/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Debug tree to look at the distribution of the variable we are cutting on // // #ifndef ALIHFEREDUCEDTRACK_H #define ALIHFEREDUCEDTRACK_H #include #include #include class AliHFEreducedTrack : public TObject{ public: typedef enum{ kV0electron = 0, kV0proton = 1, kV0pion = 2, kV0undef = 3 } EV0PID_t; AliHFEreducedTrack(); AliHFEreducedTrack(const AliHFEreducedTrack &ref); AliHFEreducedTrack &operator=(const AliHFEreducedTrack &ref); ~AliHFEreducedTrack() {} // -------------- Getters ------------------------ Double_t Pt() const { return TMath::Abs(fSignedPt); } Double_t P() const { return fP; } Double_t TPCmomentum() const { return fTPCmomentum; } Double_t Eta() const { return fEta; } Double_t Phi() const { return fPhi; } Int_t Charge() const { if(fSignedPt >= 0.) return 1.; return -1; } Double_t MCPt() const { return TMath::Abs(fMCSignedPt); } Double_t MCP() const { return fMCP; } Double_t MCEta() const { return fMCEta; } Double_t MCPhi() const { return fMCPhi; } Int_t MCCharge() const { if(fMCSignedPt >= 0.) return 1.; return -1; } Int_t MCPDG() const { return fMCPDG; } Int_t MCMotherPdg() const { return fMCMotherPdg; } Bool_t MCSignal() const { return fMCSignal; } Int_t MCSource() const { return fMCSource; } Double_t MCProdVtxX() const { return fMCProdVtx[0]; } Double_t MCProdVtxY() const { return fMCProdVtx[1]; } Double_t MCProdVtxZ() const { return fMCProdVtx[2]; } Double_t MCProdRadius() const { return TMath::Sqrt(fMCProdVtx[0]*fMCProdVtx[0]+fMCProdVtx[1]*fMCProdVtx[1]); } Double_t DCAr() const { return fDCA[0]; } Double_t DCAz() const { return fDCA[1]; } Bool_t TestFilterBit(Int_t ibit) const { return fFilterBit.TestBitNumber(ibit); } Int_t GetTrackID() const { return fTrackID; } Bool_t HasITSrefit() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kITSrefit); } Bool_t HasTPCrefit() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kTPCrefit); } Bool_t HasTOFpid() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kTOFpid); } Bool_t IsTOFmismatch() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kTOFmismatch); } Bool_t HasEMCALpid() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kEMCALpid); } Bool_t IsDoubleCounted() const { return fTrackStatus.TestBitNumber(kDoubleCounted); } Int_t GetITSnclusters() const { return static_cast(fNclustersITS); } Int_t GetTPCnclusters() const { return static_cast(fNclustersTPC); } Int_t GetTRDnclusters() const { return static_cast(fNclustersTRD); } Bool_t HasITScluster(int nly) const { if(nly > 5) return kFALSE; return fITSclusterMap.TestBitNumber(nly); } Bool_t GetITSlayerStatus(int nly) const { if(nly > 5) return kFALSE; return fITSstatusMap.TestBitNumber(nly); } Int_t GetTPCnclusterPID() const { return static_cast(fNclustersTPCPID); } Int_t GetTPCnclustersAll() const { return static_cast(fNclustersTPCAll); } Int_t GetTPCcrossedRows() const { return static_cast(fTPCcrossedRows); } Int_t GetTPCsharedClusters() const { return static_cast(fTPCsharedClusters); } Float_t GetTPCclusterRatio() const { return fTPCclusterRatio; } Float_t GetTPCclusterRatioAll() const { return fTPCclusterRatioAll; } Int_t GetTRDntrackletsPID() const { return static_cast(fTRDtrackletsPID); } Int_t GetTRDnslices() const { return static_cast(fTRDnslices); } Bool_t GetTRDstatus(Int_t layer) const { if(layer > 5) return kFALSE; return fTRDlayer.TestBitNumber(layer); } Float_t GetTRDchi2() const { return fTRDchi2; } Double_t GetTPCdEdx() const { return fTPCdEdx; } Double_t GetTPCdEdxCorrected() const { return fTPCdEdxCorrected; } Double_t GetTPCsigmaEl() const { return fTPCsigmaEl; } Double_t GetTPCsigmaElCorrected() const { return fTPCsigmaElCorrected; } Double_t GetTOFsigmaEl() const { return fTOFsigmaEl; } Float_t GetTOFmismatchProb() const { return fTOFmismatchProb; } Double_t GetEMCALEoverP() const { return fEoverP; } Double_t GetEMCALSigmaEl() const { return fEMCALsigmaEl; } void GetEMCALShowerShape(Double_t showershape[4]) const{ for(Int_t is = 0; is < 4; is++) showershape[is] = fShowerShape[is]; } Bool_t IsV0electron() const { return fV0PID == kV0electron; } Bool_t IsV0pion() const { return fV0PID == kV0pion; } Bool_t IsV0proton() const { return fV0PID == kV0proton; } // -------------- Setters ------------------------ void SetSignedPt(Double_t abspt, Bool_t positivecharge) { Double_t charge = positivecharge ? 1. : -1; fSignedPt = abspt * charge; } void SetP(Double_t p) { fP = p; } void SetTPCmomentum(Double_t p) { fTPCmomentum = p; } void SetEta(Double_t eta) { fEta = eta; } void SetPhi(Double_t phi) { fPhi = phi; } void SetFilterBit(Int_t ibit) { fFilterBit.SetBitNumber(ibit); } void SetTrackID(Int_t trackID) { fTrackID = trackID; } void SetITSrefit() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kITSrefit); } void SetTPCrefit() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kTPCrefit); } void SetTOFpid() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kTOFpid); } void SetTOFmismatch() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kTOFmismatch); } void SetEMCALpid() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kEMCALpid); } void SetDoubleCounted() { fTrackStatus.SetBitNumber(kDoubleCounted); } void SetMCSignedPt(Double_t abspt, Bool_t positivecharge){ Double_t charge = positivecharge ? 1. : -1; fSignedPt = abspt * charge; } void SetMCP(Double_t mcp) { fMCP = mcp; } void SetMCEta(Double_t mceta) { fMCEta = mceta; } void SetMCPhi(Double_t mcphi) { fMCPhi = mcphi; } void SetMCPDG(Int_t mcpdg) {fMCPDG = mcpdg; } void SetMCMotherPdg(Int_t pdg) { fMCMotherPdg = pdg; } void SetMCSignal() { fMCSignal = kTRUE; } void SetMCSource(Int_t mcsource) { fMCSource = mcsource; } void SetMCProdVtx(Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz){ fMCProdVtx[0] = vx; fMCProdVtx[1] = vy; fMCProdVtx[2] = vz; } void SetDCA(Float_t dcaR, Float_t dcaZ){ fDCA[0] = dcaR; fDCA[1] = dcaZ; } void SetITSnclusters(int ncls) { fNclustersITS = ncls; } void SetTPCnclusters(int ncls) { fNclustersTPC = ncls; } void SetTRDnclusters(int ncls) { fNclustersTRD = ncls; } void SetITScluster(UInt_t ly){ if(ly > 5) return; fITSclusterMap.SetBitNumber(ly); } void SetITSstatus(UInt_t ly){ if(ly > 5) return; fITSstatusMap.SetBitNumber(ly); } void SetTPCnclustersPID(Int_t ncls) { fNclustersTPCPID = static_cast(ncls); } void SetTPCnclustersAll(Int_t ncls) { fNclustersTPCAll = static_cast(ncls); } void SetTPCcrossedRows(int nrows) { fTPCcrossedRows = static_cast(nrows); } void SetTPCsharedClusters(Int_t ncls) { fTPCsharedClusters = static_cast(ncls); } void SetTPCclusterRatio(Float_t ratio) { fTPCclusterRatio = ratio; } void SetTPCclusterRatioAll(Float_t ratio) { fTPCclusterRatioAll = ratio; } void SetTRDntrackletsPID(Int_t ntracklets) { fTRDtrackletsPID = static_cast(ntracklets); } void SetTRDnslices(Int_t nslices) { fTRDnslices = static_cast(nslices); } void SetTRDstatus(Int_t layer) { if(layer > 5) return; fTRDlayer.SetBitNumber(static_cast(layer)); } void SetTRDchi2(Float_t chi2) { fTRDchi2 = chi2; } void SetTPCdEdx(Double_t dEdx) { fTPCdEdx = dEdx; } void SetTPCdEdxCorrected(Double_t dEdx) { fTPCdEdxCorrected = dEdx; } void SetTPCsigmaEl(Double_t sigma) { fTPCsigmaEl = sigma; } void SetTPCsigmaElCorrected(Double_t sigma) { fTPCsigmaElCorrected = sigma; } void SetTOFsigmaEl(Double_t sigma) { fTOFsigmaEl = sigma; } void SetTOFmismatchProbability(Float_t mismatchProb) { fTOFmismatchProb = mismatchProb; } void SetEMCALEoverP(Double_t eop) { fEoverP = eop; } void SetEMCALSigmaEl(Double_t sigma) { fEMCALsigmaEl = sigma; } void SetEMCALShowerShape(Double_t showershape[4]){ for(Int_t is = 0; is < 4; is++) fShowerShape[is] = showershape[is]; } void SetV0PID(AliHFEreducedTrack::EV0PID_t v0pid) { fV0PID = v0pid; } private: typedef enum{ kITSrefit = 0, kTPCrefit = 1, kTOFpid = 2, kTOFmismatch = 3, kEMCALpid =4, kDoubleCounted = 5, kKink = 6 } TrackStatus_t; Double_t fSignedPt; // signed pt Double_t fP; // p Double_t fEta; // eta Double_t fPhi; // phi Double_t fTPCmomentum; // TPC p TBits fFilterBit; // filterbit Int_t fTrackID; // trackID Double_t fMCSignedPt; // MCSignedPt Double_t fMCP; // MCP Double_t fMCEta; // MCEta Double_t fMCPhi; // MCPhi Int_t fMCPDG; // MCPDG Int_t fMCMotherPdg; // MCMP Bool_t fMCSignal; // MCSignal Int_t fMCSource; // MCSource Double_t fMCProdVtx[3]; // MC prod Vtx TBits fTrackStatus; // Track Status UChar_t fNclustersITS; // ITS nb cls UChar_t fNclustersTPC; // TPC nb cls UChar_t fNclustersTRD; // TRD nb cls TBits fITSclusterMap; // ITS maps TBits fITSstatusMap; // ITS status map UChar_t fNclustersTPCPID; // TPC PID nb cls UChar_t fNclustersTPCAll; // TPC all nb cls UChar_t fTPCcrossedRows; // TPC crossed rows UChar_t fTPCsharedClusters; // TPC shared clusters Float_t fTPCclusterRatio; // TPC cls ratio Float_t fTPCclusterRatioAll; // TPC cls ratio all UChar_t fTRDtrackletsPID; // TRD tracklet PID UChar_t fTRDnslices; // TRD nslices TBits fTRDlayer; // TRD layer Float_t fTRDchi2; // TRD chi2 Double_t fTPCdEdx; // TPC dedx Double_t fTPCdEdxCorrected; // TPC dedx corrected Double_t fTPCsigmaEl; // TPC sigma el Double_t fTPCsigmaElCorrected; // TPC sigma el corrected Double_t fTOFsigmaEl; // TOF sigma el Float_t fTOFmismatchProb; // TOF mismatch prob Double_t fEoverP; // Eoverp Double_t fEMCALsigmaEl; // EMCAl sigmal el Double_t fShowerShape[4]; // showershape Float_t fDCA[2]; // dca EV0PID_t fV0PID; // V0pid ClassDef(AliHFEreducedTrack, 1) }; #endif