#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALMESONGGSDM_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALMESONGGSDM_H class TF1; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class TH1D; class TH2D; class TH3D; class TNtuple; class TList; class AliESDEvent; class AliAODEvent; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliESDCaloCluster; class AliAODCaloCluster; class AliMCEvent; class AliMCParticle; class AliEMCALGeometry; #ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKSE_H #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #endif #include "AliAnalysisUtils.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM(); AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); void SetMcMode(Bool_t b) { fMcMode = b; } void SetRecalScheme(Int_t kRecalibrator) { fRecalibrator = kRecalibrator; } void SetMyMCType(char *kMyMCType) { fMyMCType = kMyMCType; } void SetdRmin_ClustTrack(Double_t kdRmin_ClustTrack) { fdRmin_ClustTrack = kdRmin_ClustTrack; } void SetFidPhiMinMax(Double_t kPhimin, Double_t kPhimax){ fPhimin = kPhimin; fPhimax = kPhimax; } void SetFidEtaMinMax(Double_t kEtamin, Double_t kEtamax){ fEtamin = kEtamin; fEtamax = kEtamax; } private: static const int zvtx_bins = 8; static const int mult_bins = 7; static const unsigned int poolDepth = 80; Int_t GetMultBin(Int_t mult); Int_t GetZvtxBin(Double_t vertZ); Int_t isGoodEsdCluster(AliESDCaloCluster* esdclust); Int_t isGoodAodCluster(AliAODCaloCluster* aodclust); Double_t getDeltaPhi(TLorentzVector p1, TLorentzVector p2); Double_t getDeltaEta(TLorentzVector p1, TLorentzVector p2); Double_t PrivateEnergyRecal(Double_t energy, Int_t iCalib); Double_t GetMaxCellEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &id) const; Int_t IsPhysPrimJ(AliMCEvent *mcEvent, Int_t iTrack); Int_t IsLongLivedOrK(Int_t MyPDGcode); Int_t IsMyMCHeaderType(Int_t iTrack, char *MyType, AliMCEvent *mcEvent) const; TList *fOutput; //! Output list Bool_t fMcMode; // monte carlo mode char *fMyMCType; // monte carlo primary particles Int_t fRecalibrator; // custom recalibrator? Double_t fdRmin_ClustTrack; // Cuts. Double_t fPhimin; // Cuts. Double_t fPhimax; // Cuts. Double_t fEtamin; // Cuts. Double_t fEtamax; // Cuts. AliESDtrackCuts *fTrackCuts; // Track cuts AliESDEvent *fEsdEv; //!pointer to input esd event AliAODEvent *fAodEv; //!pointer to input aod event TH1F *h1_nClusters; //! # of clusters/evt TH1F *h1_zvtx; //! # of clusters/evt TH1F *h1_trigger; //! # of clusters/evt TH1F *h1_M; //! Mass spectrum TH1F *h1_M_mix; //! Mass spectrum TH1F *h1_E; //! energy spectrum TH2F *h2_PhiEtaCluster; //! phi vs eta for the cluster CoG TH2F *h2_PhiEtaClusterCut; //! phi vs eta for the cluster CoG w/ cuts TH2F *h2_PhiEtaMaxCell; //! phi vs eta for the maximum cell TH2F *h2_PhiEtaMaxCellCut; //! phi vs eta for the maximum cell w/ cuts TH1F *h1_dR_ClustTrk; //! Track Matching TH2F *h2_gE_RecTruth; //! gamma E, rec/truth, first bin is primaries, second is non-primaries TH2F *h2_eop_E; //! e over p vs E. simple TH2F *h2_eop_pT; //! e over p vs pT. simple TH2F *h2_E_time; //! cluster energy vs time. TH1F *h1_Pi0TruthPt; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_K0Pi0TruthPt; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PriPi0TruthPt; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhysPi0TruthPt; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_Pi0TruthPtEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_K0Pi0TruthPtEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PriPi0TruthPtEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhysPi0TruthPtEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_Pi0TruthPtPhi2piEta065; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_K0Pi0TruthPtPhi2piEta065; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PriPi0TruthPtPhi2piEta065; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhysPi0TruthPtPhi2piEta065; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_Pi0TruthPtPhi2piEta1; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_K0Pi0TruthPtPhi2piEta1; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PriPi0TruthPtPhi2piEta1; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhysPi0TruthPtPhi2piEta1; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_Pi0TruthPhiEta; //! etaphi spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_PriPi0TruthPhiEta; //! etaphi spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_Pi0TruthPhiEtaEmcal; //! etaphi spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_PriPi0TruthPhiEtaEmcal; //! etaphi spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_TruthPhotonsEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_TruthPhotonsPhiEta; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhotonsEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhotonsNCellsCut; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhotonsTrackMatchCut; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_PhotonsAllCut; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_PhotonsPhiEtaIsEmcal; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH1F *h1_dR_RealMC; //! Pt spectrum from MC! TH2F *h2_Mpt_Pri; //! 2dimensional mass vs mom primary pions TH2F *h2_Mpt_Sec; //! 2dimensional mass vs mom secondary pions TH3F *h3_MptR_Sec; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, secondary pions TH3F *h3_MptR_K0s; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, K0s pions TH3F *h3_MptR_Mat; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, pions from material TH2F *h2_PtR_MatM; //! 2dimensional pt vs production radius, pions from material (that merged). pi mass assumed. TH2F *h2_Mpt_Pri_conv; //! 2dimensional mass vs mom primary pions TH2F *h2_Mpt_Sec_conv; //! 2dimensional mass vs mom secondary pions TH3F *h3_MptR_Sec_conv; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, secondary pions TH3F *h3_MptR_K0s_conv; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, K0s pions TH3F *h3_MptR_Mat_conv; //! 2dimensional mass vs production radius, pions from material TH1F *h1_eConversionR; //! conversion point (radius) TH1F *h1_PriPi0Mother; //! the parent ID of every sec pi0 mother TH1F *h1_SecPi0Mother; //! the parent ID of every pri pi0 mother TH1F *h1_Chi2; //! pseudorapidity spectrum TH1F *h1_nTrkMatch; //! pseudorapidity spectrum TH1F *h1_nCells; //! pseudorapidity spectrum TH1F *h1_ClusterDisp; //! cluster dispersion TH2F *h2_Ellipse; //! ellipse axis? TH2F *h2_EtaPt; //! 2d histogram Y - pseudorap spectrum TH3F *h3_MptAsymm; //! 2dimensional E vs mom TH3F *h3_MptAsymm_mix; //! 2dimensional E vs mom TH2F *h2_dphi_deta; //! 2dimensional E vs mom TH2F *h2_dphi_deta_mix; //! 2dimensional E vs mom TH2F *h2_DispRes; //! 2dimensional E vs mom TH2F *h2_cells_M02; //! //AliPIDCombined *fPIDCombined; // for E/p //AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse; // for E/p std::vector Photons[poolDepth][zvtx_bins][mult_bins]; //! std::vector TriggerList; //! AliAnalysisUtils* fHelperClass; //! Vertex selection helper AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALMesonGGSDM, 1); // example of analysis }; #endif