#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALJETTAGGER_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKEMCALJETTAGGER_H class TH1; class TH2; class TH3; class TH3F; class THnSparse; class TClonesArray; class TArrayI; class AliAnalysisManager; class AliJetContainer; #include "AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet.h" class AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger : public AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet { public: enum JetTaggingMethod { kGeo = 0, kFraction = 1 }; enum JetTaggingType { kTag = 0, kClosest = 1 }; AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger(); AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger(); void UserCreateOutputObjects(); void Terminate(Option_t *option); //Setters void SetJetContainerBase(Int_t c) { fContainerBase = c;} void SetJetContainerTag(Int_t c) { fContainerTag = c;} void SetJetTaggingType(JetTaggingType t) { fJetTaggingType = t;} void SetJetTaggingMethod(JetTaggingMethod m) { fJetTaggingMethod = m;} void SetMinFractionShared(Double_t f) { fMinFractionShared = f; } //Getters Double_t GetFractionSharedPt(const AliEmcalJet *jet1, const AliEmcalJet *jet2) const; protected: Bool_t RetrieveEventObjects(); Bool_t Run(); Bool_t FillHistograms(); Double_t GetDeltaPhi(const AliEmcalJet* jet1, const AliEmcalJet* jet2); Double_t GetDeltaPhi(Double_t phi1,Double_t phi2); Double_t GetDeltaR(const AliEmcalJet* jet1, const AliEmcalJet* jet2) const; void MatchJetsGeo(Int_t c1 = -1, Int_t c2 = -1, Int_t iDebug = 0, Float_t maxDist = 0.3, Int_t type = 2, Bool_t bReset = kTRUE); void ResetTagging(const Int_t c); JetTaggingType fJetTaggingType; // jet matching type JetTaggingMethod fJetTaggingMethod; // jet matching method Int_t fContainerBase; // jets to be tagged Int_t fContainerTag; // jets used for tagging Double_t fMinFractionShared; // only fill histos for jets if shared fraction larger than X private: Bool_t fMatchingDone; // flag to indicate if matching is done or not TH3F **fh3PtJet1VsDeltaEtaDeltaPhi; //!pt jet 1 vs deta vs dphi TH2F **fh2PtJet1VsDeltaR; //!pt jet 1 vs dR TH2F **fh2PtJet2VsFraction; //!pt jet 1 vs shared fraction TH2F **fh2PtJet1VsLeadPtAllSel; //!all jets after std selection TH2F **fh2PtJet1VsLeadPtTagged; //!tagged jets TH2F **fh2PtJet1VsPtJet2; //!pT of base jet vs tagged jet TH3F *fh3PtJetDEtaDPhiConst; //!pt jet vs delta eta vs delta phi of constituents TH2F *fh2PtJetDRConst; //!pt jet vs delta R of constituents TH3F *fh3PtJetAreaDRConst; //!pt jet vs Area vs delta R of constituents AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger(const AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger &operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetTagger, 3) }; #endif