#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALDIJETANA_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALDIJETANA_H class TH1; class TH2; class TH3; class TH3F; class THnSparse; class TClonesArray; class TArrayI; class AliAnalysisManager; class AliGenPythiaEventHeader; #include "AliJetContainer.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetBase.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna : public AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetBase { public: AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna(); AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna(); void UserCreateOutputObjects(); void Terminate(Option_t *option); //Setters void SetMatchFullCharged(Bool_t b) { fDoMatchFullCharged = b;} void SetNKtBins(Int_t n) { fNKtBins = n; } void SetNDiJetEtaBins(Int_t n) { fNDiJetEtaBins = n; } void SetNAjBins(Int_t n) { fNAjBins = n; } //Getters Int_t GetPtTriggerBin(Double_t pt); protected: Bool_t Run() ; void CorrelateJets(const Int_t type); void CorrelateAllJets(const Int_t type); void CorrelateTwoJets(const Int_t type); void CorrelateLeadingSubleadingJets(const Int_t type); AliEmcalJet *GetLeadingJet(const Int_t type); AliEmcalJet *GetLeadingAssociatedJet(const Int_t type, AliEmcalJet *jetTrig); AliEmcalJet *GetSecondLeadingAssociatedJet(const Int_t type, AliEmcalJet *jetTrig); Bool_t FillHistograms() ; void FillDiJetHistos(const AliEmcalJet *jet1 = 0, const AliEmcalJet *jet2 = 0, const Int_t mode = 0); void FillThreeJetHistos(const AliEmcalJet *jet1 = 0, const AliEmcalJet *jet2 = 0, const AliEmcalJet *jet3 = 0, const Int_t mode = 0); Bool_t RetrieveEventObjects(); void FillMatchFullChargedHistos(Int_t cFull,Int_t cCharged); Int_t MatchFullAndChargedJets(Int_t cFull, Int_t cCharged); private: Bool_t fDoMatchFullCharged; // do full-charged matching histos Int_t fNKtBins; // nbins on kT axis Int_t fNDiJetEtaBins; // nbins on dijet eta axis Int_t fNAjBins; // nbins on Aj axis TH2F *fh2CentRhoCh; //! cent vs rho charged TH2F *fh2CentRhoScaled; //! cent vs rho scaled TH3F *fh3PtEtaPhiJetFull; //! pt,eta,phi of full jets TH3F *fh3PtEtaPhiJetCharged; //! pt,eta,phi of charged jets THnSparse *fhnDiJetVarsFull; //! sparse with di-jet properties (full-full) THnSparse *fhnDiJetVarsCh; //! sparse with di-jet properties (charged-charged) THnSparse *fhnDiJetVarsFullCharged; //! sparse with di-jet properties (full-charged) THnSparse *fhnMatchingFullCharged; //! sparse comparing full with matched charged jet TH3F *fh3DiJetKtNEFPtAssoc[4]; //! dijet kt vs NEF vs pTassoc for 4 trigger intervals TH3F *fCentCorrPtAssocCh[4]; //! default(V0A) vs ZNA centrality vs pT trigger assoc TH3F *fCentCorrPtAssocFuCh[4]; //! default(V0A) vs ZNA centrality vs pT trigger assoc TH3F *fAjPtAssocCentCh[4]; //! Aj vs pT trigger assoc vs centrality TH3F *fAjPtAssocCentFuCh[4]; //! Aj vs pT trigger assoc vs centrality TH3F *fh3PtTrigKt1Kt2Ch; //! ptTrig vs kT1 vs kT2 for 3-jet events TH3F *fh3PtTrigKt1Kt2FuCh; //! ptTrig vs kT1 vs kT2 for 3-jet events TH3F *fh3PtTrigDPhi1DPhi2Ch; //! ptTrig vs DPhi12 vs DPhi13 for 3-jet events TH3F *fh3PtTrigDPhi1DPhi2FuCh; //! ptTrig vs DPhi12 vs DPhi13 for 3-jet events TH3F *fh3PtAssoc1PtAssoc2DPhi23Ch[4]; //! ptAssoc1 vs ptAssoc2 vs DPhi23 for 3-jet events TH3F *fh3PtAssoc1PtAssoc2DPhi23FuCh[4]; //! ptAssoc1 vs ptAssoc2 vs DPhi23 for 3-jet events AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna(const AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna &operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEmcalDiJetAna, 11) // dijet analysis task }; #endif