#include "TChain.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" #include "AliAnalysisFilter.h" #include "AliAnalysisUtils.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliPIDResponse.h" #include "AliESDv0KineCuts.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base.h" /* This class is a base class for all other analysis tasks that use V0's. It provides basics for V0 identification. In addition, some further basic functions are provided. Class written by Benjamin Hess. Contact: bhess@cern.ch */ ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base) Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::fgCutGeo = 1.; Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::fgCutNcr = 0.85; Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::fgCutNcl = 0.7; UShort_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::fgCutPureNcl = 60; //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base() : AliAnalysisTaskSE() , fEvent(0x0) , fESD(0x0) , fMC(0x0) , fPIDResponse(0x0) , fV0KineCuts(0x0) , fAnaUtils(0x0) , fIsPbpOrpPb(kFALSE) , fUsePhiCut(kFALSE) , fTPCcutType(kNoCut) , fZvtxCutEvent(10.0) , fEtaCut(0.9) , fPhiCutLow(0x0) , fPhiCutHigh(0x0) , fRandom(0x0) , fTrackFilter(0x0) , fNumTagsStored(0) , fV0tags(0x0) , fStoreMotherIndex(kFALSE) , fV0motherIndex(0x0) { // default Constructor fRandom = new TRandom3(0); // 0 means random seed // Question: Is this the right place to initialize these functions? // Will it work on proof? i.e. will they be streamed to the workers? // Also one should add getters and setters fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StdPhiCutLow", "0.1/x/x+pi/18.0-0.025", 0, 100); fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.12/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 100); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name) , fEvent(0x0) , fESD(0x0) , fMC(0x0) , fPIDResponse(0x0) , fV0KineCuts(0x0) , fAnaUtils(0x0) , fIsPbpOrpPb(kFALSE) , fUsePhiCut(kFALSE) , fTPCcutType(kNoCut) , fZvtxCutEvent(10.0) , fEtaCut(0.9) , fPhiCutLow(0x0) , fPhiCutHigh(0x0) , fRandom(0x0) , fTrackFilter(0x0) , fNumTagsStored(0) , fV0tags(0x0) , fStoreMotherIndex(kFALSE) , fV0motherIndex(0x0) { // Constructor fRandom = new TRandom3(0); // 0 means random seed // Question: Is this the right place to initialize these functions? // Will it work on proof? i.e. will they be streamed to the workers? // Also one should add getters and setters fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StdPhiCutLow", "0.1/x/x+pi/18.0-0.025", 0, 100); fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.12/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 100); DefineInput (0, TChain::Class()); DefineOutput(0, TTree::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::~AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base() { // dtor delete fPhiCutLow; fPhiCutLow = 0; delete fPhiCutHigh; fPhiCutHigh = 0; delete fTrackFilter; fTrackFilter = 0; delete fRandom; fRandom = 0; delete fV0KineCuts; fV0KineCuts = 0; delete fV0tags; fV0tags = 0; fNumTagsStored = 0; delete fV0motherIndex; fV0motherIndex = 0; delete fAnaUtils; fAnaUtils = 0; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once // Input hander AliAnalysisManager* man = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler* inputHandler = dynamic_cast(man->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!inputHandler) { AliFatal("Input handler needed"); fPIDResponse = 0x0; return; } // PID response object fPIDResponse = inputHandler->GetPIDResponse(); if (!fPIDResponse) AliError("PIDResponse object was not created"); // V0 Kine cuts fV0KineCuts = new AliESDv0KineCuts; fV0KineCuts->SetGammaCutChi2NDF(5.); // Only accept V0el with prod. radius within 45 cm -> PID will by systematically biased for larger values! Float_t gammaProdVertexRadiusCuts[2] = { 3.0, 45. }; fV0KineCuts->SetGammaCutVertexR(&gammaProdVertexRadiusCuts[0]); // Default analysis utils fAnaUtils = new AliAnalysisUtils(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop // Called for each event } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::Terminate(const Option_t *) { // Called once at the end of the query } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::GetPhiPrime(Double_t phi, Double_t magField, Int_t charge) const { // Get phiPrime which is the cut variable to reject high pT tracks near edges if(magField < 0) // for negatve polarity field phi = TMath::TwoPi() - phi; if(charge < 0) // for negatve charge phi = TMath::TwoPi() - phi; phi += TMath::Pi() / 18.0; // to center gap in the middle phi = fmod(phi, TMath::Pi() / 9.0); return phi; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::PhiPrimeCut(Double_t trackPt, Double_t trackPhi, Short_t trackCharge, Double_t magField) const { // Apply phi' cut to given track parameters if (trackPt < 2.0) return kTRUE; Double_t phiPrime = GetPhiPrime(trackPhi, magField, trackCharge); if (phiPrime < fPhiCutHigh->Eval(trackPt) && phiPrime > fPhiCutLow->Eval(trackPt)) return kFALSE; // reject track return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::PhiPrimeCut(const AliVTrack* track, Double_t magField) const { return PhiPrimeCut(track->Pt(), track->Phi(), track->Charge(), magField); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::GetVertexIsOk(AliVEvent* event, Bool_t doVtxZcut) const { // Check whether vertex ful-fills quality requirements. // Apply cut on z-position of vertex if doVtxZcut = kTRUE. AliAODEvent* aod = 0x0; AliESDEvent* esd = 0x0; aod = dynamic_cast(event); if (!aod) { esd = dynamic_cast(event); if (!esd) { AliError("Event seems to be neither AOD nor ESD!"); return kFALSE; } } if (fIsPbpOrpPb) { const AliVVertex* trkVtx = (aod ? dynamic_cast(aod->GetPrimaryVertex()) : dynamic_cast(esd->GetPrimaryVertex())); if (!trkVtx || trkVtx->GetNContributors() <= 0) return kFALSE; TString vtxTtl = trkVtx->GetTitle(); if (!vtxTtl.Contains("VertexerTracks")) return kFALSE; Float_t zvtx = trkVtx->GetZ(); const AliVVertex* spdVtx = (aod ? dynamic_cast(aod->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()) : dynamic_cast(esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD())); if (spdVtx->GetNContributors() <= 0) return kFALSE; TString vtxTyp = spdVtx->GetTitle(); Double_t cov[6] = {0}; spdVtx->GetCovarianceMatrix(cov); Double_t zRes = TMath::Sqrt(cov[5]); if (vtxTyp.Contains("vertexer:Z") && (zRes > 0.25)) return kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(spdVtx->GetZ() - trkVtx->GetZ()) > 0.5) return kFALSE; if (doVtxZcut) { if (TMath::Abs(zvtx) > fZvtxCutEvent) //Default: 10 cm return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } // pp and PbPb const AliVVertex* primaryVertex = (aod ? dynamic_cast(aod->GetPrimaryVertex()) : dynamic_cast(esd->GetPrimaryVertexTracks())); if (!primaryVertex || primaryVertex->GetNContributors() <= 0) return kFALSE; if (doVtxZcut) { if (TMath::Abs(primaryVertex->GetZ()) > fZvtxCutEvent) //Default: 10 cm return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::GetIsPileUp(AliVEvent* event, AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::PileUpRejectionType pileUpRejectionType) const { // Check whether event is a pile-up event according to current AnalysisUtils object. // If rejection type is kPileUpRejectionOff, kFALSE is returned. // In case of errors, the error is displayed and kTRUE is returned. if (pileUpRejectionType == kPileUpRejectionOff) return kFALSE; if (!event) { AliError("No event!"); return kTRUE; } if (!fAnaUtils) { AliError("AnalysisUtils object not available!"); return kTRUE; } if (pileUpRejectionType == kPileUpRejectionSPD) return fAnaUtils->IsPileUpSPD(event); else if (pileUpRejectionType == kPileUpRejectionMV) return fAnaUtils->IsPileUpMV(event); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::FillV0PIDlist(AliESDEvent* event) { // // Fill the PID tag list // // If no event forwarded as parameter (default), cast current input event. // Dynamic cast to ESD events (DO NOTHING for AOD events) if (!event) event = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); // If this fails, do nothing if (!event) { AliError("Failed to retrieve ESD event. No V0's processed (only works for ESDs by now)."); return; } if (!fV0KineCuts) { AliError("V0KineCuts not available!"); return; } TString beamType(event->GetBeamType()); if (beamType.CompareTo("Pb-Pb") == 0 || beamType.CompareTo("A-A") == 0) { fV0KineCuts->SetMode(AliESDv0KineCuts::kPurity, AliESDv0KineCuts::kPbPb); } else { fV0KineCuts->SetMode(AliESDv0KineCuts::kPurity, AliESDv0KineCuts::kPP); } // V0 selection // set event fV0KineCuts->SetEvent(event); const Int_t numTracks = event->GetNumberOfTracks(); fV0tags = new Char_t[numTracks]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) fV0tags[i] = 0; if (fStoreMotherIndex) { fV0motherIndex = new Int_t[numTracks]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) fV0motherIndex[i] = -1; } fNumTagsStored = numTracks; // loop over V0 particles for (Int_t iv0 = 0; iv0 < event->GetNumberOfV0s(); iv0++) { AliESDv0* v0 = (AliESDv0*)event->GetV0(iv0); if (!v0) continue; // Reject onFly V0's <-> Only take V0's from offline V0 finder if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; // Get the particle selection Bool_t foundV0 = kFALSE; Int_t pdgV0 = 0, pdgP = 0, pdgN = 0; foundV0 = fV0KineCuts->ProcessV0(v0, pdgV0, pdgP, pdgN); if (!foundV0) continue; Int_t iTrackP = v0->GetPindex(); // positive track Int_t iTrackN = v0->GetNindex(); // negative track // Fill the Object arrays // positive particles if (pdgP == -11) { fV0tags[iTrackP] = 14; } else if (pdgP == 211) { fV0tags[iTrackP] = 15; } else if(pdgP == 2212) { fV0tags[iTrackP] = 16; } if (fStoreMotherIndex) fV0motherIndex[iTrackP] = iv0; // negative particles if( pdgN == 11){ fV0tags[iTrackN] = -14; } else if( pdgN == -211){ fV0tags[iTrackN] = -15; } else if( pdgN == -2212){ fV0tags[iTrackN] = -16; } if (fStoreMotherIndex) fV0motherIndex[iTrackN] = iv0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::ClearV0PIDlist() { // // Clear the PID tag list // delete fV0tags; fV0tags = 0; delete fV0motherIndex; fV0motherIndex = 0; fNumTagsStored = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Char_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::GetV0tag(Int_t trackIndex) const { // // Get the tag for the corresponding trackIndex. Returns -99 in case of invalid index/tag list. // if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= fNumTagsStored || !fV0tags) return -99; return fV0tags[trackIndex]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::GetV0motherIndex(Int_t trackIndex) const { // // Get the index of the V0 mother for the corresponding trackIndex. Returns -99 in case of invalid index/mother index list. // if (!fStoreMotherIndex || trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= fNumTagsStored || !fV0motherIndex) return -99; return fV0motherIndex[trackIndex]; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPIDV0base::TPCCutMIGeo(const AliVTrack* track, const AliVEvent* evt, TTreeStream* streamer) { // // TPC Cut MIGeo // if (!track || !evt) return kFALSE; const Short_t sign = track->Charge(); Double_t xyz[50]; Double_t pxpypz[50]; Double_t cv[100]; track->GetXYZ(xyz); track->GetPxPyPz(pxpypz); AliExternalTrackParam* par = new AliExternalTrackParam(xyz, pxpypz, cv, sign); const AliESDtrack dummy; const Double_t magField = evt->GetMagneticField(); Double_t varGeom = dummy.GetLengthInActiveZone(par, 3, 236, magField, 0, 0); Double_t varNcr = track->GetTPCClusterInfo(3, 1); Double_t varNcls = track->GetTPCsignalN(); const Double_t varEval = 130. - 5. * TMath::Abs(1. / track->Pt()); Bool_t cutGeom = varGeom > fgCutGeo * varEval; Bool_t cutNcr = varNcr > fgCutNcr * varEval; Bool_t cutNcls = varNcls > fgCutNcl * varEval; Bool_t kout = cutGeom && cutNcr && cutNcls; if (streamer) { Double_t dedx = track->GetTPCsignal(); (*streamer)<<"tree"<< "param.="<< par<< "varGeom="<GetTPCsignalN() >= fgCutPureNcl); }