// provided by Gamma Conversion Group, PWGGA, Kathrin Koch, kkoch@physi.uni-heidelberg.de #include #include using namespace std; void MakeCutLog(const char *inputRootFile = "AnalysisResults",const char *path = "./", const char* outputDir="./Output/"){ fstream outputFile(Form("%sCutSelection.log",outputDir),ios::out); if(!outputFile.is_open()){ cout<<"Problem opening file"<GetEntries();entFile++){ TObject * o = f.Get(directories->At(entFile)->GetName()); // get the object in the base directory if(TString(o->IsA()->GetName())=="TDirectoryFile"){ // means that this is a directory (PWGGA......) TDirectory *pwg4dir =(TDirectory*)o; TString baseDirName = pwg4dir->GetName(); TString reconstructionFlagString = ""; // this is for new scheme where also the flags are coded in numbers in the PWGGA.... name if(baseDirName.Length()>31){ reconstructionFlagString = baseDirName(baseDirName.Index("GammaConversion_")+16,8); } TList *pwg4list = pwg4dir->GetListOfKeys(); // list of the yeys inside the base directory for(Int_t entHist=0;entHistGetEntries();entHist++){ TString name = pwg4list->At(entHist)->GetName(); if(name.Contains("container")==0){ // does not try to read the container (get errors if tried) TObject * oHist = pwg4dir->Get(pwg4list->At(entHist)->GetName()); // get the object if(TString(oHist->IsA()->GetName())=="TList"){ // check if the object is a TList TString listname = oHist->GetName(); cout<<"Reading: "<