#ifndef ALIDIELECTRONMC_H #define ALIDIELECTRONMC_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //##################################################### //# # //# Class AliDielectronMC # //# Cut Class for Jpsi->e+e- analysis # //# # //# by WooJin J. Park, GSI / W.J.Park@gsi.de # //# # //##################################################### #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include #endif class AliESDEvent; class AliHFEpid; class AliStack; class AliMCEvent; class AliESDtrack; class AliAODTrack; class TParticle; class AliMCParticle; class AliAODMCParticle; class AliAODMCHeader; #include "AliDielectronSignalMC.h" #include "AliDielectronPair.h" class AliDielectronMC : public TObject{ public: enum AnalysisType {kUNSET=0, kESD, kAOD}; AliDielectronMC(AnalysisType type=kUNSET); virtual ~AliDielectronMC(); void SetHasMC(Bool_t hasMC) { fHasMC=hasMC; } Bool_t HasMC() const { return fHasMC; } static AliDielectronMC* Instance(); void Initialize(); // initialization Int_t GetNMCTracks(); // return number of generated tracks Int_t GetNMCTracksFromStack(); // return number of generated tracks from stack Int_t GetNPrimary() const; // return number of primary tracks Int_t GetNPrimaryFromStack(); // return number of primary tracks from stack Int_t GetMCPID(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC PID Int_t GetMCPID(const AliAODTrack* _track); // return MC PID for AODtrack Int_t GetMCPIDFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC PID Int_t GetMotherPDG(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return mother PID from the MC stack Int_t GetMotherPDG(const AliAODTrack* _track); // return mother PID from the MC stack Int_t GetMotherPDG(const AliMCParticle* _track); // return mother PID from the MC stack Int_t GetMotherPDG(const AliAODMCParticle* _track); // return mother PID from the MC stack Int_t GetMotherPDGFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return mother PID from the MC stack Int_t GetMCProcess(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return process number Int_t GetMCProcessFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return process number Int_t GetMCProcessMother(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return process number of the mother track Int_t GetMCProcessMotherFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return process number of the mother track Bool_t ConnectMCEvent(); Bool_t UpdateStack(); Bool_t IsMotherPdg(const AliDielectronPair* pair, Int_t pdgMother); Bool_t IsMotherPdg(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother); Bool_t IsMCMotherToEE(const AliVParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother); Bool_t IsMCTruth(const AliDielectronPair* pair, const AliDielectronSignalMC* signalMC) const; Bool_t IsMCTruth(Int_t label, AliDielectronSignalMC* signalMC, Int_t branch) const; Int_t GetMothersLabel(Int_t daughterLabel) const; Int_t GetPdgFromLabel(Int_t label) const; Bool_t IsPhysicalPrimary(Int_t label) const; // checks if a particle is physical primary Bool_t HaveSameMother(const AliDielectronPair *pair) const; Int_t GetLabelMotherWithPdg(const AliDielectronPair* pair, Int_t pdgMother); Int_t GetLabelMotherWithPdg(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother); // AliVParticle* GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(const AliVParticle *track); // return MC track directly from MC event AliVParticle* GetMCTrackFromMCEvent(Int_t label) const; // return MC track directly from MC event TParticle* GetMCTrackFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC track from stack AliMCParticle* GetMCTrack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC track associated with reco track AliAODMCParticle* GetMCTrack( const AliAODTrack* _track); // return MC track associated with reco AOD track TParticle* GetMCTrackMotherFromStack(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC mother track from stack AliMCParticle* GetMCTrackMother(const AliESDtrack* _track); // return MC mother track from stack AliAODMCParticle* GetMCTrackMother(const AliAODTrack* _track); // return MC mother fot track AODTrack AliMCParticle* GetMCTrackMother(const AliMCParticle* _particle); // return MC mother track from stack AliAODMCParticle* GetMCTrackMother(const AliAODMCParticle* _particle); // return MC mother track from stack Int_t NumberOfDaughters(const AliESDtrack* track); // return number of daughters Int_t NumberOfDaughters(const AliAODTrack* track); // return number of daughters for AOD track Int_t NumberOfDaughters(const AliMCParticle* particle); // return number of daughters Int_t NumberOfDaughters(const AliAODMCParticle* particle); // return number of daughters void GetDaughters(const TObject *mother, AliVParticle* &d1, AliVParticle* &d2); Int_t IsJpsiPrimary(const AliDielectronPair * pair); Int_t IsJpsiPrimary(const AliVParticle * pair); Bool_t CheckParticleSource(Int_t label, AliDielectronSignalMC::ESource source) const; Bool_t GetPrimaryVertex(Double_t &primVtxX, Double_t &primVtxY, Double_t &primVtxZ); AliMCEvent* GetMCEvent() { return fMCEvent; } // return the AliMCEvent private: AliMCEvent *fMCEvent; // MC event object AliStack *fStack; // MC stack AnalysisType fAnaType; // Analysis type Bool_t fHasMC; // Do we have an MC handler? static AliDielectronMC* fgInstance; //! singleton pointer TClonesArray* fMcArray; //mcArray for AOD MC particles AliDielectronMC(const AliDielectronMC &c); AliDielectronMC &operator=(const AliDielectronMC &c); Bool_t IsMCMotherToEEesd(const AliMCParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother); Bool_t IsMCMotherToEEaod(const AliAODMCParticle *particle, Int_t pdgMother); Int_t GetLabelMotherWithPdgESD(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother); Int_t GetLabelMotherWithPdgAOD(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother); Bool_t ComparePDG(Int_t particlePDG, Int_t requiredPDG, Bool_t pdgExclusion, Bool_t checkBothCharges) const; Bool_t CheckIsRadiative(Int_t label) const; Bool_t CheckRadiativeDecision(Int_t mLabel, const AliDielectronSignalMC * const signalMC) const; ClassDef(AliDielectronMC, 0) }; // // inline functions // inline Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMotherPdg(const AliDielectronPair* pair, Int_t pdgMother) { return IsMotherPdg(pair->GetFirstDaughterP(),pair->GetSecondDaughterP(),pdgMother); } //___________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t AliDielectronMC::IsMotherPdg(const AliVParticle *particle1, const AliVParticle *particle2, Int_t pdgMother){ return GetLabelMotherWithPdg(particle1,particle2,pdgMother)>=0; } //___________________________________________________________ inline Int_t AliDielectronMC::GetLabelMotherWithPdg(const AliDielectronPair* pair, Int_t pdgMother){ return GetLabelMotherWithPdg(pair->GetFirstDaughterP(),pair->GetSecondDaughterP(),pdgMother); } #endif