/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKHFECAL_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKHFECAL_H class THnSparse; class TH2F; class TLorentzVector; class TGraphErrors; class AliEMCALTrack; class AliMagF; class AliESDEvent; class AliAODEvent; class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliEMCALRecoUtils; class AliAnalysisFilter; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliESDtrack; class AliHFEcontainer; class AliHFEcuts; class AliHFEpid; class AliHFEpidQAmanager; class AliCFManager; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliStack.h" class AliAnalysisTaskHFECal : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskHFECal(); AliAnalysisTaskHFECal(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskHFECal(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); void SetHFECuts(AliHFEcuts * const cuts) { fCuts = cuts; }; void SetOpeningAngleCut (Double_t openingAngle) {fOpeningAngleCut = openingAngle;}; void SetMimpTassCut (Double_t MimpTassCut) {fMimpTassCut = MimpTassCut;}; void SetMimNsigassCut (Double_t MimNsigassCut) {fMimNsigassCut = MimNsigassCut;}; void SetInvariantMassCut (Double_t invmass) {fInvmassCut = invmass;}; void SetMassConstraint (Bool_t MassConstraint) { fSetMassConstraint = MassConstraint; }; void SetMassWidthCut (Bool_t MassWidthCut) { fSetMassWidthCut = MassWidthCut; }; void SetMassCalMethod (Bool_t KFpart) { fSetKFpart = KFpart; }; void SetQAHist (int qahist) {fqahist = qahist;}; AliHFEpid *GetPID() const { return fPID; } void SetRejectKinkMother(Bool_t rejectKinkMother = kFALSE) { fRejectKinkMother = rejectKinkMother; }; void SelectPhotonicElectron(Int_t itrack, Double_t cent, AliESDtrack *track, Bool_t &fFlagPhotonicElec, Bool_t &fFlagConvinatElec, Double_t nSig, Double_t shower, Double_t ep, Double_t mce, Double_t w, Int_t ibgevent, Bool_t tagpi0, Bool_t tageta); void SelectPhotonicElectron2(Int_t itrack, Double_t cent, AliESDtrack *track, Bool_t &fFlagPhotonicElec, Bool_t &fFlagConvinatElec, Double_t nSig, Double_t shower, Double_t ep, Double_t mce, Double_t w, Int_t ibgevent, Bool_t tagpi0, Bool_t tageta); double SumpT(Int_t itrack, AliESDtrack *track); void FindMother(TParticle* part, int &label, int &pid); double GetMCweight(double mcPi0pT); double GetMCweightEta(double mcEtapT); void FindTriggerClusters(); double MCEopMeanCorrection(double pTmc, float central); double NsigmaCorrection(double tmpeta, float central); private: Bool_t ProcessCutStep(Int_t cutStep, AliVParticle *track); AliESDEvent *fESD; //!ESD object AliMCEvent *fMC; //!MC object AliStack *stack; //!MC object AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; // emcal geometry TList *fOutputList; //! output list Int_t fqahist; AliESDtrackCuts *fTrackCuts; //! ESD track cuts AliHFEcuts *fCuts; //! Cut Collection Bool_t fIdentifiedAsOutInz; //Out Of Range in z Bool_t fPassTheEventCut; //Pass The Event Cut Bool_t fRejectKinkMother; //Reject Kink Mother Bool_t fmcData; Double_t fVz; //z position of the primary vertex AliCFManager *fCFM; //! Correction Framework Manager AliHFEpid *fPID; //! PID AliHFEpidQAmanager *fPIDqa; //! PID QA manager Double_t fOpeningAngleCut; //openingAngle cut value Double_t fMimpTassCut; //openingAngle cut value Double_t fMimNsigassCut; //openingAngle cut value Double_t fInvmassCut; //invariant mass cut value Bool_t fSetMassConstraint; // Set mass constraint Bool_t fSetMassWidthCut; // Set mass constraint Bool_t fSetKFpart; // Set mass constraint int ftriggers[48][60];//! int ftriggersCut[48][60];//! int ftriggersTime[48][60];//! TH1F *fNoEvents; //! no of events THnSparseD *fEMCAccE; //! EMC acc TH2F *hEMCAccE; //! EMC acc TH1F *fTrkpt; //! track pt TH2F *fTrkEovPBef; //! track E/p before HFE pid TH2F *fTrkEovPAft; //! track E/p after HFE pid TH2F *fdEdxBef; //! track dEdx vs p before HFE pid TH2F *fdEdxAft; //! track dEdx vs p after HFE pid TH2F *fIncpT; //! HFE pid electron vs centrality TH2F *fIncpTM20; //! HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fInvmassLS; //! Inv mass of LS (e,e) THnSparseD *fInvmassULS; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) THnSparseD *fInvmassLSmc; //! Inv mass of LS (e,e) THnSparseD *fInvmassULSmc; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassLSreco; //! Inv mass of LS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassULSreco; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassLSmc0; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassLSmc1; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassLSmc2; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassLSmc3; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassULSmc0; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassULSmc1; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassULSmc2; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH2D *fInvmassULSmc3; //! Inv mass of ULS (e,e) TH1F *fOpeningAngleLS; //! opening angle for LS pairs TH1F *fOpeningAngleULS; //! opening angle for ULS pairs TH1F *fPhotoElecPt; //! photonic elec pt TH2F *fPhoElecPt; //! Pho inclusive ele pt TH2F *fPhoElecPtM20; //! Pho inclusive ele pt TH2F *fSameElecPt; //! Same inclusive ele pt TH2F *fSameElecPtM20; //! Same inclusive ele pt TH1F *fTrackPtBefTrkCuts; //! Track pt before track cuts TH1F *fTrackPtAftTrkCuts; //! Track pt after track cuts TH2F *fTPCnsigma; //! TPC n sigma vs p TH1F *fCent; //! centrality THnSparseD *fEleInfo; //! EMC acc THnSparseD *fElenSigma; //! EMC acc /* //<---- trigger info TH1F *fClsEBftTrigCut; //Cluster E before trigger selection TH1F *fClsEAftTrigCut; //Cluster E after trigger selection TH1F *fClsEAftTrigCut1; //Cluster E after trigger selection TH1F *fClsEAftTrigCut2; //Cluster E after trigger selection TH1F *fClsEAftTrigCut3; //Cluster E after trigger selection TH1F *fClsEAftTrigCut4; //Cluster E after trigger selection TH2F *fClsETime; //ClsE vs time distribution TH2F *fClsETime1; //ClsE vs time distribution TH1F *fTrigTimes;// trigger time TH2F *fCellCheck;// trigger time */ //<------ MC TH2F *fInputHFEMC; TH2F *fInputAlle; TH2F *fIncpTMChfe; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality TH2F *fIncpTMChfeAll; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality TH2F *fIncpTMCM20hfe; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality TH2F *fIncpTMCM20hfeAll; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality TH2F *fIncpTMCM20hfeCheck; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fInputHFEMC_weight; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fIncpTMCM20hfeCheck_weight; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fIncpTMCpho; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fIncpTMCM20pho; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fPhoElecPtMC; //! Pho inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fPhoElecPtMCM20; //! Pho inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fSameElecPtMC; //! Same inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fSameElecPtMCM20; //! Same inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fIncpTMCM20pho_pi0e; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fPhoElecPtMCM20_pi0e; //! Pho inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fSameElecPtMCM20_pi0e; //! Same inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fIncpTMCM20pho_eta; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fPhoElecPtMCM20_eta; //! Pho inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fSameElecPtMCM20_eta; //! Same inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fIncpTMCpho_pi0e_TPC; //! MC HFE pid electron vs centrality THnSparseD *fPhoElecPtMC_pi0e_TPC; //! Pho inclusive ele pt THnSparseD *fSameElecPtMC_pi0e_TPC; //! Same inclusive ele pt TH1D *CheckNclust; TH1D *CheckNits; THnSparseD *Hpi0pTcheck; THnSparseD *HETApTcheck; TH2D *HphopTcheck; TH2D *HDpTcheck; TH2D *HBpTcheck; TH1D *fpTCheck; TH2D *fMomDtoE; TH2D *fLabelCheck; TH2D *fgeoFake; TH2D *fFakeTrk0; TH2D *fFakeTrk1; TH2D *ftimingEle; TH2D *fIncMaxE; TH2D *fIncReco; TH2D *fPhoReco; TH2D *fSamReco; TH2D *fIncRecoMaxE; TH2D *fPhoRecoMaxE; TH2D *fSamRecoMaxE; //<----- correction TGraphErrors *fnSigEtaCorr[7]; AliAnalysisTaskHFECal(const AliAnalysisTaskHFECal&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskHFECal& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskHFECal&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskHFECal, 1); //!example of analysis }; #endif