#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKFLOWTPCEMCALQCSP_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKFLOWTPCEMCALQCSP_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Task for Heavy Flavour Electron Flow // // // // Author: Andrea Dubla (Utrecht University) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class THnSparse; class TH2F; class TLorentzVector; class AliEMCALTrack; class AliMagF; class AliESDEvent; class AliAODEvent; class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliEMCALRecoUtils; class AliAnalysisFilter; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliESDtrack; class AliAODtrack; class AliHFEcontainer; class AliHFEcuts; class AliHFEpid; class AliHFEpidQAmanager; class AliCFManager; class AliFlowTrackCuts; class AliFlowTrack; class AliFlowEvent; class AliFlowCandidateTrack; class AliFlowEventSimple; class AliCentrality; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" //#include "AliCentrality.h" class AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP(); AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP(); void SetEnableDebugMode() {fDebug = kTRUE; }; void SetCentralityParameters(Double_t CentralityMin, Double_t CentralityMax, const char* CentralityMethod); //select centrality void CheckCentrality(AliAODEvent *event,Bool_t ¢ralitypass); //to use only events with the correct centrality.... void SelectPhotonicElectron(Int_t itrack,const AliAODTrack *track, Bool_t &fFlagPhotonicElec); void SetInvariantMassCut(Double_t invmass) {fInvmassCut = invmass;}; void SetTrigger(Int_t trig) {fTrigger = trig;}; template void PlotVZeroMultiplcities(const T* event) const; template void SetNullCuts(T* aod); void PrepareFlowEvent(Int_t iMulti, AliFlowEvent *FlowEv) const; virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); void SetRPCuts(AliFlowTrackCuts *cutsRP) { fCutsRP = cutsRP; } void SetHFECuts(AliHFEcuts * const cuts) { fCuts = cuts; }; void SetIDCuts(Double_t minTPC, Double_t maxTPC, Double_t minEovP, Double_t maxEovP, Double_t minM20, Double_t maxM20, Double_t minM02, Double_t maxM02, Double_t Dispersion); AliHFEpid *GetPID() const { return fPID; }; private: Bool_t ProcessCutStep(Int_t cutStep, AliVParticle *track); Bool_t fDebug; //! enable debug mode AliAODEvent *fAOD; //AOD object AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; // emcal geometry TList *fOutputList; //output list AliHFEcuts *fCuts; //Cut Collection Bool_t fIdentifiedAsOutInz; //Out Of Range in z Bool_t fPassTheEventCut; //Pass The Event Cut Double_t fVz; //z position of the primary vertex AliCFManager *fCFM; //!Correction Framework Manager AliHFEpid *fPID; //PID AliHFEpidQAmanager *fPIDqa; //! PID QA manager AliFlowTrackCuts *fCutsRP; // track cuts for reference particles AliFlowTrackCuts *fNullCuts; // dummy cuts for flow event tracks AliFlowEvent *fFlowEvent; //! flow events Inclusive e const char *fkCentralityMethod; // method used to determine centrality (V0 by default) Double_t fCentrality; // event centrality for QA Double_t fCentralityMin; // lower bound of cenrality bin Double_t fCentralityMax; // upper bound of centrality bin Double_t fInvmassCut; //invariant mass cut value Int_t fTrigger; //invariant mass cut value TH1F *fPhi; //! QA plot of azimuthal distribution of tracks used for event plane estimation TH1F *fEta; //! QA plot of eta distribution of tracks used for event plane estimation TH1F *fVZEROA; //! QA plot vzeroa multiplicity (all tracks in event) TH1F *fVZEROC; //! QA plot vzeroc multiplicity (all tracks in event) TH1F *fTPCM; //! QA plot TPC multiplicity (tracks used for event plane estimation) TH1F *fNoEvents; //no of events TH2F *fTrkEovPBef; //track E/p before HFE pid TH2F *fdEdxBef; //track dEdx vs p before HFE pid TH1F *fInclusiveElecPt; // Inclusive elec pt TH2F *fTPCnsigma; //TPC n sigma vs p TH2F *fTPCnsigmaAft; //TPC n sigma vs p after HFE pid TH1F *fCentralityPass; // ! QA histogram of events that pass centrality cut TH1F *fCentralityNoPass; //! QA histogram of events that do not pass centrality cut THnSparse *fSparseElectron;//! Trk matching sparse for v1 clusterizer Double_t *fvalueElectron;//! 6dim sparse fill for trk matching quantities TH1F *fInvmassLS1; //LS Invmass for all rec par TH1F *fInvmassULS1;//ULS Invmass for all rec par TH1F *fPhotoElecPt; //photonic elec pt TH1F *fSemiInclElecPt; //Semi inclusive ele pt TH1F *fULSElecPt; //ULS elec Pt TH1F *fLSElecPt;// LS elec pt Double_t fminTPC; //ID cuts tpc Double_t fmaxTPC; //ID cuts tpc Double_t fminEovP; //ID cuts eovp Double_t fmaxEovP;//ID cuts eovp Double_t fminM20;//ID cuts SS Double_t fmaxM20;//ID cuts SS Double_t fminM02;//ID cuts SS Double_t fmaxM02;//ID cuts SS Double_t fDispersion;//ID cuts SS AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP(const AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskFlowTPCEMCalQCSP, 2); //!example of analysis }; #endif