// // Class that contains the forward multiplicity data per event // // This class contains a histogram of // @f[ // \frac{d^2N_{ch}}{d\eta d\phi}\quad, // @f] // as well as a trigger mask for each analysed event. // // The eta acceptance of the event is stored in the underflow bins of // the histogram. So to build the final histogram, one needs to // correct for this acceptance (properly weighted by the events), and // the vertex efficiency. This simply boils down to defining a 2D // histogram and summing the event histograms in that histogram. One // should of course also do proper book-keeping of the accepted event. // #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliAODForwardMult) #ifdef DOXY_INPUT ; // For Emacs #endif //____________________________________________________________________ const Float_t AliAODForwardMult::fgkInvalidIpZ = 1e6; //____________________________________________________________________ AliAODForwardMult::AliAODForwardMult() : fIsMC(false), fHist(), fTriggers(0), fIpZ(fgkInvalidIpZ), fCentrality(-1), fNClusters(0) { // // Constructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliAODForwardMult::AliAODForwardMult(Bool_t isMC) : fIsMC(isMC), fHist("forwardMult", "d^{2}N_{ch}/d#etad#varphi in the forward regions", 200, -4, 6, 20, 0, 2*TMath::Pi()), fTriggers(0), fIpZ(fgkInvalidIpZ), fCentrality(-1), fNClusters(0) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // isMC If set to true this is for MC data (effects branch name) // fHist.SetXTitle("#eta"); fHist.SetYTitle("#varphi [radians]"); fHist.SetZTitle("#frac{d^{2}N_{ch}}{d#etad#varphi}"); fHist.SetDirectory(0); fHist.Sumw2(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::Init(const TAxis& etaAxis) { // Initialize the histogram with an eta axis // // Parameters: // etaAxis Eta axis to use // fHist.SetBins(etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax(), 20, 0, 2*TMath::Pi()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::Clear(Option_t* option) { // Clear (or reset) internal values // // Parameters: // option Passed to TH1::Reset // fHist.Reset(option); fTriggers = 0; fIpZ = fgkInvalidIpZ; fNClusters = 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::SetSNN(UShort_t snn) { // set the center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV). // This is stored in bin (0,0) of the histogram // // Parameters: // sNN Center of mass energy per nuclean fHist.SetBinContent(0,0,snn); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::SetSystem(UShort_t sys) { // set the center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV). // This is stored in bin (N+1,0) of the histogram // // Parameters: // sys Collision system number fHist.SetBinContent(fHist.GetNbinsX()+1,0,sys); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODForwardMult::HasIpZ() const { // Check if we have valid z coordinate of the interaction point // // Return: // true if the z coordinate of the interaction point is valid // return TMath::Abs(fIpZ - fgkInvalidIpZ) > 1; } //____________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliAODForwardMult::GetSNN() const { // set the center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV). // This is stored in bin (0,0) of the histogram // // Parameters: // sNN Center of mass energy per nuclean return UShort_t(fHist.GetBinContent(0,0)); } //____________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliAODForwardMult::GetSystem() const { // set the center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV). // This is stored in bin (N+1,0) of the histogram // // Parameters: // sNN Center of mass energy per nuclean return UShort_t(fHist.GetBinContent(fHist.GetNbinsX()+1,0)); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // Browse this object // // Parameters: // b Browser to use static TObjString ipz; static TObjString trg; static TObjString cnt; static TObjString ncl; ipz = Form("ip_z=%fcm", fIpZ); trg = GetTriggerString(fTriggers); cnt = Form("%+6.1f%%", fCentrality); ncl = Form("%d clusters", fNClusters); b->Add(&fHist); b->Add(&ipz); b->Add(&trg); b->Add(&cnt); b->Add(&ncl); } namespace { void AppendAnd(TString& trg, const TString& what) { if (!trg.IsNull()) trg.Append(" & "); trg.Append(what); } } //____________________________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliAODForwardMult::GetTriggerString(UInt_t mask) { // Get a string that describes the triggers // // Parameters: // mask Bit pattern of triggers // Return: // Character string representation of mask static TString trg; trg = ""; if ((mask & kInel) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "MBOR"); if ((mask & kInelGt0) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "INEL>0"); if ((mask & kNSD) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "MBAND"); if ((mask & kV0AND) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "V0AND"); if ((mask & kA) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "A"); if ((mask & kB) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "B"); if ((mask & kC) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "C"); if ((mask & kE) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "E"); if ((mask & kMCNSD) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "MCNSD"); if ((mask & kNClusterGt0) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "NCluster>0"); if ((mask & kSatellite) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "Satellite"); if ((mask & kOffline) != 0x0) AppendAnd(trg, "Offline"); return trg.Data(); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1I* AliAODForwardMult::MakeTriggerHistogram(const char* name, Int_t mask) { // // Make a histogram to record triggers in. // // The bins defined by the trigger enumeration in this class. One // can use this enumeration to retrieve the number of triggers for // each class. // // Parameters: // name Name of the histogram // // Return: // Newly allocated histogram // TString sel(""); TString andSel(""); if (mask > 0) { sel = GetTriggerString(mask); andSel = GetTriggerString(mask & ~kB); andSel.Prepend(" & "); } TH1I* ret = new TH1I(name, "Triggers", kAccepted+1, -.5, kAccepted+.5); ret->SetYTitle("Events"); ret->SetFillColor(kRed+1); ret->SetFillStyle(3001); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinAll, "All events"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinB, Form("B (Coll.)%s", andSel.Data())); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinA, Form("A%s", andSel.Data())); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinC, Form("C%s", andSel.Data())); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinE, Form("E%s", andSel.Data())); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinInel, "Coll. & MBOR"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinInelGt0, "Coll. & MBOR&&nTracklet>0"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinNSD, "Coll. & V0AND||FASTOR>5"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinV0AND, "Coll. & V0AND"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinMCNSD, "NSD (MC truth)"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinSatellite, "Satellite"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinPileUp, "w/Pileup"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinOffline, "w/Offline"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kBinNClusterGt0, "w/N_{cluster}>1"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kWithVertex, "w/Vertex"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kWithTrigger, Form("w/Selected trigger (%s)", sel.Data())); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kAccepted, "Accepted by cut"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(kAccepted, false); ret->SetStats(0); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1I* AliAODForwardMult::MakeStatusHistogram(const char* name) { // // Make a histogram to record status in. // // The bins defined by the status enumeration in this class. // // Parameters: // name Name of the histogram // // Return: // Newly allocated histogram // TH1I* ret = new TH1I(name, "Event selection status", kWrongVertex+1, -.5, kWrongVertex+.5); ret->SetYTitle("Events"); ret->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); ret->SetFillStyle(3001); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kGoodEvent+1, "Good"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kWrongCentrality+1, "Out-of-range centrality"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kWrongTrigger+1, "Wrong trigger"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kIsPileup+1, "Pile-up"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kNoVertex+1, "No IP_{z}"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kWrongVertex+1, "Out-or-range IP_{z}"); ret->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(kWrongVertex, false); ret->SetStats(0); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliAODForwardMult::MakeTriggerMask(const char* what) { UShort_t trgMask = 0; TString trgs(what); trgs.ToUpper(); TObjArray* parts = trgs.Tokenize("&"); TObjString* trg; TIter next(parts); while ((trg = static_cast(next()))) { TString s(trg->GetString()); s.Strip(TString::kBoth, ' '); s.ToUpper(); if (s.IsNull()) continue; if (s.CompareTo("INEL") == 0) trgMask |= kInel; else if (s.CompareTo("MBOR") == 0) trgMask |= kInel; else if (s.CompareTo("INEL>0") == 0) trgMask |= kInelGt0; else if (s.CompareTo("INELGT0") == 0) trgMask |= kInelGt0; else if (s.CompareTo("MBAND") == 0) trgMask |= kNSD; else if (s.CompareTo("NSD") == 0) trgMask |= kV0AND; else if (s.CompareTo("V0AND") == 0) trgMask |= kV0AND; else if (s.CompareTo("MCNSD") == 0) trgMask |= kMCNSD; else if (s.CompareTo("B") == 0) trgMask |= kB; else if (s.CompareTo("A") == 0) trgMask |= kA; else if (s.CompareTo("C") == 0) trgMask |= kC; else if (s.CompareTo("SAT") == 0) trgMask |= kSatellite; else if (s.CompareTo("E") == 0) trgMask |= kE; else if (s.CompareTo("NCLUSTER>0") == 0) trgMask |= kNClusterGt0; else if (s.CompareTo("CENT") == 0) trgMask |= kInel; else if (s.CompareTo("OFFLINE") == 0) trgMask |= kOffline; // trgMask &= ~(kInel|kInelGt0|kNSD|kV0AND|kMCNSD); else AliWarningGeneral("MakeTriggerMask", Form("Unknown trigger %s", s.Data())); } delete parts; return trgMask; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODForwardMult::CheckEvent(Int_t triggerMask, Double_t vzMin, Double_t vzMax, UShort_t cMin, UShort_t cMax, TH1* hist, TH1* status, Bool_t removePileup) const { // // Check if event meets the passses requirements. // // It returns true if @e all of the following is true // // - The trigger is within the bit mask passed. // - The vertex is within the specified limits. // - The centrality is within the specified limits, or if lower // limit is equal to or larger than the upper limit. // // If a histogram is passed in the last parameter, then that // histogram is filled with the trigger bits. // // Parameters: // triggerMask Trigger mask // vzMin Minimum @f$ v_z@f$ (in centimeters) // vzMax Maximum @f$ v_z@f$ (in centimeters) // cMin Minimum centrality (in percent) // cMax Maximum centrality (in percent) // hist Histogram to fill // // Return: // @c true if the event meets the requirements // if (cMin < cMax && (cMin > fCentrality || cMax <= fCentrality)) { if (status) status->Fill(kWrongCentrality); return false; } if (hist) { Int_t tmp = triggerMask & ~kB; hist->AddBinContent(kBinAll); if (IsTriggerBits(kB|tmp)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinB); if (IsTriggerBits(kA|tmp)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinA); if (IsTriggerBits(kC|tmp)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinC); if (IsTriggerBits(kE|tmp)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinE); if (IsTriggerBits(kB|kInel)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinInel); if (IsTriggerBits(kB|kInelGt0)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinInelGt0); if (IsTriggerBits(kB|kNSD)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinNSD); if (IsTriggerBits(kB|kV0AND)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinV0AND); if (IsTriggerBits(kPileUp)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinPileUp); if (IsTriggerBits(kMCNSD)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinMCNSD); if (IsTriggerBits(kOffline)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinOffline); if (IsTriggerBits(kNClusterGt0)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinNClusterGt0); if (IsTriggerBits(kSatellite)) hist->AddBinContent(kBinSatellite); if (IsTriggerBits(triggerMask) && !IsTriggerBits(kB|tmp)) Warning("CheckEvent", "event: 0x%x, mask: 0x%x, tmp: 0x%x, tmp|b: 0x%x", fTriggers, triggerMask, tmp, tmp|kB); } // Check if we have an event of interest. Int_t mask = triggerMask; //|kB if (!IsTriggerBits(mask)) { if (status) status->Fill(kWrongTrigger); return false; } // Check for pileup if (IsTriggerBits(kPileUp)) { if (status) status->Fill(kIsPileup); if (removePileup) return false; } if (hist) hist->AddBinContent(kWithTrigger); // Check that we have a valid vertex if (vzMin < vzMax && !HasIpZ()) { if (status) status->Fill(kNoVertex); return false; } if (hist) hist->AddBinContent(kWithVertex); // Check that vertex is within cuts if (vzMin < vzMax && !InRange(vzMin, vzMax)) { if (status) status->Fill(kWrongVertex); return false; } if (hist) hist->AddBinContent(kAccepted); if (status) status->Fill(kGoodEvent); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAODForwardMult::Print(Option_t* option) const { // Print this object // // Parameters: // option Passed to TH1::Print fHist.Print(option); UShort_t sys = GetSystem(); TString str = "unknown"; switch (sys) { case 1: str = "pp"; break; case 2: str = "PbPb"; break; case 3: str = "pPb" ; break; } std::cout << "Ipz: " << fIpZ << "cm " << (HasIpZ() ? "" : "in") << "valid\n" << "Triggers: " << GetTriggerString(fTriggers) << "\n" << "sNN: " << GetSNN() << "GeV\n" << "System: " << str << "\n" << "Centrality: " << fCentrality << "%" << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //