#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton_h #define AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton_h // $Id$ class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class THnSparse; class TList; class TObjArray; class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliOADBContainer; class AliESDCaloCells; class AliESDEvent; class AliESDtrack; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliAODEvent; class AliAODCaloCells; class AliVCluster; class AliMCEvent; class AliStack; class TParticle; class AliAODMCParticle; class TGeoHMatrix; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton(); AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton() {} void UserCreateOutputObjects(); void UserExec(Option_t *option); void Terminate(Option_t *); void GetCeIso(TVector3 vec, Int_t maxid, Float_t &iso, Float_t &phiband, Float_t &core); Double_t GetCrossEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &idmax); Double_t GetMaxCellEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &id) const; void GetTrIso(TVector3 vec, Float_t &iso, Float_t &phiband, Float_t &core); Double_t GetTrackMatchedPt(Int_t matchIndex); void FillClusHists(); void FillMcHists(); void FillQA(); Float_t GetClusSource(const AliVCluster *cluster); void FollowGamma(); void GetDaughtersInfo(int firstd, int lastd, int selfid, const char *indputindent); Float_t GetMcPtSumInCone(Float_t etaclus, Float_t phiclus, Float_t R); void LoopOnCells(); bool IsExotic(AliVCluster *c); void SetExotCut(Double_t c) { fExoticCut = c; } void SetGeoName(const char *n) { fGeoName = n; } void SetIsoConeR(Double_t r) { fIsoConeR = r; } void SetPeriod(const char *n) { fPeriod = n; } void SetTriggerBit(const char *tb) { fTrigBit = tb; } void SetPrimTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts *c) { fPrTrCuts = c; } void SetTrainMode(Bool_t t) { fIsTrain = t; } void SetMcMode(Bool_t mc) { fIsMc = mc; } void SetDebugOn(Bool_t d) { fDebug = d; } void SetPathStringSelect(char *p) { fPathStrOpt = p; } void SetEtCut(Double_t ec) { fECut = ec; } void SetImportGeometryFromFile(Bool_t im, TString pa = "") { fImportGeometryFromFile = im ; fImportGeometryFilePath = pa ; } void SetTrackFilterBit(ULong_t bit) { fFilterBit = bit; } void SetHybridOn() { fSelHybrid = kTRUE; } void SetFillQA() { fFillQA = kTRUE; } void SelectCPVFromTrack(Bool_t b) { fCpvFromTrack = b; } void SetEtPtHistoBinning(Int_t n, Double_t lowx, Double_t highx) { fNBinsPt = n; fPtBinLowEdge = lowx; fPtBinHighEdge = highx; } void SetRemoveMatchClus(Bool_t b) { fRemMatchClus = b; } void SetMinIsoClusE(Double_t emin) { fMinIsoClusE = emin; } void SetTrCoreRemoval(Bool_t b) { fTrCoreRem = b; } void SetClusTDiff(Double_t diff) { fClusTDiff = diff; } protected: TObjArray *fESDClusters; //!pointer to EMCal clusters TObjArray *fAODClusters; //!pointer to EMCal clusters TObjArray *fSelPrimTracks; //!pointer to ESD primary tracks TClonesArray *fTracks; //!track input array TClonesArray *fAODMCParticles; //!MC particles array for AOD analysis AliESDCaloCells *fESDCells; //!pointer to EMCal cells, esd AliAODCaloCells *fAODCells; //!pointer to EMCal cells, aod AliESDtrackCuts *fPrTrCuts; //pointer to hold the prim track cuts AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; // geometry utils TString fGeoName; // geometry name (def = EMCAL_FIRSTYEARV1) AliOADBContainer *fOADBContainer; //!OADB container used to load misalignment matrices TString fPeriod; // string to the LHC period TString fTrigBit; // string to the trigger bit name Bool_t fIsTrain; // variable to set train mode Bool_t fIsMc; // variable to set mc mode Bool_t fDebug; // variable to set on/off debugging printouts TString fPathStrOpt; // variable to set the name of files to be analyzed (MC only) Double_t fExoticCut; // variable to set the cut on exotic clusters Double_t fIsoConeR; // variable to set the isolation cone radius Int_t fNDimensions; // variable to set the number of dimensions of n-sparse Double_t fECut; // variable to set the minimum E of a cluster Int_t fTrackMult; // global variable with the event multiplicity TString fMcIdFamily; // string that holds the ids of all particles originated from the prompt photon Int_t fNClusForDirPho; // number of clusters from prompt photon per event Float_t fDirPhoPt; // prompt photon pt (assumes only one per event) Float_t fHigherPtCone; // higher pt inside the cone around the candidate Bool_t fImportGeometryFromFile; // Import geometry settings in geometry.root file TString fImportGeometryFilePath; // path fo geometry.root file Double_t fMaxPtTrack; //track with highest pt in event Double_t fMaxEClus; //cluster with highest energy in event Int_t fNCells50; // variable to keep the number of cells with E>50 MeV ULong_t fFilterBit; // Track selection bit, for AODs Bool_t fSelHybrid; // bool to select hybrid tracks Bool_t fFillQA; // bool to fill the QA plots TString fClusIdFromTracks; // string to hold the list of cluster ids given by tracks Bool_t fCpvFromTrack; // set the track-matching method to track->GetEMCALcluster() Int_t fNBinsPt; // set the number of bins in axis of histograms filled with pt (or Et) Double_t fPtBinLowEdge; // low edge of the first pt (Et) bin Double_t fPtBinHighEdge; // high edge of the first pt (Et) bin Bool_t fRemMatchClus; // flag to remove completely a cluster matched from the isolation Double_t fMinIsoClusE; // minimum energy for a cluster to be counted in the iso cone Int_t fNCuts; // number of cuts (QA purposes) Bool_t fTrCoreRem; // flag to set the removal of the core in track isolation (true removes it, default) Double_t fClusTDiff; // variable to hold the time diff between the candidate cluster and the isolation clusters private: AliESDEvent *fESD; //! ESD object AliAODEvent *fAOD; //! AOD object AliVEvent *fVEvent; //! AliVEvent AliMCEvent *fMCEvent; //! MC event object AliStack *fStack; //!MC particles stack object TGeoHMatrix *fGeomMatrix[12];//! Geometry misalignment matrices for EMCal TList *fOutputList; //! Output list //histograms for events with 1+ track pt>1 TH1F *fEvtSel; //!evt selection counter: 0=all trg, 1=pv cut TH1F *fNClusEt10; //!number of clusters w/ Et>10 in the event TH1F *fRecoPV; //!histogram to record if an event has a prim. vert. TH1F *fPVtxZ; //!primary vertex Z before cut TH1F *fTrMultDist; //!track multiplicity distribution TH2F *fClusEtCPVSBGISO; //!iso-all vs. clusters Et after CPV and 0.1GetEntries() TH1F *fEmcNCells; //!number of emcal cells in the event TH1F *fEmcNClus; //!# of emcal clusters TH1F *fEmcNClusCut; //!# of clusters in an event with at least 1 clus with E > fECut ("triggered event") TH1F *fNTracksECut; //!number of tracks from Array->GetEntries() in "triggered event" TH1F *fEmcNCellsCut; //!number of emcal cells in a in "triggered event" TH1F *fEmcClusETM1; //!emcal track matched cluster energy (TracDx,z method) TH1F *fEmcClusETM2; //!emcal track matched cluster energy (track->GetEMCALcluster() method) TH1F *fEmcClusNotExo; //!cluster energy (exotics removed) TH2F *fEmcClusEClusCuts; //!cluster E spectrum per cluster cut (none, exotic, exo+cpv1, exo+cpv1+time, exo+cpv1+time+m02) TH2F *fEmcClusEPhi; //!cluster E spectrum vs. phi TH2F *fEmcClusEPhiCut; //!cluster E spectrum vs. phi in "triggered event" TH2F *fEmcClusEEta; //!cluster E spectrum vs. eta TH2F *fEmcClusEEtaCut; //!cluster E spectrum vs. eta in "triggered event" TH2F *fTrackPtPhi; //!selected tracks pt vs. phi TH2F *fTrackPtPhiCut; //!selected tracks pt vs. phi in "triggered event" TH2F *fTrackPtEta; //!selected tracks pt vs. eta TH2F *fTrackPtEtaCut; //!selected tracks pt vs. eta in "triggered event" TH2F *fMaxCellEPhi; //!max cell energy vs. cell phi AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALIsoPhoton, 1); // Class to analyse isolated photons }; #endif