#ifndef ALIEMCALJETFINDER_H #define ALIEMCALJETFINDER_H // $Id$ namespace fastjet { class PseudoJet; } class AliEmcalJet; class AliFJWrapper; class TNamed; class TH1; class AliEmcalJetFinder : public TNamed { public: AliEmcalJetFinder(); AliEmcalJetFinder(const char* name); ~AliEmcalJetFinder(); Bool_t FindJets(); void AddInputVector(Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz); void FillPtHistogram(TH1* histogram); void FillEtaHistogram(TH1* histogram); void FillPhiHistogram(TH1* histogram); Int_t GetJets(AliEmcalJet*& jets) {jets = fJetArray[0]; return fJetCount;} AliEmcalJet* GetJet(Int_t index) {return fJetArray[index];} void SetGhostArea(Double_t val) {fGhostArea = val;} void SetRadius(Double_t val) {fRadius = val;} void SetJetAlgorithm(Int_t val) {fJetAlgorithm = val;} void SetTrackMaxEta(Double_t val) {fTrackMaxEta = val;} void SetJetMaxEta(Double_t val) {fJetMaxEta = val;} void SetJetMinPt(Double_t val) {fJetMinPt = val;} void SetJetMinArea(Double_t val) {fJetMinArea = val;} void SetManualIndex(Int_t val) {fInputVectorIndex = val;} private: // General properties AliFJWrapper* fFastjetWrapper; // Interface object to fastjet Int_t fInputVectorIndex; // Current index of input vectors (by default: count of vectors) Int_t fJetCount; // Found jets within the given acceptances std::vector fJetArray; // Internal array for the jets // Settings for fastjet Double_t fGhostArea; // setting for ghost area in FJ Double_t fRadius; // Radius parameter Int_t fJetAlgorithm; // var for algorithm (0=antikt, 1=kt) Double_t fTrackMaxEta; // cut for |track-eta| < fTrackMaxEta // Jet cuts Double_t fJetMaxEta; // cut for |jet-eta| < fJetMaxEta Double_t fJetMinPt; // cut for jet-pT > fJetMinPt Double_t fJetMinArea; // cut for jet-area > fJetMinArea ClassDef(AliEmcalJetFinder, 1); // Lightweight fastjet implementation outside analysis tasks }; #endif