#ifndef ALIJETMODELBASETASK_H #define ALIJETMODELBASETASK_H // $Id$ class TClonesArray; class AliEMCALGeometry; class AliVCluster; class AliPicoTrack; #include #include #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliJetModelBaseTask : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliJetModelBaseTask(); AliJetModelBaseTask(const char *name); virtual ~AliJetModelBaseTask(); void UserExec(Option_t* /*option*/); void SetClusName(const char *n) { fCaloName = n; } void SetCopyArray(Bool_t copy) { fCopyArray = copy; } void SetEtaRange(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fEtaMin = min; fEtaMax = max; } void SetGeometryName(const char *n) { fGeomName = n; } void SetMarkMC(Bool_t m) { fMarkMC = m; } void SetNClusters(Int_t n) { fNClusters = n; } void SetNTracks(Int_t n) { fNTracks = n; } void SetPhiRange(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fPhiMin = min; fPhiMax = max; } void SetPtRange(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fPtMin = min; fPtMax = max; } void SetPtSpectrum(TH1 *f) { fPtSpectrum = f; } void SetPtSpectrum(TF1 *f) { fPtSpectrum = new TH1F("ptSpectrum","ptSpectrum",250,f->GetXmin(),f->GetXmax()); fPtSpectrum->Add(f); } void SetSuffix(const char *s) { fSuffix = s; } void SetTracksName(const char *n) { fTracksName = n; } protected: AliVCluster *AddCluster(Double_t e = -1, Double_t eta = -999, Double_t phi = -1); // add a cluster; if values are -1 generate random parameters AliVCluster *AddCluster(Double_t e, Int_t absId); // add a cluster with given energy and position AliPicoTrack *AddTrack(Double_t pt = -1, Double_t eta = -999, Double_t phi = -1); // add a track; if values are -1 generate random parameters void CopyClusters(); void CopyTracks(); virtual void ExecOnce(); void GetRandomCell(Double_t &eta, Double_t &phi, Int_t &absId); // generate a random cell in the calorimeter Double_t GetRandomEta(); // generate a random eta value in the given range Double_t GetRandomPhi(); // generate a random phi value in the given range Double_t GetRandomPt(); // generate a random pt value in the given range virtual void Run(); // do jet model action TString fGeomName; // EMCal geometry name TString fTracksName; // name of track collection TString fOutTracksName; // name of output track collection TString fCaloName; // name of calo cluster collection TString fOutCaloName; // name of output cluster collection TString fSuffix; // suffix to add in the name of new collections Float_t fEtaMin; // eta minimum value Float_t fEtaMax; // eta maximum value Float_t fPhiMin; // phi minimum value Float_t fPhiMax; // phi maximum value Float_t fPtMin; // pt minimum value Float_t fPtMax; // pt maximum value Bool_t fCopyArray; // whether or not the array will be copied to a new one before modelling Int_t fNClusters; // how many clusters are being processed Int_t fNTracks; // how many tracks are being processed Bool_t fMarkMC; // whether or not mark new tracks/cluster as MC TH1 *fPtSpectrum; // pt spectrum parametrization to extract random pt values Bool_t fIsInit; //=true if initialized AliEMCALGeometry *fGeom; //!pointer to EMCal geometry TClonesArray *fClusters; //!cluster collection TClonesArray *fOutClusters; //!output cluster collection TClonesArray *fTracks; //!track collection TClonesArray *fOutTracks; //!output track collection private: AliJetModelBaseTask(const AliJetModelBaseTask&); // not implemented AliJetModelBaseTask &operator=(const AliJetModelBaseTask&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliJetModelBaseTask, 4) // Jet modelling task }; #endif