#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets_cxx #define AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets_cxx // task for analysis of V0s (K0S, (anti-)Lambda) in charged jets // Author: Vit Kucera (vit.kucera@cern.ch) class TH1D; class TH2D; class THnSparse; class TRandom; class TClonesArray; class AliAODv0; class AliAODVertex; class AliAODJet; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "THnSparse.h" //#include "AuxFunctions.h" class AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets(); // Default constructor AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets(const char* name); // Constructor virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets(); // Destructor virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t* option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t*){} void SetTypeAOD(Int_t type = 1) {fiAODAnalysis = type;} void SetJetBranchName(char* line){fsJetBranchName = line;} void SetJetBgBranchName(char* line){fsJetBgBranchName = line;} void SetCuts(Double_t z = 10,Double_t r = 1,Double_t cL = 0,Double_t cH = 80){fdCutVertexZ = z; fdCutVertexR2 = r*r;fdCutCentLow = cL;fdCutCentHigh = cH;} void SetPtJetMin(Double_t ptMin = 0){fdCutPtJetMin = ptMin;} void SetPtTrackMin(Double_t ptMin = 0){fdCutPtTrackMin = ptMin;} void SetJetRadius(Double_t r = 0.4){fdRadiusJet = r;} void SetJetSelection(Bool_t select = kTRUE){fbJetSelection = select;} void SetMCAnalysis(Bool_t select = kTRUE){fbMCAnalysis = select;} // void SetTreeOutput(Bool_t select = kTRUE){fbTreeOutput = select;} void FillQAHistogramV0(AliAODVertex* vtx, const AliAODv0* vZero, Int_t iIndexHisto, Bool_t IsCandK0s, Bool_t IsCandLambda, Bool_t IsInPeakK0s, Bool_t IsInPeakLambda); // virtual Double_t MassPeakSigma(Double_t pt, Int_t particle); // virtual Double_t MassPeakSigma(Int_t iCent, Double_t pt, Int_t particle); void FillCandidates(Double_t mK, Double_t mL, Double_t mAL, Bool_t isK, Bool_t isL, Bool_t isAL, Int_t iCut, Int_t iCent); Bool_t IsParticleInCone(const AliVParticle* part1, const AliVParticle* part2, Double_t dRMax) const; // decides whether a particle is inside a jet cone Bool_t OverlapWithJets(const TClonesArray* array, const AliVParticle* cone, Double_t dDistance) const; // decides whether a cone overlaps with other jets AliAODJet* GetRandomCone(const TClonesArray* array, Double_t dEtaConeMax, Double_t dDistance) const; // generate a random cone which does not overlap with selected jets AliAODJet* GetMedianCluster(const TClonesArray* array, Double_t dEtaConeMax) const; // get median kt cluster Double_t AreaCircSegment(Double_t dRadius, Double_t dDistance) const; // area of circular segment void SetCutDCAToPrimVtxMin(Double_t val = 0.1){fdCutDCAToPrimVtxMin = val;} void SetCutDCADaughtersMax(Double_t val = 1.){fdCutDCADaughtersMax = val;} void SetCutNSigmadEdxMax(Double_t val = 3.){fdCutNSigmadEdxMax = val;} void SetCutCPAMin(Double_t val = 0.998){fdCutCPAMin = val;} void SetCutNTauMax(Double_t val = 5.){fdCutNTauMax = val;} static Bool_t IsSelectedForJets(AliAODEvent* fAOD, Double_t dVtxZCut, Double_t dVtxR2Cut, Double_t dCentCutLo, Double_t dCentCutUp, Bool_t bCutDeltaZ=kFALSE, Double_t dDeltaZMax=100.); static Int_t GetCentralityBinIndex(Double_t centrality); static Int_t GetCentralityBinEdge(Int_t index); static TString GetCentBinLabel(Int_t index); static Double_t MassPeakSigmaOld(Double_t pt, Int_t particle); // upper edges of centrality bins static const Int_t fgkiNBinsCent = 1; // number of centrality bins static const Int_t fgkiCentBinRanges[fgkiNBinsCent]; // upper edges of centrality bins // axis: pT of V0 static const Double_t fgkdBinsPtV0[2]; // [GeV/c] minimum and maximum or desired binning of the axis (intended for the rebinned axis) static const Int_t fgkiNBinsPtV0; // number of bins (intended for the rebinned axis) static const Int_t fgkiNBinsPtV0Init; // initial number of bins (uniform binning) // axis: pT of jets static const Double_t fgkdBinsPtJet[2]; // [GeV/c] minimum and maximum or desired binning of the axis (intended for the rebinned axis) static const Int_t fgkiNBinsPtJet; // number of bins (intended for the rebinned axis) static const Int_t fgkiNBinsPtJetInit; // initial number of bins (uniform binning) // axis: K0S invariant mass static const Int_t fgkiNBinsMassK0s; // number of bins (uniform binning) static const Double_t fgkdMassK0sMin; // minimum static const Double_t fgkdMassK0sMax; // maximum // axis: Lambda invariant mass static const Int_t fgkiNBinsMassLambda; // number of bins (uniform binning) static const Double_t fgkdMassLambdaMin; // minimum static const Double_t fgkdMassLambdaMax; // maximum private: AliAODEvent* fAODIn; //! Input AOD event AliAODEvent* fAODOut; //! Output AOD event TList* fOutputListStd; //! Output list for standard analysis results TList* fOutputListQA; //! Output list for quality assurance TList* fOutputListCuts; //! Output list for checking cuts TList* fOutputListMC; //! Output list for MC related results // TTree* ftreeOut; //! output tree Int_t fiAODAnalysis; // switch for input AOD/ESD // V0 selection Double_t fdCutDCAToPrimVtxMin; // [cm] min DCA of daughters to the prim vtx Double_t fdCutDCADaughtersMax; // [sigma of TPC tracking] max DCA between daughters Double_t fdCutNSigmadEdxMax; // [sigma dE/dx] max difference between measured and expected signal of dE/dx in the TPC Double_t fdCutCPAMin; // min cosine of the pointing angle Double_t fdCutNTauMax; // [tau] max proper lifetime in multiples of the mean lifetime // jet selection TString fsJetBranchName; // name of the branch with jets TString fsJetBgBranchName; // name of the branch with kt clusters used for the rho calculation Double_t fdCutPtJetMin; // [GeV/c] minimum jet pt Double_t fdCutPtTrackMin; // [GeV/c] minimum pt of leading jet-track Double_t fdRadiusJet; // R of jet finder used for finding V0s in the jet cone Bool_t fbJetSelection; // switch for the analysis of V0s in jets Bool_t fbMCAnalysis; // switch for the analysis of simulated data // Bool_t fbTreeOutput; // switch for the output tree TRandom* fRandom; //! random-number generator // event cuts Double_t fdCutVertexZ; // [cm] maximum |z| of primary vertex Double_t fdCutVertexR2; // [cm^2] maximum r^2 of primary vertex Double_t fdCutCentLow; // [%] minimum centrality Double_t fdCutCentHigh; // [%] maximum centrality /* // output branches TClonesArray* fBranchV0Rec; //! output branch for reconstructed V0s TClonesArray* fBranchV0Gen; //! output branch for generated V0s TClonesArray* fBranchJet; //! output branch for selected jets AliEventInfoObject* fEventInfo; //! class to store info about events */ Double_t fdCentrality; //! // event histograms TH1D* fh1EventCounterCut; //! number of events for different selection steps TH1D* fh1EventCounterCutCent[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of events for different selection steps and different centralities TH1D* fh1EventCent; //! number of events for different centralities TH1D* fh1EventCent2; //! number of events for different centralities TH2D* fh2EventCentTracks; //! number of tracks vs centrality TH1D* fh1VtxZ[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! z coordinate of the primary vertex TH2D* fh2VtxXY[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! xy coordinates of the primary vertex TH1D* fh1V0CandPerEvent; //! number of V0 cand per event // jet histograms TH1D* fh1PtJet[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt spectra of jets for normalisation of in-jet V0 spectra TH1D* fh1EtaJet[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! jet eta TH2D* fh2EtaPtJet[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! jet eta-pT TH1D* fh1PhiJet[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! jet phi TH1D* fh1NJetPerEvent[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of jets per event TH1D* fh1NRndConeCent; //! number of generated random cones in centrality bins TH2D* fh2EtaPhiRndCone[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! random cone eta-pT TH1D* fh1NMedConeCent; //! number of found median-cluster cones in centrality bins TH2D* fh2EtaPhiMedCone[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! median-cluster cone eta-phi TH1D* fh1AreaExcluded; //! area of excluded cones for outside-cones V0s static const Int_t fgkiNCategV0 = 17; // number of V0 selection steps // QA histograms static const Int_t fgkiNQAIndeces = 2; // 0 - before cuts, 1 - after cuts TH1D* fh1QAV0Status[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! online vs offline reconstructed V0 candidates TH1D* fh1QAV0TPCRefit[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TPC refit on vs off TH1D* fh1QAV0TPCRows[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! crossed TPC pad rows TH1D* fh1QAV0TPCFindable[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! findable clusters TH1D* fh1QAV0TPCRowsFind[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! ratio rows/clusters TH1D* fh1QAV0Eta[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pseudorapidity TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaRows[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pseudorapidity vs TPC rows TH2D* fh2QAV0PtRows[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pt vs TPC rows TH2D* fh2QAV0PhiRows[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! azimuth vs TPC rows TH2D* fh2QAV0NClRows[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! clusters vs TPC rows TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaNCl[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pseudorapidity vs clusters // K0s TH1D* fh1V0CounterCentK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of K0s candidates after various cuts TH1D* fh1V0InvMassK0sAll[fgkiNCategV0]; //! V0 invariant mass, selection steps TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaPtK0sPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! daughters pseudorapidity vs V0 pt, in mass peak TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaEtaK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! daughters pseudorapidity vs pseudorapidity TH2D* fh2QAV0PhiPhiK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! daughters azimuth vs azimuth TH1D* fh1QAV0RapK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! V0 rapidity TH2D* fh2QAV0PtPtK0sPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! daughters pt vs pt, in mass peak TH2D* fh2ArmPodK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! Armenteros-Podolanski TH1D* fh1V0CandPerEventCentK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of K0s candidates per event, in centrality bins TH1D* fh1V0InvMassK0sCent[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass, in centrality bins // K0s Inclusive THnSparse* fhnV0InclusiveK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 inv mass vs pt before and after cuts, in centrality bins // K0s Cones THnSparse* fhnV0InJetK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt vs jet pt, in centrality bins THnSparse* fhnV0InPerpK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt vs jet pt, in centrality bins THnSparse* fhnV0InRndK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt vs jet pt, in centrality bins THnSparse* fhnV0InMedK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt vs jet pt, in centrality bins THnSparse* fhnV0OutJetK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt, in centrality bins THnSparse* fhnV0NoJetK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! V0 invariant mass vs V0 pt, in centrality bins TH2D* fh2V0PtJetAngleK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt jet vs angle V0-jet, in centrality bins TH1D* fh1DCAInK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! DCA between daughters of V0 inside jets, in centrality bins TH1D* fh1DCAOutK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! DCA between daughters of V0 outside jets, in centrality bins TH1D* fh1DeltaZK0s[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! z-distance between V0 vertex and primary vertex, in centrality bins // MC histograms // inclusive TH1D* fh1V0K0sPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt spectrum of all generated K0s in event TH2D* fh2V0K0sPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt-mass spectrum of successfully reconstructed K0s in event TH1D* fh1V0K0sPtMCRecFalse[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt spectrum of false reconstructed K0s in event // inclusive eta-pT efficiency TH2D* fh2V0K0sEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta-pt spectrum of all generated K0s in event THnSparse* fh3V0K0sEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta-pt-mass spectrum of successfully reconstructed K0s in event // MC daughter eta inclusive // THnSparse* fhnV0K0sInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0K0sInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // in jets TH2D* fh2V0K0sInJetPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! pt spectrum of generated K0s in jet THnSparse* fh3V0K0sInJetPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! mass-pt spectrum of successfully reconstructed K0s in jet // in jets eta-pT efficiency THnSparse* fh3V0K0sInJetEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta-pt spectrum of generated K0s in jet THnSparse* fh4V0K0sInJetEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! mass-eta-pt spectrum of successfully reconstructed K0s in jet // MC daughter eta in JC // THnSparse* fhnV0K0sInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0K0sInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // resolution TH2D* fh2V0K0sMCResolMPt[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! K0s mass resolution vs pt TH2D* fh2V0K0sMCPtGenPtRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! K0s generated pt vs reconstructed pt // Lambda TH1D* fh1V0CounterCentLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of Lambda candidates after various cuts TH1D* fh1V0InvMassLambdaAll[fgkiNCategV0]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaPtLambdaPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaEtaLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0PhiPhiLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH1D* fh1QAV0RapLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0PtPtLambdaPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2ArmPodLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH1D* fh1V0CandPerEventCentLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0InvMassLambdaCent[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // Lambda Inclusive THnSparse* fhnV0InclusiveLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // Lambda Cones THnSparse* fhnV0InJetLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InPerpLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InRndLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InMedLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0OutJetLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0NoJetLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0PtJetAngleLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DCAInLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DCAOutLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DeltaZLambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC histograms // inclusive TH1D* fh1V0LambdaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0LambdaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0LambdaPtMCRecFalse[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // inclusive eta-pT efficiency TH2D* fh2V0LambdaEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh3V0LambdaEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC daughter eta inclusive // THnSparse* fhnV0LambdaInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0LambdaInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // in jets TH2D* fh2V0LambdaInJetPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh3V0LambdaInJetPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // in jets eta-pT efficiency THnSparse* fh3V0LambdaInJetEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh4V0LambdaInJetEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC daughter eta in JC // THnSparse* fhnV0LambdaInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0LambdaInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // resolution TH2D* fh2V0LambdaMCResolMPt[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0LambdaMCPtGenPtRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // feed-down THnSparseD* fhnV0LambdaInclMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparseD* fhnV0LambdaInJetsMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparseD* fhnV0LambdaBulkMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0XiPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // ALambda TH1D* fh1V0CounterCentALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! number of ALambda candidates after various cuts TH1D* fh1V0InvMassALambdaAll[fgkiNCategV0]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaPtALambdaPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0EtaEtaALambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0PhiPhiALambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH1D* fh1QAV0RapALambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2QAV0PtPtALambdaPeak[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2ArmPodALambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH1D* fh1V0CandPerEventCentALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0InvMassALambdaCent[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0ALambdaPt[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // ALambda Inclusive THnSparse* fhnV0InclusiveALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // ALambda Cones THnSparse* fhnV0InJetALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InPerpALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InRndALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0InMedALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0OutJetALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fhnV0NoJetALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0PtJetAngleALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DCAInALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DCAOutALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1DeltaZALambda[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC histograms // inclusive TH1D* fh1V0ALambdaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0ALambdaPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0ALambdaPtMCRecFalse[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // inclusive eta-pT efficiency TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh3V0ALambdaEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC daughter eta inclusive // THnSparse* fhnV0ALambdaInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0ALambdaInclDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // in jets TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaInJetPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaInJetPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh3V0ALambdaInJetPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // in jets eta-pT efficiency THnSparse* fh3V0ALambdaInJetEtaPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparse* fh4V0ALambdaInJetEtaPtMassMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // MC daughter eta in JC // THnSparse* fhnV0ALambdaInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 generated THnSparse* fhnV0ALambdaInJetsDaughterEtaPtPtMCRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! eta_daughter-pt_daughter-pt_V0 reconstructed // resolution TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaMCResolMPt[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH2D* fh2V0ALambdaMCPtGenPtRec[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! // feed-down THnSparseD* fhnV0ALambdaInclMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparseD* fhnV0ALambdaInJetsMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! THnSparseD* fhnV0ALambdaBulkMCFD[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1V0AXiPtMCGen[fgkiNBinsCent]; //! TH1D* fh1QAV0Pt[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pt TH1D* fh1QAV0Charge[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! charge TH1D* fh1QAV0DCAVtx[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! DCA of daughters to prim vtx TH1D* fh1QAV0DCAV0[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! DCA between daughters TH1D* fh1QAV0Cos[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! cosine of pointing angle (CPA) TH1D* fh1QAV0R[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! radial distance between prim vtx and decay vertex TH1D* fh1QACTau2D[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! lifetime calculated in xy TH1D* fh1QACTau3D[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! lifetime calculated in xyz TH2D* fh2ArmPod[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! Armenteros-Podolanski TH2D* fh2CCK0s; //! K0s candidates in Lambda peak TH2D* fh2CCLambda; //! Lambda candidates in K0s peak THnSparse* fh3CCMassCorrelBoth; //! mass correlation of candidates THnSparse* fh3CCMassCorrelKNotL; //! mass correlation of candidates THnSparse* fh3CCMassCorrelLNotK; //! mass correlation of candidates // Cut tuning // crossed/findable, daughter pt, dca, cpa, r, pseudorapidity, y, decay length, PID sigma TH2D* fh2CutTPCRowsK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs TPC rows TH2D* fh2CutTPCRowsLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutPtPosK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs pt of positive daughter TH2D* fh2CutPtNegK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs pt of negative daughter TH2D* fh2CutPtPosLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutPtNegLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutDCAVtx[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs DCA of daughters to prim vtx TH2D* fh2CutDCAV0[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs DCA between daughters TH2D* fh2CutCos[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs CPA TH2D* fh2CutR[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs R TH2D* fh2CutEtaK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs pseudorapidity TH2D* fh2CutEtaLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutRapK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs rapidity TH2D* fh2CutRapLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutCTauK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs lifetime TH2D* fh2CutCTauLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutPIDPosK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs number of dE/dx sigmas for positive daughter TH2D* fh2CutPIDNegK0s[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! inv mass vs number of dE/dx sigmas for negative daughter TH2D* fh2CutPIDPosLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2CutPIDNegLambda[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! TH2D* fh2Tau3DVs2D[fgkiNQAIndeces]; //! pt vs ratio 3D lifetime / 2D lifetime AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets(const AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskV0sInJets, 3) // example of analysis }; #endif