())); if (!mcPart1||!mcPart2) return -1; Int_t lblMother1=mcPart1->GetMother(); Int_t lblMother2=mcPart2->GetMother(); AliMCParticle *mcMother1=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(lblMother1)); if (!mcMother1) return -1; if (lblMother1!=lblMother2) return -1; if (TMath::Abs(mcPart1->PdgCode())!=11) return -1; if (mcPart1->PdgCode()!=-mcPart2->PdgCode()) return -1; if (mcMother1->PdgCode()!=pdgMother) return -1; return lblMother1; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetLabelMotherWithPdgAOD(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother) { // // test if mother of particle 1 and 2 has pdgCode +-11 (electron), // have the same mother and the mother had pdg code pdgMother // AOD case //TODO: check how you can get rid of the hardcoded numbers. One should make use of the PdgCodes set in AliDielectron!!! // AliAODMCParticle *mcPart1=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(particle1->GetLabel())); AliAODMCParticle *mcPart2=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(particle2->GetLabel())); if (!mcPart1||!mcPart2) return -1; Int_t lblMother1=mcPart1->GetMother(); Int_t lblMother2=mcPart2->GetMother(); AliAODMCParticle *mcMother1=static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(lblMother1)); if (!mcMother1) return -1; if (lblMother1!=lblMother2) return -1; if (TMath::Abs(mcPart1->GetPdgCode())!=11) return -1; if (mcPart1->GetPdgCode()!=-mcPart2->GetPdgCode()) return -1; if (mcMother1->GetPdgCode()!=pdgMother) return -1; return lblMother1; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliDielectronMC::GetDaughters(const TObject *mother, AliVParticle* &d1, AliVParticle* &d2) { // // Get First two daughters of the mother // Int_t lblD1=-1; Int_t lblD2=-1; d1=0; d2=0; if (fAnaType==kAOD){ if(!fMcArray) return; const AliAODMCParticle *aodMother=static_cast(mother); lblD1=aodMother->GetDaughter(0); lblD2=aodMother->GetDaughter(1); d1 = (AliVParticle*)fMcArray->At(lblD1); d2 = (AliVParticle*)fMcArray->At(lblD2); } else if (fAnaType==kESD){ if (!fMCEvent) return; const AliMCParticle *aodMother=static_cast(mother); lblD1=aodMother->GetFirstDaughter(); lblD2=aodMother->GetLastDaughter(); d1=fMCEvent->GetTrack(lblD1); d2=fMCEvent->GetTrack(lblD2); } } //________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetMothersLabel(Int_t daughterLabel) const { // // Get the label of the mother for particle with label daughterLabel // if(daughterLabel<0) return -1; if (fAnaType==kAOD) { if(!fMcArray) return -1; return (static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(daughterLabel)))->GetMother(); } else if(fAnaType==kESD) { if (!fMCEvent) return -1; return (static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(daughterLabel)))->GetMother(); } return -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetPdgFromLabel(Int_t label) const { // // Get particle code using the label from stack // if(label<0) return 0; if(fAnaType==kAOD) { if(!fMcArray) return 0; return (static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label)))->PdgCode(); } else if(fAnaType==kESD) { if (!fMCEvent) return 0; return (static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label)))->PdgCode(); } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::ComparePDG(Int_t particlePDG, Int_t requiredPDG, Bool_t pdgExclusion, Bool_t checkBothCharges) const { // // Test the PDG codes of particles with the required ones // Bool_t result = kTRUE; Int_t absRequiredPDG = TMath::Abs(requiredPDG); switch(absRequiredPDG) { case 0: result = kTRUE; // PDG not required (any code will do fine) break; case 100: // light flavoured mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=100 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=199; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=100 && particlePDG<=199; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-199 && particlePDG<=-100; } break; case 1000: // light flavoured baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=1000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=1999; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=1000 && particlePDG<=1999; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-1999 && particlePDG<=-1000; } break; case 200: // light flavoured mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=200 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=299; else { if(requiredPDG>0)result = particlePDG>=200 && particlePDG<=299; if(requiredPDG<0)result = particlePDG>=-299 && particlePDG<=-200; } break; case 2000: // light flavoured baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=2000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=2999; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=2000 && particlePDG<=2999; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-2999 && particlePDG<=-2000; } break; case 300: // all strange mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=300 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=399; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=300 && particlePDG<=399; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-399 && particlePDG<=-300; } break; case 3000: // all strange baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=3000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=3999; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=3000 && particlePDG<=3999; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-3999 && particlePDG<=-3000; } break; case 400: // all charmed mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=400 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=499; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=400 && particlePDG<=499; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-499 && particlePDG<=-400; } break; case 401: // open charm mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=400 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=439; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=400 && particlePDG<=439; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-439 && particlePDG<=-400; } break; case 402: // open charm mesons and baryons together if(checkBothCharges) result = (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=400 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=439) || (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=4000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=4399); else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = (particlePDG>=400 && particlePDG<=439) || (particlePDG>=4000 && particlePDG<=4399); if(requiredPDG<0) result = (particlePDG>=-439 && particlePDG<=-400) || (particlePDG>=-4399 && particlePDG<=-4000); } break; case 403: // all charm hadrons if(checkBothCharges) result = (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=400 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=499) || (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=4000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=4999); else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = (particlePDG>=400 && particlePDG<=499) || (particlePDG>=4000 && particlePDG<=4999); if(requiredPDG<0) result = (particlePDG>=-499 && particlePDG<=-400) || (particlePDG>=-4999 && particlePDG<=-4000); } break; case 4000: // all charmed baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=4000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=4999; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=4000 && particlePDG<=4999; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-4999 && particlePDG<=-4000; } break; case 4001: // open charm baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=4000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=4399; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=4000 && particlePDG<=4399; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-4399 && particlePDG<=-4000; } break; case 500: // all beauty mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=500 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=599; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=500 && particlePDG<=599; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-599 && particlePDG<=-500; } break; case 501: // open beauty mesons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=500 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=549; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=500 && particlePDG<=549; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-549 && particlePDG<=-500; } break; case 502: // open beauty mesons and baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=500 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=549) || (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=5000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=5499); else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = (particlePDG>=500 && particlePDG<=549) || (particlePDG>=5000 && particlePDG<=5499); if(requiredPDG<0) result = (particlePDG>=-549 && particlePDG<=-500) || (particlePDG>=-5499 && particlePDG<=-5000); } break; case 503: // all beauty hadrons if(checkBothCharges) result = (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=500 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=599) || (TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=5000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=5999); else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = (particlePDG>=500 && particlePDG<=599) || (particlePDG>=5000 && particlePDG<=5999); if(requiredPDG<0) result = (particlePDG>=-599 && particlePDG<=-500) || (particlePDG>=-5999 && particlePDG<=-5000); } break; case 5000: // all beauty baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=5000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=5999; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=5000 && particlePDG<=5999; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-5999 && particlePDG<=-5000; } break; case 5001: // open beauty baryons if(checkBothCharges) result = TMath::Abs(particlePDG)>=5000 && TMath::Abs(particlePDG)<=5499; else { if(requiredPDG>0) result = particlePDG>=5000 && particlePDG<=5499; if(requiredPDG<0) result = particlePDG>=-5499 && particlePDG<=-5000; } break; default: // all specific cases if(checkBothCharges) result = (absRequiredPDG==TMath::Abs(particlePDG)); else result = (requiredPDG==particlePDG); } if(absRequiredPDG!=0 && pdgExclusion) result = !result; return result; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsPhysicalPrimary(Int_t label) const { // // Check if the particle with label "label" is a physical primary according to the // definition in AliStack::IsPhysicalPrimary(Int_t label) // Convention for being physical primary: // 1.) particles produced in the collision // 2.) stable particles with respect to strong and electromagnetic interactions // 3.) excludes initial state particles // 4.) includes products of directly produced Sigma0 hyperon decay // 5.) includes products of directly produced pi0 decays // 6.) includes products of directly produced beauty hadron decays // if(label<0) return kFALSE; if(fAnaType==kAOD) { if(!fMcArray) return kFALSE; return (static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label)))->IsPhysicalPrimary(); } else if(fAnaType==kESD) { if (!fMCEvent) return kFALSE; return fStack->IsPhysicalPrimary(label); } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::CheckParticleSource(Int_t label, AliDielectronSignalMC::ESource source) const { // // Check the source for the particle // switch (source) { case AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare : return kTRUE; break; case AliDielectronSignalMC::kPrimary : // true if label is in the list of particles from physics generator // NOTE: This includes all physics event history (initial state particles, // exchange bosons, quarks, di-quarks, strings, un-stable particles, final state particles) // Only the final state particles make it to the detector!! return (label>=0 && label<=GetNPrimary()); break; case AliDielectronSignalMC::kFinalState : // primary particles created in the collision which reach the detectors // These would be: // 1.) particles produced in the collision // 2.) stable particles with respect to strong and electromagnetic interactions // 3.) excludes initial state particles // 4.) includes products of directly produced Sigma0 hyperon decay // 5.) includes products of directly produced pi0 decays // 6.) includes products of directly produced beauty hadron decays return IsPhysicalPrimary(label); break; case AliDielectronSignalMC::kDirect : // Primary particles which do not have any mother // This is the case for: // 1.) Initial state particles (the 2 protons in Pythia pp collisions) // 2.) In some codes, with sudden freeze-out, all particles generated from the fireball are direct. // There is no history for these particles. // 3.) Certain particles added via MC generator cocktails (e.g. J/psi added to pythia MB events) return (label>=0 && GetMothersLabel(label)<0); break; case AliDielectronSignalMC::kSecondary : // particles which are created by the interaction of final state primaries with the detector // or particles from strange weakly decaying particles (e.g. lambda, kaons, etc.) return (label>=GetNPrimary() && !IsPhysicalPrimary(label)); break; default : return kFALSE; } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMCTruth(Int_t label, AliDielectronSignalMC* signalMC, Int_t branch) { // // Check if the particle corresponds to the MC truth in signalMC in the branch specified // // NOTE: Some particles have the sign of the label flipped. It is related to the quality of matching // between the ESD and the MC track. The negative labels indicate a poor matching quality //if(label<0) return kFALSE; if(label<0) label *= -1; AliVParticle* part = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(label); if (!part) { AliError(Form("Could not find MC particle with label %d",label)); return kFALSE; } // check the leg if(!ComparePDG(part->PdgCode(),signalMC->GetLegPDG(branch),signalMC->GetLegPDGexclude(branch),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesLegs(branch))) return kFALSE; if(!CheckParticleSource(label, signalMC->GetLegSource(branch))) return kFALSE; // check the mother AliVParticle* mcMother=0x0; Int_t mLabel = -1; if(signalMC->GetMotherPDG(branch)!=0 || signalMC->GetMotherSource(branch)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { if(part) { mLabel = GetMothersLabel(label); mcMother = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(mLabel); } if(!mcMother && !signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(branch)) return kFALSE; if(!ComparePDG((mcMother ? mcMother->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetMotherPDG(branch),signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(branch),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesMothers(branch))) return kFALSE; if(!CheckParticleSource(mLabel, signalMC->GetMotherSource(branch))) return kFALSE; } // check the grandmother AliVParticle* mcGrandMother=0x0; if(signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(branch)!=0 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(branch)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { Int_t gmLabel = -1; if(mcMother) { gmLabel = GetMothersLabel(mLabel); mcGrandMother = static_cast(GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(gmLabel)); } if(!mcGrandMother && !signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(branch)) return kFALSE; if(!ComparePDG((mcGrandMother ? mcGrandMother->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(branch),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(branch),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesGrandMothers(branch))) return kFALSE; if(!CheckParticleSource(gmLabel, signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(branch))) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMCTruth(const AliDielectronPair* pair, const AliDielectronSignalMC* signalMC) const { // // Check if the pair corresponds to the MC truth in signalMC // // legs (daughters) const AliVParticle * mcD1 = pair->GetFirstDaughter(); const AliVParticle * mcD2 = pair->GetSecondDaughter(); Int_t labelD1 = (mcD1 ? mcD1->GetLabel() : -1); Int_t labelD2 = (mcD2 ? mcD2->GetLabel() : -1); if(labelD1<0) labelD1 *= -1; if(labelD2<0) labelD2 *= -1; Int_t d1Pdg = 0; Int_t d2Pdg = 0; d1Pdg=GetPdgFromLabel(labelD1); d2Pdg=GetPdgFromLabel(labelD2); // mothers AliVParticle* mcM1=0x0; AliVParticle* mcM2=0x0; // grand-mothers AliVParticle* mcG1 = 0x0; AliVParticle* mcG2 = 0x0; // make direct(1-1 and 2-2) and cross(1-2 and 2-1) comparisons for the whole branch Bool_t directTerm = kTRUE; // daughters directTerm = directTerm && mcD1 && ComparePDG(d1Pdg,signalMC->GetLegPDG(1),signalMC->GetLegPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesLegs(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelD1, signalMC->GetLegSource(1)); directTerm = directTerm && mcD2 && ComparePDG(d2Pdg,signalMC->GetLegPDG(2),signalMC->GetLegPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesLegs(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelD2, signalMC->GetLegSource(2)); // mothers Int_t labelM1 = -1; if(signalMC->GetMotherPDG(1)!=0 || signalMC->GetMotherSource(1)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { labelM1 = GetMothersLabel(labelD1); if(labelD1>-1 && labelM1>-1) mcM1 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelM1); directTerm = directTerm && (mcM1 || signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(1)) && ComparePDG((mcM1 ? mcM1->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetMotherPDG(1),signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesMothers(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelM1, signalMC->GetMotherSource(1)); } Int_t labelM2 = -1; if(signalMC->GetMotherPDG(2)!=0 || signalMC->GetMotherSource(2)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { labelM2 = GetMothersLabel(labelD2); if(labelD2>-1 && labelM2>-1) mcM2 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelM2); directTerm = directTerm && (mcM2 || signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(2)) && ComparePDG((mcM2 ? mcM2->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetMotherPDG(2),signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesMothers(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelM2, signalMC->GetMotherSource(2)); } // grand-mothers Int_t labelG1 = -1; if(signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(1)!=0 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(1)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { labelG1 = GetMothersLabel(labelM1); if(mcM1 && labelG1>-1) mcG1 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelG1); directTerm = directTerm && (mcG1 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(1)) && ComparePDG((mcG1 ? mcG1->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(1),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesGrandMothers(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelG1, signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(1)); } Int_t labelG2 = -1; if(signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(2)!=0 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(2)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { labelG2 = GetMothersLabel(labelM2); if(mcM2 && labelG2>-1) mcG2 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelG2); directTerm = directTerm && (mcG2 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(2)) && ComparePDG((mcG2 ? mcG2->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(2),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesGrandMothers(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelG2, signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(2)); } // Cross term Bool_t crossTerm = kTRUE; // daughters crossTerm = crossTerm && mcD2 && ComparePDG(d2Pdg,signalMC->GetLegPDG(1),signalMC->GetLegPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesLegs(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelD2, signalMC->GetLegSource(1)); crossTerm = crossTerm && mcD1 && ComparePDG(d1Pdg,signalMC->GetLegPDG(2),signalMC->GetLegPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesLegs(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelD1, signalMC->GetLegSource(2)); // mothers if(signalMC->GetMotherPDG(1)!=0 || signalMC->GetMotherSource(1)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { if(!mcM2 && labelD2>-1) { labelM2 = GetMothersLabel(labelD2); if(labelM2>-1) mcM2 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelM2); } crossTerm = crossTerm && (mcM2 || signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(1)) && ComparePDG((mcM2 ? mcM2->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetMotherPDG(1),signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesMothers(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelM2, signalMC->GetMotherSource(1)); } if(signalMC->GetMotherPDG(2)!=0 || signalMC->GetMotherSource(2)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { if(!mcM1 && labelD1>-1) { labelM1 = GetMothersLabel(labelD1); if(labelM1>-1) mcM1 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelM1); } crossTerm = crossTerm && (mcM1 || signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(2)) && ComparePDG((mcM1 ? mcM1->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetMotherPDG(2),signalMC->GetMotherPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesMothers(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelM1, signalMC->GetMotherSource(2)); } // grand-mothers if(signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(1)!=0 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(1)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { if(!mcG2 && mcM2) { labelG2 = GetMothersLabel(labelM2); if(labelG2>-1) mcG2 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelG2); } crossTerm = crossTerm && (mcG2 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(1)) && ComparePDG((mcG2 ? mcG2->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(1),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(1),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesGrandMothers(1)) && CheckParticleSource(labelG2, signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(1)); } if(signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(2)!=0 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(2)!=AliDielectronSignalMC::kDontCare) { if(!mcG1 && mcM1) { labelG1 = GetMothersLabel(labelM1); if(labelG2>-1) mcG1 = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelG1); } crossTerm = crossTerm && (mcG1 || signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(2)) && ComparePDG((mcG1 ? mcG1->PdgCode() : 0),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDG(2),signalMC->GetGrandMotherPDGexclude(2),signalMC->GetCheckBothChargesGrandMothers(2)) && CheckParticleSource(labelG1, signalMC->GetGrandMotherSource(2)); } Bool_t motherRelation = kTRUE; if(signalMC->GetMothersRelation()==AliDielectronSignalMC::kSame) { motherRelation = motherRelation && HaveSameMother(pair); } if(signalMC->GetMothersRelation()==AliDielectronSignalMC::kDifferent) { motherRelation = motherRelation && !HaveSameMother(pair); } return ((directTerm || crossTerm) && motherRelation); } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliDielectronMC::HaveSameMother(const AliDielectronPair * pair) const { // // Check whether two particles have the same mother // const AliVParticle * daughter1 = pair->GetFirstDaughter(); const AliVParticle * daughter2 = pair->GetSecondDaughter(); if (!daughter1 || !daughter2) return 0; AliVParticle *mcDaughter1=GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(daughter1->GetLabel()); AliVParticle *mcDaughter2=GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(daughter2->GetLabel()); if (!mcDaughter1 || !mcDaughter2) return 0; Int_t labelMother1=-1; Int_t labelMother2=-1; if (mcDaughter1->IsA()==AliMCParticle::Class()){ labelMother1=(static_cast(mcDaughter1))->GetMother(); labelMother2=(static_cast(mcDaughter2))->GetMother(); } else if (mcDaughter1->IsA()==AliAODMCParticle::Class()) { labelMother1=(static_cast(mcDaughter1))->GetMother(); labelMother2=(static_cast(mcDaughter2))->GetMother(); } Bool_t sameMother=(labelMother1>-1)&&(labelMother2>-1)&&(labelMother1==labelMother2); return sameMother; } //________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::IsJpsiPrimary(const AliDielectronPair * pair) { // return: "0" for primary jpsi // "1" for secondary jpsi (from beauty) // "2" for background if(!HaveSameMother(pair)) return 2; AliVParticle *mcDaughter1=GetMCTrackFromMCEvent((pair->GetFirstDaughter())->GetLabel()); Int_t labelMother=-1; if (mcDaughter1->IsA()==AliMCParticle::Class()){ labelMother=(static_cast(mcDaughter1))->GetMother(); } else if (mcDaughter1->IsA()==AliAODMCParticle::Class()) { labelMother=(static_cast(mcDaughter1))->GetMother(); } AliVParticle* mcMother=GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelMother); if(!IsMCMotherToEE(mcMother,443)) return 2; return IsJpsiPrimary(mcMother); } //______________________________________________________________ Int_t AliDielectronMC::IsJpsiPrimary(const AliVParticle * particle) { // return: "0" for primary jpsi // "1" for secondary jpsi (come from B decay) Int_t labelMoth=-1; Int_t pdgCode; if (particle->IsA()==AliMCParticle::Class()){ labelMoth = (static_cast(particle))->GetMother(); while(labelMoth>0){ particle = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelMoth); pdgCode = TMath::Abs((static_cast(particle))->PdgCode()); if((pdgCode>500 && pdgCode<600) || (pdgCode>5000 && pdgCode<6000)) return 1; labelMoth = (static_cast(particle))->GetMother(); } } else if (particle->IsA()==AliAODMCParticle::Class()){ labelMoth = (static_cast(particle))->GetMother(); while(labelMoth>0){ particle = GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(labelMoth); pdgCode = TMath::Abs((static_cast(particle))->PdgCode()); if((pdgCode>500 && pdgCode<600) || (pdgCode>5000 && pdgCode<6000)) return 1; labelMoth = (static_cast(particle))->GetMother(); } } return 0; }