// $Id: AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask.cxx $ // // Jet embedding from AOD task. // // Author: S.Aiola, C.Loizides #include "AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask.h" // C++ standard library #include // ROOT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // AliRoot #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliPicoTrack.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliVCluster.h" #include "AliVCaloCells.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliVHeader.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" #include "AliAODHeader.h" #include "AliFJWrapper.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" ClassImp(AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask) //________________________________________________________________________ AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask() : AliJetModelBaseTask("AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask"), fFileList(0), fRandomAccess(kFALSE), fAODTreeName(), fAODHeaderName(), fAODVertexName(), fAODTrackName(), fAODClusName(), fAODCellsName(), fAODMCParticlesName(), fMinCentrality(-1), fMaxCentrality(-1), fTriggerMask(AliVEvent::kAny), fZVertexCut(10), fMaxVertexDist(999), fJetMinPt(0), fJetMinEta(-0.5), fJetMaxEta(0.5), fJetMinPhi(-999), fJetMaxPhi(999), fJetConstituentMinPt(0), fJetRadius(0.4), fJetType(0), fJetAlgo(1), fJetParticleLevel(kTRUE), fIncludeNoITS(kFALSE), fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters(0.4), fUseNegativeLabels(kTRUE), fTrackEfficiency(1), fIsAODMC(kFALSE), fTotalFiles(2050), fAttempts(5), fEsdTreeMode(kFALSE), fCurrentFileID(0), fCurrentAODFileID(0), fCurrentAODFile(0), fPicoTrackVersion(0), fCurrentAODTree(0), fAODHeader(0), fAODVertex(0), fAODTracks(0), fAODClusters(0), fAODCaloCells(0), fAODMCParticles(0), fCurrentAODEntry(-1), fHistFileMatching(0), fHistAODFileError(0), fHistNotEmbedded(0), fHistEmbeddingQA(0), fHistRejectedEvents(0) { // Default constructor. SetSuffix("AODEmbedding"); fAODfilterBits[0] = -1; fAODfilterBits[1] = -1; fEtaMin = -1; fEtaMax = 1; fPhiMin = -10; fPhiMax = 10; fPtMin = 0; fPtMax = 1000; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask(const char *name, Bool_t drawqa) : AliJetModelBaseTask(name, drawqa), fFileList(0), fRandomAccess(kFALSE), fAODTreeName("aodTree"), fAODHeaderName("header"), fAODVertexName("vertices"), fAODTrackName("tracks"), fAODClusName(""), fAODCellsName("emcalCells"), fAODMCParticlesName(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()), fMinCentrality(-1), fMaxCentrality(-1), fTriggerMask(AliVEvent::kAny), fZVertexCut(10), fMaxVertexDist(999), fJetMinPt(0), fJetMinEta(-0.5), fJetMaxEta(0.5), fJetMinPhi(-999), fJetMaxPhi(999), fJetConstituentMinPt(0), fJetRadius(0.4), fJetType(0), fJetAlgo(1), fJetParticleLevel(kTRUE), fIncludeNoITS(kFALSE), fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters(0.4), fUseNegativeLabels(kTRUE), fTrackEfficiency(1), fIsAODMC(kFALSE), fTotalFiles(2050), fAttempts(5), fEsdTreeMode(kFALSE), fCurrentFileID(0), fCurrentAODFileID(0), fCurrentAODFile(0), fPicoTrackVersion(0), fCurrentAODTree(0), fAODHeader(0), fAODVertex(0), fAODTracks(0), fAODClusters(0), fAODCaloCells(0), fAODMCParticles(0), fCurrentAODEntry(-1), fHistFileMatching(0), fHistAODFileError(0), fHistNotEmbedded(0), fHistEmbeddingQA(0), fHistRejectedEvents(0) { // Standard constructor. SetSuffix("AODEmbedding"); fAODfilterBits[0] = -1; fAODfilterBits[1] = -1; fEtaMin = -1; fEtaMax = 1; fPhiMin = -10; fPhiMax = 10; fPtMin = 0; fPtMax = 1000; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::~AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask() { // Destructor if (fCurrentAODFile) { fCurrentAODFile->Close(); delete fCurrentAODFile; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { if (!fQAhistos) return; AliJetModelBaseTask::UserCreateOutputObjects(); fHistFileMatching = new TH2C("fHistFileMatching", "fHistFileMatching", fTotalFiles, -0.5, fTotalFiles - 0.5, fFileList->GetEntriesFast(), -0.5, fFileList->GetEntriesFast() -0.5); fHistFileMatching->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("File no. (PYTHIA)"); fHistFileMatching->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("File no. (Embedded AOD)"); fHistFileMatching->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistFileMatching); fHistAODFileError = new TH1C("fHistAODFileError", "fHistAODFileError", fFileList->GetEntriesFast(), -0.5, fFileList->GetEntriesFast() -0.5); fHistAODFileError->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("File no. (Embedded AOD)"); fHistAODFileError->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistAODFileError); fHistNotEmbedded = new TH1C("fHistNotEmbedded", "fHistNotEmbedded", fTotalFiles, -0.5, fTotalFiles - 0.5); fHistNotEmbedded->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("File no. (PYTHIA)"); fHistNotEmbedded->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistNotEmbedded); fHistEmbeddingQA = new TH1F("fHistEmbeddingQA", "fHistEmbeddingQA", 2, 0, 2); fHistEmbeddingQA->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Event state"); fHistEmbeddingQA->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fHistEmbeddingQA->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "OK"); fHistEmbeddingQA->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Not embedded"); fOutput->Add(fHistEmbeddingQA); fHistRejectedEvents = new TH1F("fHistRejectedEvents", "fHistRejectedEvents", 500, -0.5, 499.5); fHistRejectedEvents->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of rejected events"); fHistRejectedEvents->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistRejectedEvents); PostData(1, fOutput); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::UserNotify() { TString path(fInputHandler->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile()->GetPath()); if (path.EndsWith("/")) path.Remove(path.Length()-1); path.Remove(path.Last('/')); path.Remove(0, path.Last('/')+1); if (!path.IsDec()) { AliWarning(Form("Could not extract file number from path %s", path.Data())); return kTRUE; } fCurrentFileID = path.Atoi(); if (!fRandomAccess) { fCurrentAODFileID = fFileList->GetEntriesFast() * fCurrentFileID / fTotalFiles-1; AliInfo(Form("Start embedding from file ID %d", fCurrentAODFileID)); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::ExecOnce() { if (fAODTreeName.Contains("aod")) fEsdTreeMode = kFALSE; else fEsdTreeMode = kTRUE; return AliJetModelBaseTask::ExecOnce(); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::OpenNextFile() { if (fCurrentAODFile) { fCurrentAODFile->Close(); delete fCurrentAODFile; fCurrentAODFile = 0; } Int_t i = 0; while ((!fCurrentAODFile || fCurrentAODFile->IsZombie()) && i < fAttempts) { if (i > 0 && fHistAODFileError) { fHistAODFileError->Fill(fCurrentAODFileID); } fCurrentAODFile = GetNextFile(); i++; } if (!fCurrentAODFile || fCurrentAODFile->IsZombie()) { AliError("Could not open AOD file to embed!"); return kFALSE; } const TList *clist = fCurrentAODFile->GetStreamerInfoCache(); if(clist) { TStreamerInfo *cinfo = static_cast(clist->FindObject("AliPicoTrack")); if(cinfo) fPicoTrackVersion = cinfo->GetClassVersion(); else fPicoTrackVersion = 0; } fCurrentAODTree = static_cast(fCurrentAODFile->Get(fAODTreeName)); if (!fCurrentAODTree) { AliError(Form("Could not get tree %s from file %s", fAODTreeName.Data(), fCurrentAODFile->GetName())); return kFALSE; } if (!fAODHeaderName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODHeaderName, &fAODHeader); if (!fAODVertexName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODVertexName, &fAODVertex); if (!fAODTrackName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODTrackName, &fAODTracks); if (!fAODClusName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODClusName, &fAODClusters); if (!fAODCellsName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODCellsName, &fAODCaloCells); if (!fAODMCParticlesName.IsNull()) fCurrentAODTree->SetBranchAddress(fAODMCParticlesName, &fAODMCParticles); if (fRandomAccess) fCurrentAODEntry = TMath::Nint(gRandom->Rndm()*fCurrentAODTree->GetEntries()); else fCurrentAODEntry = -1; AliDebug(3,Form("Will start embedding from entry %d", fCurrentAODEntry+1)); if (fHistFileMatching) fHistFileMatching->Fill(fCurrentFileID, fCurrentAODFileID-1); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ TFile* AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::GetNextFile() { if (fRandomAccess) fCurrentAODFileID = TMath::Nint(gRandom->Rndm()*fFileList->GetEntriesFast()); else fCurrentAODFileID++; if (fCurrentAODFileID >= fFileList->GetEntriesFast()) { AliError("No more file in the list!"); return 0; } TObjString *objFileName = static_cast(fFileList->At(fCurrentAODFileID)); TString fileName(objFileName->GetString()); if (fileName.BeginsWith("alien://") && !gGrid) { AliInfo("Trying to connect to AliEn ..."); TGrid::Connect("alien://"); } TString baseFileName(fileName); if (baseFileName.Contains(".zip#")) { Ssiz_t pos = baseFileName.Last('#'); baseFileName.Remove(pos); } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(baseFileName)) { AliError(Form("File %s does not exist!", baseFileName.Data())); return 0; } AliDebug(3,Form("Trying to open file %s...", fileName.Data())); TFile *file = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!file || file->IsZombie()) { AliError(Form("Unable to open file: %s!", fileName.Data())); return 0; } return file; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::GetNextEntry() { Int_t attempts = -1; do { if (!fCurrentAODFile || !fCurrentAODTree || fCurrentAODEntry+1 >= fCurrentAODTree->GetEntries()) { if (!OpenNextFile()) { AliError("Could not open the next file!"); return kFALSE; } } if (!fCurrentAODTree) { AliError("Could not get the tree!"); return kFALSE; } fCurrentAODEntry++; fCurrentAODTree->GetEntry(fCurrentAODEntry); attempts++; if (attempts == 1000) AliWarning("After 1000 attempts no event has been accepted by the event selection (trigger, centrality...)!"); } while (!IsAODEventSelected()); fHistRejectedEvents->Fill(attempts); if (!fCurrentAODTree) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::IsAODEventSelected() { // AOD event selection. if (!fEsdTreeMode && fAODHeader) { AliAODHeader *aodHeader = static_cast(fAODHeader); // Trigger selection if (fTriggerMask != AliVEvent::kAny) { UInt_t offlineTrigger = aodHeader->GetOfflineTrigger(); if ((offlineTrigger & fTriggerMask) == 0) { AliDebug(2,Form("Event rejected due to physics selection. Event trigger mask: %d, trigger mask selection: %d.", offlineTrigger, fTriggerMask)); return kFALSE; } } // Centrality selection if (fMinCentrality >= 0) { AliCentrality *cent = aodHeader->GetCentralityP(); Float_t centVal = cent->GetCentralityPercentile("V0M"); if (centVal < fMinCentrality || centVal >= fMaxCentrality) { AliDebug(2,Form("Event rejected due to centrality selection. Event centrality: %f, centrality range selection: %f to %f", centVal, fMinCentrality, fMaxCentrality)); return kFALSE; } } } // Vertex selection if (fAODVertex) { Double_t vert[3]={0}; ((AliVVertex*)fAODVertex->At(0))->GetXYZ(vert); if (TMath::Abs(vert[2]) > fZVertexCut) { AliDebug(2,Form("Event rejected due to Z vertex selection. Event Z vertex: %f, Z vertex cut: %f", vert[2], fZVertexCut)); return kFALSE; } Double_t dist = TMath::Sqrt((vert[0]-fVertex[0])*(vert[0]-fVertex[0])+(vert[1]-fVertex[1])*(vert[1]-fVertex[1])+(vert[2]-fVertex[2])*(vert[2]-fVertex[2])); if (dist > fMaxVertexDist) { AliDebug(2,Form("Event rejected because the distance between the current and embedded verteces is > %f. " "Current event vertex (%f, %f, %f), embedded event vertex (%f, %f, %f). Distance = %f", fMaxVertexDist, fVertex[0], fVertex[1], fVertex[2], vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], dist)); return kFALSE; } } // Jet selection if (fJetMinPt > 0) { TLorentzVector jet; if (fJetParticleLevel) { if (fAODMCParticles) jet = GetLeadingJet(fAODMCParticles); else { AliWarning("Particle level jets selected, but not MC particles found. The jet event selection will be skipped."); return kTRUE; } } else { if (fAODTracks || fAODClusters) jet = GetLeadingJet(fAODTracks, fAODClusters); else { AliWarning("Detector level jets selected, but not tracks or clusters found. The jet event selection will be skipped."); return kTRUE; } } AliDebug(1, Form("Leading jet pt = %f", jet.Pt())); if (jet.Pt() < fJetMinPt) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::Run() { if (!GetNextEntry()) { if (fHistNotEmbedded) fHistNotEmbedded->Fill(fCurrentFileID); if (fHistEmbeddingQA) fHistEmbeddingQA->Fill("Not embedded", 1); AliError("Unable to get the AOD event to embed. Nothing will be embedded."); return; } if (fHistEmbeddingQA) fHistEmbeddingQA->Fill("OK", 1); if (fOutMCParticles) { if (fCopyArray && fMCParticles) CopyMCParticles(); if (fAODMCParticles) { AliDebug(3, Form("%d MC particles will be processed for embedding.", fAODMCParticles->GetEntriesFast())); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fAODMCParticles->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliAODMCParticle *part = static_cast(fAODMCParticles->At(i)); if (!part) { AliError(Form("Could not find MC particle %d in branch %s of tree %s!", i, fAODMCParticlesName.Data(), fAODTreeName.Data())); continue; } AliDebug(3, Form("Processing MC particle %d with pT = %f, eta = %f, phi = %f", i, part->Pt(), part->Eta(), part->Phi())); if (!part->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; if (part->Pt() < fPtMin || part->Pt() > fPtMax || part->Eta() < fEtaMin || part->Eta() > fEtaMax || part->Phi() < fPhiMin || part->Phi() > fPhiMax) continue; AddMCParticle(part, i); AliDebug(3, "Embedded!"); } } } if (fOutTracks) { if (fCopyArray && fTracks) CopyTracks(); AliDebug(3, Form("Start embedding with %d tracks.", fOutTracks->GetEntriesFast())); if (fAODTracks) { AliDebug(3, Form("%d tracks will be processed for embedding.", fAODTracks->GetEntriesFast())); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fAODTracks->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliVTrack *track = static_cast(fAODTracks->At(i)); if (!track) { AliError(Form("Could not find track %d in branch %s of tree %s!", i, fAODTrackName.Data(), fAODTreeName.Data())); continue; } AliDebug(3, Form("Processing track %d with pT = %f, eta = %f, phi = %f, label = %d", i, track->Pt(), track->Eta(), track->Phi(), track->GetLabel())); Int_t type = 0; Bool_t isEmc = kFALSE; if (!fEsdTreeMode) { AliAODTrack *aodtrack = static_cast(track); if (aodtrack->TestFilterBit(fAODfilterBits[0])) { type = 0; } else if (aodtrack->TestFilterBit(fAODfilterBits[1])) { if ((aodtrack->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0) { if (fIncludeNoITS) type = 2; else { AliDebug(3, "Track not embedded because ITS refit failed."); continue; } } else { type = 1; } } else { /*not a good track*/ AliDebug(3, "Track not embedded because not an hybrid track."); continue; } if (fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters > 0) { Double_t frac = Double_t(aodtrack->GetTPCnclsS()) / Double_t(aodtrack->GetTPCncls()); if (frac > fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters) continue; } if (TMath::Abs(aodtrack->GetTrackEtaOnEMCal()) < 0.75 && aodtrack->GetTrackPhiOnEMCal() > 70 * TMath::DegToRad() && aodtrack->GetTrackPhiOnEMCal() < 190 * TMath::DegToRad()) isEmc = kTRUE; } else if (fPicoTrackVersion > 0) { /*not AOD mode, let's see if it is PicoTrack*/ AliPicoTrack *ptrack = dynamic_cast(track); if (ptrack) { if (fPicoTrackVersion >= 3) type = ptrack->GetTrackType(); else type = ptrack->GetLabel(); isEmc = ptrack->IsEMCAL(); } } if (track->Pt() < fPtMin || track->Pt() > fPtMax || track->Eta() < fEtaMin || track->Eta() > fEtaMax || track->Phi() < fPhiMin || track->Phi() > fPhiMax) { AliDebug(3, "Track not embedded because out of limits."); continue; } if (fTrackEfficiency < 1) { Double_t r = gRandom->Rndm(); if (fTrackEfficiency < r) { AliDebug(3, "Track not embedded because of artificial inefiiciency."); continue; } } Int_t label = 0; if (fIsAODMC) { if (fUseNegativeLabels) label = track->GetLabel(); else label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if (label == 0) AliDebug(1,Form("%s: Track %d with label==0", GetName(), i)); } AddTrack(track->Pt(), track->Eta(), track->Phi(), type, track->GetTrackEtaOnEMCal(), track->GetTrackPhiOnEMCal(), track->GetTrackPtOnEMCal(), isEmc, label, track->Charge()); AliDebug(3, "Track embedded!"); } } } if (fOutClusters) { if (fCopyArray && fClusters) CopyClusters(); if (fAODClusters) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < fAODClusters->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliVCluster *clus = static_cast(fAODClusters->At(i)); if (!clus) { AliError(Form("Could not find cluster %d in branch %s of tree %s!", i, fAODClusName.Data(), fAODTreeName.Data())); continue; } if (!clus->IsEMCAL()) continue; TLorentzVector vect; Double_t vert[3] = {0,0,0}; clus->GetMomentum(vect,vert); if (vect.Pt() < fPtMin || vect.Pt() > fPtMax || vect.Eta() < fEtaMin || vect.Eta() > fEtaMax || vect.Phi() < fPhiMin || vect.Phi() > fPhiMax) continue; Int_t label = 0; if (fIsAODMC) { label = clus->GetLabel(); if (label <= 0) AliDebug(1,Form("%s: Clus %d with label<=0", GetName(), i)); } AddCluster(clus); } } } if (fOutCaloCells) { Double_t totalEnergy = 0; Int_t totalCells = 0; if (fCaloCells) totalCells += fCaloCells->GetNumberOfCells(); if (fAODCaloCells) totalCells += fAODCaloCells->GetNumberOfCells(); SetNumberOfOutCells(totalCells); if (fCaloCells) CopyCells(); if (fAODCaloCells) { for (Short_t i = 0; i < fAODCaloCells->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { Int_t mclabel = 0; Double_t efrac = 0.; Double_t time = -1; Short_t cellNum = -1; Double_t amp = -1; fAODCaloCells->GetCell(i, cellNum, amp, time, mclabel, efrac); if (fIsAODMC) { if (mclabel <= 0) AliDebug(1,Form("%s: Cell %d with label<=0", GetName(), i)); } else { mclabel = 0; } AliDebug(2,Form("Adding cell with amplitude %f, absolute ID %d, time %f, mc label %d", amp, cellNum, time, mclabel)); AddCell(amp, cellNum, time, mclabel); totalEnergy += amp; } } AliDebug(2,Form("Added cells = %d (energy = %f), total cells = %d", fAddedCells, totalEnergy, totalCells)); } } //________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliJetEmbeddingFromAODTask::GetLeadingJet(TClonesArray *tracks, TClonesArray *clusters) { TString name("kt"); fastjet::JetAlgorithm jalgo(fastjet::kt_algorithm); if (fJetAlgo == 1) { name = "antikt"; jalgo = fastjet::antikt_algorithm; } // setup fj wrapper AliFJWrapper fjw(name, name); fjw.SetAreaType(fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts); fjw.SetGhostArea(1); // set a very large ghost area to speed up jet finding fjw.SetR(fJetRadius); fjw.SetAlgorithm(jalgo); fjw.SetMaxRap(1); fjw.Clear(); if (tracks) { const Int_t Ntracks = tracks->GetEntries(); for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < Ntracks; ++iTracks) { AliVParticle *t = static_cast(tracks->At(iTracks)); if (!t) continue; AliAODMCParticle *aodmcpart = dynamic_cast(t); if (aodmcpart && !aodmcpart->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; if ((fJetType == 1 && t->Charge() == 0) || (fJetType == 2 && t->Charge() != 0)) continue; if (t->Pt() < fJetConstituentMinPt) continue; fjw.AddInputVector(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz(), t->P(), iTracks + 100); } } if (clusters && fJetType != 1) { Double_t vert[3]={0}; if (fAODVertex) ((AliVVertex*)fAODVertex->At(0))->GetXYZ(vert); const Int_t Nclus = clusters->GetEntries(); for (Int_t iClus = 0; iClus < Nclus; ++iClus) { AliVCluster *c = static_cast(clusters->At(iClus)); if (!c) continue; if (!c->IsEMCAL()) continue; TLorentzVector nP; c->GetMomentum(nP, vert); if (nP.Pt() < fJetConstituentMinPt) continue; fjw.AddInputVector(nP.Px(), nP.Py(), nP.Pz(), nP.P(), -iClus - 100); } } // run jet finder fjw.Run(); std::vector jets_incl = fjw.GetInclusiveJets(); AliDebug(1,Form("%d jets found", (Int_t)jets_incl.size())); TLorentzVector jet; Int_t njets = jets_incl.size(); if (njets > 0) { //std::vector jets_incl_sorted = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(jets_incl); for (Int_t i = 0; i < njets; i++) { if (jet.Pt() >= jets_incl[i].perp()) continue; if (jets_incl[i].eta() < fJetMinEta || jets_incl[i].eta() > fJetMaxEta || jets_incl[i].phi() < fJetMinPhi || jets_incl[i].phi() > fJetMaxPhi) continue; jet.SetPxPyPzE(jets_incl[i].px(), jets_incl[i].py(), jets_incl[i].pz(), jets_incl[i].E()); } } return jet; }