// // Jet Container // // Author: M. Verweij #include #include "AliEmcalJet.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliParticleContainer.h" #include "AliClusterContainer.h" #include "AliJetContainer.h" ClassImp(AliJetContainer) //________________________________________________________________________ AliJetContainer::AliJetContainer(): AliEmcalContainer("AliJetContainer"), fJetAcceptanceType(kUser), fJetRadius(0), fRhoName(), fPtBiasJetTrack(0), fPtBiasJetClus(0), fJetPtCut(1), fJetAreaCut(-1), fAreaEmcCut(0), fJetMinEta(-0.9), fJetMaxEta(0.9), fJetMinPhi(-10), fJetMaxPhi(10), fMaxClusterPt(1000), fMaxTrackPt(100), fLeadingHadronType(0), fNLeadingJets(1), fJetBitMap(0), fJetTrigger(0), fParticleContainer(0), fClusterContainer(0), fRho(0), fGeom(0), fRunNumber(0) { // Default constructor. fClassName = "AliEmcalJet"; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliJetContainer::AliJetContainer(const char *name): AliEmcalContainer(name), fJetAcceptanceType(kUser), fJetRadius(0), fRhoName(), fPtBiasJetTrack(0), fPtBiasJetClus(0), fJetPtCut(1), fJetAreaCut(-1), fAreaEmcCut(0), fJetMinEta(-0.9), fJetMaxEta(0.9), fJetMinPhi(-10), fJetMaxPhi(10), fMaxClusterPt(1000), fMaxTrackPt(100), fLeadingHadronType(0), fNLeadingJets(1), fJetBitMap(0), fJetTrigger(0), fParticleContainer(0), fClusterContainer(0), fRho(0), fGeom(0), fRunNumber(0) { // Standard constructor. fClassName = "AliEmcalJet"; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::SetArray(AliVEvent *event) { // Set jet array AliEmcalContainer::SetArray(event); if(fJetAcceptanceType==kTPC) { AliDebug(2,Form("%s: set TPC acceptance cuts",GetName())); SetJetEtaPhiTPC(); } else if(fJetAcceptanceType==kEMCAL) { AliDebug(2,Form("%s: set EMCAL acceptance cuts",GetName())); SetJetEtaPhiEMCAL(); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::SetEMCALGeometry() { fGeom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (!fGeom) { AliError(Form("%s: Can not create geometry", GetName())); return; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::LoadRho(AliVEvent *event) { // Load rho if (!fRhoName.IsNull() && !fRho) { fRho = dynamic_cast(event->FindListObject(fRhoName)); if (!fRho) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve rho %s!", GetName(), fRhoName.Data())); return; } } } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetLeadingJet(const char* opt) { // Get the leading jet; if opt contains "rho" the sorting is according to pt-A*rho TString option(opt); option.ToLower(); Int_t tempID = fCurrentID; AliEmcalJet *jetMax = GetNextAcceptJet(0); AliEmcalJet *jet = 0; if (option.Contains("rho")) { while ((jet = GetNextAcceptJet())) { if (jet->Pt()-jet->Area()*fRho->GetVal() > jetMax->Pt()-jetMax->Area()*fRho->GetVal()) jetMax = jet; } } else { while ((jet = GetNextAcceptJet())) { if (jet->Pt() > jetMax->Pt()) jetMax = jet; } } fCurrentID = tempID; return jetMax; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetJet(Int_t i) const { //Get i^th jet in array if(i<0 || i>fClArray->GetEntriesFast()) return 0; AliEmcalJet *jet = static_cast(fClArray->At(i)); return jet; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetAcceptJet(Int_t i) const { //Only return jet if is accepted AliEmcalJet *jet = GetJet(i); if(!AcceptJet(jet)) return 0; return jet; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetJetWithLabel(Int_t lab) const { //Get particle with label lab in array Int_t i = GetIndexFromLabel(lab); return GetJet(i); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetAcceptJetWithLabel(Int_t lab) const { //Get particle with label lab in array Int_t i = GetIndexFromLabel(lab); return GetAcceptJet(i); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetNextAcceptJet(Int_t i) { //Get next accepted jet; if i >= 0 (re)start counter from i; return 0 if no accepted jet could be found if (i>=0) fCurrentID = i; const Int_t njets = GetNEntries(); AliEmcalJet *jet = 0; while (fCurrentID < njets && !jet) { jet = GetAcceptJet(fCurrentID); fCurrentID++; } return jet; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalJet* AliJetContainer::GetNextJet(Int_t i) { //Get next jet; if i >= 0 (re)start counter from i; return 0 if no jet could be found if (i>=0) fCurrentID = i; const Int_t njets = GetNEntries(); AliEmcalJet *jet = 0; while (fCurrentID < njets && !jet) { jet = GetJet(fCurrentID); fCurrentID++; } return jet; } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliJetContainer::GetJetPtCorr(Int_t i) const { AliEmcalJet *jet = GetJet(i); return jet->Pt() - fRho->GetVal()*jet->Area(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::GetMomentum(TLorentzVector &mom, Int_t i) const { //Get momentum of the i^th jet in array AliEmcalJet *jet = GetJet(i); if(jet) jet->GetMom(mom); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetContainer::AcceptBiasJet(AliEmcalJet *jet) const { // Accept jet with a bias. if (fLeadingHadronType == 0) { if (jet->MaxTrackPt() < fPtBiasJetTrack) return kFALSE; } else if (fLeadingHadronType == 1) { if (jet->MaxClusterPt() < fPtBiasJetClus) return kFALSE; } else { if (jet->MaxTrackPt() < fPtBiasJetTrack && jet->MaxClusterPt() < fPtBiasJetClus) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetContainer::AcceptJet(AliEmcalJet *jet) const { // Return true if jet is accepted. if (!jet) return kFALSE; if (jet->TestBits(fJetBitMap) != (Int_t)fJetBitMap) return kFALSE; if (jet->Pt() <= fJetPtCut) return kFALSE; if (jet->Area() <= fJetAreaCut) return kFALSE; if (jet->AreaEmc()MaxTrackPt() > fMaxTrackPt || jet->MaxClusterPt() > fMaxClusterPt) return kFALSE; Double_t jetPhi = jet->Phi(); Double_t jetEta = jet->Eta(); if (fJetMinPhi < 0) // if limits are given in (-pi, pi) range jetPhi -= TMath::Pi() * 2; return (Bool_t)(jetEta > fJetMinEta && jetEta < fJetMaxEta && jetPhi > fJetMinPhi && jetPhi < fJetMaxPhi); } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliJetContainer::GetLeadingHadronPt(AliEmcalJet *jet) const { if (fLeadingHadronType == 0) // charged leading hadron return jet->MaxTrackPt(); else if (fLeadingHadronType == 1) // neutral leading hadron return jet->MaxClusterPt(); else // charged or neutral return jet->MaxPartPt(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::GetLeadingHadronMomentum(TLorentzVector &mom, AliEmcalJet *jet) const { Double_t maxClusterPt = 0; Double_t maxClusterEta = 0; Double_t maxClusterPhi = 0; Double_t maxTrackPt = 0; Double_t maxTrackEta = 0; Double_t maxTrackPhi = 0; if (fClusterContainer && fClusterContainer->GetArray() && (fLeadingHadronType == 1 || fLeadingHadronType == 2)) { AliVCluster *cluster = jet->GetLeadingCluster(fClusterContainer->GetArray()); if (cluster) { TLorentzVector nPart; cluster->GetMomentum(nPart, const_cast(fVertex)); maxClusterEta = nPart.Eta(); maxClusterPhi = nPart.Phi(); maxClusterPt = nPart.Pt(); } } if (fParticleContainer && fParticleContainer->GetArray() && (fLeadingHadronType == 0 || fLeadingHadronType == 2)) { AliVParticle *track = jet->GetLeadingTrack(fParticleContainer->GetArray()); if (track) { maxTrackEta = track->Eta(); maxTrackPhi = track->Phi(); maxTrackPt = track->Pt(); } } if (maxTrackPt > maxClusterPt) mom.SetPtEtaPhiM(maxTrackPt,maxTrackEta,maxTrackPhi,0.139); else mom.SetPtEtaPhiM(maxClusterPt,maxClusterEta,maxClusterPhi,0.139); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::SetJetEtaPhiEMCAL() { //Set default cuts for full jets if(!fGeom) SetEMCALGeometry(); if(fGeom) { SetJetEtaLimits(fGeom->GetArm1EtaMin() + fJetRadius, fGeom->GetArm1EtaMax() - fJetRadius); if(fRunNumber>=177295 && fRunNumber<=197470) //small SM masked in 2012 and 2013 SetJetPhiLimits(1.4+fJetRadius,TMath::Pi()-fJetRadius); else SetJetPhiLimits(fGeom->GetArm1PhiMin() * TMath::DegToRad() + fJetRadius, fGeom->GetArm1PhiMax() * TMath::DegToRad() - fJetRadius); } else { AliWarning("Could not get instance of AliEMCALGeometry. Using manual settings for EMCAL year 2011!!"); SetJetEtaLimits(-0.7+fJetRadius,0.7-fJetRadius); SetJetPhiLimits(1.4+fJetRadius,TMath::Pi()-fJetRadius); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::SetJetEtaPhiTPC() { //Set default cuts for charged jets SetJetEtaLimits(-0.9+fJetRadius, 0.9-fJetRadius); SetJetPhiLimits(-10, 10); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::ResetCuts() { // Reset cuts to default values fPtBiasJetTrack = 0; fPtBiasJetClus = 0; fJetPtCut = 1; fJetAreaCut = -1; fAreaEmcCut = 0; fJetMinEta = -0.9; fJetMaxEta = 0.9; fJetMinPhi = -10; fJetMaxPhi = 10; fMaxClusterPt = 1000; fMaxTrackPt = 100; fLeadingHadronType = 0; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetContainer::SetClassName(const char *clname) { // Set the class name TClass cls(clname); if (cls.InheritsFrom("AliEmcalJet")) fClassName = clname; else AliError(Form("Unable to set class name %s for a AliJetContainer, it must inherits from AliEmcalJet!",clname)); }