#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALCLUSTERIZE_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALCLUSTERIZE_H // This analysis provides a new list of clusters to be used in other analysis // Author: Gustavo Conesa Balbastre, // Adapted from analysis class from Deepa Thomas //Root class TTree; class TClonesArray; #include "AliCentrality.h" //EMCAL class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliEMCALCalibData; class AliCaloCalibPedestal; class AliEMCALClusterizer; class AliEMCALAfterBurnerUF; class AliEMCALRecPoint; class AliAODCaloCluster; #include "AliEMCALRecParam.h" #include "AliEMCALRecoUtils.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize(); AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Init(); virtual void LocalInit() { Init() ; } // Event methods, settings Bool_t AcceptEventEMCAL(); void SwitchOnSelectEMCALEvent() { fSelectEMCALEvent = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffSelectEMCALEvent() { fSelectEMCALEvent = kFALSE ; } void SetEMCALEnergyCut(Float_t cut) { fEMCALEnergyCut = cut ; } void SetEMCALNcellsCut(Int_t cut) { fEMCALNcellsCut = cut ; } void SwitchOnInputAODFilter() { fInputFromFilter = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffInputAODFilter() { fInputFromFilter = kFALSE ; } void CheckAndGetEvent(); Bool_t IsExoticEvent(); void SwitchOnExoticEventsRemoval() { fRemoveExoticEvents= kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffExoticEventsRemoval() { fRemoveExoticEvents= kFALSE ; } Bool_t IsLEDEvent(const Int_t run); void SwitchOnLEDEventsRemoval() { fRemoveLEDEvents = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffLEDEventsRemoval() { fRemoveLEDEvents = kFALSE ; } //OCDB Bool_t AccessOCDB(); void SwitchOnAccessOCDB() { fAccessOCDB = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffAccessOCDB() { fAccessOCDB = kFALSE ; } void SetOCDBPath(const char *path) { fOCDBpath = path ; } //Geometry methods void InitGeometry(); void SetGeometryName(TString &name) { fGeomName = name ; } TString GeometryName() const { return fGeomName ; } void SwitchOnLoadOwnGeometryMatrices() { fLoadGeomMatrices = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffLoadOwnGeometryMatrices() { fLoadGeomMatrices = kFALSE ; } void SetGeometryMatrixInSM(TGeoHMatrix* m, Int_t i) { fGeomMatrix[i] = m ; } void SetImportGeometryFromFile(Bool_t im, TString pa = "") { fImportGeometryFromFile = im ; fImportGeometryFilePath = pa ; } //AOD methods void SetAODBranchName(TString &name) { fOutputAODBranchName = name ; } void FillAODFile(Bool_t yesno) { fFillAODFile = yesno ; } void FillAODCaloCells(); void FillAODHeader(); void SwitchOnFillAODHeader() { fFillAODHeader = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillAODHeader() { fFillAODHeader = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillAODCaloCells() { fFillAODCaloCells = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillAODCaloCells() { fFillAODCaloCells = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnRecalibrateWithClusterTime() { fRecalibrateWithClusterTime = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffRecalibrateWithClusterTime() { fRecalibrateWithClusterTime = kFALSE ; } //Algorithms settings AliEMCALRecParam * GetRecParam() { if(!fRecParam) fRecParam = new AliEMCALRecParam ; return fRecParam ; } AliEMCALRecoUtils* GetRecoUtils() { if(!fRecoUtils) fRecoUtils = new AliEMCALRecoUtils ; return fRecoUtils ; } void InitClusterization(); void ClusterizeCells(); void ClusterUnfolding(); void JustUnfold(Bool_t yesno) { fJustUnfold = yesno ; } void SetConfigFileName(TString name) { fConfigName = name ; } void SetMaxEvent(Int_t max) { fMaxEvent = max ; } void SwitchOnTrackMatching() { fDoTrackMatching = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffTrackMatching() { fDoTrackMatching = kFALSE ; } // Cell selection after unfolding void SwitchOnCellEnergySelection() { fSelectCell = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffCellEnergySelection() { fSelectCell = kFALSE ; } void SetCellCuts(Float_t e, Float_t frac) { fSelectCellMinE = e ; fSelectCellMinFrac = frac ; } // OADB options settings void AccessOADB() ; TString GetPass() ; void SwitchOnEMCALOADB() { fAccessOADB = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffEMCALOADB() { fAccessOADB = kFALSE ; } void SetOADBFilePath(TString path) { fOADBFilePath = path ; } // Centrality selection AliCentrality* GetCentrality() { return InputEvent()->GetCentrality() ; } //Look in AOD reader, different there void SetCentralityClass(TString name) { fCentralityClass = name ; } TString GetCentralityClass() const { return fCentralityClass ; } Float_t GetEventCentrality() { if(GetCentrality()) return GetCentrality()->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentralityClass) ; else return -1. ; } void SetCentralityBin(Int_t min, Int_t max) //Set the centrality bin to select the event. If used, then need to get percentile { fCentralityBin[0]=min ; fCentralityBin[1]=max ; } Float_t GetCentralityBin(Int_t i) const { if(i < 0 || i > 1) return -1 ; else return fCentralityBin[i] ; } //MC label methods void RemapMCLabelForAODs(Int_t &label); void SwitchOnRemapMCLabelForAODs() { fRemapMCLabelForAODs = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffRemapMCLabelForAODs() { fRemapMCLabelForAODs = kFALSE ; } void SetClustersMCLabelFrom2SelectedLabels(AliEMCALRecPoint* recPoint, AliAODCaloCluster *clus) ; void SetClustersMCLabelFromOriginalClusters(AliAODCaloCluster * clus) ; void SwitchOnUseClusterMCLabelForCell(Int_t opt = 2) { fSetCellMCLabelFromCluster = opt ; } void SwitchOffUseClusterMCLabelForCell() { fSetCellMCLabelFromCluster = 0 ; } private: virtual void FillCaloClusterInEvent(); virtual void RecPoints2Clusters(); virtual void ResetArrays(); AliVEvent *fEvent; // Event //Geometry AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; // EMCAL geometry TString fGeomName; // Name of geometry to use. TGeoHMatrix *fGeomMatrix[12]; // Geometry matrices with alignments Bool_t fGeomMatrixSet; // Set geometry matrices only once, for the first event. Bool_t fLoadGeomMatrices; // Matrices set from configuration, not get from geometry.root or from ESDs/AODs //OCDB AliEMCALCalibData *fCalibData; // EMCAL calib data AliCaloCalibPedestal *fPedestalData; // EMCAL pedestal TString fOCDBpath; // Path with OCDB location Bool_t fAccessOCDB; // Need to access info from OCDB (not really) //Temporal arrays TClonesArray *fDigitsArr; //! Digits array TObjArray *fClusterArr; //! Recpoints array TObjArray *fCaloClusterArr; //! CaloClusters array //Clusterizers AliEMCALRecParam *fRecParam; // Reconstruction parameters container AliEMCALClusterizer *fClusterizer; //! EMCAL clusterizer AliEMCALAfterBurnerUF *fUnfolder; //! Unfolding procedure Bool_t fJustUnfold; // Just unfold, do not recluster //AOD TClonesArray *fOutputAODBranch; //! AOD Branch with output clusters TString fOutputAODBranchName; // New of output AOD branch Bool_t fOutputAODBranchSet ; // Set the AOD clusters branch in the input event once Bool_t fFillAODFile; // Fill the output AOD file with the new clusters, // if not they will be only available for the event they were generated Bool_t fFillAODHeader; // Copy header to standard branch Bool_t fFillAODCaloCells; // Copy calocells to standard branch Int_t fRun; // run number AliEMCALRecoUtils* fRecoUtils; // Access to factorized reconstruction algorithms TString fConfigName; // Name of analysis configuration file Int_t fOrgClusterCellId[12672]; // Array ID of cluster to wich the cell belongs in unmodified clusters Int_t fCellLabels[12672]; // Array with MC label to be passed to digit. Int_t fCellSecondLabels[12672]; // Array with Second MC label to be passed to digit. Double_t fCellTime[12672]; // Array with cluster time to be passed to digit in case of AODs Float_t fCellMatchdEta[12672]; // Array with cluster-track dPhi Float_t fCellMatchdPhi[12672]; // Array with cluster-track dEta Bool_t fRecalibrateWithClusterTime; // Use fCellTime to store time of cells in cluster Int_t fMaxEvent; // Set a maximum event Bool_t fDoTrackMatching; // On/Off the matching recalulation to speed up analysis in PbPb Bool_t fSelectCell; // Reject cells from cluster if energy is too low and recalculate position/energy and other Float_t fSelectCellMinE; // Min energy cell threshold, after unfolding Float_t fSelectCellMinFrac; // Min fraction of cell energy after unfolding cut Bool_t fRemoveLEDEvents; // Remove LED events, use only for LHC11a Bool_t fRemoveExoticEvents; // Remove exotic events Bool_t fImportGeometryFromFile; // Import geometry settings in geometry.root file TString fImportGeometryFilePath; // path fo geometry.root file Bool_t fOADBSet ; // AODB parameters already set Bool_t fAccessOADB ; // Get calibration from OADB for EMCAL TString fOADBFilePath ; // Default path $ALICE_ROOT/OADB/EMCAL, if needed change //Centrality TString fCentralityClass; // Name of selected centrality class Float_t fCentralityBin[2]; // Minimum and maximum value of the centrality for the analysis // Event selection with some signal in EMCAL Bool_t fSelectEMCALEvent; // Process the event if there is some high energy cluster Float_t fEMCALEnergyCut; // At least an EMCAL cluster with this energy in the event Int_t fEMCALNcellsCut; // At least an EMCAL cluster with fNCellsCut cells over fEnergyCut Int_t fSetCellMCLabelFromCluster; // Use cluster MC label as cell label: // 0 - get the MC label stored in cells // 1 - from old way, select 2 most likely labels // 2 - from new way, get the original clusters, add all the MC labels (useful for any reclusterization with output V1 clusters) Bool_t fRemapMCLabelForAODs ; // Remap AOD cells MC label Bool_t fInputFromFilter ; // Get the input from AODs from the filter AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize( const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize, 27); }; #endif //ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALCLUSTERIZE_H