#ifndef AliHFCorrelator_H #define AliHFCorrelator_H /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Base class for Heavy Flavour Correlations Analysis // Single Event and Mixed Event Analysis are implemented //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Author S.Bjelogrlic // Utrecht University // sandro.bjelogrlic@cern.ch // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* $Id$ */ #include "AliHFAssociatedTrackCuts.h" #include "AliEventPoolManager.h" #include "AliVParticle.h" #include "AliReducedParticle.h" #include "AliVertexingHFUtils.h" class AliHFCorrelator : public TNamed { public: AliHFCorrelator(); AliHFCorrelator(const Char_t* name, AliHFAssociatedTrackCuts *cuts, Bool_t ppOrPbPb); virtual ~AliHFCorrelator(); // enum for setting which associated particle type to work with enum{ kUndefined=0, kHadron=1, kKaon, kKZero, kElectron }; //setters void SetDeltaPhiInterval (Double_t min, Double_t max){ fPhiMin = min; fPhiMax = max; if(TMath::Abs(fPhiMin-fPhiMax) != 2*TMath::Pi()) AliInfo("AliHFCorrelator::Warning: the delta phi interval is not set to 2 Pi"); } void SetEventMixing(Bool_t mixON){fmixing=mixON;} void SetTriggerParticleProperties(Double_t ptTrig, Double_t phiTrig, Double_t etaTrig) {fPtTrigger = ptTrig; fPhiTrigger = phiTrig; fEtaTrigger = etaTrig;} void SetTriggerParticleDaughterCharge(Short_t charge) {fDCharge=charge;} void SetAssociatedParticleType(Int_t type){fselect = type;} void SetAODEvent(AliAODEvent* inputevent){fAODEvent = inputevent;} void SetMCArray(TClonesArray* mcArray){fmcArray = mcArray;} void SetUseMC(Bool_t useMC){fmontecarlo = useMC;} void SetApplyDisplacementCut(Int_t applycut){fUseImpactParameter = applycut;} void SetPIDmode(Int_t mode){fPIDmode = mode;} void SetD0Properties(AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong* d, Int_t D0hyp) {fD0cand = d; fhypD0 = D0hyp;} void SetUseReco(Bool_t useReco) {fUseReco = useReco;} Bool_t DefineEventPool(); // Definition of the Event pool parameters Bool_t Initialize(); // function that initlize everything for the analysis Bool_t ProcessEventPool(); // processes the event pool Bool_t ProcessAssociatedTracks(Int_t EventLoopIndex, const TObjArray* associatedTracks=NULL); // Bool_t Correlate(Int_t loopindex); // function that computes the correlations between the trigger particle and the track n. loopindex Bool_t PoolUpdate(const TObjArray* associatedTracks=NULL);// updates the event pool Double_t SetCorrectPhiRange(Double_t phi); // sets all the angles in the correct range void SetPidAssociated() {fhadcuts->SetPidAssociated();} //getters AliEventPool* GetPool() {return fPool;} TObjArray * GetTrackArray(){return fAssociatedTracks;} AliHFAssociatedTrackCuts* GetSelectionCuts() {return fhadcuts;} AliReducedParticle* GetAssociatedParticle() {return fReducedPart;} Int_t GetNofTracks(){return fNofTracks;} Int_t GetNofEventsInPool(){return fPoolContent;} Double_t GetDeltaPhi(){return fDeltaPhi;} // Delta Phi, needs to be called after the method correlate Double_t GetDeltaEta(){return fDeltaEta;} // Delta Eta Double_t GetAssociatedKZeroInvariantmass(){return fk0InvMass;} // methods to reduce the tracks to correlate with track selection cuts applied here TObjArray* AcceptAndReduceTracks(AliAODEvent* inputEvent); // selecting hadrons and kaons TObjArray* AcceptAndReduceKZero(AliAODEvent* inputEvent); // selecting kzeros private: AliHFCorrelator(const AliHFCorrelator& vtxr); AliHFCorrelator& operator=(const AliHFCorrelator& vtxr ); AliEventPoolManager* fPoolMgr; //! event pool manager AliEventPool * fPool; //! Pool for event mixing AliHFAssociatedTrackCuts* fhadcuts;//! hadron cuts AliAODEvent * fAODEvent;//! AOD Event TObjArray* fAssociatedTracks; // Array of associated tracks TClonesArray* fmcArray; //mcarray AliReducedParticle * fReducedPart; // reduced AOD particle; AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong* fD0cand; //D0 candidate Int_t fhypD0; //hypothesis necessary for Int_t fDCharge; // charge of a daughter of the D meson Bool_t fmixing;// switch for event mixing Bool_t fmontecarlo; // switch for MonteCarlo Bool_t fsystem; // select pp (kFALSE) or PbPb (kTRUE) Bool_t fUseReco; // switch to use reconstruction (kTRUE) or MC truth (kFALSE) Int_t fselect; // 1 for hadrons, 2 for kaons, 3 for KZeros Int_t fUseImpactParameter; // switch to use the impact parameter cut Int_t fPIDmode; // set the PID mode for Kaon identification Int_t fNofTracks; // number of tracks in track array Int_t fPoolContent; // n of events in pool Double_t fPhiMin; // min for phi Double_t fPhiMax; // max for phi Double_t fPtTrigger; // pt of the trigger D meson Double_t fPhiTrigger; // phi of the trigger D meson Double_t fEtaTrigger; // Eta of the trigger D meson Double_t fDeltaPhi; // delta phi between D meson and associated track Double_t fDeltaEta; // delta eta between D meson and associated track Double_t fk0InvMass; // KZero invariant mass ClassDef(AliHFCorrelator,3); // class for HF correlations }; #endif