/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* * Analysis task of the pt analysis on EMCal-triggered events * * Author: Markus Fasel */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliEMCalHistoContainer.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger.h" ClassImp(EMCalTriggerPtAnalysis::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger) namespace EMCalTriggerPtAnalysis { //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger(): AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fResults(NULL), fHistos(NULL), fListTrackCuts(NULL) { /* * Dummy constructor, initialising the values with default (NULL) values */ } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger(const char *name): AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fResults(NULL), fHistos(NULL), fListTrackCuts(NULL) { /* * Main constructor, setting default values for eta and zvertex cut */ DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); fListTrackCuts = new TList; fListTrackCuts->SetOwner(false); // Set default cuts fEtaRange.SetLimits(-0.8, 0.8); fPtRange.SetLimits(0.15, 100.); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::~AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger(){ /* * Destructor, deleting output */ //if(fTrackSelection) delete fTrackSelection; if(fHistos) delete fHistos; if(fListTrackCuts) delete fListTrackCuts; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::UserCreateOutputObjects(){ /* * Create the list of output objects and define the histograms. * Also adding the track cuts to the list of histograms. */ fResults = new TList; fResults->SetOwner(); fHistos = new AliEMCalHistoContainer("PtEMCalTriggerHistograms"); fHistos->ReleaseOwner(); std::map triggerCombinations; const char *triggernames[6] = {"MinBias", "EMCJHigh", "EMCJLow", "EMCGHigh", "EMCGLow", "NoEMCal"}; // Define axes for the trigger correlation histogram const TAxis *triggeraxis[5]; memset(triggeraxis, 0, sizeof(const TAxis *) * 5); const char *binlabels[2] = {"OFF", "ON"}; TAxis mytrgaxis[5]; for(int itrg = 0; itrg < 5; ++itrg){ DefineAxis(mytrgaxis[itrg], triggernames[itrg], triggernames[itrg], 2, -0.5, 1.5, binlabels); triggeraxis[itrg] = mytrgaxis+itrg; } // Define names and titles for different triggers in the histogram container triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[0], "min. bias events")); triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[1], "jet-triggered events (high threshold)")); triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[2], "jet-triggered events (low threshold)")); triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[3], "jet-triggered events (high threshold)")); triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[4], "jet-triggered events (low threshold)")); triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair(triggernames[5], "non-EMCal-triggered events (low threshold)")); // Define axes for the pt histogram // Dimensions: // 1. pt // 2. eta // 3. phi // 4. vertex // 5. pileup (0 = all events, 1 = after pileup rejection) // 6. track cuts (0 = no cuts; 1 = after std cuts) TArrayD ptbinning, zvertexBinning, etabinning, pileupaxis(3); pileupaxis[0] = -0.5; pileupaxis[1] = 0.5; pileupaxis[2] = 1.5; CreateDefaultPtBinning(ptbinning); CreateDefaultZVertexBinning(zvertexBinning); CreateDefaultEtaBinning(etabinning); TAxis htrackaxes[6]; DefineAxis(htrackaxes[0], "pt", "p_{t} (GeV/c)", ptbinning); DefineAxis(htrackaxes[1], "eta", "#eta", etabinning); DefineAxis(htrackaxes[2], "phi", "#phi", 20, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi()); DefineAxis(htrackaxes[3], "zvertex", "z_{V} (cm)", zvertexBinning); DefineAxis(htrackaxes[4], "pileup", "Pileup rejection", 2, -0.5, 1.5); DefineAxis(htrackaxes[5], "trackcuts", "Track Cuts", (fListTrackCuts ? fListTrackCuts->GetEntries() : 0) + 1, -0.5, (fListTrackCuts ? fListTrackCuts->GetEntries() : 0) + 0.5); const TAxis *trackaxes[6]; for(int iaxis = 0; iaxis < 6; ++iaxis) trackaxes[iaxis] = htrackaxes + iaxis; try{ for(std::map::iterator it = triggerCombinations.begin(); it != triggerCombinations.end(); ++it){ const std::string name = it->first, &title = it->second; // Create event-based histogram fHistos->CreateTH2(Form("hEventHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Event-based data for %s events; pileup rejection; z_{V} (cm)", title.c_str()), pileupaxis, zvertexBinning); // Create track-based histogram fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events", title.c_str()), 6, trackaxes); } fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hEventTriggers", "Trigger type per event", 5, triggeraxis); } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Creation of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } fResults->Add(fHistos->GetListOfHistograms()); if(fListTrackCuts && fListTrackCuts->GetEntries()){ TIter cutIter(fListTrackCuts); AliESDtrackCuts *cutObject(NULL); while((cutObject = dynamic_cast(cutIter()))){ cutObject->DefineHistograms(); fResults->Add(cutObject); } } PostData(1, fResults); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::UserExec(Option_t* /*option*/){ /* * Runs the event loop * * @param option: Additional options */ // Common checks: Have SPD vertex and primary vertex from tracks, and both need to have at least one contributor AliESDEvent *esd = static_cast(fInputEvent); const AliESDVertex *vtxTracks = esd->GetPrimaryVertex(), *vtxSPD = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if(!(vtxTracks && vtxSPD)) return; if(vtxTracks->GetNContributors() < 1 || vtxSPD->GetNContributors() < 1) return; double triggers[5]; memset(triggers, 0, sizeof(double) *5); if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kINT7) triggers[0] = 1.; std::vector triggerstrings; if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kEMC7){ // EMCal-triggered event, distinguish types TString trgstr(fInputEvent->GetFiredTriggerClasses()); if(trgstr.Contains("EJ1")){ triggerstrings.push_back("EMCJHigh"); triggers[1] = 1; } if(trgstr.Contains("EJ2")){ triggerstrings.push_back("EMCJLow"); triggers[2] = 1; } if(trgstr.Contains("EG1")){ triggerstrings.push_back("EMCGHigh"); triggers[3] = 1; } if(trgstr.Contains("EG2")){ triggerstrings.push_back("EMCGLow"); triggers[4] = 1; } } try{ fHistos->FillTHnSparse("hEventTriggers", triggers); } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } // apply event selection: Combine the Pileup cut from SPD with the other pA Vertex selection cuts. bool isPileupEvent = esd->IsPileupFromSPD(); isPileupEvent = isPileupEvent || (TMath::Abs(vtxTracks->GetZ() - vtxSPD->GetZ()) > 0.5); double covSPD[6]; vtxSPD->GetCovarianceMatrix(covSPD); isPileupEvent = isPileupEvent || (TString(vtxSPD->GetTitle()).Contains("vertexer:Z") && TMath::Sqrt(covSPD[5]) > 0.25); // Fill event-based histogram const double &zv = vtxTracks->GetZ(); if(triggers[0]) FillEventHist("MinBias", zv, isPileupEvent); if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered FillEventHist("NoEMCal", zv, isPileupEvent); else{ // EMCal-triggered events for(std::vector::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it) FillEventHist(it->c_str(), zv, isPileupEvent); } AliESDtrack *track(NULL); // Loop over all tracks (No cuts applied) for(int itrk = 0; itrk < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); ++itrk){ track = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(itrk)); if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(track->Eta())) continue; if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(track->Pt())) continue; if(triggers[0]) FillTrackHist("MinBias", track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0); if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered FillTrackHist("NoEMCal", track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0); else { // EMCal-triggered events for(std::vector::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it) FillTrackHist(it->c_str(), track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0); } } // Now apply track selection cuts // allow for several track selections to be tested at the same time // each track selection gets a different cut ID starting from 1 // cut ID 0 is reserved for the case of no cuts if(fListTrackCuts && fListTrackCuts->GetEntries()){ for(int icut = 0; icut < fListTrackCuts->GetEntries(); icut++){ AliESDtrackCuts *trackSelection = static_cast(fListTrackCuts->At(icut)); std::auto_ptr acceptedTracks(trackSelection->GetAcceptedTracks(esd)); TIter trackIter(acceptedTracks.get()); while((track = dynamic_cast(trackIter()))){ if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(track->Eta())) continue; if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(track->Pt())) continue; if(triggers[0]) FillTrackHist("MinBias", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1); if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered FillTrackHist("NoEMCal", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1); else { // EMCal-triggered events for(std::vector::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it) FillTrackHist(it->c_str(), track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1); } } } } PostData(1, fResults); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultPtBinning(TArrayD &binning) const{ /* * Creating the default pt binning. * * @param binning: Array where to store the results. */ std::vector mybinning; std::map definitions; definitions.insert(std::pair(2.5, 0.1)); definitions.insert(std::pair(7., 0.25)); definitions.insert(std::pair(15., 0.5)); definitions.insert(std::pair(25., 1.)); definitions.insert(std::pair(40., 2.5)); definitions.insert(std::pair(60., 5.)); definitions.insert(std::pair(100., 5.)); double currentval = 0; for(std::map::iterator id = definitions.begin(); id != definitions.end(); ++id){ double limit = id->first, binwidth = id->second; while(currentval <= limit){ currentval += binwidth; mybinning.push_back(currentval); } } binning.Set(mybinning.size()); int ib = 0; for(std::vector::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it) binning[ib++] = *it; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultZVertexBinning(TArrayD &binning) const { /* * Creating default z-Vertex binning. * * @param binning: Array where to store the results. */ std::vector mybinning; double currentval = -40; mybinning.push_back(currentval); while(currentval <= 40.){ currentval += 1.; mybinning.push_back(currentval); } binning.Set(mybinning.size()); int ib = 0; for(std::vector::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it) binning[ib++] = *it; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultEtaBinning(TArrayD& binning) const { /* * Creating default z-Vertex binning. * * @param binning: Array where to store the results. */ std::vector mybinning; double currentval = -0.8; mybinning.push_back(currentval); while(currentval <= 0.8){ currentval += 0.1; mybinning.push_back(currentval); } binning.Set(mybinning.size()); int ib = 0; for(std::vector::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it) binning[ib++] = *it; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::DefineAxis(TAxis& axis, const char* name, const char* title, const TArrayD& binning, const char** labels) { /* * Define an axis with a given binning * * @param axis: Axis to be defined * @param name: Name of the axis * @param title: Title of the axis * @param binning: axis binning * @param labels (@optional): array of bin labels */ axis.Set(binning.GetSize()-1, binning.GetArray()); axis.SetName(name); axis.SetTitle(title); if(labels){ for(int ib = 1; ib <= axis.GetNbins(); ++ib) axis.SetBinLabel(ib, labels[ib]); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::DefineAxis(TAxis& axis, const char* name, const char* title, int nbins, double min, double max, const char** labels) { /* * Define an axis with number of bins from min to max * * @param axis: Axis to be defined * @param name: Name of the axis * @param title: Title of the axis * @param nbins: Number of bins * @param min: lower limit of the axis * @param max: upper limit of the axis * @param labels (@optional): array of bin labels */ axis.Set(nbins, min, max); axis.SetName(name); axis.SetTitle(title); if(labels){ for(int ib = 1; ib <= axis.GetNbins(); ++ib) axis.SetBinLabel(ib, labels[ib]); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillEventHist(const char* trigger, double vz, bool isPileup) { /* * Fill event-based histogram * * @param trigger: name of the trigger configuration to be processed * @param vz: z-position of the vertex * @param isPileup: signalises if the event is flagged as pileup event */ char histname[1024]; sprintf(histname, "hEventHist%s", trigger); try{ fHistos->FillTH2(histname, vz, 0); } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } if(!isPileup){ try{ fHistos->FillTH2(histname, vz, 1); } catch(HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillTrackHist(const char* trigger, const AliESDtrack* track, double vz, bool isPileup, int cut) { /* * Fill track-based histogram with corresponding information * * @param trigger: name of the trigger * @param track: ESD track selected * @param vz: z-position of the vertex * @param isPileup: flag event as pileup event * @param cut: id of the cut (0 = no cut) */ double data[6] = {track->Pt(), track->Eta(), track->Phi(), vz, 0, cut}; char histname[1024]; sprintf(histname, "hTrackHist%s", trigger); try{ fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data); } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } if(!isPileup){ data[4] = 1; try{ fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data); } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){ std::stringstream errormessage; errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what(); AliError(errormessage.str().c_str()); } } } }