#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKJETSPECTRUM2_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKJETSPECTRUM2_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // ************************************** // Task used for the correction of determiantion of reconstructed jet spectra // Compares input (gen) and output (rec) jets // ******************************************* #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "THnSparse.h" // cannot forward declare ThnSparseF //////////////// class AliJetHeader; class AliESDEvent; class AliAODEvent; class AliAODExtension; class AliAODJet; class AliVParticle; class AliAODJetEventBackground; class AliGenPythiaEventHeader; class AliCFManager; class AliTHn; class TList; class TChain; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class TRandom3; class TProfile; class TProfile2D; class TSTring; class AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2 : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2(); AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2(const char* name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2() {;} // Implementation of interface methods virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void Init(); virtual void LocalInit() { Init(); } virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *option); virtual Bool_t Notify(); virtual void SetUseGlobalSelection(Bool_t b){fUseGlobalSelection = b;} virtual void SetEventClass(Int_t i){fEventClass = i;} virtual void SetExternalWeight(Float_t f){fExternalWeight = f;} virtual void SetUseExternalWeightOnly(Bool_t b){fUseExternalWeightOnly = b;} virtual void SetAODJetInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODJetInput = b;} virtual void SetAODTrackInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODTrackInput = b;} virtual void SetAODMCInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODMCInput = b;} virtual void SetLimitGenJetEta(Bool_t b){fLimitGenJetEta = b;} virtual void SetJetEtaWindow(Float_t f){fJetRecEtaWindow = f;} virtual void SetTrackEtaWindow(Float_t f){fTrackRecEtaWindow = f;} virtual void SetNMatchJets(Short_t f){fNMatchJets = f;} virtual void SetMinJetPt(Float_t f){fMinJetPt = f;} virtual void SetNRPBins(Short_t i){fNRPBins = i;} virtual void SetFlagJetType(Int_t iType,Int_t iF){fFlagJetType[iType] = iF;} virtual void SetMinTrackPt(Float_t f){fMinTrackPt = f;} virtual void SetDeltaPhiWindow(Float_t f){fDeltaPhiWindow = f;} virtual void SetAnalysisType(Int_t i){fAnalysisType = i;} virtual void SetBranchGen(const char* c){fBranchGen = c;} virtual void SetBranchRec(const char* c){fBranchRec = c;} virtual void SetBranchBkgRec(const char* c){fBranchBkgRec = c;} virtual void SetBranchBkgGen(const char* c){fBranchBkgGen = c;} virtual void SetTrackTypeGen(Int_t i){fTrackTypeGen = i;} virtual void SetTrackTypeRec(Int_t i){fTrackTypeRec = i;} virtual void SetFilterMask(UInt_t i){fFilterMask = i;} virtual void SetJetTriggerExclude(UChar_t i){fJetTriggerExcludeMask = i;} virtual void SetMatching(Bool_t b = kTRUE){fDoMatching = b;} virtual void SetRPMethod(Int_t i){fRPMethod = i;} virtual void SetEventSelectionMask(UInt_t i){fEventSelectionMask = i;} virtual void SetNonStdFile(char* c){fNonStdFile = c;} // Helper // // we have different cases // AOD reading -> MC from AOD // ESD reading -> MC from Kinematics // this has to match with our selection of input events enum {kTrackUndef = 0, kTrackAOD, kTrackKineAll,kTrackKineCharged, kTrackAODMCAll, kTrackAODMCCharged, kTrackAODMCChargedAcceptance}; enum {kAnaMC = 0x1, kAnaMCESD = 0x2}; enum {kMaxJets = 2}; enum {kJetRec = 0, kJetGen, kJetRecFull, kJetGenFull, kJetTypes}; // enum {kMaxCorrelation = 3}; // // 0 all jets // 1 all jet in eta window // 2 all jets with partner // 3 all jets in eta window with partner // 4 all jets with partner in eta window enum {kStep0 = 0, kStep1, kStep2, kStep3, kStep4,kMaxStep}; private: AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2(const AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2&); AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2&); void MakeJetContainer(); Int_t GetListOfTracks(TList *list,Int_t type); void FillTrackHistos(TList &particlesList,int iType); Float_t GetCentrality(); Bool_t CalculateReactionPlaneAngle(const TList *trackList); Int_t GetPhiBin(Double_t phi); Double_t GetPhiWeight(Double_t phi,Double_t signedpt); Int_t GetListOfJets(TList *list,TClonesArray* jarray,Int_t type); void FillJetHistos(TList &jetsList,TList &particlesList,Int_t iType); void FillMatchHistos(TList &recJetsList,TList &genJetsList); Bool_t JetSelected(AliAODJet *jet); Int_t MultFromJetRefs(TClonesArray *jets); AliVParticle *LeadingTrackFromJetRefs(AliAODJet* jet); AliVParticle *LeadingTrackInCone(AliAODJet* jet,TList *list,Float_t r = 0.4); AliJetHeader *fJetHeaderRec;//! The jet header that can be fetched from the userinfo AliJetHeader *fJetHeaderGen;//! The jet header that can fetched from the userinfo AliAODEvent *fAODIn; //! where we take the jets from AliAODEvent *fAODOut; //! where we take the jets from AliAODExtension *fAODExtension; //! where we take the jets from can be input or output AOD AliTHn *fhnJetContainer; //! like particle container in corrfw with different steps need AliCFContainer with Scale(), and clone() to do the same AliTHn *fhnCorrelation; //! response matrix for unfolding THnSparseF *fhnEvent; //! event counts TF1 *f1PtScale; //! correction function to correct to the average true jet energy depending on p_T,rec TString fBranchRec; // AOD branch name for reconstructed TString fBranchGen; // AOD brnach for genereated TString fBranchBkgRec; //AOD branch for background TString fBranchBkgGen; //AOD branch for background TString fNonStdFile; // name of delta aod file to catch the extension TRandom3* fRandomizer; //! randomizer Bool_t fUseAODJetInput; // take jet from input AOD not from ouptu AOD Bool_t fUseAODTrackInput; // take track from input AOD not from ouptu AOD Bool_t fUseAODMCInput; // take MC from input AOD not from ouptu AOD Bool_t fUseGlobalSelection; // Limit the eta of the generated jets Bool_t fUseExternalWeightOnly; // use only external weight Bool_t fLimitGenJetEta; // Limit the eta of the generated jets Bool_t fDoMatching; // switch on the matching between rec and gen Short_t fNMatchJets; // number of leading jets considered from the list Short_t fNRPBins; // number of bins with respect to RP UChar_t fJetTriggerExcludeMask; // mask for jet triggers to exclude UInt_t fFilterMask; // filter bit for slecected tracks UInt_t fEventSelectionMask; // Selection information used to filter events Int_t fAnalysisType; // Analysis type Int_t fTrackTypeRec; // type of tracks used for FF Int_t fTrackTypeGen; // type of tracks used for FF Int_t fFlagJetType[kJetTypes]; // disable the filling and booking of certain JetType histos Int_t fEventClass; // event class to be looked at for this instance of the task Int_t fRPMethod; // method for subevent calculation Float_t fAvgTrials; // Average nimber of trials Float_t fExternalWeight; // external weight Float_t fJetRecEtaWindow; // eta window for rec jets Float_t fTrackRecEtaWindow; // eta window for rec tracks Float_t fMinJetPt; // limits the jet p_T in addition to what already is done in the jet finder, this is important for jet matching for JF with lo threshold Float_t fMinTrackPt; // limits the track p_T Float_t fDeltaPhiWindow; // minium angle between dijets Float_t fCentrality; // ! centrality Float_t fRPAngle; // ! RP angle of the reaction plane Int_t fMultRec; // ! reconstructed track multiplicity Int_t fMultGen; // ! generated track multiplicity TProfile* fh1Xsec; //! pythia cross section and trials TH1F* fh1Trials; //! trials are added TH1F* fh1PtHard; //! Pt har of the event... TH1F* fh1PtHardNoW; //! Pt har of the event without weigt TH1F* fh1PtHardTrials; //! Number of trials TH1F* fh1ZVtx; //! z-vtx distribution TH1F* fh1RP; //! RP distribution TH1F* fh1Centrality; //! centrality distribution TH1F* fh1TmpRho; //! just temporary histo for calculation TH2F* fh2MultRec; //! reconstructed track multiplicity TH2F* fh2MultGen; //! generated track multiplicity TH2F* fh2RPCentrality; //! RP vs centrality TH2F* fh2PtFGen; //! found vs generated TH2F* fh2RelPtFGen; //! relative difference between generated and found // Jet histos second go TH1F* fh1NJets[kJetTypes]; //! nr of gen jets TH1F* fh1SumPtTrack[kJetTypes]; //! sum over all track pT TH1F* fh1PtIn[kJetTypes][kMaxJets+1]; //! Jet pt TH1F* fh1PtJetsIn[kJetTypes]; //! Jet pt for all jets TH1F* fh1PtJetsInRej[kJetTypes]; //! Jet pt for all rejected jets TH1F* fh1PtTracksIn[kJetTypes]; //! track pt for all tracks TH1F* fh1PtTracksInLow[kJetTypes]; //! track pt for all tracks TH2F* fh2NJetsPt[kJetTypes]; //! Number of found jets above threshold TH2F* fh2NTracksPt[kJetTypes]; //! Number of tracks above threshold TProfile2D *fp2MultRPPhiTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! for mean pT vs RP TProfile2D *fp2CentRPPhiTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! for mean pT vs RP THnSparseF *fhnJetPt[kJetTypes]; //! jet pt information for analysis THnSparseF *fhnJetPtQA[kJetTypes]; //! jet pt information for QA THnSparseF *fhnTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! track pt information for analysis THnSparseF *fhnTrackPtQA[kJetTypes]; //! track pt information for analysis TH2F* fh2LTrackPtJetPt[kJetTypes][kMaxJets+1]; //! leading track within the jet vs jet pt TH1F* fh1DijetMinv[kJetTypes]; //! dijet inv mass TH2F* fh2DijetDeltaPhiPt[kJetTypes]; //! dijet delta phi vs pt TH2F* fh2DijetAsymPt[kJetTypes]; //! dijet asym vs pt after delta phi cut TH2F* fh2DijetPt2vsPt1[kJetTypes]; //! dijet pt2 vs pt1 TH2F* fh2DijetDifvsSum[kJetTypes]; //! dijet dif vs sum TList *fHistList; //! Output list ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2, 18) // Analysis task for standard jet analysis }; #endif