/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Toolkit containing various usefull things // Usable everywhere in the hfe software package // For more information see the cxx file // // Authors // All authors of the HFE group // #include #include #include #include #include "TH1.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODpidUtil.h" #include "AliESDpid.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTPCPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTOFPIDResponse.h" #include "AliHFEtools.h" ClassImp(AliHFEtools) AliPIDResponse *AliHFEtools::fgDefaultPID = NULL; Int_t AliHFEtools::fgLogLevel = 0; //__________________________________________ AliHFEtools::AliHFEtools(): TObject() { } //__________________________________________ Double_t *AliHFEtools::MakeLinearBinning(Int_t nBins, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax){ // // Helper function for linearly binned array // Double_t *bins = new Double_t[nBins + 1]; Double_t stepsize = (ymax - ymin) / static_cast(nBins); bins[0] = ymin; for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nBins; ibin++) bins[ibin] = bins[ibin-1] + stepsize; return bins; } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::FillLinearBinning(TArrayD &bins, Int_t nBins, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax){ // // Helper function for linearly binned array // Double_t stepsize = (ymax - ymin) / static_cast(nBins); bins[0] = ymin; for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nBins; ibin++) bins[ibin] = bins[ibin-1] + stepsize; } //__________________________________________ Double_t *AliHFEtools::MakeLogarithmicBinning(Int_t nBins, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax){ // // Helper function for logartimically binned array // Double_t *bins = new Double_t[nBins+1]; bins[0] = ymin; Double_t factor = TMath::Power(ymax/ymin, 1./nBins); for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nBins; ibin++){ bins[ibin] = factor * bins[ibin-1]; } return bins; } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::FillLogarithmicBinning(TArrayD &bins, Int_t nBins, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax){ // // Helper function for logartimically binned array // bins[0] = ymin; Double_t factor = TMath::Power(ymax/ymin, 1./nBins); for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nBins; ibin++) bins[ibin] = factor * bins[ibin-1]; } //_________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEtools::BinLogAxis(TObject *o, Int_t dim){ // // converts the axis (defined by the dimension) of THx or THnSparse // object to Log scale. Number of bins and bin min and bin max are preserved // if(!o){ AliError("Input histogram is null pointer"); return kFALSE; } TAxis *axis = 0x0; if(o->InheritsFrom("TH1")){ TH1 *h1 = dynamic_cast(o); if(h1) axis = h1->GetXaxis(); } else if(o->InheritsFrom("TH2")){ TH2 *h2 = dynamic_cast(o); if(h2 && 0 == dim){ axis = h2->GetXaxis(); } else if(h2 && 1 == dim){ axis = h2->GetYaxis(); } else{ AliError("Only dim = 0 or 1 possible for TH2F"); } } else if(o->InheritsFrom("THnSparse")){ THnSparse *hs = dynamic_cast(o); if(hs) axis = hs->GetAxis(dim); } else{ AliError("Type of input object not recognized, please check your code or update this finction"); return kFALSE; } if(!axis){ AliError(Form("Axis '%d' could not be identified in the object \n", dim)); return kFALSE; } Int_t bins = axis->GetNbins(); Double_t from = axis->GetXmin(); if(from <= 0){ AliError(Form("Log binning not possible for this axis [min = %f]\n", from)); } Double_t to = axis->GetXmax(); TArrayD newBins(bins+1); newBins[0] = from; Double_t factor = TMath::Power(to/from, 1./bins); for(Int_t i=1; i<=bins; ++i){ newBins[i] = factor * newBins[i-1]; } axis->Set(bins, newBins.GetArray()); return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________ Float_t AliHFEtools::GetRapidity(const TParticle *part){ // // return rapidity // Float_t rapidity; if(!((part->Energy() - part->Pz())*(part->Energy() + part->Pz())>0)) rapidity=-999; else rapidity = 0.5*(TMath::Log((part->Energy()+part->Pz()) / (part->Energy()-part->Pz()))); return rapidity; } //__________________________________________ Float_t AliHFEtools::GetRapidity(const AliAODMCParticle *part){ // return rapidity Float_t rapidity; if(!((part->E() - part->Pz())*(part->E() + part->Pz())>0)) rapidity=-999; else rapidity = 0.5*(TMath::Log((part->E()+part->Pz()) / (part->E()-part->Pz()))); return rapidity; } //__________________________________________ AliPIDResponse* AliHFEtools::GetDefaultPID(Bool_t isMC, Bool_t isESD){ // // Get the default PID as singleton instance // if(!fgDefaultPID){ if(isESD) fgDefaultPID = new AliESDpid; else fgDefaultPID = new AliAODpidUtil; Double_t tres = isMC ? 80. : 130.; fgDefaultPID->GetTOFResponse().SetTimeResolution(tres); // TPC Bethe Bloch parameters Double_t alephParameters[5]; if(isMC){ // simulation alephParameters[0] = 2.15898e+00/50.; alephParameters[1] = 1.75295e+01; alephParameters[2] = 3.40030e-09; alephParameters[3] = 1.96178e+00; alephParameters[4] = 3.91720e+00; } else { alephParameters[0] = 0.0283086/0.97; //alephParameters[0] = 0.0283086; alephParameters[1] = 2.63394e+01; alephParameters[2] = 5.04114e-11; alephParameters[3] = 2.12543e+00; alephParameters[4] = 4.88663e+00; } fgDefaultPID->GetTPCResponse().SetBetheBlochParameters(alephParameters[0],alephParameters[1],alephParameters[2], alephParameters[3],alephParameters[4]); fgDefaultPID->GetTPCResponse().SetSigma(3.79301e-03, 2.21280e+04); } if(fgLogLevel){ printf("Error - You are using the default PID: You should use the PID coming from the tender\n"); printf("Error - Arrrrrrrrr...\n"); printf("Error - Please rethink your program logic. Using default PID is really dangerous\n"); printf("Error - TOF PID is adapted to Monte Carlo\n"); } return fgDefaultPID; } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::DestroyDefaultPID(){ // // Destroy default PID object if existing // if(fgDefaultPID) delete fgDefaultPID; fgDefaultPID = NULL; } //__________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEtools::GetPdg(const AliVParticle *track){ // // Get MC PDG code (only MC particles supported) // Int_t pdg = 0; if(!TString(track->IsA()->GetName()).CompareTo("AliMCParticle")){ const AliMCParticle *mctrack = dynamic_cast(track); pdg = mctrack ? mctrack->Particle()->GetPdgCode() : 0; } else if(!TString(track->IsA()->GetName()).CompareTo("AliAODMCParticle")){ const AliAODMCParticle *aodmctrack = dynamic_cast(track); pdg = aodmctrack ? aodmctrack->GetPdgCode() : 0; } return pdg; } //__________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEtools::PDG2AliPID(Int_t pdg){ // // Helper function to convert MC PID codes into AliPID codes // Int_t pid = -1; switch(TMath::Abs(pdg)){ case 11: pid = AliPID::kElectron; break; case 13: pid = AliPID::kMuon; break; case 211: pid = AliPID::kPion; break; case 321: pid = AliPID::kKaon; break; case 2212: pid = AliPID::kProton; break; default: pid = -1; break; }; return pid; } //__________________________________________ TH1D* AliHFEtools::GraphErrorsToHist(TGraphErrors* g, Double_t firstBinWidth, Bool_t exchange, Int_t markerstyle,Int_t markercolor,Float_t markersize) { // Creates a TH1D from TGraph g. The binwidth of the first bin has to // specified. The others bins are calculated automatically. Supports also Graphs // with non constant x steps. The axis of the Graph can be exchanged if // exchange=kTRUE (modifies the Graph). TH1D* result = GraphToHist(g,firstBinWidth,exchange, markerstyle,markercolor,markersize); if( result == 0) return result; //------------------------------------------ // setup the final hist Int_t nBinX = g->GetN(); Double_t* err = g->GetEY(); // error y is still ok even if exchanged for(Int_t i = 0; i < nBinX; i ++){ result->SetBinError(i + 1, err[i]); } if(exchange){ AliHFEtools::ExchangeXYGraph(g); // undo what has been done in GraphToHist AliHFEtools::ExchangeXYGraphErrors(g); // now exchange including errors } return result; } //__________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEtools::ExchangeXYGraph(TGraph* g) { // exchanges x-values and y-values. if(g==0) return kFALSE; Int_t nbin=g->GetN(); Double_t x,y; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nbin; i ++) { g->GetPoint(i,x,y); g->SetPoint(i,y,x); } return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEtools::ExchangeXYGraphErrors(TGraphErrors* g) { // exchanges x-values and y-values and // corresponding errors. if(g==0) return kFALSE; Int_t nbin=g->GetN(); Double_t x,y; Double_t ex,ey; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nbin; i ++) { g->GetPoint(i,x,y); ex = g->GetErrorX(i); ey = g->GetErrorY(i); g->SetPoint(i,y,x); g->SetPointError(i,ey,ex); } return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________ TH1D* AliHFEtools::GraphToHist(TGraph* g, Double_t firstBinWidth, Bool_t exchange, Int_t markerstyle,Int_t markercolor,Float_t markersize) { // Creates a TH1D from TGraph g. The binwidth of the first bin has to // specified. The others bins are calculated automatically. Supports also Graphs // with non constant x steps. The axis of the Graph can be exchanged if // exchange=kTRUE (modifies the Graph). TH1D* result = 0; if(g == 0) return result; if(firstBinWidth == -1) return result; TString myname=""; myname = g->GetName(); myname += "_graph"; if(exchange) AliHFEtools::ExchangeXYGraph(g); Int_t nBinX = g->GetN(); Double_t* x = g->GetX(); Double_t* y = g->GetY(); if(nBinX < 1) return result; //------------------------------------------ // create the Matrix for the equation system // and init the values Int_t nDim = nBinX - 1; TMatrixD a(nDim,nDim); TMatrixD b(nDim,1); Double_t* aA = a.GetMatrixArray(); Double_t* aB = b.GetMatrixArray(); memset(aA,0,nDim * nDim * sizeof(Double_t)); memset(aB,0,nDim * sizeof(Double_t)); //------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------ // setup equation system // width for 1st bin is given therefore // we shift bin parameter (column) by one to the left // to reduce the matrix size Double_t* xAxis = new Double_t [nBinX + 1]; Double_t* binW = new Double_t [nBinX ]; binW[0] = firstBinWidth; aB[0] = x[1] - x[0] - 0.5 * binW[0]; aA[0] = 0.5; for(Int_t col = 1; col < nDim ; col ++) { Int_t row = col; aB[col] = x[col + 1] - x[ col ]; aA[row * nDim + col - 1 ] = 0.5; aA[row * nDim + col ] = 0.5; } //------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------ // solve the equations a.Invert(); TMatrixD c = a * b; //------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------ // calculate the bin boundaries xAxis[0] = x[0] - 0.5 * binW[0]; memcpy(&binW[1],c.GetMatrixArray(),nDim * sizeof(Double_t)); for(Int_t col = 0; col < nBinX ; col ++) { xAxis[col + 1] = x[col] + 0.5 * binW[col]; } //------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------ // setup the final hist result = new TH1D(myname.Data(),myname.Data(),nBinX, xAxis); for(Int_t i = 0; i < nBinX; i ++){ result->SetBinContent(i + 1, y[i]); } result->SetMarkerColor(markercolor); result->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle); result->SetMarkerSize(markersize); //------------------------------------------ delete [] xAxis; delete [] binW; return result; } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::BinParameterisation(const TF1 &fun, const TArrayD &xbins, TArrayD &bincontent){ // // Calculate binned version of a function defined as the integral of x*f(x) in // the integration range xmin,xmax, where xmin and xmax are the bin limits, divided // by the binwidth. The function is important in case of steeply falling functions // // Parameters // fun: the function to be binned // xbins: the bin limits // bincontent: the binned parameterisation // TString expression(Form("x*%s", fun.GetName())); Double_t xmin(0), xmax(0); fun.GetRange(xmin,xmax); // check range xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, xbins[0]); xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, xbins[xbins.GetSize()-1]); TF1 helper("helper",expression.Data(),xmin,xmax); // make function x*f(x) if(bincontent.GetSize() != xbins.GetSize()-1) bincontent.Set(xbins.GetSize()-1); // Adapt array to number of bins //Caclulate Binned for(Int_t ib = 0; ib < xbins.GetSize()-1; ib++){ xmin = xbins[ib]; xmax = xbins[ib+1]; bincontent[ib] = (helper.Integral(xmin, xmax))/(xmax - xmin); } } //_________________________________________________________________________ //Function AliHFEtools::GetHFEResultList() - opens file from argument and returns TList Object containing String "Results" //_________________________________________________________________________ TList *AliHFEtools::GetHFEResultList(const TString str){ TFile *f = TFile::Open(str.Data()); if(!f || f->IsZombie()){ printf("Could not read file %s\n",str.Data()); return NULL ; } gROOT->cd(); TKey *k; TIter next(f->GetListOfKeys()); while ((k = dynamic_cast(next()))){ TString s(k->GetName()); if(s.Contains("Results")) break; } if(!k){ printf("Output container not found\n"); f->Close(); delete f; return NULL; } TList *returnlist = dynamic_cast(k->ReadObj()); f->Close(); delete f; return returnlist; } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::NormaliseBinWidth(TH1 *histo){ // // Helper function to correct histograms for the bin width // Double_t binwidth(0.); for(Int_t ipt = 1; ipt <= histo->GetNbinsX(); ipt++){ binwidth = histo->GetBinWidth(ipt); histo->SetBinContent(ipt, histo->GetBinContent(ipt)/binwidth); histo->SetBinError(ipt, histo->GetBinError(ipt)/binwidth); } } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::NormaliseBinWdith(TGraphErrors *graph){ // // Helper function to correct graphs with symmetric errors // for the bin width // Double_t binwidth(0.); Double_t *ypoints = graph->GetY(), *yerrors = graph->GetEY(); for(int ipt = 0; ipt < graph->GetN(); ipt++){ binwidth = 2*graph->GetEX()[ipt]; ypoints[ipt] /= binwidth; yerrors[ipt] /= binwidth; } } //__________________________________________ void AliHFEtools::NormaliseBinWdithAsymm(TGraphAsymmErrors *graph){ // // Helper function to correct graphs with asymmetric errors // for the bin width // Double_t binwidth(0.); Double_t *ypoints = graph->GetY(), *yerrorslow = graph->GetEYlow(), *yerrorshigh = graph->GetEYhigh(); for(int ipt = 0; ipt < graph->GetN(); ipt++){ binwidth = graph->GetEXlow()[ipt] + graph->GetEXhigh()[ipt]; ypoints[ipt] /= binwidth; yerrorslow[ipt] /= binwidth; yerrorshigh[ipt] /= binwidth; } }