#ifndef ALICONVERSIONPHOTONBASE_H #define ALICONVERSIONPHOTONBASE_H #include "TMath.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TObject.h" using namespace std; class AliConversionPhotonBase { public: //Constructors AliConversionPhotonBase(); //Copy Constructor AliConversionPhotonBase(const AliConversionPhotonBase & g); //assignment operator AliConversionPhotonBase & operator = (const AliConversionPhotonBase & g); //Destructor virtual ~AliConversionPhotonBase(); ///Set the tag for decay meson void SetTag( Bool_t tagged ) { fTagged = tagged; } Bool_t IsTagged(){return fTagged;} //Get the Chi2 of particle void SetChi2perNDF(Float_t chi2) {fChi2perNDF = chi2;} Float_t GetChi2perNDF() const {return fChi2perNDF;} ///Track labels void SetLabelPositive(Int_t label){fLabel[0] = label;} void SetLabelNegative(Int_t label){fLabel[1] = label;} void SetTrackLabels(Int_t label1, Int_t label2){fLabel[0] = label1; fLabel[1] = label2;} Int_t GetTrackLabelPositive() const{return fLabel[0];} Int_t GetTrackLabelNegative() const {return fLabel[1];} Int_t GetTrackLabel(Int_t i) const {return fLabel[i];} virtual Int_t GetLabel(Int_t i) const { return GetTrackLabel(i); }; virtual Int_t GetLabel1() const { return GetTrackLabelPositive(); }; virtual Int_t GetLabel2() const { return GetTrackLabelNegative(); }; // MC Label void SetMCLabel(Int_t* label){fMCLabel[0]=label[0];fMCLabel[1]=label[1];} void SetMCLabelPositive(Int_t label){fMCLabel[0]=label;} void SetMCLabelNegative(Int_t label){fMCLabel[1]=label;} Int_t GetMCLabel(Int_t i) const{return fMCLabel[i];} Int_t GetMCLabelPositive() const{return fMCLabel[0];} Int_t GetMCLabelNegative() const{return fMCLabel[1];} Int_t GetMCParticleLabel(AliStack *fMCStack); // GetMCParticle Bool_t IsTruePhoton(AliStack *fMCStack); TParticle *GetMCParticle(AliStack *fMCStack); TParticle *GetPositiveMCDaughter(AliStack *fMCStack){return GetMCDaughter(fMCStack,0);}; TParticle *GetNegativeMCDaughter(AliStack *fMCStack){return GetMCDaughter(fMCStack,1);}; TParticle *GetMCDaughter(AliStack *fMCStack,Int_t label); // V0Index Int_t GetV0Index() const {return fV0Index;} void SetV0Index(Int_t index) {fV0Index=index;} // Conversion Point void SetConversionPoint(Double_t convpoint[3]){fConversionPoint[0]=convpoint[0];fConversionPoint[1]=convpoint[1];fConversionPoint[2]=convpoint[2];} void GetConversionPoint(Double_t convpoint[3]){convpoint[0]=fConversionPoint[0];convpoint[1]=fConversionPoint[1];convpoint[2]=fConversionPoint[2];} Double_t GetConversionRadius() const {return TMath::Sqrt(fConversionPoint[0]*fConversionPoint[0]+fConversionPoint[1]*fConversionPoint[1]);} Double_t GetConversionX() const {return fConversionPoint[0];} Double_t GetConversionY() const {return fConversionPoint[1];} Double_t GetConversionZ() const {return fConversionPoint[2];} // Armenteros Qt Alpha void GetArmenterosQtAlpha(Double_t qtalpha[2]){qtalpha[0]=fArmenteros[0];qtalpha[1]=fArmenteros[1];} Double_t GetArmenterosQt() const {return fArmenteros[0];} Double_t GetArmenterosAlpha() const {return fArmenteros[1];} // virtual functions to be implemented in KF/AOD classes virtual Double_t GetPhotonMass() const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPhotonPt()const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPhotonP() const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPhotonEta() const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPhotonPhi() const =0; virtual Double_t GetPx() const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPy() const = 0; virtual Double_t GetPz() const = 0; Float_t GetMass() const { return fIMass; } void SetMass( Float_t mass) { fIMass = mass; } Float_t GetPsiPair() const {return fPsiPair;} void SetPsiPair(Float_t PsiPair){fPsiPair=PsiPair;} protected: Int_t fLabel[2]; // Electron/Positron Track Label Int_t fV0Index; // Index of the V0 Int_t fMCLabel[2]; // Electron/Positron MC Label Float_t fChi2perNDF; // Chi2perNDF Double_t fArmenteros[2]; // Armenteros Paramters Double_t fConversionPoint[3]; // Conversion Point Bool_t fTagged; // Is it tagged as decay pion (only for gammas) Float_t fIMass; // Invariant Mass of dilepton pair Float_t fPsiPair; // Psi Pair Value ClassDef(AliConversionPhotonBase,3); }; #endif