/* $Id: AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2.cxx 55404 2012-03-29 10:10:19Z fca $ */ #include "AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliCaloPID.h" #include "AliCaloTrackReader.h" #include "AliCalorimeterUtils.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEPFlattener.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliEventplane.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliOADBContainer.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliVCluster.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2) //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fOutput(0), fESD(0),fAOD(0), fTracksName("PicoTrack"), fV1ClusName("CaloCluster"), fV2ClusName("CaloCluster"), fTrigClass("CVLN_|CSEMI_|CCENT|CVHN"), fTracks(0), fV1Clus(0), fV2Clus(0), fRunNumber(-999),fInterRunNumber(-999), fVtxCut(15.), fNcellCut(2.), fECut(1.), fEtaCut(0.65), fM02Cut(0.5),fDrCut(0.025), fPi0AsyCut(0), isV1Clus(1), isPhosCali(0), fCentrality(99.), fEPTPC(-999.), fEPTPCreso(0.), fEPV0(-999.), fEPV0A(-999.), fEPV0C(-999.), fEPV0Ar(-999.), fEPV0Cr(-999.), fEPV0r(-999.), fEPV0AR4(-999.), fEPV0AR5(-999.), fEPV0AR6(-999.), fEPV0AR7(-999.), fEPV0CR0(-999.), fEPV0CR1(-999.), fEPV0CR2(-999.), fEPV0CR3(-999.), hEvtCount(0), h2DcosV0A(0), h2DsinV0A(0), h2DcosV0C(0), h2DsinV0C(0), h2DcosTPC(0), h2DsinTPC(0), hEPTPC(0), hresoTPC(0), hEPV0(0), hEPV0A(0), hEPV0C(0), hEPV0Ar(0), hEPV0Cr(0), hEPV0r(0), hEPV0AR4(0), hEPV0AR7(0), hEPV0CR0(0), hEPV0CR3(0), hEPTPCCor(0), hEPV0ACor(0), hEPV0CCor(0), hdifV0Ar_V0Cr(0), hdifV0A_V0CR0(0), hdifV0A_V0CR3(0), hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3(0), hdifV0C_V0AR4(0), hdifV0C_V0AR7(0), hdifV0AR4_V0AR7(0), hdifV0A_V0C(0), hdifV0A_TPC(0), hdifV0C_TPC(0), hdifV0C_V0A(0), hM02vsPtA(0), hM02vsPtB(0), hClusDxDZA(0), hClusDxDZB(0), hdifEMC_EPV0(0), hdifEMC_EPV0A(0), hdifEMC_EPV0C(0), hdifful_EPV0(0), hdifful_EPV0A(0), hdifful_EPV0C(0), hdifout_EPV0(0), hdifout_EPV0A(0), hdifout_EPV0C(0), fEPcalibFileName("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/PHOS/PHOSflat.root"), fTPCFlat(0x0), fV0AFlat(0x0), fV0CFlat(0x0), fClusterPbV0(0), fClusterPbV0A(0), fClusterPbV0C(0), fClusterPbTPC(0), fHEPV0r(0x0), fHEPV0A(0x0), fHEPV0C(0x0), fHEPTPC(0x0) { // Dummy constructor ALWAYS needed for I/O. DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); // for output list } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2() : AliAnalysisTaskSE("default_name"), fOutput(0), fESD(0),fAOD(0), fTracksName("PicoTrack"), fV1ClusName("CaloCluster"), fV2ClusName("CaloCluster"), fTrigClass("CVLN_|CSEMI_|CCENT|CVHN"), fTracks(0), fV1Clus(0), fV2Clus(0), fRunNumber(-999),fInterRunNumber(-999), fVtxCut(15.), fNcellCut(2.), fECut(1.), fEtaCut(0.65), fM02Cut(0.5), fDrCut(0.025), fPi0AsyCut(0), isV1Clus(1),isPhosCali(0), fCentrality(99.), fEPTPC(-999.), fEPTPCreso(0.), fEPV0(-999.), fEPV0A(-999.), fEPV0C(-999.), fEPV0Ar(-999.), fEPV0Cr(-999.), fEPV0r(-999.), fEPV0AR4(-999.), fEPV0AR5(-999.), fEPV0AR6(-999.), fEPV0AR7(-999.), fEPV0CR0(-999.), fEPV0CR1(-999.), fEPV0CR2(-999.), fEPV0CR3(-999.), hEvtCount(0), h2DcosV0A(0), h2DsinV0A(0), h2DcosV0C(0), h2DsinV0C(0), h2DcosTPC(0), h2DsinTPC(0), hEPTPC(0), hresoTPC(0), hEPV0(0), hEPV0A(0), hEPV0C(0), hEPV0Ar(0), hEPV0Cr(0), hEPV0r(0), hEPV0AR4(0), hEPV0AR7(0), hEPV0CR0(0), hEPV0CR3(0), hEPTPCCor(0), hEPV0ACor(0), hEPV0CCor(0), hdifV0Ar_V0Cr(0), hdifV0A_V0CR0(0), hdifV0A_V0CR3(0), hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3(0), hdifV0C_V0AR4(0), hdifV0C_V0AR7(0), hdifV0AR4_V0AR7(0), hdifV0A_V0C(0), hdifV0A_TPC(0), hdifV0C_TPC(0), hdifV0C_V0A(0), hM02vsPtA(0), hM02vsPtB(0), hClusDxDZA(0), hClusDxDZB(0), hdifEMC_EPV0(0), hdifEMC_EPV0A(0), hdifEMC_EPV0C(0), hdifful_EPV0(0), hdifful_EPV0A(0), hdifful_EPV0C(0), hdifout_EPV0(0), hdifout_EPV0A(0), hdifout_EPV0C(0), fEPcalibFileName("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/PHOS/PHOSflat.root"), fTPCFlat(0x0), fV0AFlat(0x0), fV0CFlat(0x0), fClusterPbV0(0), fClusterPbV0A(0), fClusterPbV0C(0), fClusterPbTPC(0), fHEPV0r(0x0), fHEPV0A(0x0), fHEPV0C(0x0), fHEPTPC(0x0) { // Constructor // Define input and output slots here (never in the dummy constructor) // Input slot #0 works with a TChain - it is connected to the default input container // Output slot #1 writes into a TH1 container DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); // for output list } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::~AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2() { // Destructor. Clean-up the output list, but not the histograms that are put inside // (the list is owner and will clean-up these histograms). Protect in PROOF case. if (fTPCFlat) delete fTPCFlat; fTPCFlat=0x0; if (fV0AFlat) delete fV0AFlat; fV0AFlat=0x0; if (fV0CFlat) delete fV0CFlat; fV0CFlat=0x0; delete fOutput; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::GetMaxCellEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &id) const { // Get maximum energy of attached cell. id = -1; AliVCaloCells *cells = 0; if (fESD) { cells = fESD->GetEMCALCells(); } else { cells = fAOD->GetEMCALCells(); } if (!cells) return 0; Double_t maxe = 0; const Int_t ncells = cluster->GetNCells(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetCellAmplitude(TMath::Abs(cluster->GetCellAbsId(i))); if (e>maxe) { maxe = e; id = cluster->GetCellAbsId(i); } } return maxe; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::GetCrossEnergy(const AliVCluster *cluster, Short_t &idmax) const { // Calculate the energy of cross cells around the leading cell. AliVCaloCells *cells; if (fESD) { cells = fESD->GetEMCALCells(); } else { cells = fAOD->GetEMCALCells(); } if (!cells) return 0; AliEMCALGeometry *geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (!geom) return 0; Int_t iSupMod = -1; Int_t iTower = -1; Int_t iIphi = -1; Int_t iIeta = -1; Int_t iphi = -1; Int_t ieta = -1; Int_t iphis = -1; Int_t ietas = -1; Double_t crossEnergy = 0.; geom->GetCellIndex(idmax,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta); geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphis,ietas); Int_t ncells = cluster->GetNCells(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetCellAbsId(i); geom->GetCellIndex(cellAbsId,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta); geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta); Int_t aphidiff = TMath::Abs(iphi-iphis); if (aphidiff>1) continue; Int_t aetadiff = TMath::Abs(ieta-ietas); if (aetadiff>1) continue; if ( (aphidiff==1 && aetadiff==0) || (aphidiff==0 && aetadiff==1) ) { crossEnergy += cells->GetCellAmplitude(cellAbsId); } } return crossEnergy; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::IsWithinFiducialVolume(Short_t id) const { // Check if cell is within given fiducial volume. Double_t fNFiducial = 1; Int_t iSupMod = -1; Int_t iTower = -1; Int_t iIphi = -1; Int_t iIeta = -1; Int_t iphi = -1; Int_t ieta = -1; Bool_t okrow = kFALSE; Bool_t okcol = kFALSE; AliEMCALGeometry *geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (!geom) return kFALSE; Int_t cellAbsId = id; geom->GetCellIndex(cellAbsId,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta); geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta); // Check rows/phi if (iSupMod < 10) { if (iphi >= fNFiducial && iphi < 24-fNFiducial) okrow = kTRUE; } else { if (iphi >= fNFiducial && iphi < 12-fNFiducial) okrow = kTRUE; } // Check columns/eta Bool_t noEMCALBorderAtEta0 = kTRUE; if (!noEMCALBorderAtEta0) { if (ieta > fNFiducial && ieta < 48-fNFiducial) okcol = kTRUE; } else { if (iSupMod%2==0) { if (ieta >= fNFiducial) okcol = kTRUE; } else { if (ieta < 48-fNFiducial) okcol = kTRUE; } } if (okrow && okcol) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::IsGoodCluster(const AliVCluster *c) const { if (!c) return kFALSE; if(c->GetNCells() < fNcellCut) return kFALSE; if(c->E() < fECut) return kFALSE; Short_t id = -1; Double_t maxE = GetMaxCellEnergy(c, id); if((1. - double(GetCrossEnergy(c,id))/maxE) > 0.97) return kFALSE; Float_t pos1[3]; c->GetPosition(pos1); TVector3 clsPos(pos1); Double_t eta = clsPos.Eta(); if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaCut) return kFALSE; if (!IsWithinFiducialVolume(id)) return kFALSE; if(c->GetM02() >fM02Cut) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::IsGoodClusterV1(const AliVCluster *c) const { if (!c) return kFALSE; if (c->GetNCells() < fNcellCut) return kFALSE; if (c->E() < fECut) return kFALSE; Short_t id = -1; Double_t maxE = GetMaxCellEnergy(c, id); if((1. - double(GetCrossEnergy(c,id))/maxE) > 0.97) return kFALSE; Float_t pos1[3]; c->GetPosition(pos1); TVector3 clsPos(pos1); Double_t eta = clsPos.Eta(); if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaCut) return kFALSE; if (!IsWithinFiducialVolume(id)) return kFALSE; if (c->GetM02() GetTrackDx()*c->GetTrackDx() + c->GetTrackDz()*c->GetTrackDz()); if(dr0.7) return kFALSE; } TLorentzVector pion; pion = p1 + p2; Double_t eta = pion.Eta(); if(TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaCut) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::FillPion(const TLorentzVector& p1, const TLorentzVector& p2, Double_t EPV0A, Double_t EPV0C, Double_t EPTPC) { // Fill histogram. if (!IsGoodPion(p1,p2)) return; TLorentzVector pion; pion = p1 + p2; Double_t mass = pion.M(); Double_t pt = pion.Pt(); Double_t phi = pion.Phi(); Double_t dphiV0A = phi-EPV0A; Double_t dphiV0C = phi-EPV0C; Double_t dphiTPC = phi-EPTPC; Double_t cos2phiV0A = TMath::Cos(2.*(dphiV0A)); Double_t cos2phiV0C = TMath::Cos(2.*(dphiV0C)); Double_t cos2phiTPC = TMath::Cos(2.*(dphiTPC)); dphiV0A = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(dphiV0A); if(dphiV0A >TMath::Pi()) dphiV0A -= TMath::Pi(); dphiV0C = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(dphiV0C); if(dphiV0C >TMath::Pi()) dphiV0C -= TMath::Pi(); dphiTPC = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(dphiTPC); if(dphiTPC >TMath::Pi()) dphiTPC -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t xV0A[5]; // Match ndims in fH V0A EP xV0A[0] = mass; xV0A[1] = pt; xV0A[2] = fCentrality; xV0A[3] = dphiV0A; xV0A[4] = cos2phiV0A; fHEPV0A->Fill(xV0A); Double_t xV0C[5]; // Match ndims in fH V0C EP xV0C[0] = mass; xV0C[1] = pt; xV0C[2] = fCentrality; xV0C[3] = dphiV0C; xV0C[4] = cos2phiV0C; fHEPV0C->Fill(xV0C); if (fEPTPC!=-999.){ Double_t xTPC[5]; // Match ndims in fH TPC EP xTPC[0] = mass; xTPC[1] = pt; xTPC[2] = fCentrality; xTPC[3] = dphiTPC; xTPC[4] = cos2phiTPC; fHEPTPC->Fill(xTPC); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::FillCluster(const TLorentzVector& p1, Double_t EPV0A, Double_t EPV0C, Double_t EPTPC, AliVCluster *c) { // Cluster(photon) v2 method Double_t Et = p1.Et(); Double_t Phi = p1.Phi(); Double_t M02 = c->GetM02(); Double_t DxClus = c->GetTrackDx(); Double_t DzClus = c->GetTrackDz(); Double_t dr = TMath::Sqrt(DxClus*DxClus + DzClus*DzClus); Double_t difClusV0A = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(Phi-EPV0A); if(difClusV0A >TMath::Pi()) difClusV0A -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t difClusV0C = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(Phi-EPV0C); if(difClusV0C >TMath::Pi()) difClusV0C -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t difClusTPC = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(Phi-EPTPC); if(difClusTPC >TMath::Pi()) difClusTPC -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t DataV0A[5]; DataV0A[0] = Et; DataV0A[1] = M02; DataV0A[2] = fCentrality; DataV0A[3] = difClusV0A; DataV0A[4] = dr; fClusterPbV0A->Fill(DataV0A); Double_t DataV0C[5]; DataV0C[0] = Et; DataV0C[1] = M02; DataV0C[2] = fCentrality; DataV0C[3] = difClusV0C; DataV0C[4] = dr; fClusterPbV0C->Fill(DataV0C); Double_t DataTPC[5]; DataTPC[0] = Et; DataTPC[1] = M02; DataTPC[2] = fCentrality; DataTPC[3] = difClusTPC; DataTPC[4] = dr; fClusterPbTPC->Fill(DataTPC); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::GetMom(TLorentzVector& p, const AliVCluster *c, Double_t *vertex) { // Calculate momentum. Float_t posMom[3]; c->GetPosition(posMom); TVector3 clsPos2(posMom); Double_t e = c->E(); Double_t r = clsPos2.Perp(); Double_t eta = clsPos2.Eta(); Double_t phi = clsPos2.Phi(); TVector3 pos; pos.SetPtEtaPhi(r,eta,phi); if (vertex) { //calculate direction relative to vertex pos -= vertex; } Double_t rad = pos.Mag(); p.SetPxPyPzE(e*pos.x()/rad, e*pos.y()/rad, e*pos.z()/rad, e); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once (on the worker node) fOutput = new TList(); fOutput->SetOwner(); // IMPORTANT! hEvtCount = new TH1F("hEvtCount", " Event Plane", 9, 0.5, 9.5); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"All"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"Evt"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Trg Class"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"Vtx"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"Cent"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"EPtask"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"ClusterTask"); hEvtCount->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,"Pass"); fOutput->Add(hEvtCount); hEPTPC = new TH2F("hEPTPC", "EPTPC vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hresoTPC = new TH2F("hresoTPC", "TPc reso vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., 1.); hEPV0 = new TH2F("hEPV0", "EPV0 vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0A = new TH2F("hEPV0A", "EPV0A vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0C = new TH2F("hEPV0C", "EPV0C vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0Ar = new TH2F("hEPV0Ar", "EPV0Ar vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0Cr = new TH2F("hEPV0Cr", "EPV0Cr vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0r = new TH2F("hEPV0r", "EPV0r vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0AR4 = new TH2F("hEPV0AR4", "EPV0AR4 vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0AR7 = new TH2F("hEPV0AR7", "EPV0AR7 vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0CR0 = new TH2F("hEPV0CR0", "EPV0CR0 vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0CR3 = new TH2F("hEPV0CR3", "EPV0CR3 vs cent", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(hEPTPC); fOutput->Add(hresoTPC); fOutput->Add(hEPV0); fOutput->Add(hEPV0A); fOutput->Add(hEPV0C); fOutput->Add(hEPV0Ar); fOutput->Add(hEPV0Cr); fOutput->Add(hEPV0r); fOutput->Add(hEPV0AR4); fOutput->Add(hEPV0AR7); fOutput->Add(hEPV0CR0); fOutput->Add(hEPV0CR3); hEPTPCCor = new TH2F("hEPTPCCor", "EPTPC vs cent after PHOS Correct", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0ACor = new TH2F("hEPV0ACor", "EPV0A vs cent after PHOS Correct", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); hEPV0CCor = new TH2F("hEPV0CCor", "EPV0C vs cent after PHOS Correct", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(hEPTPCCor); fOutput->Add(hEPV0ACor); fOutput->Add(hEPV0CCor); hdifV0Ar_V0Cr = new TH2F("hdifV0Ar_V0Cr", "EP Ar-Cr ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0A_V0CR0 = new TH2F("hdifV0A_V0CR0", "EP A-R0 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0A_V0CR3 = new TH2F("hdifV0A_V0CR3", "EP A-R3 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3 = new TH2F("hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3", "EP R0-R3 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0C_V0AR4 = new TH2F("hdifV0C_V0AR4", "EP C-R4 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0C_V0AR7 = new TH2F("hdifV0C_V0AR7", "EP C-R7 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0AR4_V0AR7 = new TH2F("hdifV0AR4_V0AR7", "EP R4-R7 ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); fOutput->Add(hdifV0Ar_V0Cr); fOutput->Add(hdifV0A_V0CR0); fOutput->Add(hdifV0A_V0CR3); fOutput->Add(hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3); fOutput->Add(hdifV0C_V0AR4); fOutput->Add(hdifV0C_V0AR7); fOutput->Add(hdifV0AR4_V0AR7); hdifV0A_V0C = new TH2F("hdifV0A_V0C", "EP A-C ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0A_TPC = new TH2F("hdifV0A_TPC", "EP A-TPC", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0C_TPC = new TH2F("hdifV0C_TPC", "EP C-TPC", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); hdifV0C_V0A = new TH2F("hdifV0C_V0A", "EP C-A ", 100, 0., 100., 100, -1., 1.); fOutput->Add(hdifV0A_V0C); fOutput->Add(hdifV0A_TPC); fOutput->Add(hdifV0C_TPC); fOutput->Add(hdifV0C_V0A); hdifEMC_EPV0 = new TH3F("hdifEMC_EPV0", "dif phi in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifEMC_EPV0A = new TH3F("hdifEMC_EPV0A", "dif phi in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifEMC_EPV0C = new TH3F("hdifEMC_EPV0C", "dif phi in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); fOutput->Add(hdifEMC_EPV0); fOutput->Add(hdifEMC_EPV0A); fOutput->Add(hdifEMC_EPV0C); hdifful_EPV0 = new TH3F("hdifful_EPV0", "dif phi in full with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifful_EPV0A = new TH3F("hdifful_EPV0A", "dif phi in full with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifful_EPV0C = new TH3F("hdifful_EPV0C", "dif phi in full with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); fOutput->Add(hdifful_EPV0); fOutput->Add(hdifful_EPV0A); fOutput->Add(hdifful_EPV0C); hdifout_EPV0 = new TH3F("hdifout_EPV0", "dif phi NOT in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifout_EPV0A = new TH3F("hdifout_EPV0A", "dif phi NOT in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); hdifout_EPV0C = new TH3F("hdifout_EPV0C", "dif phi NOT in EMC with EP", 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., TMath::Pi(), 15, 0., 15.); fOutput->Add(hdifout_EPV0); fOutput->Add(hdifout_EPV0A); fOutput->Add(hdifout_EPV0C); if (isV1Clus) { // Et M02 spdcent DeltaPhi Dr Int_t bins[5] = { 500, 350, 100, 100, 100}; // binning Double_t min[5] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0 }; // min x Double_t max[5] = { 50.0, 3.5, 100, TMath::Pi(), 0.1}; // max x fClusterPbV0A = new THnSparseF("fClusterPbV0A","",5,bins,min,max); fClusterPbV0A->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("Transverse Energy [GeV]"); fClusterPbV0A->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("M02"); fClusterPbV0A->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("V0M Centrality"); fClusterPbV0A->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("Delta(#phi) [rad]"); fClusterPbV0A->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("Dr"); fOutput->Add(fClusterPbV0A); fClusterPbV0C = new THnSparseF("fClusterPbV0C","",5,bins,min,max); fClusterPbV0C->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("Transverse Energy [GeV]"); fClusterPbV0C->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("M02"); fClusterPbV0C->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("V0M Centrality"); fClusterPbV0C->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("Delta(#phi) [rad]"); fClusterPbV0C->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("Dr"); fOutput->Add(fClusterPbV0C); fClusterPbTPC = new THnSparseF("fClusterPbTPC","",5,bins,min,max); fClusterPbTPC->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("Transverse Energy [GeV]"); fClusterPbTPC->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("M02"); fClusterPbTPC->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("V0M Centrality"); fClusterPbTPC->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("Delta(#phi) [rad]"); fClusterPbTPC->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("Dr"); fOutput->Add(fClusterPbTPC); } h2DcosV0A = new TProfile("h2DcosV0A", "cos(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); h2DsinV0A = new TProfile("h2DsinV0A", "sin(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); h2DcosV0C = new TProfile("h2DcosV0C", "cos(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); h2DsinV0C = new TProfile("h2DsinV0C", "sin(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); h2DcosTPC = new TProfile("h2DcosTPC", "cos(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); h2DsinTPC = new TProfile("h2DsinTPC", "sin(Phi) V0r vs Run NUmber", 200, 0., 200.); fOutput->Add(h2DcosV0A); fOutput->Add(h2DsinV0A); fOutput->Add(h2DcosV0C); fOutput->Add(h2DsinV0C); fOutput->Add(h2DcosTPC); fOutput->Add(h2DsinTPC); if (isV1Clus) { hM02vsPtA = new TH2F("hM02vsPtA", "M02 vs Et before cut", 5000, 0, 50, 400, 0, 4.); hM02vsPtB = new TH2F("hM02vsPtB", "M02 vs Et before cut", 5000, 0, 50, 400, 0, 4.); fOutput->Add(hM02vsPtA); fOutput->Add(hM02vsPtB); } hClusDxDZA = new TH2F("hClusDxDZA", "clus Dx vs Dz", 1000, -1., 1., 1000, -1., 1); hClusDxDZB = new TH2F("hClusDxDZB", "clus Dx vs Dz", 1000, -1., 1., 1000, -1., 1); fOutput->Add(hClusDxDZA); fOutput->Add(hClusDxDZB); if (!isV1Clus) { const Int_t ndims = 5; Int_t nMgg=500, nPt=40, nCent=20, nDeltaPhi=315, ncos2phi=500; Int_t binsv1[ndims] = {nMgg, nPt, nCent, nDeltaPhi, ncos2phi}; Double_t xmin[ndims] = { 0, 0., 0, 0., -1.}; Double_t xmax[ndims] = { 0.5, 20., 100, 3.15, 1.}; fHEPV0A = new THnSparseF("fHEPV0A", "Flow histogram EPV0A", ndims, binsv1, xmin, xmax); fHEPV0C = new THnSparseF("fHEPV0C", "Flow histogram EPV0C", ndims, binsv1, xmin, xmax); fHEPTPC = new THnSparseF("fHEPTPC", "Flow histogram EPTPC", ndims, binsv1, xmin, xmax); fHEPV0A->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma} "); fHEPV0A->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("p_{T}[GeV]"); fHEPV0A->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("centrality"); fHEPV0A->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("#delta #phi"); fHEPV0A->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("cos(2*#delta #phi)"); fHEPV0C->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma} "); fHEPV0C->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("p_{T}[GeV]"); fHEPV0C->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("centrality"); fHEPV0C->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("#delta #phi"); fHEPV0C->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("cos(2*#delta #phi)"); fHEPTPC->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma} "); fHEPTPC->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("p_{T}[GeV]"); fHEPTPC->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("centrality"); fHEPTPC->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("#delta #phi"); fHEPTPC->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("cos(2*#delta #phi)"); fOutput->Add(fHEPV0A); fOutput->Add(fHEPV0C); fOutput->Add(fHEPTPC); } PostData(1, fOutput); // Post data for ALL output slots >0 here, to get at least an empty histogram } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop // Called for each event hEvtCount->Fill(1); // Create pointer to reconstructed event AliVEvent *event = InputEvent(); if (!event) { AliError("Could not retrieve event"); return; } // create pointer to event TString type = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()->GetDataType(); if (type=="ESD") { fESD = dynamic_cast(event); if (!fESD) { AliError("Cannot get the ESD event"); return; } } else if (type=="AOD") { fAOD = dynamic_cast(event); if (!fAOD) { AliError("Cannot get the AOD event"); return; } } else { AliError("Cannot happen"); return; } hEvtCount->Fill(2); if (!fTrigClass.IsNull()) { TString fired; if (fESD) { fired = fESD->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); } else { fired = fAOD->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); } if (!fired.Contains("-B-")) return; TObjArray *arr = fTrigClass.Tokenize("|"); if (!arr) return; Bool_t match = 0; for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntriesFast();++i) { TObject *obj = arr->At(i); if (!obj) continue; if (fired.Contains(obj->GetName())) { match = 1; break; } } delete arr; if (!match) return; } hEvtCount->Fill(3); if (fRunNumber != event->GetRunNumber()) { fRunNumber = event->GetRunNumber(); SetFlatteningData(); } fInterRunNumber = ConvertToInternalRunNumber(fRunNumber); const AliVVertex* fvertex; fvertex = event->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (TMath::Abs(fvertex->GetZ())>fVtxCut) return; Double_t vertex[3] = {fvertex->GetX(), fvertex->GetY(), fvertex->GetZ()}; hEvtCount->Fill(4); fCentrality = event->GetCentrality()->GetCentralityPercentile("CL1"); //spd vertex hEvtCount->Fill(5); AliEventplane *ep = event->GetEventplane(); if (ep) { if (ep->GetEventplane("Q") != -1) fEPTPC = ep->GetEventplane("Q"); else fEPTPC = -999.; if (ep->GetEventplane("Q") != -1) fEPTPCreso = TMath::Cos(2.*(ep->GetQsubRes())); else fEPTPCreso = -1; fEPV0 = ep->GetEventplane("V0", event); fEPV0A = ep->GetEventplane("V0A", event); fEPV0C = ep->GetEventplane("V0C", event); Double_t qx=0, qy=0; Double_t qxr=0, qyr=0; fEPV0Ar = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 4, 5, 2, qxr, qyr); fEPV0Cr = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 2, 3, 2, qx, qy); qxr += qx; qyr += qy; fEPV0r = TMath::ATan2(qyr,qxr)/2.; fEPV0AR4 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 4, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0AR5 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 5, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0AR6 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 6, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0AR7 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 7, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0CR0 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 0, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0CR1 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 1, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0CR2 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 2, 2, qx, qy); fEPV0CR3 = ep->CalculateVZEROEventPlane(event, 3, 2, qx, qy); } FillEPQA(); //Fill the EP QA hEvtCount->Fill(6); fEPV0 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0); if (fEPV0>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0 = fEPV0 - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0r = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0r); if (fEPV0r>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0r = fEPV0r - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0A = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0A); if (fEPV0A>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0A = fEPV0A - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0C = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0C); if (fEPV0C>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0C = fEPV0C - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0Ar = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0Ar); if (fEPV0Ar>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0Ar = fEPV0Ar - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0Cr = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0Cr); if (fEPV0Cr>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0Cr = fEPV0Cr - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0AR4 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0AR4); if (fEPV0AR4>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0AR4 = fEPV0AR4 - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0AR7 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0AR7); if (fEPV0AR7>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0AR7 = fEPV0AR7 - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0CR0 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0CR0); if (fEPV0CR0>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0CR0 = fEPV0CR0 - TMath::Pi(); fEPV0CR3 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(fEPV0CR3); if (fEPV0CR3>TMath::Pi()) fEPV0CR3 = fEPV0CR3 - TMath::Pi(); if (fEPTPC != -999. ) hEPTPC->Fill(fCentrality, fEPTPC); if (fEPTPCreso!=-1) hresoTPC->Fill(fCentrality, fEPTPCreso); hEPV0->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0); hEPV0A->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0A); hEPV0C->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0C); hEPV0Ar->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0Ar); hEPV0Cr->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0Cr); hEPV0r->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0r); hEPV0AR4->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0AR4); hEPV0AR7->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0AR7); hEPV0CR0->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0CR0); hEPV0CR3->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0CR3); if (isPhosCali) { // PHOS Flattening fEPV0A = ApplyFlatteningV0A(fEPV0A, fCentrality); //V0A after Phos flatten fEPV0C = ApplyFlatteningV0C(fEPV0C, fCentrality); //V0C after Phos flatten if(fEPTPC != -999.) fEPTPC = ApplyFlattening(fEPTPC, fCentrality); //TPC after Phos flatten } if (!isPhosCali) { if(fEPTPC != -999.) hEPTPCCor->Fill(fCentrality, ApplyFlattening(fEPTPC, fCentrality)); hEPV0ACor->Fill(fCentrality, ApplyFlatteningV0A(fEPV0A, fCentrality)); hEPV0CCor->Fill(fCentrality, ApplyFlatteningV0C(fEPV0C, fCentrality)); } else { if(fEPTPC != -999.) hEPTPCCor->Fill(fCentrality, fEPTPC); hEPV0ACor->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0A); hEPV0CCor->Fill(fCentrality, fEPV0C); } hdifV0Ar_V0Cr->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2.*(fEPV0Ar - fEPV0Cr))); hdifV0A_V0CR0->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2.*(fEPV0A - fEPV0CR0))); hdifV0A_V0CR3->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2.*(fEPV0A - fEPV0CR3))); hdifV0ACR0_V0CR3->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0CR0 - fEPV0CR3))); hdifV0C_V0AR4->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0C - fEPV0AR4))); hdifV0C_V0AR7->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0C - fEPV0AR7))); hdifV0AR4_V0AR7->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0AR4 - fEPV0AR7))); hdifV0A_V0C->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0A - fEPV0C))); if (fEPTPC!=-999.){ hdifV0A_TPC->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0A - fEPTPC))); hdifV0C_TPC->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0C - fEPTPC))); } hdifV0C_V0A->Fill(fCentrality, TMath::Cos(2*(fEPV0C - fEPV0A))); // Cluster loop for reconstructed event //================ for v2 clusterize analysis============================================== if (!isV1Clus) { if (!fV2ClusName.IsNull() && !fV2Clus) { fV2Clus = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(fV2ClusName)); if (!fV2Clus) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve v2 cluster name %s!", GetName(), fV2ClusName.Data())); return; } } Int_t nCluster = fV2Clus->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; i(fV2Clus->At(i)); if (!c1) continue; hClusDxDZA->Fill(c1->GetTrackDz(), c1->GetTrackDx()); if (!c1->IsEMCAL()) continue; if (!IsGoodCluster(c1)) continue; hClusDxDZB->Fill(c1->GetTrackDz(), c1->GetTrackDx()); TLorentzVector p1; GetMom(p1, c1, vertex); for (Int_t j=i+1; j(fV2Clus->At(j)); if (!c2) continue; if (!c2->IsEMCAL()) continue; if (!IsGoodCluster(c2)) continue; TLorentzVector p2; GetMom(p2, c2, vertex); FillPion(p1, p2, fEPV0A, fEPV0C, fEPTPC); } } } //================ for v1 clusterize analysis============================================== if (isV1Clus) { if (!fV2ClusName.IsNull() && !fV1Clus) { fV1Clus = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(fV1ClusName)); if (!fV1Clus) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve v1 cluster name %s!", GetName(), fV1ClusName.Data())); return; } } Int_t nClusterV1 = fV1Clus->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; i(fV1Clus->At(i)); if (!c3) continue; if (!c3->IsEMCAL()) continue; Double_t M02c3 = c3->GetM02(); Double_t Dxc3 = c3->GetTrackDx(); Double_t Dzc3 = c3->GetTrackDz(); hClusDxDZA->Fill(Dzc3, Dxc3); Float_t clsPosEt[3] = {0,0,0}; c3->GetPosition(clsPosEt); TVector3 clsVec(clsPosEt); Double_t Et = c3->E()*TMath::Sin(clsVec.Theta()); hM02vsPtA->Fill(Et, M02c3); if (!IsGoodClusterV1(c3)) continue; hM02vsPtB->Fill(Et, M02c3); hClusDxDZB->Fill(Dzc3, Dxc3); TLorentzVector p3; GetMom(p3, c3, vertex); FillCluster(p3, fEPV0A, fEPV0C, fEPTPC, c3); } } hEvtCount->Fill(7); if (!fTracksName.IsNull() && !fTracks) { fTracks = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(fTracksName)); if (!fTracks) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve tracks %s!", GetName(), fTracksName.Data())); return; } } Int_t ntracks = fTracks->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; i(fTracks->At(i)); if (!track) continue; Double_t tPhi = track->Phi(); Double_t tPt = track->Pt(); Double_t Eta = track->Eta(); Double_t difTrackV0 = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(tPhi-fEPV0); if (difTrackV0 >TMath::Pi()) difTrackV0 -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t difTrackV0A = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(tPhi-fEPV0A); if (difTrackV0A >TMath::Pi()) difTrackV0A -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t difTrackV0C = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(tPhi-fEPV0C); if (difTrackV0C >TMath::Pi()) difTrackV0C -= TMath::Pi(); Double_t difTrackTPC = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(tPhi-fEPTPC); if (difTrackTPC >TMath::Pi()) difTrackTPC -= TMath::Pi(); if (tPhi*TMath::RadToDeg()>80. && tPhi*TMath::RadToDeg()<180. && Eta <0.7 && Eta >(-0.7)){ hdifEMC_EPV0->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0, tPt); hdifEMC_EPV0A->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0A, tPt); hdifEMC_EPV0C->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0C, tPt); } else { hdifout_EPV0->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0, tPt); hdifout_EPV0A->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0A, tPt); hdifout_EPV0C->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0C, tPt); } hdifful_EPV0->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0, tPt); hdifful_EPV0A->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0A, tPt); hdifful_EPV0C->Fill(fCentrality, difTrackV0C, tPt); } hEvtCount->Fill(8); // NEW HISTO should be filled before this point, as PostData puts the // information for this iteration of the UserExec in the container PostData(1, fOutput); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::ConvertToInternalRunNumber(Int_t n) { switch(n) { case 170593 : return 179; case 170572 : return 178; case 170556 : return 177; case 170552 : return 176; case 170546 : return 175; case 170390 : return 174; case 170389 : return 173; case 170388 : return 172; case 170387 : return 171; case 170315 : return 170; case 170313 : return 169; case 170312 : return 168; case 170311 : return 167; case 170309 : return 166; case 170308 : return 165; case 170306 : return 164; case 170270 : return 163; case 170269 : return 162; case 170268 : return 161; case 170267 : return 160; case 170264 : return 159; case 170230 : return 158; case 170228 : return 157; case 170208 : return 156; case 170207 : return 155; case 170205 : return 154; case 170204 : return 153; case 170203 : return 152; case 170195 : return 151; case 170193 : return 150; case 170163 : return 149; case 170162 : return 148; case 170159 : return 147; case 170155 : return 146; case 170152 : return 145; case 170091 : return 144; case 170089 : return 143; case 170088 : return 142; case 170085 : return 141; case 170084 : return 140; case 170083 : return 139; case 170081 : return 138; case 170040 : return 137; case 170038 : return 136; case 170036 : return 135; case 170027 : return 134; case 169981 : return 133; case 169975 : return 132; case 169969 : return 131; case 169965 : return 130; case 169961 : return 129; case 169956 : return 128; case 169926 : return 127; case 169924 : return 126; case 169923 : return 125; case 169922 : return 124; case 169919 : return 123; case 169918 : return 122; case 169914 : return 121; case 169859 : return 120; case 169858 : return 119; case 169855 : return 118; case 169846 : return 117; case 169838 : return 116; case 169837 : return 115; case 169835 : return 114; case 169683 : return 113; case 169628 : return 112; case 169591 : return 111; case 169590 : return 110; case 169588 : return 109; case 169587 : return 108; case 169586 : return 107; case 169584 : return 106; case 169557 : return 105; case 169555 : return 104; case 169554 : return 103; case 169553 : return 102; case 169550 : return 101; case 169515 : return 100; case 169512 : return 99; case 169506 : return 98; case 169504 : return 97; case 169498 : return 96; case 169475 : return 95; case 169420 : return 94; case 169419 : return 93; case 169418 : return 92; case 169417 : return 91; case 169415 : return 90; case 169411 : return 89; case 169238 : return 88; case 169236 : return 87; case 169167 : return 86; case 169160 : return 85; case 169156 : return 84; case 169148 : return 83; case 169145 : return 82; case 169144 : return 81; case 169143 : return 80; case 169138 : return 79; case 169099 : return 78; case 169094 : return 77; case 169091 : return 76; case 169045 : return 75; case 169044 : return 74; case 169040 : return 73; case 169035 : return 72; case 168992 : return 71; case 168988 : return 70; case 168984 : return 69; case 168826 : return 68; case 168777 : return 67; case 168514 : return 66; case 168512 : return 65; case 168511 : return 64; case 168467 : return 63; case 168464 : return 62; case 168461 : return 61; case 168460 : return 60; case 168458 : return 59; case 168362 : return 58; case 168361 : return 57; case 168356 : return 56; case 168342 : return 55; case 168341 : return 54; case 168325 : return 53; case 168322 : return 52; case 168318 : return 51; case 168311 : return 50; case 168310 : return 49; case 168213 : return 48; case 168212 : return 47; case 168208 : return 46; case 168207 : return 45; case 168206 : return 44; case 168205 : return 43; case 168204 : return 42; case 168203 : return 41; case 168181 : return 40; case 168177 : return 39; case 168175 : return 38; case 168173 : return 37; case 168172 : return 36; case 168171 : return 35; case 168115 : return 34; case 168108 : return 33; case 168107 : return 32; case 168105 : return 31; case 168104 : return 30; case 168103 : return 29; case 168076 : return 28; case 168069 : return 27; case 168068 : return 26; case 168066 : return 25; case 167988 : return 24; case 167987 : return 23; case 167986 : return 22; case 167985 : return 21; case 167921 : return 20; case 167920 : return 19; case 167915 : return 18; case 167909 : return 17; case 167903 : return 16; case 167902 : return 15; case 167818 : return 14; case 167814 : return 13; case 167813 : return 12; case 167808 : return 11; case 167807 : return 10; case 167806 : return 9; case 167713 : return 8; case 167712 : return 7; case 167711 : return 6; case 167706 : return 5; case 167693 : return 4; case 166532 : return 3; case 166530 : return 2; case 166529 : return 1; default : return 199; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::FillEPQA() { h2DcosV0A->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Cos(fEPV0A)); h2DsinV0A->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Sin(fEPV0A)); h2DcosV0C->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Cos(fEPV0C)); h2DsinV0C->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Sin(fEPV0C)); if (fEPTPC!=-999.){ h2DcosTPC->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Cos(fEPTPC)); h2DsinTPC->Fill(fInterRunNumber, TMath::Sin(fEPTPC)); } } //_________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::SetFlatteningData() { //Read objects with flattening parameters AliOADBContainer flatContainer("phosFlat"); flatContainer.InitFromFile(fEPcalibFileName.Data(),"phosFlat"); TObjArray *maps = (TObjArray*)flatContainer.GetObject(fRunNumber,"phosFlat"); if (!maps) { AliError(Form("Can not read Flattening for run %d. \n From file >%s<\n",fRunNumber,fEPcalibFileName.Data())) ; } else { AliInfo(Form("Setting PHOS flattening with name %s \n",maps->GetName())) ; AliEPFlattener * h = (AliEPFlattener*)maps->At(0) ; if(fTPCFlat) delete fTPCFlat ; fTPCFlat = new AliEPFlattener(); fTPCFlat = h ; h = (AliEPFlattener*)maps->At(1); if(fV0AFlat) delete fV0AFlat ; fV0AFlat = new AliEPFlattener(); fV0AFlat = h ; h = (AliEPFlattener*)maps->At(2); if(fV0CFlat) delete fV0CFlat ; fV0CFlat = new AliEPFlattener(); fV0CFlat = h; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::ApplyFlattening(Double_t phi, Double_t c) { if(fTPCFlat) return fTPCFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::ApplyFlatteningV0A(Double_t phi, Double_t c) { if(fV0AFlat) return fV0AFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::ApplyFlatteningV0C(Double_t phi, Double_t c){ if(fV0CFlat) return fV0CFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0V2::Terminate(Option_t *) { }