// $Id$ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Matthias Richter * //* Sedat Altinpinar * //* Hege Erdal * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /// @file AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0.cxx /// @author Sedat Altinpinar, Hege Erdal, Matthias Richter /// @date 2012-03-19 /// @brief D0 selection for D0-HFE correlation /// #include "AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0.h" #include "AliVParticle.h" //#include "AliAnalysisCuts.h" // required dependency libANALYSISalice.so //#include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h" // required dependency libPWGflowBase.so //#include "AliFlowCandidateTrack.h" // required dependency libPWGflowTasks.so //#include "AliCFContainer.h" // required dependency libCORRFW.so #include "AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong.h" // libPWGHFvertexingHF #include "AliRDHFCutsD0toKpi.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TString.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; /// ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods ClassImp(AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0) AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0(const char* opt) : AliDxHFEParticleSelection("D0", opt) , fD0Properties(NULL) , fD0Daughter0(NULL) , fD0Daughter1(NULL) , fCuts(NULL) , fFillOnlyD0D0bar(0) { // constructor // // // // TString strOption(opt); // TODO: one might need a proper argument parsing including // chopping whole string into individual arguments if (strOption.Contains("FillD0D0bar")) fFillOnlyD0D0bar=0; else if (strOption.Contains("FillOnlyD0")) fFillOnlyD0D0bar=1; else if (strOption.Contains("FillOnlyD0bar")) fFillOnlyD0D0bar=2; } AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::~AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0() { // destructor if (fD0Properties) { delete fD0Properties; fD0Properties=NULL; } if (fD0Daughter0) { delete fD0Daughter0; fD0Daughter0=NULL; } if (fD0Daughter1) { delete fD0Daughter1; fD0Daughter1=NULL; } // Note: external object deleted elsewhere fCuts=NULL; } int AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::InitControlObjects() { /// init the control objects, can be overloaded by childs which should /// call AliDxHFEParticleSelection::InitControlObjects() explicitly AliInfo("Setting up THnSparse"); TString name; const int thnSize = 4; const double pi=TMath::Pi(); // TODO: theta? // 0 1 2 3 // mass Pt Phi Ptbin int thnBins[thnSize] = { 200, 1000, 100, 100 }; double thnMin [thnSize] = { 1.5648, 0, 0, 0 }; double thnMax [thnSize] = { 2.1648, 100, (2*pi), 100 }; name.Form("%s info", GetName()); std::auto_ptr D0Properties(new THnSparseF(name, name, thnSize, thnBins, thnMin, thnMax)); if (D0Properties.get()==NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } int axis=0; D0Properties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("D0 inv mass"); D0Properties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Pt"); D0Properties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Phi"); D0Properties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Ptbin"); fD0Properties=D0Properties.release(); AddControlObject(fD0Properties); //Adding control objects for the daughters InitControlObjectsDaughters("pi information",0); InitControlObjectsDaughters("K information",1); return AliDxHFEParticleSelection::InitControlObjects(); } int AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::InitControlObjectsDaughters(TString name, int daughter) { //Setting up Control objects for the daughters. AliInfo("Setting up daughter THnSparse"); const int thnSize2 = 5; const double Pi=TMath::Pi(); // 0 1 2 3 4 // Pt Phi Ptbin D0InvMass Eta int thnBins[thnSize2] = { 1000, 200, 21, 200, 500}; double thnMin [thnSize2] = { 0, 0, 0, 1.5648, -1.}; double thnMax [thnSize2] = { 100, 2*Pi, 20, 2.1648, 1.}; std::auto_ptr DaughterProperties(new THnSparseF(name, name, thnSize2, thnBins, thnMin, thnMax)); if (DaughterProperties.get()==NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } int axis=0; DaughterProperties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Pt"); DaughterProperties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Phi"); DaughterProperties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Ptbin"); DaughterProperties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("D0InvMass"); DaughterProperties->GetAxis(axis++)->SetTitle("Eta"); if(daughter==0){ fD0Daughter0=DaughterProperties.release(); AddControlObject(fD0Daughter0); } if(daughter==1){ fD0Daughter1=DaughterProperties.release(); AddControlObject(fD0Daughter1); } return 0; } int AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::HistogramParticleProperties(AliVParticle* p, int selectionCode) { /// histogram particle properties if (!p) return -EINVAL; // fill the common histograms AliDxHFEParticleSelection::HistogramParticleProperties(p, selectionCode); // no daughters to fill if 0 (= no candidate) if (selectionCode==0) return 0; AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong* part=dynamic_cast(p); if(!part) return 0; // Convention: 1. daughter is postive track, 2. = negative AliAODTrack *prongpos=(AliAODTrack*)part->GetDaughter(0); AliAODTrack *prongneg=(AliAODTrack*)part->GetDaughter(1); if(!prongpos || !prongneg) { return 0; } // Only D0s are filled // TODO: Also include D0bar if ((selectionCode==1 || selectionCode==3) && fFillOnlyD0D0bar<2) { Double_t invmassD0 = part->InvMassD0(); AliDebug(3,Form("pt %f, nr pt bins %d",part->Pt(),fCuts->GetNPtBins())); Int_t ptbin=fCuts->PtBin(part->Pt()); Double_t D0Properties[] = {invmassD0,part->Pt(),part->Phi(),ptbin}; Double_t KProperties[]={prongneg->Pt(),prongneg->Phi(),ptbin, invmassD0,prongneg->Eta()}; Double_t piProperties[]={prongpos->Pt(),prongpos->Phi(),ptbin,invmassD0,prongpos->Eta()}; if(fD0Properties) fD0Properties->Fill(D0Properties); if(fD0Daughter0) fD0Daughter0->Fill(piProperties); if(fD0Daughter1) fD0Daughter1->Fill(KProperties); } return 0; } TObjArray* AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::Select(TObjArray* pTracks, const AliVEvent *pEvent) { /// create selection, array contains only pointers but does not own the objects /// object array needs to be deleted by caller if (!pTracks) return NULL; TObjArray* selectedTracks=new TObjArray; if (!selectedTracks) return NULL; TIter itrack(pTracks); TObject* pObj=NULL; while ((pObj=itrack())!=NULL) { AliVParticle* track=dynamic_cast(pObj); if (!track) continue; int selectionCode=IsSelected(track,pEvent); HistogramParticleProperties(track, selectionCode); //TODO: Also add selection for D0bar // Add track if it is either defined as D0(selectionCode==1) or both // D0bar and a D0 (selectionCode==3) if (! ((selectionCode==1 || selectionCode==3) && fFillOnlyD0D0bar<2)) continue; selectedTracks->Add(track); } return selectedTracks; } int AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::IsSelected(AliVParticle* p, const AliVEvent* pEvent) { /// TODO: implement specific selection of D0 candidates /// Could also return values based on where where selection "failed" int selectionCode=0; AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong *d0 = dynamic_cast(p); if(d0->GetSelectionMap()) if(!d0->HasSelectionBit(AliRDHFCuts::kD0toKpiCuts)){ AliDebug(1,"Skip D0 from Dstar"); return 0; //skip the D0 from Dstar } // TODO: the cuts instance should be const but the function definition of // AliRDHFCuts::IsSelected does not allow this AliRDHFCuts* cuts=const_cast(fCuts); if (!cuts) { selectionCode=1; } else if(cuts->IsInFiducialAcceptance(d0->Pt(),d0->Y(421)) ) { // if(cuts->IsSelected(d0,AliRDHFCuts::kTracks,pEvent))fNentries->Fill(6); Int_t ptbin=cuts->PtBin(d0->Pt()); if(ptbin==-1) { AliDebug(1,"Pt out of bounds"); return 0; } //out of bounds // TODO: the aod pointer should also be const but the function definition of // AliRDHFCuts::IsSelected does not allow this AliAODEvent* aod=NULL; if (pEvent) aod=dynamic_cast(const_cast(pEvent)); // Selected. Return 0 (none), 1(D0), 2(D0bar) or 3 (both) selectionCode=cuts->IsSelected(d0,AliRDHFCuts::kAll,aod); AliDebug(1,Form("Candidate is %d \n", selectionCode)); TObjArray daughters; daughters.AddAt((AliAODTrack*)d0->GetDaughter(0),0); daughters.AddAt((AliAODTrack*)d0->GetDaughter(1),1); //check daughters if(!daughters.UncheckedAt(0) || !daughters.UncheckedAt(1)) { AliDebug(1,"at least one daughter not found!"); daughters.Clear(); return 0; } } return selectionCode; } void AliDxHFEParticleSelectionD0::SetCuts(TObject* cuts, int /*level*/) { /// set cuts objects fCuts=dynamic_cast(cuts); if (!fCuts && cuts) { AliError(Form("cuts object is not of required type AliRDHFCuts but %s", cuts->ClassName())); } }