#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton_h #define AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton_h // $Id$ class TH1; class TH2; class TObjArray; class AliESDEvent; class AliMCEvent; class AliStack; class AliESDtrack; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliESDCaloCells; class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliVCluster; class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterizeFast; class TParticle; class AliPhotonHeaderObj; class AliPhotonConvObj; class AliPhotonClusterObj; class AliPhotonCellObj; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton(); AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton() {} void UserCreateOutputObjects(); void UserExec(Option_t *option); void Terminate(Option_t *); void SetTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts *c) { fTrCuts = c; } void SetPrimTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts *c) { fPrTrCuts = c; } void SetTimeResTOF(Float_t tr = 130.) { fTimeResTOF = tr; } void SetMipResponseTPC(Float_t mr = 47.9) { fMipResponseTPC = mr; } void SetGeoName(const char *n) { fGeoName = n; } void SetPeriod(const char *n) { fPeriod = n; } void SetTrainMode(Bool_t t) { fIsTrain = t; } void SetGridMode(Bool_t g) { fIsGrid = g; } void SetClusThreshold(Double_t et) { fClusThresh = et; } void SetClusterizer(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterizeFast *c) { fClusterizer = c; } void SetMcMode(Bool_t mc) { fIsMC = mc; } void FindConversions(); void FillMyCells(); void FillMyClusters(); void FillMyAltClusters(); void FillIsoTracks(); void FillMcPart(TParticle *mcP, Int_t ipart, Int_t itrack); void GetMcParts(); Double_t GetTrackIsolation(Double_t cEta, Double_t cPhi, Double_t radius=0.2, Double_t pt=0.) const; Double_t GetPhiBandEt(Double_t cEta, Double_t cPhi, Double_t radius=0.2, Double_t pt=0.) const; // Double_t GetPhiBandEt(Double_t cEta, Double_t cPhi, Double_t radius=0.2, Double_t pt=0.) const; Double_t GetCrossEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &idmax); Double_t GetMaxCellEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &id) const; protected: AliESDtrackCuts *fTrCuts; // track cuts AliESDtrackCuts *fPrTrCuts; // primary track cuts TObjArray *fSelTracks; //!pointer to selected inclusive tracks TObjArray *fSelPrimTracks; //!pointer to selected primary tracks TClonesArray *fPhotConvArray; //!array of AliPhotonConvObj TClonesArray *fMyClusts; //!array of AliPhotonClusterObj TClonesArray *fMyAltClusts; //!array of AliPhotonClusterObj from the alternative clusterizer TClonesArray *fMyCells; //!array of AliPhotonCellObj TClonesArray *fMyTracks; //!array of AliPhotonTrackObj TClonesArray *fMyMcParts; //!array of AliPhotonMcPartObj AliPhotonHeaderObj *fHeader; //! TRefArray *fCaloClusters; //!pointer to EMCal clusters TClonesArray *fCaloClustersNew; //!pointer to EMCal clusters v2 AliESDCaloCells *fEMCalCells; //!pointer to EMCal cells AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; // geometry utils Float_t fTimeResTOF; //TOF time resolution for track PID Float_t fMipResponseTPC; //TPC mip response for track pid TString fGeoName; // geometry name (def = EMCAL_FIRSTYEARV1) TString fPeriod; // string to the LHC period Bool_t fIsTrain; //variable to set train mode Bool_t fIsMC; //variable to switch mcparts branch on/off Bool_t fIsGrid; //variable to set grid mode Double_t fClusThresh; //!energy threshold for cluster be saved AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterizeFast *fClusterizer; //!pointer for alternative clusterizer TString fCaloClustersName; //alternative clusterizer name private: AliESDEvent *fESD; //! ESD object AliMCEvent *fMCEvent; //! MC event object AliStack *fStack; //!MC particles stack object TList *fOutputList; //! Output list TTree *fTree; //!output tree //conversion histograms TH2F *fNV0sBefAndAftRerun; //!check the number of V0s before and after rerun TH2F *fConversionVtxXY; //! X x Y of found conversion vertices TH1F *fInvMassV0; //!invariant mass from v0->GetEffMass() TH1F *fInvMassV0KF; //!invariant mass from the v0 tracks TH1F *fInvMassV0SS; //!invariant mass from the tracks in the "dirty" finder TH2F *fDedxPAll; //!dE/dx vs p of all selected tracks AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPhoton, 1); // example of analysis }; #endif #ifndef AliPhotonObjs_h #define AliPhotonObjs_h class AliPhotonHeaderObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonHeaderObj() : TObject(), fTrClassMask(0), fTrCluster(0), fV0Cent(0), fV0(0), fCl1Cent(0), fCl1(0), fTrCent(0), fTr(0), fNClus(0), fNCells(0) {;} public: ULong64_t fTrClassMask; // trigger class mask UChar_t fTrCluster; // trigger cluster mask Double32_t fV0Cent; //[0,0,16] v0 cent Double32_t fV0; //[0,0,16] v0 result used for cent Double32_t fCl1Cent; //[0,0,16] cl1 cent Double32_t fCl1; //[0,0,16] cl1 result used for cent Double32_t fTrCent; //[0,0,16] tr cent Double32_t fTr; //[0,0,16] tr result used for cent Int_t fNClus; Int_t fNCells; ClassDef(AliPhotonHeaderObj,2) }; class AliPhotonConvObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonConvObj() : TObject(), fPt(0), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fVR(0), fVEta(0), fVPhi(0), fMass(0), fMcLabel(-1), fNegPt(0), fNegEta(0), fNegPhi(0), fNegDedx(0), fNegMcLabel(-1), fPosPt(0), fPosEta(0), fPosPhi(0), fPosDedx(0), fPosMcLabel(-1) {;} public: Double32_t fPt; //[0,0,16] pt Double32_t fEta; //[0,0,16] eta Double32_t fPhi; //[0,0,16] phi Double32_t fVR; //[0,0,16] prod r (cylinder) Double32_t fVEta; //[0,0,16] prod eta Double32_t fVPhi; //[0,0,16] prod phi Double32_t fMass; //[0,0,16] if correctly filled, should be <50 MeV Short_t fMcLabel; //corresponding MC label //negative daughter Double32_t fNegPt; //[0,0,16] pt Double32_t fNegEta; //[0,0,16] eta Double32_t fNegPhi; //[0,0,16] phi Double32_t fNegDedx; //[0,0,16] if correctly filled, should be <50 MeV Short_t fNegMcLabel; //corresponding MC label //positive daughter Double32_t fPosPt; //[0,0,16] pt Double32_t fPosEta; //[0,0,16] eta Double32_t fPosPhi; //[0,0,16] phi Double32_t fPosDedx; //[0,0,16] if correctly filled, should be <50 MeV Short_t fPosMcLabel; //corresponding MC label ClassDef(AliPhotonConvObj,1) // conversion class }; class AliPhotonClusterObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonClusterObj() : TObject(), fE(0), fEt(0), fR(0), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fN(0),fEmax(0),fTmax(0), fIdmax(0), fEcross(0),fDisp(-1), fM20(-1), fM02(-1),fTrDEta(0), fTrDPhi(0), fTrEp(0), fTrDedx(0), fTrIso01(0), fTrIso02(0), fTrIso03(0), fTrIso04(0), fTrPhiBand01(0), fTrPhiBand02(0), fTrPhiBand03(0), fTrPhiBand04(0), fCellsAbsId(""),fMcLabel(-1) {;} public: Double32_t fE; Double32_t fEt; Double32_t fR; Double32_t fEta; Double32_t fPhi; UShort_t fN; Double_t fEmax; Double_t fTmax; Short_t fIdmax; Double_t fEcross; Double32_t fDisp; Double32_t fM20; Double32_t fM02; Double32_t fTrDEta; Double32_t fTrDPhi; Double32_t fTrEp; Double32_t fTrDedx; Double32_t fTrIso01; Double32_t fTrIso02; Double32_t fTrIso03; Double32_t fTrIso04; Double32_t fTrPhiBand01; Double32_t fTrPhiBand02; Double32_t fTrPhiBand03; Double32_t fTrPhiBand04; TString fCellsAbsId; //cluster cells absid Short_t fMcLabel; ClassDef(AliPhotonClusterObj,6) // cluster class }; class AliPhotonCellObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonCellObj() : TObject(), fAbsID(-1), fE(0), fEt(0), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fTime(0) {;} public: Short_t fAbsID; Double32_t fE; Double32_t fEt; Double32_t fEta; Double32_t fPhi; Double32_t fTime; ClassDef(AliPhotonCellObj,1) // cell class }; class AliPhotonTrackObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonTrackObj() : TObject(), fPt(0), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fDedx(0), fCharge(0), fMcLabel(-1) {;} public: Double32_t fPt; Double32_t fEta; Double32_t fPhi; Double32_t fDedx; Short_t fCharge; Short_t fMcLabel; ClassDef(AliPhotonTrackObj,3) }; class AliPhotonMcPartObj : public TObject { public: AliPhotonMcPartObj() : TObject(), fLabel(-1), fPdg(0), fPt(0), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fVR(0), fVEta(0), fVPhi(0), fMother(-1) {;} public: Short_t fLabel; Short_t fPdg; Double32_t fPt; Double32_t fEta; Double32_t fPhi; Double32_t fVR; Double32_t fVEta; Double32_t fVPhi; Short_t fMother; ClassDef(AliPhotonMcPartObj,1) }; #endif