/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "TChain.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH2I.h" #include "TH3F.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow.h" #include "AliCaloPhoton.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "AliPHOSEsdCluster.h" #include "AliPHOSCalibData.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDCaloCells.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliEventplane.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "AliOADBContainer.h" #include "AliPHOSEPFlattener.h" // Analysis task to fill histograms with PHOS ESD or AOD clusters and cells // Authors : Dmitri Peressounko // Date : 28.05.2011 // Modified: 03.08.2012 Henrik Qvigstad /* $Id$ */ ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow); //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t rnlin(Double_t *x, Double_t * /*par*/) { //a = par[0], b = par[1]. //1+a*exp(-e/b) // return 0.0241+1.0504*x[0]+0.000249*x[0]*x[0] ; return 1.015*(0.0241+1.0504*x[0]+0.000249*x[0]*x[0]) ; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow(const char *name, Period period) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fCentEdges(10), fCentNMixed(10), fNEMRPBins(9), fPeriod(period), fMaxAbsVertexZ(10.), fManualV0EPCalc(false), fOutputContainer(0x0), fNonLinCorr(0), fEvent(0x0), fEventESD(0x0), fEventAOD(0x0), fMCStack(0x0), fRunNumber(-999), fInternalRunNumber(0), fPHOSGeo(0), fMultV0(0x0), fV0Cpol(0.),fV0Apol(0.), fESDtrackCuts(0x0), fPHOSCalibData(0x0), fEPcalibFileName("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/PHOS/PHOSflat.root"), fTPCFlat(0x0), fV0AFlat(0x0), fV0CFlat(0x0), fVertexVector(), fVtxBin(0), fCentralityV0M(0.), fCentBin(0), fHaveTPCRP(0), fRP(0), fRPV0A(0), fRPV0C(0), fEMRPBin(0), fCaloPhotonsPHOS(0x0), fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists(0x0) { const int nbins = 9; Double_t edges[nbins+1] = {0., 5., 10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80.}; TArrayD centEdges(nbins+1, edges); Int_t nMixed[nbins] = {4,4,6,10,20,30,50,100,100}; TArrayI centNMixed(nbins, nMixed); SetCentralityBinning(centEdges, centNMixed); for(Int_t i=0;iSetOwner(kTRUE); //========QA histograms======= //Event selection fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hSelEvents","Event selection", 12,0.,13.,nRuns,0.,float(nRuns))) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F("hTotSelEvents","Event selection", 12,0.,12.)) ; //vertex distribution fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hZvertex","Z vertex position", 50,-25.,25.,nRuns,0.,float(nRuns))) ; //Centrality fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCentrality","Event centrality", 100,0.,100.,nRuns,0.,float(nRuns))) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCenPHOS","Centrality vs PHOSclusters", 100,0.,100.,200,0.,200.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCenPHOSCells","Centrality vs PHOS cells", 100,0.,100.,100,0.,1000.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCenTrack","Centrality vs tracks", 100,0.,100.,100,0.,15000.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluEvsClu","ClusterMult vs E",200,0.,10.,100,0.,100.)) ; //Reaction plane fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F("hPHOSphi","cos" ,10,0.,100.,20,0.,10.,100,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi())); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("cos2AC","RP correlation between TPC subs", 100,-1.,1.,20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("cos2V0AC","RP correlation between VO A and C sides", 100,-1.,1.,20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("cos2V0ATPC","RP correlation between TPC and V0A", 100,-1.,1.,20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("cos2V0CTPC","RP correlation between TPC and V0C", 100,-1.,1.,20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRP","RP distribution with TPC", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRPflat","RP distribution with TPC flat", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRPV0A","RP distribution with V0A", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRPV0C","RP distribution with V0C", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F("phiRPV0AC","RP distribution with V0A and V0C", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRPV0Aflat","RP distribution with V0 flat", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("phiRPV0Cflat","RP distribution with V0 flat", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F("phiRPV0ATPC","RP distribution with V0A + TPC", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F("phiRPV0CTPC","RP distribution with V0C + TPC", 100,0.,TMath::Pi(),100,0.,TMath::Pi(),20,0.,100.)) ; //PHOS QA fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1I("hCellMultEvent" ,"PHOS cell multiplicity per event" ,2000,0,2000)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1I("hCellMultEventM1","PHOS cell multiplicity per event, M1",2000,0,2000)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1I("hCellMultEventM2","PHOS cell multiplicity per event, M2",2000,0,2000)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1I("hCellMultEventM3","PHOS cell multiplicity per event, M3",2000,0,2000)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F("hCellEnergy" ,"Cell energy" ,3000,0.,30.)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F("hCellEnergyM1","Cell energy in module 1",3000,0.,30.)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F("hCellEnergyM2","Cell energy in module 2",3000,0.,30.)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F("hCellEnergyM3","Cell energy in module 3",3000,0.,30.)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellNXZM1","Cell (X,Z), M1" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellNXZM2","Cell (X,Z), M2" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellNXZM3","Cell (X,Z), M3" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellEXZM1","Cell E(X,Z), M1",64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellEXZM2","Cell E(X,Z), M2",64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCellEXZM3","Cell E(X,Z), M3",64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); //Bad Map fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluLowM1","Cell (X,Z), M1" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluLowM2","Cell (X,Z), M2" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluLowM3","Cell (X,Z), M3" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluHighM1","Cell (X,Z), M1" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluHighM2","Cell (X,Z), M2" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluHighM3","Cell (X,Z), M3" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluVetoM1","Cell (X,Z), M1" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluVetoM2","Cell (X,Z), M2" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluVetoM3","Cell (X,Z), M3" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluDispM1","Cell (X,Z), M1" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluDispM2","Cell (X,Z), M2" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hCluDispM3","Cell (X,Z), M3" ,64,0.5,64.5, 56,0.5,56.5)); //Single photon and pi0 spectrum const Int_t nPtPhot = 400 ; const Double_t ptPhotMax = 40 ; const Int_t nM = 500; const Double_t mMin = 0.0; const Double_t mMax = 1.0; //PHOS calibration QA fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M11","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M12","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M13","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M22","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M23","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F("hPi0M33","Pairs in modules",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); // Histograms for different centralities const int kNPID = 12; const char* pidNames[kNPID] = {"All", "Allcore", "Allwou", "Disp", "Disp2", "Dispcore", "Dispwou", "CPV", "CPVcore", "CPV2", "Both", "Bothcore"}; char key[55]; TString name, title; for(Int_t cent=0; cent < fCentEdges.GetSize()-1; cent++){ for(Int_t ipid=0; ipid < kNPID; ipid++){ name = Form("hPhot%s_cen%i", pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("%s clusters", pidNames[ipid]); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH1F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); name = Form("hPi0%s_cen%i", pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("%s clusters", pidNames[ipid]); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); name = Form("hSingle%s_cen%i", pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("%s clusters", pidNames[ipid]); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); name = Form("hMiPi0%s_cen%i", pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("%s clusters", pidNames[ipid]); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); name = Form("hMiSingle%s_cen%i", pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("%s clusters", pidNames[ipid]); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); // PhotPhi histograms const Int_t nPt = 20; const Double_t xPt[21]={0.6,1.,1.5,2.,2.5,3.,3.5,4.,4.5,5.,5.5,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,12.,14.,16.,18.,20.} ; const Int_t nPhi=10 ; Double_t xPhi[nPhi+1] ; for(Int_t i=0;i<=nPhi;i++) xPhi[i]=i*TMath::Pi() /nPhi ; const Int_t nMm=200 ; Double_t xM[nMm+1] ; for(Int_t i=0;i<=nMm;i++) xM[i]=i*0.5 /nMm; const Int_t kNPhiTitles = 3; const char* phiTitles[kNPhiTitles] = {"TPC", "V0A", "V0C"}; for(Int_t iRP=0; iRP<3; iRP++){ name = Form("hPhotPhi%s%s_cen%i", phiTitles[iRP], pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("(M,p_{T},d#phi)_{#gamma#gamma}"); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nPt,xPt,nPhi,xPhi)); name = Form("hMassPt%s%s_cen%i", phiTitles[iRP], pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("(M,p_{T},d#phi)_{#gamma#gamma}"); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nMm,xM,nPt,xPt,nPhi,xPhi)); name = Form("hMiMassPt%s%s_cen%i", phiTitles[iRP], pidNames[ipid], cent ); title = Form("(M,p_{T},d#phi)_{#gamma#gamma}"); fOutputContainer->Add(new TH3F(name.Data(), title.Data(), nMm,xM,nPt,xPt,nPhi,xPhi)); } } // a07 histograms snprintf(key,55,"hPi0All_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"All clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hPi0Disp_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"Disp clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hPi0CPV_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"CPV clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hPi0CPV2_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"CPV clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hPi0Both_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"Both clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hMiPi0All_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"All clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hMiPi0Disp_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"Disp clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hMiPi0CPV_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"CPV clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hMiPi0CPV2_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"CPV clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); snprintf(key,55,"hMiPi0Both_a07_cen%d",cent) ; fOutputContainer->Add(new TH2F(key,"Both clusters",nM,mMin,mMax,nPtPhot,0.,ptPhotMax)); } // Setup photon lists Int_t kapacity = kNVtxZBins * GetNumberOfCentralityBins() * fNEMRPBins; fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists = new TObjArray(kapacity); fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists->SetOwner(); PostData(1, fOutputContainer); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop, called for each event // Analyze ESD/AOD // Step 0: Event Objects fEvent = GetEvent(); fEventESD = dynamic_cast (fEvent); fEventAOD = dynamic_cast (fEvent); fMCStack = GetMCStack(); LogProgress(0); // Step 1: Run Number, Misalignment Matrix, and Calibration // fRunNumber, fInternalRunNumber, fMultV0, fV0Cpol, fV0Apol, fMeanQ, fWidthQ if( fRunNumber != fEvent->GetRunNumber()) { // Check run number // this should run only at first call of UserExec(), // or if task runs over multiple runs, which should not occur in normal use. // if run number has changed, set run variables fRunNumber = fEvent->GetRunNumber(); fInternalRunNumber = ConvertToInternalRunNumber(fRunNumber); // then set misalignment and V0 calibration SetGeometry(); SetMisalignment(); SetV0Calibration(); SetESDTrackCuts(); SetPHOSCalibData(); SetFlatteningData(); } LogProgress(1); LogSelection(0, fInternalRunNumber); // Step 2: Vertex // fVertex, fVertexVector, fVtxBin SetVertex(); if( RejectEventVertex() ) { PostData(1, fOutputContainer); return; // Reject! } LogProgress(2); // Step 3: // if(event->IsPileupFromSPD()){ // PostData(1, fOutputContainer); // return; // Reject! // } LogProgress(3); // Step 4: Centrality // fCentralityV0M, fCentBin SetCentrality(); if( RejectCentrality() ){ PostData(1, fOutputContainer); return; // Reject! } LogProgress(4); // Step 5: Reaction Plane // fHaveTPCRP, fRP, fRPV0A, fRPV0C, fRPBin EvalReactionPlane(); //TODO: uncomment this, or at least deal with it EvalV0ReactionPlane(); //TODO: uncomment this, or at least deal with it fEMRPBin = GetRPBin(); //TODO: uncomment this, or at least deal with it LogProgress(5); // Step 6: MC // ProcessMC() ; LogProgress(6); // Step 7: QA PHOS cells FillPHOSCellQAHists(); LogProgress(7); // Step 8: Event Photons (PHOS Clusters) selection SelectPhotonClusters(); FillSelectedClusterHistograms(); LogProgress(8); if( ! fCaloPhotonsPHOS->GetEntriesFast() ) return; else LogSelection(6, fInternalRunNumber); // Step 9: Consider pi0 (photon/cluster) pairs. ConsiderPi0s(); LogProgress(9); // Step 10; Mixing ConsiderPi0sMix(); LogProgress(10); // Step 11: Update lists UpdateLists(); LogProgress(11); // Post output data. PostData(1, fOutputContainer); } //________________________________________________________________________ // void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::Terminate(Option_t *) // { // // Draw result to the screen // // Called once at the end of the query // // new TCanvas; // // TH1 * hTotSelEvents = dynamic_cast(fOutputContainer->FindObject("hTotSelEvents")); // // hTotSelEvents->Draw(); // } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetCentralityBinning(const TArrayD& edges, const TArrayI& nMixed) { // Define centrality bins by their edges if( edges.At(0) < 0.) AliFatal("lower edge less then 0"); if( 90. < edges.At(edges.GetSize()-1) ) AliFatal("upper edge larger then 90."); for(int i=0; i edges.At(i+1)) AliFatal("edges are not sorted"); if( edges.GetSize() != nMixed.GetSize()+1) AliFatal("edges and nMixed don't have appropriate relative sizes"); fCentEdges = edges; fCentNMixed = nMixed; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetPHOSBadMap(Int_t mod, TH2I* badMapHist) { if(fPHOSBadMap[mod]) delete fPHOSBadMap[mod]; fPHOSBadMap[mod]=new TH2I(*badMapHist); if(fDebug) AliInfo(Form("Setting Bad Map Histogram %s",fPHOSBadMap[mod]->GetName())); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::IsGoodChannel(const char * det, Int_t mod, Int_t ix, Int_t iz) { //Check if this channel belogs to the good ones if(strcmp(det,"PHOS")==0){ if(mod>5 || mod<1){ AliError(Form("No bad map for PHOS module %d",mod)) ; return kTRUE ; } if(!fPHOSBadMap[mod]){ AliError(Form("No Bad map for PHOS module %d, !fPHOSBadMap[mod]",mod)) ; return kTRUE ; } if(fPHOSBadMap[mod]->GetBinContent(ix,iz)>0) return kFALSE ; else return kTRUE ; } else{ AliError(Form("Can not find bad channels for detector %s ",det)) ; } //Remove 6 noisy channels in run 139036, LHC10h if( 139036 == fRunNumber && mod==1 && (ix==9||ix==10||ix==11) && (iz==45 || iz==46)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::FillPHOSCellQAHists() { // Fill cell occupancy per module AliVCaloCells * cells = fEvent->GetPHOSCells(); FillHistogram("hCenPHOSCells",fCentralityV0M,cells->GetNumberOfCells()) ; FillHistogram("hCenTrack",fCentralityV0M,fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()) ; Int_t nCellModule[3] = {0,0,0}; for (Int_t iCell=0; iCellGetNumberOfCells(); iCell++) { Int_t cellAbsId = cells->GetCellNumber(iCell); Int_t relId[4] = {0,0,0,0}; fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(cellAbsId,relId); Int_t mod1 = relId[0]; Int_t cellX = relId[2]; Int_t cellZ = relId[3] ; Float_t energy = cells->GetAmplitude(iCell); FillHistogram("hCellEnergy",energy); if(mod1==1) { nCellModule[0]++; FillHistogram("hCellEnergyM1",cells->GetAmplitude(iCell)); FillHistogram("hCellNXZM1",cellX,cellZ,1.); FillHistogram("hCellEXZM1",cellX,cellZ,energy); } else if (mod1==2) { nCellModule[1]++; FillHistogram("hCellEnergyM2",cells->GetAmplitude(iCell)); FillHistogram("hCellNXZM2",cellX,cellZ,1.); FillHistogram("hCellEXZM2",cellX,cellZ,energy); } else if (mod1==3) { nCellModule[2]++; FillHistogram("hCellEnergyM3",cells->GetAmplitude(iCell)); FillHistogram("hCellNXZM3",cellX,cellZ,1.); FillHistogram("hCellEXZM3",cellX,cellZ,energy); } } FillHistogram("hCellMultEventM1",nCellModule[0]); FillHistogram("hCellMultEventM2",nCellModule[1]); FillHistogram("hCellMultEventM3",nCellModule[2]); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SelectPhotonClusters() { // clear (or create) array for holding events photons/clusters if(fCaloPhotonsPHOS) fCaloPhotonsPHOS->Clear(); else { fCaloPhotonsPHOS = new TObjArray(200); fCaloPhotonsPHOS->SetOwner(); } AliVCaloCells* cells = dynamic_cast (fEvent->GetPHOSCells()); for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfCaloClusters(); i++) { AliVCluster *clu = fEvent->GetCaloCluster(i); if ( !clu->IsPHOS() || clu->E()< kMinClusterEnergy) continue; // reject cluster // check if cell/channel is good. Float_t position[3]; clu->GetPosition(position); TVector3 global(position) ; Int_t relId[4] ; fPHOSGeo->GlobalPos2RelId(global,relId) ; Int_t mod = relId[0] ; Int_t cellX = relId[2]; Int_t cellZ = relId[3] ; if ( !IsGoodChannel("PHOS",mod,cellX,cellZ) ) continue ; // reject if not. Double_t distBC=clu->GetDistanceToBadChannel(); if(distBCE(), clu->GetNCells()) ; if(clu->GetNCells() < kMinNCells) continue ; if(clu->GetM02() < kMinM02) continue ; TLorentzVector lorentzMomentum; Double_t ecore; ecore = CoreEnergy(clu,cells); //if ESD, Apply re-Calibreation Double_t origo[3] = {0,0,0}; // don't rely on event vertex, assume (0,0,0) if( fEventESD ) { AliPHOSEsdCluster cluPHOS1( *(AliESDCaloCluster*) (clu) ); cluPHOS1.Recalibrate(fPHOSCalibData, static_cast (cells)); // modify the cell energies Reclusterize(&cluPHOS1) ; cluPHOS1.EvalAll(kLogWeight, fVertexVector); // recalculate the cluster parameters cluPHOS1.SetE(fNonLinCorr->Eval(cluPHOS1.E()));// Users's nonlinearity if(cluPHOS1.E()<0.3) continue; // check energy again //correct misalignment TVector3 localPos; const Float_t shiftX[6]={0.,-2.3,-2.11,-1.53,0.,0.} ; const Float_t shiftZ[6]={0.,-0.4, 0.52, 0.8,0.,0.} ; fPHOSGeo->Global2Local(localPos,global,mod) ; fPHOSGeo->Local2Global(mod,localPos.X()+shiftX[mod],localPos.Z()+shiftZ[mod],global); position[0]=global.X() ; position[1]=global.Y() ; position[2]=global.Z() ; cluPHOS1.SetPosition(position); cluPHOS1.GetMomentum(lorentzMomentum ,origo); //TODO: Check, this may be LHC10h specific: if(mod==2) lorentzMomentum*=135.5/134.0 ; if(mod==3) lorentzMomentum*=135.5/137.2 ; if(mod==2) ecore*=135.5/134.0 ; if(mod==3) ecore*=135.5/137.2 ; } else if (fEventAOD) { // is ! ESD, AOD. AliESDCaloCluster* aodCluster = (AliESDCaloCluster*) (clu); aodCluster->GetMomentum(lorentzMomentum ,origo); } else { AliError("(Calo)Cluster is neither ESD nor AOD"); continue; } FillHistogram(Form("hCluLowM%d",mod),cellX,cellZ,1.); if(lorentzMomentum.E()>1.5){ FillHistogram(Form("hCluHighM%d",mod),cellX,cellZ,1.); } fCaloPhotonsPHOS->Add(new AliCaloPhoton(lorentzMomentum.X(),lorentzMomentum.Py(),lorentzMomentum.Z(),lorentzMomentum.E()) ); AliCaloPhoton * ph = (AliCaloPhoton*) fCaloPhotonsPHOS->At( fCaloPhotonsPHOS->GetLast() ); ph->SetModule(mod) ; lorentzMomentum*= ecore/lorentzMomentum.E() ; ph->SetMomV2(&lorentzMomentum) ; ph->SetNCells(clu->GetNCells()); ph->SetDispBit(TestLambda(clu->E(),clu->GetM20(),clu->GetM02())) ; //Evaluate CoreDispersion Double_t m02=0.,m20=0. ; EvalCoreLambdas(clu, cells, m02, m20) ; ph->SetDisp2Bit(TestCoreLambda(clu->E(),clu->GetM20(),clu->GetM02())) ; if(ph->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hCluDispM%d",mod),cellX,cellZ,1.); } // Track Matching Double_t dx=clu->GetTrackDx() ; Double_t dz=clu->GetTrackDz() ; Bool_t cpvBit=kTRUE ; //No track matched by default. True means: not from charged, according to veto. Bool_t cpvBit2=kTRUE ; //More Strict criterion if( fEventESD ) { TArrayI * itracks = static_cast (clu)->GetTracksMatched() ; if(itracks->GetSize()>0){ Int_t iTr = itracks->At(0); if(iTr>=0 && iTrGetNumberOfTracks()){ AliVParticle* track = fEvent->GetTrack(iTr); Double_t pt = track->Pt() ; Short_t charge = track->Charge() ; Double_t r=TestCPV(dx, dz, pt, charge) ; cpvBit=(r>2.) ; cpvBit2=(r>4.) ; } } } else if ( fEventAOD ) { int nTracksMatched = clu->GetNTracksMatched(); if(nTracksMatched > 0) { AliVTrack* track = dynamic_cast (clu->GetTrackMatched(0)); if ( track ) { Double_t pt = track->Pt(); Short_t charge = track->Charge(); Double_t r = TestCPV(dx, dz, pt, charge) ; cpvBit=(r>2.) ; cpvBit2=(r>4.) ; } } } ph->SetCPVBit(cpvBit) ; ph->SetCPV2Bit(cpvBit2) ; if(cpvBit){ FillHistogram(Form("hCluVetoM%d",mod),cellX,cellZ,1.); } ph->SetEMCx(float(cellX)) ; ph->SetEMCz(float(cellZ)) ; // ph->SetLambdas(clu->GetM20(),clu->GetM02()) ; ph->SetUnfolded(clu->GetNExMax()<2); // Remember, if it is unfolde } FillHistogram("hCenPHOS",fCentralityV0M, fCaloPhotonsPHOS->GetEntriesFast()) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::FillSelectedClusterHistograms() { for (Int_t i1=0; i1GetEntriesFast(); i1++) { AliCaloPhoton * ph1=(AliCaloPhoton*)fCaloPhotonsPHOS->At(i1) ; Double_t dphiA=ph1->Phi()-fRPV0A ; while(dphiA<0)dphiA+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiA>TMath::Pi())dphiA-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiC=ph1->Phi()-fRPV0C ; while(dphiC<0)dphiC+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiC>TMath::Pi())dphiC-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiT=ph1->Phi()-fRP ; while(dphiT<0)dphiT+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiT>TMath::Pi())dphiT-=TMath::Pi() ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0AAll_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CAll_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCAll_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotAll_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotAllwou_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ACPV_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ACPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotCPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ADisp_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ADispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotDisp2_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hPhotDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotDispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ABoth_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0ABothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiV0CBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hPhotPhiTPCBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPhotBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ConsiderPi0s() { char key[55]; for (Int_t i1=0; i1 < fCaloPhotonsPHOS->GetEntriesFast()-1; i1++) { AliCaloPhoton * ph1=(AliCaloPhoton*)fCaloPhotonsPHOS->At(i1) ; for (Int_t i2=i1+1; i2GetEntriesFast(); i2++) { AliCaloPhoton * ph2=(AliCaloPhoton*)fCaloPhotonsPHOS->At(i2) ; TLorentzVector p12 = *ph1 + *ph2; TLorentzVector pv12 = *(ph1->GetMomV2()) + *(ph2->GetMomV2()); FillHistogram("hPHOSphi",fCentralityV0M,p12.Pt(),p12.Phi()); Double_t dphiA=p12.Phi()-fRPV0A ; while(dphiA<0)dphiA+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiA>TMath::Pi())dphiA-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiC=p12.Phi()-fRPV0C ; while(dphiC<0)dphiC+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiC>TMath::Pi())dphiC-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiT=p12.Phi()-fRP ; while(dphiT<0)dphiT+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiT>TMath::Pi())dphiT-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t a=TMath::Abs((ph1->E()-ph2->E())/(ph1->E()+ph2->E())) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0AAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0AAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0All_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Allcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded() && ph2->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Allwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()) FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAllwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; if(ph2->IsntUnfolded()) FillHistogram(Form("hSingleAllwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleCPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDisp2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleDisp2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDispOK() && ph1->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDispOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hSingleBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hSingleBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(aIsCPVOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ snprintf(key,55,"hMassPtCPV_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ACPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ACPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0CPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0CPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt()) ; if(aIsCPV2OK() && ph2->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPi0CPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt()) ; if(aIsDispOK() && ph2->IsDispOK()){ snprintf(key,55,"hMassPtDisp_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ADisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ADispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Disp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Dispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsDisp2OK() && ph2->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Disp2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsntUnfolded() && ph2->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Dispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(), p12.Pt()) ; } if(aIsCPVOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ABoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0ABothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtV0CBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMassPtTPCBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Both_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hPi0Bothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt()) ; if(aModule()==1 && ph2->Module()==1) FillHistogram("hPi0M11",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); else if(ph1->Module()==2 && ph2->Module()==2) FillHistogram("hPi0M22",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); else if(ph1->Module()==3 && ph2->Module()==3) FillHistogram("hPi0M33",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); else if(ph1->Module()==1 && ph2->Module()==2) FillHistogram("hPi0M12",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); else if(ph1->Module()==1 && ph2->Module()==3) FillHistogram("hPi0M13",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); else if(ph1->Module()==2 && ph2->Module()==3) FillHistogram("hPi0M23",p12.M(),p12.Pt() ); } } } // end of loop i2 } // end of loop i1 } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ConsiderPi0sMix() { char key[55]; TList * arrayList = GetCaloPhotonsPHOSList(fVtxBin, fCentBin, fEMRPBin); for (Int_t i1=0; i1GetEntriesFast(); i1++) { AliCaloPhoton * ph1=(AliCaloPhoton*)fCaloPhotonsPHOS->At(i1) ; for(Int_t evi=0; eviGetEntries();evi++){ TObjArray * mixPHOS = static_cast(arrayList->At(evi)); for(Int_t i2=0; i2GetEntriesFast();i2++){ AliCaloPhoton * ph2=(AliCaloPhoton*)mixPHOS->At(i2) ; TLorentzVector p12 = *ph1 + *ph2; TLorentzVector pv12 = *(ph1->GetMomV2()) + *(ph2->GetMomV2()); Double_t dphiA=p12.Phi()-fRPV0A ; while(dphiA<0)dphiA+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiA>TMath::Pi())dphiA-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiC=p12.Phi()-fRPV0C ; while(dphiC<0)dphiC+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiC>TMath::Pi())dphiC-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t dphiT=p12.Phi()-fRP ; while(dphiT<0)dphiT+=TMath::Pi() ; while(dphiT>TMath::Pi())dphiT-=TMath::Pi() ; Double_t a=TMath::Abs((ph1->E()-ph2->E())/(ph1->E()+ph2->E())) ; snprintf(key,55,"hMiMassPtAll_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0AAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0AAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(), dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(), dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(), dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0All_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Allcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M() ,pv12.Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded() && ph2->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Allwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAll_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAllcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()) FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAllwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; if(ph2->IsntUnfolded()) FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleAllwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleCPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDisp2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDisp2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiSingleDisp2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; } if(ph1->IsDispOK() && ph1->IsCPVOK()){ snprintf(key,55,"hMiSingleBoth_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(key,p12.M(),ph1->Pt()) ; snprintf(key,55,"hMiSingleBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(key,pv12.M(),ph1->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(ph2->IsDispOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ snprintf(key,55,"hMiSingleBoth_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(key,p12.M(),ph2->Pt()) ; snprintf(key,55,"hMiSingleBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin) ; FillHistogram(key,pv12.M(),ph2->GetMomV2()->Pt()) ; } if(aIsCPVOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ACPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(), p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(), p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCCPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(), p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ACPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCCPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0CPV_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(), p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0CPVcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(), pv12.Pt()) ; if(aIsCPV2OK() && ph2->IsCPV2OK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0CPV2_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; if(aIsDispOK() && ph2->IsDispOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ADisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCDisp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ADispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCDispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Disp_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Dispcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt()) ; if(ph1->IsntUnfolded() && ph2->IsntUnfolded()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Dispwou_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt()) ; } if(aIsCPVOK() && ph2->IsCPVOK()){ FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ABoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCBoth_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M(),p12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0ABothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiA) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtV0CBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiC) ; if(fHaveTPCRP) FillHistogram(Form("hMiMassPtTPCBothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt(),dphiT) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Both_cen%d",fCentBin),p12.M() ,p12.Pt()) ; FillHistogram(Form("hMiPi0Bothcore_cen%d",fCentBin),pv12.M(),pv12.Pt()) ; if(a= 2 ) AliInfo( Form("fCentBin=%d, fCentNMixed[]=%d",fCentBin,fCentNMixed[fCentBin]) ); if(fCaloPhotonsPHOS->GetEntriesFast()>0){ arrayList->AddFirst(fCaloPhotonsPHOS) ; fCaloPhotonsPHOS=0; if(arrayList->GetEntries() > fCentNMixed[fCentBin]){ // Remove redundant events TObjArray * tmp = static_cast(arrayList->Last()) ; arrayList->RemoveLast() ; delete tmp ; // TODO: may conflict with delete done by list being owner. } } else fCaloPhotonsPHOS->Clear(); // TODO: redundant??? } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x)const{ //FillHistogram TH1 * hist = dynamic_cast(fOutputContainer->FindObject(key)) ; if(hist) hist->Fill(x) ; else AliError(Form("can not find histogram (of instance TH1) <%s> ",key)) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x,Double_t y)const{ //FillHistogram TH1 * th1 = dynamic_cast (fOutputContainer->FindObject(key)); if(th1) th1->Fill(x, y) ; else AliError(Form("can not find histogram (of instance TH1) <%s> ",key)) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x,Double_t y, Double_t z) const{ //Fills 1D histograms with key TObject * obj = fOutputContainer->FindObject(key); TH2 * th2 = dynamic_cast (obj); if(th2) { th2->Fill(x, y, z) ; return; } TH3 * th3 = dynamic_cast (obj); if(th3) { th3->Fill(x, y, z) ; return; } AliError(Form("can not find histogram (of instance TH2) <%s> ",key)) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliVEvent* AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::GetEvent() { fEvent = InputEvent(); if( ! fEvent ) { AliError("Event could not be retrieved"); PostData(1, fOutputContainer); } return fEvent; } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliStack* AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::GetMCStack() { fMCStack = 0; AliVEventHandler* eventHandler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler(); if(eventHandler){ AliMCEventHandler* mcEventHandler = dynamic_cast (eventHandler); if( mcEventHandler) fMCStack = static_cast(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler())->MCEvent()->Stack(); } return fMCStack; } //___________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::GetCentralityBin(Float_t centralityV0M) { /* fCentBin=1+Int_t(centralityV0M/100. *kNCenBins) ; if(centralityV0M < 5. || fCentBin < 0) fCentBin=0 ; if(fCentBin > kNCenBins-1) fCentBin = kNCenBins-1 ; */ int lastBinUpperIndex = fCentEdges.GetSize() -1; if( centralityV0M > fCentEdges[lastBinUpperIndex] ) { if( fDebug >= 1 ) AliWarning( Form("centrality (%f) larger then upper edge of last centrality bin (%f)!", centralityV0M, fCentEdges[lastBinUpperIndex]) ); return lastBinUpperIndex-1; } if( centralityV0M < fCentEdges[0] ) { if( fDebug >= 1 ) AliWarning( Form("centrality (%f) smaller then lower edge of first bin (%f)!", centralityV0M, fCentEdges[0]) ); return 0; } fCentBin = TMath::BinarySearch ( GetNumberOfCentralityBins(), fCentEdges.GetArray(), centralityV0M ); return fCentBin; } //___________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::GetRPBin() { Double_t averageRP; if(fHaveTPCRP) averageRP = fRPV0A+fRPV0C+fRP /3.; else averageRP = fRPV0A+fRPV0C /2.; fEMRPBin = Int_t(fNEMRPBins*(averageRP)/TMath::Pi()); if(fEMRPBin> (Int_t) fNEMRPBins-1) fEMRPBin=fNEMRPBins-1 ; else if(fEMRPBin<0) fEMRPBin=0; if ( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("Event Mixing Reaction Plane bin is: %d", fEMRPBin)); return fEMRPBin; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::LogProgress(int step) { if(fDebug >= 2) { AliInfo(Form("step %d completed", step)); } // the +0.5 is not realy neccisarry, but oh well... -henrik //FillHistogram("hSelEvents", step+0.5, internalRunNumber-0.5); //FillHistogram("hTotSelEvents", step+0.5); } void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::LogSelection(int step, int internalRunNumber) { // if(fDebug > 1) { // AliInfo(Form("step %d completed", step)); // } // the +0.5 is not realy neccisarry, but oh well... -henrik FillHistogram("hSelEvents", step+0.5, internalRunNumber-0.5); FillHistogram("hTotSelEvents", step+0.5); } //___________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ConvertToInternalRunNumber(Int_t run){ if( kLHC11h == fPeriod ) { switch(run){ case 170593 : return 179 ; case 170572 : return 178 ; case 170556 : return 177 ; case 170552 : return 176 ; case 170546 : return 175 ; case 170390 : return 174 ; case 170389 : return 173 ; case 170388 : return 172 ; case 170387 : return 171 ; case 170315 : return 170 ; case 170313 : return 169 ; case 170312 : return 168 ; case 170311 : return 167 ; case 170309 : return 166 ; case 170308 : return 165 ; case 170306 : return 164 ; case 170270 : return 163 ; case 170269 : return 162 ; case 170268 : return 161 ; case 170267 : return 160 ; case 170264 : return 159 ; case 170230 : return 158 ; case 170228 : return 157 ; case 170208 : return 156 ; case 170207 : return 155 ; case 170205 : return 154 ; case 170204 : return 153 ; case 170203 : return 152 ; case 170195 : return 151 ; case 170193 : return 150 ; case 170163 : return 149 ; case 170162 : return 148 ; case 170159 : return 147 ; case 170155 : return 146 ; case 170152 : return 145 ; case 170091 : return 144 ; case 170089 : return 143 ; case 170088 : return 142 ; case 170085 : return 141 ; case 170084 : return 140 ; case 170083 : return 139 ; case 170081 : return 138 ; case 170040 : return 137 ; case 170038 : return 136 ; case 170036 : return 135 ; case 170027 : return 134 ; case 169981 : return 133 ; case 169975 : return 132 ; case 169969 : return 131 ; case 169965 : return 130 ; case 169961 : return 129 ; case 169956 : return 128 ; case 169926 : return 127 ; case 169924 : return 126 ; case 169923 : return 125 ; case 169922 : return 124 ; case 169919 : return 123 ; case 169918 : return 122 ; case 169914 : return 121 ; case 169859 : return 120 ; case 169858 : return 119 ; case 169855 : return 118 ; case 169846 : return 117 ; case 169838 : return 116 ; case 169837 : return 115 ; case 169835 : return 114 ; case 169683 : return 113 ; case 169628 : return 112 ; case 169591 : return 111 ; case 169590 : return 110 ; case 169588 : return 109 ; case 169587 : return 108 ; case 169586 : return 107 ; case 169584 : return 106 ; case 169557 : return 105 ; case 169555 : return 104 ; case 169554 : return 103 ; case 169553 : return 102 ; case 169550 : return 101 ; case 169515 : return 100 ; case 169512 : return 99 ; case 169506 : return 98 ; case 169504 : return 97 ; case 169498 : return 96 ; case 169475 : return 95 ; case 169420 : return 94 ; case 169419 : return 93 ; case 169418 : return 92 ; case 169417 : return 91 ; case 169415 : return 90 ; case 169411 : return 89 ; case 169238 : return 88 ; case 169236 : return 87 ; case 169167 : return 86 ; case 169160 : return 85 ; case 169156 : return 84 ; case 169148 : return 83 ; case 169145 : return 82 ; case 169144 : return 81 ; case 169143 : return 80 ; case 169138 : return 79 ; case 169099 : return 78 ; case 169094 : return 77 ; case 169091 : return 76 ; case 169045 : return 75 ; case 169044 : return 74 ; case 169040 : return 73 ; case 169035 : return 72 ; case 168992 : return 71 ; case 168988 : return 70 ; case 168984 : return 69 ; case 168826 : return 68 ; case 168777 : return 67 ; case 168514 : return 66 ; case 168512 : return 65 ; case 168511 : return 64 ; case 168467 : return 63 ; case 168464 : return 62 ; case 168461 : return 61 ; case 168460 : return 60 ; case 168458 : return 59 ; case 168362 : return 58 ; case 168361 : return 57 ; case 168356 : return 56 ; case 168342 : return 55 ; case 168341 : return 54 ; case 168325 : return 53 ; case 168322 : return 52 ; case 168318 : return 51 ; case 168311 : return 50 ; case 168310 : return 49 ; case 168213 : return 48 ; case 168212 : return 47 ; case 168208 : return 46 ; case 168207 : return 45 ; case 168206 : return 44 ; case 168205 : return 43 ; case 168204 : return 42 ; case 168203 : return 41 ; case 168181 : return 40 ; case 168177 : return 39 ; case 168175 : return 38 ; case 168173 : return 37 ; case 168172 : return 36 ; case 168171 : return 35 ; case 168115 : return 34 ; case 168108 : return 33 ; case 168107 : return 32 ; case 168105 : return 31 ; case 168104 : return 30 ; case 168103 : return 29 ; case 168076 : return 28 ; case 168069 : return 27 ; case 168068 : return 26 ; case 168066 : return 25 ; case 167988 : return 24 ; case 167987 : return 23 ; case 167986 : return 22 ; case 167985 : return 21 ; case 167921 : return 20 ; case 167920 : return 19 ; case 167915 : return 18 ; case 167909 : return 17 ; case 167903 : return 16 ; case 167902 : return 15 ; case 167818 : return 14 ; case 167814 : return 13 ; case 167813 : return 12 ; case 167808 : return 11 ; case 167807 : return 10 ; case 167806 : return 9 ; case 167713 : return 8 ; case 167712 : return 7 ; case 167711 : return 6 ; case 167706 : return 5 ; case 167693 : return 4 ; case 166532 : return 3 ; case 166530 : return 2 ; case 166529 : return 1 ; default : return 199; } } if( kLHC10h == fPeriod ) { switch(run){ case 139517 : return 137; case 139514 : return 136; case 139513 : return 135; case 139511 : return 134; case 139510 : return 133; case 139507 : return 132; case 139505 : return 131; case 139504 : return 130; case 139503 : return 129; case 139470 : return 128; case 139467 : return 127; case 139466 : return 126; case 139465 : return 125; case 139440 : return 124; case 139439 : return 123; case 139438 : return 122; case 139437 : return 121; case 139360 : return 120; case 139329 : return 119; case 139328 : return 118; case 139314 : return 117; case 139311 : return 116; case 139310 : return 115; case 139309 : return 114; case 139308 : return 113; case 139173 : return 112; case 139172 : return 111; case 139110 : return 110; case 139107 : return 109; case 139105 : return 108; case 139104 : return 107; case 139042 : return 106; case 139038 : return 105; case 139037 : return 104; case 139036 : return 103; case 139029 : return 102; case 139028 : return 101; case 138983 : return 100; case 138982 : return 99; case 138980 : return 98; case 138979 : return 97; case 138978 : return 96; case 138977 : return 95; case 138976 : return 94; case 138973 : return 93; case 138972 : return 92; case 138965 : return 91; case 138924 : return 90; case 138872 : return 89; case 138871 : return 88; case 138870 : return 87; case 138837 : return 86; case 138830 : return 85; case 138828 : return 84; case 138826 : return 83; case 138796 : return 82; case 138795 : return 81; case 138742 : return 80; case 138732 : return 79; case 138730 : return 78; case 138666 : return 77; case 138662 : return 76; case 138653 : return 75; case 138652 : return 74; case 138638 : return 73; case 138624 : return 72; case 138621 : return 71; case 138583 : return 70; case 138582 : return 69; case 138579 : return 68; case 138578 : return 67; case 138534 : return 66; case 138469 : return 65; case 138442 : return 64; case 138439 : return 63; case 138438 : return 62; case 138396 : return 61; case 138364 : return 60; case 138359 : return 59; case 138275 : return 58; case 138225 : return 57; case 138201 : return 56; case 138200 : return 55; case 138197 : return 54; case 138192 : return 53; case 138190 : return 52; case 138154 : return 51; case 138153 : return 50; case 138151 : return 49; case 138150 : return 48; case 138126 : return 47; case 138125 : return 46; case 137848 : return 45; case 137847 : return 44; case 137844 : return 43; case 137843 : return 42; case 137752 : return 41; case 137751 : return 40; case 137748 : return 39; case 137724 : return 38; case 137722 : return 37; case 137718 : return 36; case 137704 : return 35; case 137693 : return 34; case 137692 : return 33; case 137691 : return 32; case 137689 : return 31; case 137686 : return 30; case 137685 : return 29; case 137639 : return 28; case 137638 : return 27; case 137608 : return 26; case 137595 : return 25; case 137549 : return 24; case 137546 : return 23; case 137544 : return 22; case 137541 : return 21; case 137539 : return 20; case 137531 : return 19; case 137530 : return 18; case 137443 : return 17; case 137441 : return 16; case 137440 : return 15; case 137439 : return 14; case 137434 : return 13; case 137432 : return 12; case 137431 : return 11; case 137430 : return 10; case 137366 : return 9; case 137243 : return 8; case 137236 : return 7; case 137235 : return 6; case 137232 : return 5; case 137231 : return 4; case 137165 : return 3; case 137162 : return 2; case 137161 : return 1; default : return 199; } } if(kUndefinedPeriod && (fDebug >= 1) ) { AliWarning("Period not defined"); } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::TestLambda(Double_t pt,Double_t l1,Double_t l2){ Double_t l2Mean = 1.53126+9.50835e+06/(1.+1.08728e+07*pt+1.73420e+06*pt*pt) ; Double_t l1Mean = 1.12365+0.123770*TMath::Exp(-pt*0.246551)+5.30000e-03*pt ; Double_t l2Sigma = 6.48260e-02+7.60261e+10/(1.+1.53012e+11*pt+5.01265e+05*pt*pt)+9.00000e-03*pt; Double_t l1Sigma = 4.44719e-04+6.99839e-01/(1.+1.22497e+00*pt+6.78604e-07*pt*pt)+9.00000e-03*pt; Double_t c=-0.35-0.550*TMath::Exp(-0.390730*pt) ; Double_t R2=0.5*(l1-l1Mean)*(l1-l1Mean)/l1Sigma/l1Sigma + 0.5*(l2-l2Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l2Sigma/l2Sigma + 0.5*c*(l1-l1Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l1Sigma/l2Sigma ; return (R2<2.5*2.5) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::TestLambda2(Double_t pt,Double_t l1,Double_t l2){ Double_t l2Mean = 1.53126+9.50835e+06/(1.+1.08728e+07*pt+1.73420e+06*pt*pt) ; Double_t l1Mean = 1.12365+0.123770*TMath::Exp(-pt*0.246551)+5.30000e-03*pt ; Double_t l2Sigma = 6.48260e-02+7.60261e+10/(1.+1.53012e+11*pt+5.01265e+05*pt*pt)+9.00000e-03*pt; Double_t l1Sigma = 4.44719e-04+6.99839e-01/(1.+1.22497e+00*pt+6.78604e-07*pt*pt)+9.00000e-03*pt; Double_t c=-0.35-0.550*TMath::Exp(-0.390730*pt) ; Double_t R2=0.5*(l1-l1Mean)*(l1-l1Mean)/l1Sigma/l1Sigma + 0.5*(l2-l2Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l2Sigma/l2Sigma + 0.5*c*(l1-l1Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l1Sigma/l2Sigma ; return (R2<1.5*1.5) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::GetCaloPhotonsPHOSList(UInt_t vtxBin, UInt_t centBin, UInt_t rpBin) { int offset = vtxBin * GetNumberOfCentralityBins() * fNEMRPBins + centBin * fNEMRPBins + rpBin; if( fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists->At(offset) ) { // list exists TList* list = dynamic_cast (fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists->At(offset)); if( ! list ) AliError("object in fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists at %i did not cast"); return list; } else {// no list for this bin has been created, yet TList* list = new TList(); list->SetOwner(); fCaloPhotonsPHOSLists->AddAt(list, offset); return list; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::TestCPV(Double_t dx, Double_t dz, Double_t pt, Int_t charge){ //Parameterization of LHC10h period //_true if neutral_ Double_t meanX=0; Double_t meanZ=0.; Double_t sx=TMath::Min(5.4,2.59719e+02*TMath::Exp(-pt/1.02053e-01)+ 6.58365e-01*5.91917e-01*5.91917e-01/((pt-9.61306e-01)*(pt-9.61306e-01)+5.91917e-01*5.91917e-01)+1.59219); Double_t sz=TMath::Min(2.75,4.90341e+02*1.91456e-02*1.91456e-02/(pt*pt+1.91456e-02*1.91456e-02)+1.60) ; AliVEvent *event = InputEvent(); Double_t mf = 0.; // if(event) mf = event->GetMagneticField(); //Positive for ++ and negative for -- if(mf<0.){ //field -- meanZ = -0.468318 ; if(charge>0) meanX=TMath::Min(7.3, 3.89994*1.20679*1.20679/(pt*pt+1.20679*1.20679)+0.249029+2.49088e+07*TMath::Exp(-pt*3.33650e+01)) ; else meanX=-TMath::Min(7.7,3.86040*0.912499*0.912499/(pt*pt+0.912499*0.912499)+1.23114+4.48277e+05*TMath::Exp(-pt*2.57070e+01)) ; } else{ //Field ++ meanZ= -0.468318; if(charge>0) meanX=-TMath::Min(8.0,3.86040*1.31357*1.31357/(pt*pt+1.31357*1.31357)+0.880579+7.56199e+06*TMath::Exp(-pt*3.08451e+01)) ; else meanX= TMath::Min(6.85, 3.89994*1.16240*1.16240/(pt*pt+1.16240*1.16240)-0.120787+2.20275e+05*TMath::Exp(-pt*2.40913e+01)) ; } Double_t rz=(dz-meanZ)/sz ; Double_t rx=(dx-meanX)/sx ; return TMath::Sqrt(rx*rx+rz*rz) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetFlatteningData(){ //Read objects with flattening parameters AliOADBContainer flatContainer("phosFlat"); flatContainer.InitFromFile(fEPcalibFileName.Data(),"phosFlat"); TObjArray *maps = (TObjArray*)flatContainer.GetObject(fRunNumber,"phosFlat"); if(!maps){ AliError(Form("Can not read Flattening for run %d. \n From file >%s<\n",fRunNumber,fEPcalibFileName.Data())) ; } else{ AliInfo(Form("Setting PHOS flattening with name %s \n",maps->GetName())) ; AliPHOSEPFlattener * h = (AliPHOSEPFlattener*)maps->At(0) ; if(fTPCFlat) delete fTPCFlat ; fTPCFlat = new AliPHOSEPFlattener() ; fTPCFlat = h ; h = (AliPHOSEPFlattener*)maps->At(1) ; if(fV0AFlat) delete fV0AFlat ; fV0AFlat = new AliPHOSEPFlattener() ; fV0AFlat = h ; h = (AliPHOSEPFlattener*)maps->At(2) ; if(fV0CFlat) delete fV0CFlat ; fV0CFlat = new AliPHOSEPFlattener() ; fV0CFlat = h ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ApplyFlattening(Double_t phi, Double_t c){ if(fTPCFlat) return fTPCFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ApplyFlatteningV0A(Double_t phi, Double_t c){ if(fV0AFlat) return fV0AFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::ApplyFlatteningV0C(Double_t phi, Double_t c){ if(fV0CFlat) return fV0CFlat->MakeFlat(phi,c); return phi ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::CoreEnergy(AliVCluster * clu, AliVCaloCells * cells) { //calculate energy of the cluster in the circle with radius distanceCut around the maximum //Can not use already calculated coordinates? //They have incidence correction... const Double_t distanceCut =3.5 ; const Double_t logWeight=4.5 ; Double32_t * elist = clu->GetCellsAmplitudeFraction() ; // Calculates the center of gravity in the local PHOS-module coordinates Float_t wtot = 0; Double_t xc[100]={0} ; Double_t zc[100]={0} ; Double_t x = 0 ; Double_t z = 0 ; Int_t mulDigit=TMath::Min(100,clu->GetNCells()) ; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(clu->GetCellAbsId(iDigit), relid) ; fPHOSGeo->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); xc[iDigit]=xi ; zc[iDigit]=zi ; elist[iDigit] *= cells->GetCellAmplitude(clu->GetCellsAbsId()[iDigit]); if( fDebug >= 3 ) printf("%f ",elist[iDigit]); if (clu->E()>0 && elist[iDigit]>0) { Float_t w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( elist[iDigit] / clu->E() ) ) ; x += xc[iDigit] * w ; z += zc[iDigit] * w ; wtot += w ; } } if (wtot>0) { x /= wtot ; z /= wtot ; } Double_t coreE=0. ; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit < mulDigit; iDigit++) { Double_t distance = TMath::Sqrt((xc[iDigit]-x)*(xc[iDigit]-x)+(zc[iDigit]-z)*(zc[iDigit]-z)) ; if(distance < distanceCut) coreE += elist[iDigit] ; } //Apply non-linearity correction return fNonLinCorr->Eval(coreE) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::AreNeibors(Int_t id1,Int_t id2){ // return true if absId are "Neighbors" (adjacent, including diagornaly,) // false if not. Int_t relid1[4] ; fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(id1, relid1) ; Int_t relid2[4] ; fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(id2, relid2) ; // if inside the same PHOS module if ( (relid1[0] == relid2[0]) && (relid1[1]==relid2[1]) ) { const Int_t rowdiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[2] - relid2[2] ) ; const Int_t coldiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[3] - relid2[3] ) ; // and if diff in both direction is 1 or less if (( coldiff <= 1 ) && ( rowdiff <= 1 )) return true; // are neighbors } // else false return false; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::Reclusterize(AliVCluster * clu){ //Re-clusterize to make continues cluster const Int_t oldMulDigit=clu->GetNCells() ; Double32_t * elist = clu->GetCellsAmplitudeFraction() ; UShort_t * dlist = clu->GetCellsAbsId(); Int_t index[oldMulDigit] ; Bool_t used[oldMulDigit] ; for(Int_t i=0; iSetNCells(inClu); //copy UShort_t tmpD[oldMulDigit] ; Double_t tmpE[oldMulDigit] ; for(Int_t i=0; iGetPHOSMatrix(mod); if( ! modMatrix) { if( fDebug ) AliInfo(Form("no PHOS Geometric Misalignment Matrix for module %d", mod)); continue; } else { fPHOSGeo->SetMisalMatrix(modMatrix, mod); if( fDebug ) AliInfo(Form("PHOS Geometric Misalignment Matrix set for module %d", mod)); } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetV0Calibration(){ // assigns: fMultV0, fV0Cpol, fV0Apol, fMeanQ, and fWidthQ if ( ! fManualV0EPCalc ) { if( fDebug >=2 ) AliInfo("Not setting V0Calibration, only needed for manual V0 EP Calculation"); return; } int runNumber = this->fRunNumber; TString oadbfilename = "$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/PWGCF/VZERO/VZEROcalibEP.root"; TFile *foadb = TFile::Open(oadbfilename.Data()); if(!foadb){ AliError(Form("OADB file %s cannot be opened\n", oadbfilename.Data())); AliError("V0 Calibration not set !\n"); return; } AliOADBContainer *cont = (AliOADBContainer*) foadb->Get("hMultV0BefCorr"); if(!cont){ AliError("OADB object hMultV0BefCorr is not available in the file"); AliError("V0 Calibration not set!\n"); return; } if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ AliError(Form("OADB object hMultV0BefCorr is not available for run %i, trying 137366)",runNumber)); runNumber = 137366; } if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ AliError(Form("OADB object hMultV0BefCorr is not available for run %i ",runNumber)); AliError("V0 Calibration not set!\n"); return; } if( fDebug ) AliInfo("Setting V0 calibration") ; fMultV0 = ((TH2F *) cont->GetObject(runNumber))->ProfileX(); TF1 *fpol0 = new TF1("fpol0","pol0"); fMultV0->Fit(fpol0,"Q0","",0,31); fV0Cpol = fpol0->GetParameter(0); fMultV0->Fit(fpol0,"Q0","",32,64); fV0Apol = fpol0->GetParameter(0); for(Int_t iside=0;iside<2;iside++){ for(Int_t icoord=0;icoord<2;icoord++){ for(Int_t i=0;i < kNCenBins;i++){ char namecont[100]; if(iside==0 && icoord==0) snprintf(namecont,100,"hQxc2_%i",i); else if(iside==1 && icoord==0) snprintf(namecont,100,"hQxa2_%i",i); else if(iside==0 && icoord==1) snprintf(namecont,100,"hQyc2_%i",i); else if(iside==1 && icoord==1) snprintf(namecont,100,"hQya2_%i",i); cont = (AliOADBContainer*) foadb->Get(namecont); if(!cont){ AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available in the file %s", namecont, oadbfilename.Data())); AliError("V0 Calibration not fully set!\n"); return; } if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available for run %i, trying run 137366",namecont,runNumber)); runNumber = 137366; } if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available for run %i",namecont,runNumber)); AliError("V0 Calibration not fully set!\n"); return; } fMeanQ[i][iside][icoord] = ((TH1F *) cont->GetObject(runNumber))->GetMean(); fWidthQ[i][iside][icoord] = ((TH1F *) cont->GetObject(runNumber))->GetRMS(); //for v3 // if(iside==0 && icoord==0) // snprintf(namecont,100,"hQxc3_%i",i); // else if(iside==1 && icoord==0) // snprintf(namecont,100,"hQxa3_%i",i); // else if(iside==0 && icoord==1) // snprintf(namecont,100,"hQyc3_%i",i); // else if(iside==1 && icoord==1) // snprintf(namecont,100,"hQya3_%i",i); // // cont = (AliOADBContainer*) foadb->Get(namecont); // if(!cont){ // AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available in the file",namecont)); // AliError("V0 Calibration not fully set!\n"); // return; // } // // if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ // AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available for run %i, trying run 137366",namecont,runNumber)); // runNumber = 137366; // } // if(!(cont->GetObject(runNumber))){ // AliError(Form("OADB object %s is not available for run %i",namecont,runNumber)); // AliError("V0 Calibration not fully set!\n"); // return; // } // fMeanQv3[i][iside][icoord] = ((TH1F *) cont->GetObject(run))->GetMean(); // fWidthQv3[i][iside][icoord] = ((TH1F *) cont->GetObject(run))->GetRMS(); } } } delete fpol0; fpol0=0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetESDTrackCuts() { if( fEventESD ) { // Create ESD track cut fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts() ; //fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010(); fESDtrackCuts->SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetGeometry() { // Initialize the PHOS geometry if( kLHC10h == fPeriod && fEventESD ) { TGeoManager::Import("geometry.root"); //TODO: should perhaps not be done fPHOSGeo = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP") ; if( ! fPHOSGeo ) AliError("geometry (fPHOSGeo) not initialised"); } //Init geometry if(!fPHOSGeo){ AliOADBContainer geomContainer("phosGeo"); geomContainer.InitFromFile("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/PHOS/PHOSGeometry.root","PHOSRotationMatrixes"); TObjArray *matrixes = (TObjArray*)geomContainer.GetObject(fRunNumber,"PHOSRotationMatrixes"); fPHOSGeo = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP") ; for(Int_t mod=0; mod<5; mod++) { if(!matrixes->At(mod)) { if( fDebug ) AliInfo(Form("No PHOS Matrix for mod:%d, geo=%p\n", mod, fPHOSGeo)); continue; } else { fPHOSGeo->SetMisalMatrix(((TGeoHMatrix*)matrixes->At(mod)),mod) ; if( fDebug >1 ) AliInfo(Form("Adding PHOS Matrix for mod:%d, geo=%p\n", mod, fPHOSGeo)); } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetPHOSCalibData() { if( fPHOSCalibData ) delete fPHOSCalibData; fPHOSCalibData = 0; // Calibration only needed for ESD if( fEventESD /*&& */ ) { if( kLHC10h == fPeriod && fEventESD ) { //We have to apply re-calibration for pass1 LCH10h // Initialize decalibration factors in the form of the OCDB object AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetRun(140000) ; //TODO; revise, this should probably not b done. man->SetDefaultStorage("local://OCDB"); } fPHOSCalibData = new AliPHOSCalibData(); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetVertex() { const AliVVertex *primaryVertex = fEvent->GetPrimaryVertex(); if( primaryVertex ) { fVertex[0] = primaryVertex->GetX(); fVertex[1] = primaryVertex->GetY(); fVertex[2] = primaryVertex->GetZ(); } else { AliError("Event has 0x0 Primary Vertex, defaulting to origo"); fVertex[0] = 0; fVertex[1] = 0; fVertex[2] = 0; } fVertexVector = TVector3(fVertex); FillHistogram("hZvertex", fVertexVector.z(), fInternalRunNumber-0.5); if( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("Vertex is set to (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)", fVertex[0], fVertex[1], fVertex[2])); fVtxBin=0 ;// No support for vtx binning implemented. } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::RejectEventVertex() { if( ! fEvent->GetPrimaryVertex() ) return true; // reject LogSelection(1, fInternalRunNumber); if ( TMath::Abs(fVertexVector.z()) > fMaxAbsVertexZ ) return true; // reject LogSelection(2, fInternalRunNumber); return false; // accept event. } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::SetCentrality() { AliCentrality *centrality = fEvent->GetCentrality(); if( centrality ) fCentralityV0M=centrality->GetCentralityPercentile("V0M"); else { AliError("Event has 0x0 centrality"); fCentralityV0M = -1.; } FillHistogram("hCentrality",fCentralityV0M,fInternalRunNumber-0.5) ; fCentBin = GetCentralityBin(fCentralityV0M); if ( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("Centrality (bin) is: %f (%d)", fCentralityV0M, fCentBin)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::RejectCentrality() { if( ! fEvent->GetCentrality() ) return true; // reject LogSelection(3, fInternalRunNumber); // if( fCentralityV0M <= 0. || fCentralityV0M>80. ) // return true; // reject int lastBinUpperIndex = fCentEdges.GetSize() -1; if( fCentralityV0M > fCentEdges[lastBinUpperIndex] ) { if( fDebug ) AliInfo("Rejecting due to centrality outside of binning."); return true; // reject } LogSelection(4, fInternalRunNumber); if( fCentralityV0M < fCentEdges[0] ) { if( fDebug ) AliInfo("Rejecting due to centrality outside of binning."); return true; // reject } LogSelection(5, fInternalRunNumber); return false; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::EvalReactionPlane() { // assigns: fHaveTPCRP and fRP // also does a few histogram fills AliEventplane *eventPlane = fEvent->GetEventplane(); if( ! eventPlane ) { AliError("Event has no event plane"); return; } Double_t reactionPlaneQ = eventPlane->GetEventplane("Q"); FillHistogram("phiRP",reactionPlaneQ,fCentralityV0M) ; if(reactionPlaneQ==999 || reactionPlaneQ < 0.){ //reaction plain was not defined if( fDebug ) AliInfo(Form("No Q Reaction Plane, value is %f", reactionPlaneQ)); fHaveTPCRP = kFALSE; } else{ if( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("Q Reaction Plane is %f", reactionPlaneQ)); fHaveTPCRP = kTRUE; } if(fHaveTPCRP){ fRP = ApplyFlattening(reactionPlaneQ, fCentralityV0M) ; while(fRP<0) fRP+=TMath::Pi(); while(fRP>TMath::Pi()) fRP-=TMath::Pi(); FillHistogram("phiRPflat",fRP,fCentralityV0M) ; Double_t dPsi = eventPlane->GetQsubRes() ; FillHistogram("cos2AC",TMath::Cos(2.*dPsi),fCentralityV0M) ; } else fRP=0.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::EvalV0ReactionPlane(){ // set: fRPV0A and fRPV0C // Do Manual V0 EP Calculation if ( fManualV0EPCalc ) { //VZERO data AliVVZERO* v0 = fEvent->GetVZEROData(); //reset Q vector info Double_t Qxa2 = 0, Qya2 = 0; Double_t Qxc2 = 0, Qyc2 = 0; for (Int_t iv0 = 0; iv0 < 64; iv0++) { Double_t phiV0 = TMath::PiOver4()*(0.5 + iv0 % 8); Float_t multv0 = v0->GetMultiplicity(iv0); if (iv0 < 32){ // V0C Qxc2 += TMath::Cos(2*phiV0) * multv0*fV0Cpol/fMultV0->GetBinContent(iv0+1); Qyc2 += TMath::Sin(2*phiV0) * multv0*fV0Cpol/fMultV0->GetBinContent(iv0+1); } else { // V0A Qxa2 += TMath::Cos(2*phiV0) * multv0*fV0Apol/fMultV0->GetBinContent(iv0+1); Qya2 += TMath::Sin(2*phiV0) * multv0*fV0Apol/fMultV0->GetBinContent(iv0+1); } } Int_t iC = -1; // centrality bins if(fCentralityV0M < 5) iC = 0; else if(fCentralityV0M < 10) iC = 1; else if(fCentralityV0M < 20) iC = 2; else if(fCentralityV0M < 30) iC = 3; else if(fCentralityV0M < 40) iC = 4; else if(fCentralityV0M < 50) iC = 5; else if(fCentralityV0M < 60) iC = 6; else if(fCentralityV0M < 70) iC = 7; else iC = 8; //grab for each centrality the proper histo with the Qx and Qy to do the recentering Double_t Qxamean2 = fMeanQ[iC][1][0]; Double_t Qxarms2 = fWidthQ[iC][1][0]; Double_t Qyamean2 = fMeanQ[iC][1][1]; Double_t Qyarms2 = fWidthQ[iC][1][1]; Double_t Qxcmean2 = fMeanQ[iC][0][0]; Double_t Qxcrms2 = fWidthQ[iC][0][0]; Double_t Qycmean2 = fMeanQ[iC][0][1]; Double_t Qycrms2 = fWidthQ[iC][0][1]; Double_t QxaCor2 = (Qxa2 - Qxamean2)/Qxarms2; Double_t QyaCor2 = (Qya2 - Qyamean2)/Qyarms2; Double_t QxcCor2 = (Qxc2 - Qxcmean2)/Qxcrms2; Double_t QycCor2 = (Qyc2 - Qycmean2)/Qycrms2; fRPV0A = TMath::ATan2(QyaCor2, QxaCor2)/2.; fRPV0C = TMath::ATan2(QycCor2, QxcCor2)/2.; } else // Use Official V0 EP Calculation. { AliEventplane *eventPlane = fEvent->GetEventplane(); if( ! eventPlane ) { AliError("Event has no event plane"); return; } fRPV0A = eventPlane->GetEventplane("V0A", fEvent); fRPV0C = eventPlane->GetEventplane("V0C", fEvent); } // Check that the A&C RP are within allowed range. if( fDebug >= 3 && (fRPV0A<0 || fRPV0A>TMath::Pi() ) ) AliInfo(Form("RPV0A outside of permited range [0,pi]: %f, correcting", fRPV0A)); if( fDebug >= 3 && (fRPV0C<0 || fRPV0C>TMath::Pi() ) ) AliInfo(Form("RPV0C outside of permited range [0,pi]: %f, correcting", fRPV0C)); while (fRPV0A<0 ) fRPV0A+=TMath::Pi() ; while (fRPV0A>TMath::Pi()) fRPV0A-=TMath::Pi() ; while (fRPV0C<0 ) fRPV0C+=TMath::Pi() ; while (fRPV0C>TMath::Pi()) fRPV0C-=TMath::Pi() ; // Reaction plane histograms before flattening if( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("V0 Reaction Plane before flattening: A side: %f, C side: %f", fRPV0A, fRPV0C)); FillHistogram("phiRPV0A" ,fRPV0A,fCentralityV0M); FillHistogram("phiRPV0C" ,fRPV0C,fCentralityV0M); FillHistogram("phiRPV0AC",fRPV0A,fRPV0C,fCentralityV0M) ; // Flattening fRPV0A=ApplyFlatteningV0A(fRPV0A,fCentralityV0M) ; while (fRPV0A<0 ) fRPV0A+=TMath::Pi() ; while (fRPV0A>TMath::Pi()) fRPV0A-=TMath::Pi() ; fRPV0C=ApplyFlatteningV0C(fRPV0C,fCentralityV0M) ; while (fRPV0C<0 ) fRPV0C+=TMath::Pi() ; while (fRPV0C>TMath::Pi()) fRPV0C-=TMath::Pi() ; if( fDebug >= 2 ) AliInfo(Form("V0 Reaction Plane after flattening: A side: %f, C side: %f", fRPV0A, fRPV0C)); FillHistogram("phiRPV0Aflat",fRPV0A,fCentralityV0M) ; FillHistogram("cos2V0AC",TMath::Cos(2.*(fRPV0A-fRPV0C)),fCentralityV0M) ; if(fHaveTPCRP){ FillHistogram("phiRPV0ATPC",fRP,fRPV0A,fCentralityV0M) ; FillHistogram("cos2V0ATPC",TMath::Cos(2.*(fRP-fRPV0A)),fCentralityV0M) ; } FillHistogram("phiRPV0Cflat",fRPV0C,fCentralityV0M) ; if(fHaveTPCRP){ FillHistogram("phiRPV0CTPC",fRP,fRPV0C,fCentralityV0M) ; FillHistogram("cos2V0CTPC",TMath::Cos(2.*(fRP-fRPV0C)),fCentralityV0M) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::EvalCoreLambdas(AliVCluster * clu, AliVCaloCells * cells,Double_t &m02, Double_t &m20){ //calculate dispecrsion of the cluster in the circle with radius distanceCut around the maximum Double_t rCut=4.5 ; Double32_t * elist = clu->GetCellsAmplitudeFraction() ; // Calculates the center of gravity in the local PHOS-module coordinates Float_t wtot = 0; Double_t xc[100]={0} ; Double_t zc[100]={0} ; Double_t ei[100]={0} ; Double_t x = 0 ; Double_t z = 0 ; Int_t mulDigit=TMath::Min(100,clu->GetNCells()) ; const Double_t logWeight=4.5 ; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitGetCellAbsId(iDigit) ; fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(absId, relid) ; fPHOSGeo->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); xc[iDigit]=xi ; zc[iDigit]=zi ; ei[iDigit] = elist[iDigit]*cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId) ; if (clu->E()>0 && ei[iDigit]>0) { Float_t w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( ei[iDigit] / clu->E() ) ) ; x += xc[iDigit] * w ; z += zc[iDigit] * w ; wtot += w ; } } if (wtot>0) { x /= wtot ; z /= wtot ; } wtot = 0. ; Double_t dxx = 0.; Double_t dzz = 0.; Double_t dxz = 0.; Double_t xCut = 0. ; Double_t zCut = 0. ; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitE()>0 && ei[iDigit]>0.) { Double_t w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( ei[iDigit] / clu->E() ) ) ; Double_t xi= xc[iDigit] ; Double_t zi= zc[iDigit] ; if((xi-x)*(xi-x)+(zi-z)*(zi-z) < rCut*rCut){ xCut += w * xi ; zCut += w * zi ; dxx += w * xi * xi ; dzz += w * zi * zi ; dxz += w * xi * zi ; wtot += w ; } } } if (wtot>0) { xCut/= wtot ; zCut/= wtot ; dxx /= wtot ; dzz /= wtot ; dxz /= wtot ; dxx -= xCut * xCut ; dzz -= zCut * zCut ; dxz -= xCut * zCut ; m02 = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) + TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ; m20 = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) - TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ; } else { m20=m02=0.; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPi0Flow::TestCoreLambda(Double_t pt,Double_t l1,Double_t l2){ //Evaluates if lambdas correspond to photon cluster //Tuned using pp date //For core radius R=4.5 Double_t l1Mean = 1.150200 + 0.097886/(1.+1.486645*pt+0.000038*pt*pt) ; Double_t l2Mean = 1.574706 + 0.997966*exp(-0.895075*pt)-0.010666*pt ; Double_t l1Sigma = 0.100255 + 0.337177*exp(-0.517684*pt)+0.001170*pt ; Double_t l2Sigma = 0.232580 + 0.573401*exp(-0.735903*pt)-0.002325*pt ; Double_t c = -0.110983 -0.017353/(1.-1.836995*pt+0.934517*pt*pt) ; Double_t R2=0.5*(l1-l1Mean)*(l1-l1Mean)/l1Sigma/l1Sigma + 0.5*(l2-l2Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l2Sigma/l2Sigma + 0.5*c*(l1-l1Mean)*(l2-l2Mean)/l1Sigma/l2Sigma ; return (R2<2.5*2.5) ; }