// // Class that contains results from FMD eventplane calculations // #include "AliAODForwardEP.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliAODForwardEP) #ifdef DOXY_INPUT ; // For Emacs #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliAODForwardEP::AliAODForwardEP() : fIsMC(false), fEpT(-1), fEpA(-1), fEpC(-1), fEp1(-1), fEp2(-1), fHist() { // // Constructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliAODForwardEP::AliAODForwardEP(Bool_t isMC) : fIsMC(isMC), fEpT(-1), fEpA(-1), fEpC(-1), fEp1(-1), fEp2(-1), fHist() { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // isMC If set to true this is for MC data (effects branch name) // fHist.SetXTitle("#eta"); fHist.SetDirectory(0); fHist.Sumw2(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardEP::Init(const TAxis& etaAxis) { // Initialize the histogram with an eta axis // // Parameters: // etaAxis Eta axis to use // fHist.SetBins(etaAxis.GetNbins()/10, etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardEP::Clear(Option_t* option) { // Clear (or reset) internal values // // Parameters: // option Passed to TH1::Reset // fHist.Reset(option); fEpT = -1; fEpA = -1; fEpC = -1; fEp1 = -1; fEp2 = -1; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardEP::Browse(TBrowser* /*b*/) { // Browse this object // // Parameters: // b Browser to use // TODO: Make nice /* static TObjString ipz; static TObjString trg; static TObjString cnt; static TObjString ncl; ipz = Form("ip_z=%fcm", fIpZ); trg = GetTriggerString(fTriggers); cnt = Form("%+6.1f%%", fCentrality); ncl = Form("%d clusters", fNClusters); b->Add(&fHist); b->Add(&ipz); b->Add(&trg); b->Add(&cnt); b->Add(&ncl); */ } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardEP::Print(Option_t* option) const { // Print this object // // Parameters: // option Not used fHist.Print(option); std::cout << "Total FMD EP: \t" << fEpT <