/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2011, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class for HF corrections as a function of many variables and steps // For D* and other cascades // // Author : A.Grelli a.grelli@uu.nl UTECHT //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliCFVertexingHF.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "AliAODRecoCascadeHF.h" #include "AliCFVertexingHFCascade.h" #include "AliCFContainer.h" #include "AliCFTaskVertexingHF.h" ClassImp(AliCFVertexingHFCascade) //_________________________________________ AliCFVertexingHFCascade::AliCFVertexingHFCascade(TClonesArray *mcArray, UShort_t originDselection): AliCFVertexingHF(mcArray, originDselection) { // standard constructor SetNProngs(3); fPtAccCut=new Float_t[fProngs]; fEtaAccCut=new Float_t[fProngs]; // element 0 in the cut arrays corresponds to the soft pion!!!!!!!! Careful when setting the values... fPtAccCut[0]=0.; fEtaAccCut[0]=0.; for(Int_t iP=1; iPGetPrimaryVtx()) AliDebug(3,"fReco Candidate has a pointer to PrimVtx\n"); //if (recoCand->GetPrimaryVtx()) printf("Reco Cand has a pointer to PrimVtx\n"); //Int_t pdgCand = 413; Int_t pdgDgDStartoD0pi[2]={421,211}; Int_t pdgDgD0toKpi[2]={321,211}; Int_t nentries = fmcArray->GetEntriesFast(); AliDebug(3,Form("nentries = %d\n", nentries)); Int_t mcLabel = dstarD0pi->MatchToMC(413,421,pdgDgDStartoD0pi,pdgDgD0toKpi,fmcArray); if (mcLabel == -1) return bSignAssoc; if (fRecoCandidate->NumberOfFakeDaughters()>0){ fFake = 0; // fake candidate if (fFakeSelection==1) return bSignAssoc; } if (fRecoCandidate->NumberOfFakeDaughters()==0){ fFake = 2; // non-fake candidate if (fFakeSelection==2) return bSignAssoc; } SetMCLabel(mcLabel); fmcPartCandidate = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(fmcLabel)); if (!fmcPartCandidate){ AliDebug(3,"No part candidate"); return bSignAssoc; } bSignAssoc = kTRUE; return bSignAssoc; } //______________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHFCascade::GetGeneratedValuesFromMCParticle(Double_t* vectorMC) { // // collecting all the necessary info (pt, y, cosThetaStar, ptPi, ptKa, cT) from MC particle // Bool_t bGenValues = kFALSE; Int_t daughter0ds = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(0); Int_t daughter1ds = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(1); //the D0 AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughterD0 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter0ds)); AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughterPis = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter1ds)); if(!mcPartDaughterD0 || !mcPartDaughterPis) return kFALSE; Double_t vtx1[3] = {0,0,0}; // primary vertex Double_t vtx2daughter0[3] = {0,0,0}; // secondary vertex from daughter 0 Double_t vtx2daughter1[3] = {0,0,0}; // secondary vertex from daughter 1 fmcPartCandidate->XvYvZv(vtx1); // cm //D0 daughters Int_t daughter0 = mcPartDaughterD0->GetDaughter(0); Int_t daughter1 = mcPartDaughterD0->GetDaughter(1); AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughter0 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter0)); //D0 AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughter1 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter1)); //pis if(!mcPartDaughter0 || !mcPartDaughter1) return kFALSE; // getting vertex from daughters mcPartDaughter0->XvYvZv(vtx2daughter0); // cm mcPartDaughter1->XvYvZv(vtx2daughter1); //cm if (TMath::Abs(vtx2daughter0[0] - vtx2daughter1[0])>1E-5 || TMath::Abs(vtx2daughter0[1]- vtx2daughter1[1])>1E-5 || TMath::Abs(vtx2daughter0[2] - vtx2daughter1[2])>1E-5) { AliError("Daughters have different secondary vertex, skipping the track"); return bGenValues; } Int_t nprongs = 2; Short_t charge = 0; // always instantiate the AliAODRecoDecay with the positive daughter first, the negative second AliAODMCParticle* positiveDaugh = mcPartDaughter0; AliAODMCParticle* negativeDaugh = mcPartDaughter1; if (mcPartDaughter0->GetPdgCode()<0 && mcPartDaughter1->GetPdgCode()>0){ // inverting in case the positive daughter is the second one positiveDaugh = mcPartDaughter1; negativeDaugh = mcPartDaughter0; } // getting the momentum from the daughters Double_t px[2] = {positiveDaugh->Px(), negativeDaugh->Px()}; Double_t py[2] = {positiveDaugh->Py(), negativeDaugh->Py()}; Double_t pz[2] = {positiveDaugh->Pz(), negativeDaugh->Pz()}; Double_t d0[2] = {0.,0.}; AliAODRecoDecayHF* decay = new AliAODRecoDecayHF(vtx1,vtx2daughter0,nprongs,charge,px,py,pz,d0); Double_t cosThetaStar = 0.; Double_t cosThetaStarD0 = 0.; Double_t cosThetaStarD0bar = 0.; cosThetaStarD0 = decay->CosThetaStar(1,421,211,321); cosThetaStarD0bar = decay->CosThetaStar(0,421,321,211); if (mcPartDaughterD0->GetPdgCode() == 421){ // D0 AliDebug(3, Form("D0, with pdgprong0 = %d, pdgprong1 = %d",mcPartDaughter0->GetPdgCode(),mcPartDaughter1->GetPdgCode())); cosThetaStar = cosThetaStarD0; } else if (mcPartDaughterD0->GetPdgCode() == -421){ // D0bar{ AliDebug(3, Form("D0bar, with pdgprong0 = %d, pdgprong1 = %d",mcPartDaughter0->GetPdgCode(),mcPartDaughter1->GetPdgCode())); cosThetaStar = cosThetaStarD0bar; } else{ AliWarning("There are problems!! particle was expected to be either a D0 or a D0bar, check..."); return vectorMC; } if (cosThetaStar < -1 || cosThetaStar > 1) { AliWarning("Invalid value for cosine Theta star, returning"); return bGenValues; } Double_t vectorD0[2] ={0.,0.}; // evaluate the correct cascade if (!EvaluateIfD0toKpi(mcPartDaughterD0,vectorD0)) { AliDebug(2, "Error! the D0 MC doesn't have correct daughters!!"); return bGenValues; } //ct Double_t cT = decay->Ct(421); // get the pT of the daughters Double_t pTD0 = 0.; Double_t pTpi = 0.; if (TMath::Abs(fmcPartCandidate->GetPdgCode()) == 413) { pTD0 = mcPartDaughterD0->Pt(); pTpi = mcPartDaughterPis->Pt(); } switch (fConfiguration){ case AliCFTaskVertexingHF::kSnail: vectorMC[0] = fmcPartCandidate->Pt(); vectorMC[1] = fmcPartCandidate->Y() ; vectorMC[2] = cosThetaStar ; vectorMC[3] = vectorD0[0]; vectorMC[4] = vectorD0[1]; vectorMC[5] = cT*1.E4 ; // in micron vectorMC[6] = 0.; // dummy value, meaningless in MC vectorMC[7] = -100000.; // dummy value, meaningless in MC, in micron^2 vectorMC[8] = 1.01; // dummy value, meaningless in MC vectorMC[9] = fmcPartCandidate->Phi(); vectorMC[10] = fzMCVertex; // z of reconstructed of primary vertex vectorMC[11] = fCentValue; // reconstructed centrality vectorMC[12] = 1.; // always filling with 1 at MC level vectorMC[13] = 1.01; // dummy value for cosPointingXY multiplicity vectorMC[14] = 0.; // dummy value for NormalizedDecayLengthXY multiplicity vectorMC[15] = fMultiplicity; // reconstructed multiplicity break; case AliCFTaskVertexingHF::kCheetah: vectorMC[0] = fmcPartCandidate->Pt(); vectorMC[1] = fmcPartCandidate->Y() ; vectorMC[2] = cT*1.E4; // in micron vectorMC[3] = fmcPartCandidate->Phi(); vectorMC[4] = fzMCVertex; vectorMC[5] = fCentValue; // dummy value for dca, meaningless in MC vectorMC[6] = 1. ; // fake: always filling with 1 at MC level vectorMC[7] = fMultiplicity; // dummy value for d0pi, meaningless in MC, in micron break; } delete decay; bGenValues = kTRUE; return bGenValues; } //____________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHFCascade::GetRecoValuesFromCandidate(Double_t *vectorReco) const { // read the variables for the container Bool_t bFillRecoValues=kFALSE; //Get the D* and the D0 from D* AliAODRecoCascadeHF* dstarD0pi = (AliAODRecoCascadeHF*)fRecoCandidate; AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong* d0toKpi = (AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong*)dstarD0pi->Get2Prong(); //if (dstarD0pi->GetPrimaryVtx())printf("dstarD0pi has primary vtx\n"); //if (fRecoCandidate->GetPrimaryVtx())printf("fRecoCandidateDstar has primary vtx\n"); Double_t pt = dstarD0pi->Pt(); Double_t rapidity = dstarD0pi->YDstar(); Double_t invMass=0.; Double_t cosThetaStar = 9999.; Double_t pTpi = 0.; Double_t pTK = 0.; Double_t dca = d0toKpi->GetDCA(); Double_t d0pi = 0.; Double_t d0K = 0.; Double_t d0xd0 = d0toKpi->Prodd0d0(); Double_t cosPointingAngle = d0toKpi->CosPointingAngle(); Double_t phi = dstarD0pi->Phi(); Double_t cosPointingAngleXY = d0toKpi->CosPointingAngleXY(); Double_t normDecayLengthXY = d0toKpi->NormalizedDecayLengthXY(); Int_t pdgCode = fmcPartCandidate->GetPdgCode(); if (pdgCode > 0){ cosThetaStar = d0toKpi->CosThetaStarD0(); pTpi = d0toKpi->PtProng(0); pTK = d0toKpi->PtProng(1); d0pi = d0toKpi->Getd0Prong(0); d0K = d0toKpi->Getd0Prong(1); invMass=d0toKpi->InvMassD0(); } else { cosThetaStar = d0toKpi->CosThetaStarD0bar(); pTpi = d0toKpi->PtProng(1); pTK = d0toKpi->PtProng(0); d0pi = d0toKpi->Getd0Prong(1); d0K = d0toKpi->Getd0Prong(0); invMass= d0toKpi->InvMassD0bar(); } Double_t cT = d0toKpi->CtD0(); switch (fConfiguration){ case AliCFTaskVertexingHF::kSnail: vectorReco[0] = pt; vectorReco[1] = rapidity; vectorReco[2] = cosThetaStar; vectorReco[3] = pTpi; vectorReco[4] = pTK; vectorReco[5] = cT*1.E4; // in micron vectorReco[6] = dca*1.E4; // in micron vectorReco[7] = d0xd0*1.E8; // in micron^2 vectorReco[8] = cosPointingAngle; // in micron vectorReco[9] = phi; vectorReco[10] = fzPrimVertex; // z of reconstructed of primary vertex vectorReco[11] = fCentValue; vectorReco[12] = fFake; // whether the reconstructed candidate was a fake (fFake = 0) or not (fFake = 2) vectorReco[13] = cosPointingAngleXY; vectorReco[14] = normDecayLengthXY; // in cm vectorReco[15] = fMultiplicity; // reconstructed multiplicity break; case AliCFTaskVertexingHF::kCheetah: vectorReco[0] = pt; vectorReco[1] = rapidity ; vectorReco[2] = cT*1.E4; // in micron vectorReco[3] = phi; vectorReco[4] = fzPrimVertex; vectorReco[5] = fCentValue; vectorReco[6] = fFake ; vectorReco[7] = fMultiplicity; break; } bFillRecoValues = kTRUE; return bFillRecoValues; } //_____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHFCascade::CheckMCChannelDecay() const { // check the required decay channel Bool_t checkCD = kFALSE; Int_t daughter0 = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(0); Int_t daughter1 = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(1); AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughter0 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter0)); AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughter1 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter1)); if (!mcPartDaughter0 || !mcPartDaughter1) { AliDebug (2,"Problems in the MC Daughters\n"); return checkCD; } if (!(TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughter0->GetPdgCode())==421 && TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughter1->GetPdgCode())==211) && !(TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughter0->GetPdgCode())==211 && TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughter1->GetPdgCode())==421)) { AliDebug(2, "The D0 MC doesn't come from a Kpi decay, skipping!!"); return checkCD; } Double_t vectorD0[2] ={0.,0.}; // D* is a cascade ...evaluate the correct cascade if (!EvaluateIfD0toKpi(mcPartDaughter0,vectorD0)) { AliDebug(2, "Error! the D0 MC doesn't have correct daughters!!"); return checkCD; } checkCD = kTRUE; return checkCD; } //__________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHFCascade::EvaluateIfD0toKpi(AliAODMCParticle* neutralDaugh, Double_t* vectorD0)const { // // chack wether D0 is decaing into kpi // Bool_t isHadronic = kFALSE; Int_t daughterD00 = neutralDaugh->GetDaughter(0); Int_t daughterD01 = neutralDaugh->GetDaughter(1); AliDebug(2, Form("daughter0 = %d and daughter1 = %d",daughterD00,daughterD01)); if (daughterD00 == 0 || daughterD01 == 0) { AliDebug(2, "Error! the D0 MC doesn't have correct daughters!!"); return isHadronic; } if (TMath::Abs(daughterD01 - daughterD00) != 1) { // should be everytime true - see PDGdatabooklet AliDebug(2, "The D0 MC doesn't come from a 2-prong decay, skipping!!"); return isHadronic; } AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughterD00 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughterD00)); AliAODMCParticle* mcPartDaughterD01 = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughterD01)); if (!mcPartDaughterD00 || !mcPartDaughterD01) { AliWarning("D0 MC analysis: At least one Daughter Particle not found in tree, skipping"); return isHadronic; } if (!(TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughterD00->GetPdgCode())==321 && TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughterD01->GetPdgCode())==211) && !(TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughterD00->GetPdgCode())==211 && TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughterD01->GetPdgCode())==321)) { AliDebug(2, "The D0 MC doesn't come from a Kpi decay, skipping!!"); return isHadronic; } Double_t pTD0pi = 0; Double_t pTD0K = 0; if (TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughterD00->GetPdgCode()) == 211) { pTD0pi = mcPartDaughterD00->Pt(); pTD0K = mcPartDaughterD01->Pt(); } else { pTD0pi = mcPartDaughterD01->Pt(); pTD0K = mcPartDaughterD00->Pt(); } isHadronic = kTRUE; vectorD0[0] = pTD0pi; vectorD0[1] = pTD0K; return isHadronic; } //___________________________________________________________ void AliCFVertexingHFCascade::SetPtAccCut(Float_t* ptAccCut) { // // setting the pt cut to be used in the Acceptance steps (MC+Reco) // AliInfo("The 3rd element of the pt cut array will correspond to the cut applied to the soft pion - please check that it is correct"); if (fProngs>0){ for (Int_t iP=0; iP0){ for (Int_t iP=0; iP0){ for (Int_t iP=0; iP(fmcArray->At(fLabelArray[2])); // should be the soft pion... if(!mcPartDaughter) return; Int_t mother = mcPartDaughter->GetMother(); AliAODMCParticle* mcMother = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(mother)); if(!mcMother) return; if (TMath::Abs(mcPartDaughter->GetPdgCode())!= 211 || TMath::Abs(mcMother->GetPdgCode())!=413){ AliFatal("Apparently the soft pion is not in the third position, causing a crash!!"); } if (fProngs>0){ for (Int_t iP=0; iPGet2Prong()->EtaProng(0); if(iProng==1) etaProng =dstarD0pi->Get2Prong()->EtaProng(1); if(iProng==2) etaProng =dstarD0pi->EtaProng(1); return etaProng; } return 999999; } //_____________________________________________________________ Double_t AliCFVertexingHFCascade::GetPtProng(Int_t iProng) const { // // getting pt of the prong // if (fRecoCandidate){ AliAODRecoCascadeHF* dstarD0pi = (AliAODRecoCascadeHF*)fRecoCandidate; Double_t ptProng= -9999; if(iProng==0) ptProng =dstarD0pi->Get2Prong()->PtProng(0); if(iProng==1) ptProng =dstarD0pi->Get2Prong()->PtProng(1); if(iProng==2) ptProng =dstarD0pi->PtProng(1); // Double_t ptProng = fRecoCandidate->PtProng(iProng); return ptProng; } return 999999; }