#ifndef ALIPHOSEPFLATTENER_H #define ALIPHOSEPFLATTENER_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliPHOSDigit.h 56876 2012-06-05 20:48:55Z fca $ */ /* History of cvs commits: * * $Log$ * Revision 1.34 2006/04/22 10:30:17 hristov * Add fEnergy to AliPHOSDigit and operate with EMC amplitude in energy units (Yu.Kharlov) * * Revision 1.33 2005/05/28 14:19:04 schutz * Compilation warnings fixed by T.P. * */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class to perform flattening of the event plane distribution // It stores necessary parameterizations and apply when requested // //*-- Author: Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI) // --- ROOT system --- class TH1D ; #include "TNamed.h" class AliPHOSEPFlattener : public TNamed { public: AliPHOSEPFlattener() ; AliPHOSEPFlattener(const char * name) ; //To separate different runs use names AliPHOSEPFlattener(const AliPHOSEPFlattener & fl) ; virtual ~AliPHOSEPFlattener() ; AliPHOSEPFlattener & operator = (const AliPHOSEPFlattener & flat); public: Double_t MakeFlat(Double_t oldPhi,Double_t centrality)const ; //Apply (centrality-dependent) flattening to oldPhi void SetParameterization(TH1D * h) ; //Set Parameterization to use (see code for the meaning of parameters private: UShort_t fNCentrBins ; //Number of centrality bins UShort_t fNHarmonics ; //Number of harmonics used in parameterization Double32_t * fParam ; //[-1,1.,16] [fNCentrBins*fNHarmonics] ClassDef(AliPHOSEPFlattener,1) } ; #endif // ALIPHOSEPFLATTENER_H