//==================================================================== #include "AliBasedNdetaTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliForwardUtil.h" #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include #include //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::AliBasedNdetaTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fSums(0), // Container of sums fOutput(0), // Container of output fVtxMin(0), // Minimum v_z fVtxMax(0), // Maximum v_z fTriggerMask(0), // Trigger mask fRebin(0), // Rebinning factor fCutEdges(false), fSymmetrice(true), fCorrEmpty(true), fUseROOTProj(false), fTriggerEff(1), fTriggerEff0(1), fShapeCorr(0), fListOfCentralities(0), fSNNString(0), fSysString(0), fCent(0), fCentAxis(0), fNormalizationScheme(kFull), fSchemeString(0), fTriggerString(0), fFinalMCCorrFile("") { // // Constructor // DGUARD(0,0,"Default construction of AliBasedNdetaTask"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::AliBasedNdetaTask(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fSums(0), // Container of sums fOutput(0), // Container of output fVtxMin(-10), // Minimum v_z fVtxMax(10), // Maximum v_z fTriggerMask(AliAODForwardMult::kInel), fRebin(5), // Rebinning factor fCutEdges(false), fSymmetrice(true), fCorrEmpty(true), fUseROOTProj(false), fTriggerEff(1), fTriggerEff0(1), fShapeCorr(0), fListOfCentralities(0), fSNNString(0), fSysString(0), fCent(0), fCentAxis(0), fNormalizationScheme(kFull), fSchemeString(0), fTriggerString(0), fFinalMCCorrFile("") { // // Constructor // DGUARD(0,0,"Named construction of AliBasedNdetaTask: %s", name); fListOfCentralities = new TObjArray(1); // Set the normalisation scheme SetNormalizationScheme(kFull); // Set the trigger mask SetTriggerMask(AliAODForwardMult::kInel); // Output slot #1 writes into a TH1 container DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); DefineOutput(2, TList::Class()); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::AliBasedNdetaTask(const AliBasedNdetaTask& o) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(o), fSums(o.fSums), // TList* - Container of sums fOutput(o.fOutput), // Container of output fVtxMin(o.fVtxMin), // Double_t - Minimum v_z fVtxMax(o.fVtxMax), // Double_t - Maximum v_z fTriggerMask(o.fTriggerMask),// Int_t - Trigger mask fRebin(o.fRebin), // Int_t - Rebinning factor fCutEdges(o.fCutEdges), // Bool_t - Whether to cut edges when rebinning fSymmetrice(o.fSymmetrice), fCorrEmpty(o.fCorrEmpty), fUseROOTProj(o.fUseROOTProj), fTriggerEff(o.fTriggerEff), fTriggerEff0(o.fTriggerEff0), fShapeCorr(o.fShapeCorr), fListOfCentralities(o.fListOfCentralities), fSNNString(o.fSNNString), fSysString(o.fSysString), fCent(o.fCent), fCentAxis(o.fCentAxis), fNormalizationScheme(o.fNormalizationScheme), fSchemeString(o.fSchemeString), fTriggerString(o.fTriggerString), fFinalMCCorrFile(o.fFinalMCCorrFile) { DGUARD(0,0,"Copy construction of AliBasedNdetaTask"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::~AliBasedNdetaTask() { // // Destructor // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Destruction of AliBasedNdetaTask"); if (fSums) { fSums->Delete(); delete fSums; fSums = 0; } if (fOutput) { fOutput->Delete(); delete fOutput; fOutput = 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetDebugLevel(Int_t lvl) { AliAnalysisTaskSE::SetDebugLevel(lvl); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fListOfCentralities->GetEntries(); i++) { CentralityBin* bin = static_cast(fListOfCentralities->At(i)); bin->SetDebugLevel(lvl); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetCentralityAxis(UShort_t n, Short_t* bins) { DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set centrality axis, %d bins", n); if (!fCentAxis) { fCentAxis = new TAxis(); fCentAxis->SetName("centAxis"); fCentAxis->SetTitle("Centrality [%]"); } TArrayD dbins(n+1); for (UShort_t i = 0; i <= n; i++) dbins[i] = (bins[i] == 100 ? 100.1 : bins[i]); fCentAxis->Set(n, dbins.GetArray()); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::AddCentralityBin(UShort_t at, Short_t low, Short_t high) { // // Add a centrality bin // // Parameters: // low Low cut // high High cut // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Add a centrality bin [%d,%d] @ %d", low, high, at); CentralityBin* bin = MakeCentralityBin(GetName(), low, high); if (!bin) { Error("AddCentralityBin", "Failed to create centrality bin for %s [%d,%d] @ %d", GetName(), low, high, at); return; } bin->SetDebugLevel(fDebug); fListOfCentralities->AddAtAndExpand(bin, at); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin* AliBasedNdetaTask::MakeCentralityBin(const char* name, Short_t low, Short_t high) const { // // Make a centrality bin // // Parameters: // name Name used for histograms // low Low cut in percent // high High cut in percent // // Return: // A newly created centrality bin // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Make a centrality bin %s [%d,%d]", name, low, high); return new CentralityBin(name, low, high); } #define TESTAPPEND(SCHEME,BIT,STRING) \ do { if (!(SCHEME & BIT)) break; \ if (!s.IsNull()) s.Append(","); s.Append(STRING); } while(false) //________________________________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliBasedNdetaTask::NormalizationSchemeString(UShort_t scheme) { // Create a string from normalization scheme bits static TString s; s = ""; if (scheme == kNone) return s.Data(); if (scheme == kFull) { s = "FULL"; return s.Data(); } TESTAPPEND(scheme, kEventLevel, "EVENT"); TESTAPPEND(scheme, kShape, "SHAPE"); TESTAPPEND(scheme, kBackground, "BACKGROUND"); TESTAPPEND(scheme, kTriggerEfficiency, "TRIGGER"); TESTAPPEND(scheme, kZeroBin, "ZEROBIN"); return s.Data(); } //________________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliBasedNdetaTask::ParseNormalizationScheme(const char* what) { UShort_t scheme = 0; TString twhat(what); twhat.ToUpper(); TObjString* opt; TIter next(twhat.Tokenize(" ,|")); while ((opt = static_cast(next()))) { TString s(opt->GetString()); if (s.IsNull()) continue; Bool_t add = true; switch (s[0]) { case '-': add = false; // Fall through case '+': s.Remove(0,1); // Remove character } UShort_t bit = 0; if (s.CompareTo("EVENT") == 0) bit = kEventLevel; else if (s.CompareTo("SHAPE") == 0) bit = kShape; else if (s.CompareTo("BACKGROUND")== 0) bit = kBackground; else if (s.CompareTo("TRIGGER") == 0) bit = kTriggerEfficiency; else if (s.CompareTo("FULL") == 0) bit = kFull; else if (s.CompareTo("NONE") == 0) bit = kNone; else if (s.CompareTo("ZEROBIN") == 0) bit = kZeroBin; else ::Warning("SetNormalizationScheme", "Unknown option %s", s.Data()); if (add) scheme |= bit; else scheme ^= bit; } return scheme; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetNormalizationScheme(const char* what) { // // Set normalisation scheme // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set the normalization scheme: %s", what); SetNormalizationScheme(ParseNormalizationScheme(what)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetNormalizationScheme(UShort_t scheme) { DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set the normalization scheme: 0x%x", scheme); fNormalizationScheme = scheme; if (fSchemeString) delete fSchemeString; fSchemeString = AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("scheme", scheme); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetTriggerMask(const char* mask) { // // Set the trigger maskl // // Parameters: // mask Trigger mask // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set the trigger mask: %s", mask); SetTriggerMask(AliAODForwardMult::MakeTriggerMask(mask)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetTriggerMask(UShort_t mask) { DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set the trigger mask: 0x%0x", mask); fTriggerMask = mask; if (fTriggerString) delete fTriggerString; fTriggerString = AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("trigger", fTriggerMask); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetShapeCorrection(const TH2F* c) { // // Set the shape correction (a.k.a., track correction) for selected // trigger(s) // // Parameters: // h Correction // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set the shape correction: %p", c); if (!c) return; fShapeCorr = static_cast(c->Clone()); fShapeCorr->SetDirectory(0); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::InitializeCentBins() { if (fListOfCentralities->GetEntries() > 0) return; // Automatically add 'all' centrality bin if nothing has been defined. AddCentralityBin(0, 0, 0); if (fCentAxis && fCentAxis->GetNbins() > 0 && fCentAxis->GetXbins()) { const TArrayD* bins = fCentAxis->GetXbins(); Int_t nbin = fCentAxis->GetNbins(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nbin; i++) AddCentralityBin(i+1, Short_t((*bins)[i]), Short_t((*bins)[i+1])); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Create output objects. // // This is called once per slave process // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Create user ouput object"); fSums = new TList; fSums->SetName(Form("%s_sums", GetName())); fSums->SetOwner(); InitializeCentBins(); if (fCentAxis) fSums->Add(fCentAxis); // Centrality histogram fCent = new TH1D("cent", "Centrality", 100, 0, 100); fCent->SetDirectory(0); fCent->SetXTitle(0); fSums->Add(fCent); // Loop over centrality bins TIter next(fListOfCentralities); CentralityBin* bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) bin->CreateOutputObjects(fSums, fTriggerMask); // Post data for ALL output slots >0 here, to get at least an empty // histogram PostData(1, fSums); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // // Process a single event // // Parameters: // option Not used // // Main loop DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Analyse the AOD event"); AliAODEvent* aod = AliForwardUtil::GetAODEvent(this); if (!aod) return; TObject* obj = aod->FindListObject("Forward"); if (!obj) { AliWarning("No forward object found"); return; } AliAODForwardMult* forward = static_cast(obj); // Fill centrality histogram Float_t cent = forward->GetCentrality(); fCent->Fill(cent); // Get the histogram(s) TH2D* data = GetHistogram(aod, false); TH2D* dataMC = GetHistogram(aod, true); Bool_t isZero = ((fNormalizationScheme & kZeroBin) && !forward->IsTriggerBits(AliAODForwardMult::kNClusterGt0)); // Loop over centrality bins CentralityBin* allBin = static_cast(fListOfCentralities->At(0)); allBin->ProcessEvent(forward, fTriggerMask, isZero, fVtxMin, fVtxMax, data, dataMC); // Find this centrality bin if (fCentAxis && fCentAxis->GetNbins() > 0) { Int_t icent = fCentAxis->FindBin(cent); CentralityBin* thisBin = 0; if (icent >= 1 && icent <= fCentAxis->GetNbins()) thisBin = static_cast(fListOfCentralities->At(icent)); if (thisBin) thisBin->ProcessEvent(forward, fTriggerMask, isZero, fVtxMin, fVtxMax, data, dataMC); } // Here, we get the update if (!fSNNString) { fSNNString = AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("sNN", forward->GetSNN()); fSysString = AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("sys", forward->GetSystem()); fSums->Add(fSNNString); fSums->Add(fSysString); fSums->Add(fSchemeString); fSums->Add(fTriggerString); // Print(); } PostData(1, fSums); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::SetHistogramAttributes(TH1D* h, Int_t colour, Int_t marker, const char* title, const char* ytitle) { // // Set histogram graphical options, etc. // // Parameters: // h Histogram to modify // colour Marker color // marker Marker style // title Title of histogram // ytitle Title on y-axis. // h->SetTitle(title); h->SetMarkerColor(colour); h->SetMarkerStyle(marker); h->SetMarkerSize(marker == 29 || marker == 30 ? 1.2 : 1); h->SetFillStyle(0); h->SetYTitle(ytitle); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(132); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(132); h->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(10); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(132); h->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(132); h->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(10); h->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals(); h->SetStats(0); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::ScaleToCoverage(TH2D* copy, const TH1D* norm) { // Normalize to the acceptance - // dndeta->Divide(accNorm); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= copy->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Double_t a = norm->GetBinContent(i); for (Int_t j = 1; j <= copy->GetNbinsY(); j++) { if (a <= 0) { copy->SetBinContent(i,j,0); copy->SetBinError(i,j,0); continue; } Double_t c = copy->GetBinContent(i, j); Double_t e = copy->GetBinError(i, j); copy->SetBinContent(i, j, c / a); copy->SetBinError(i, j, e / a); } } } //________________________________________________________________________ TH1D* AliBasedNdetaTask::ProjectX(const TH2D* h, const char* name, Int_t firstbin, Int_t lastbin, bool useRoot, bool corr, bool error) { // // Project onto the X axis // // Parameters: // h 2D histogram // name New name // firstbin First bin to use // lastbin Last bin to use // error Whether to calculate errors // // Return: // Newly created histogram or null // if (!h) return 0; if (useRoot) return h->ProjectionX(name, firstbin, lastbin, (error ? "e" : "")); TAxis* xaxis = h->GetXaxis(); TAxis* yaxis = h->GetYaxis(); TH1D* ret = new TH1D(name, h->GetTitle(), xaxis->GetNbins(), xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax()); static_cast(h)->Copy(*ret); static_cast(h)->Copy(*ret); static_cast(h)->Copy(*ret); ret->GetXaxis()->ImportAttributes(xaxis); Int_t first = firstbin; Int_t last = lastbin; if (first < 0) first = 0; else if (first >= yaxis->GetNbins()+1) first = yaxis->GetNbins(); if (last < 0) last = yaxis->GetNbins(); else if (last > yaxis->GetNbins()+1) last = yaxis->GetNbins(); if (last-first < 0) { AliWarningGeneral("AliBasedNdetaTask", Form("Nothing to project [%d,%d]", first, last)); return 0; } // Loop over X bins // AliInfo(Form("Projecting bins [%d,%d] of %s", first, last, h->GetName())); Int_t ybins = (last-first+1); for (Int_t xbin = 0; xbin <= xaxis->GetNbins()+1; xbin++) { Double_t content = 0; Double_t error2 = 0; Int_t nbins = 0; for (Int_t ybin = first; ybin <= last; ybin++) { Double_t c1 = h->GetCellContent(xbin, ybin); Double_t e1 = h->GetCellError(xbin, ybin); // Ignore empty bins if (c1 < 1e-12) continue; if (e1 < 1e-12) { if (error) continue; e1 = 1; } content += c1; error2 += e1*e1; nbins++; } // for (ybin) if(content > 0 && nbins > 0) { Double_t factor = (corr ? Double_t(ybins) / nbins : 1); #if 0 AliWarningGeneral(ret->GetName(), Form("factor @ %d is %d/%d -> %f", xbin, ybins, nbins, factor)); #endif if (error) { // Calculate weighted average ret->SetBinContent(xbin, content * factor); ret->SetBinError(xbin, factor * TMath::Sqrt(error2)); } else ret->SetBinContent(xbin, factor * content); } } // for (xbin) return ret; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // // Called at end of event processing.. // // This is called once in the master // // Parameters: // option Not used // // Draw result to screen, or perform fitting, normalizations Called // once at the end of the query DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Process final merged results"); fSums = dynamic_cast (GetOutputData(1)); if(!fSums) { AliError("Could not retrieve TList fSums"); return; } fOutput = new TList; fOutput->SetName(Form("%s_result", GetName())); fOutput->SetOwner(); fSNNString = fSums->FindObject("sNN"); fSysString = fSums->FindObject("sys"); fCentAxis = static_cast(fSums->FindObject("centAxis")); fSchemeString = fSums->FindObject("scheme"); fTriggerString = fSums->FindObject("trigger"); if(fSysString && fSNNString && fSysString->GetUniqueID() == AliForwardUtil::kPP) LoadNormalizationData(fSysString->GetUniqueID(), fSNNString->GetUniqueID()); InitializeCentBins(); // Print before we loop Print(); // Loop over centrality bins TIter next(fListOfCentralities); CentralityBin* bin = 0; gStyle->SetPalette(1); THStack* dndetaStack = new THStack("dndeta", "dN/d#eta"); THStack* dndetaStackRebin = new THStack(Form("dndeta_rebin%02d", fRebin), "dN_{ch}/d#eta"); THStack* dndetaMCStack = new THStack("dndetaMC", "dN_{ch}/d#eta"); THStack* dndetaMCStackRebin = new THStack(Form("dndetaMC_rebin%02d", fRebin), "dN_{ch}/d#eta"); TList* mclist = 0; TList* truthlist = 0; if (fFinalMCCorrFile.Contains(".root")) { TFile* ftest = TFile::Open(fFinalMCCorrFile.Data()); if(ftest) { mclist = dynamic_cast(ftest->Get(Form("%sResults",GetName()))); truthlist = dynamic_cast(ftest->Get("MCTruthResults")); } else AliWarning("MC analysis file invalid - no final MC correction possible"); } Int_t style = GetMarker(); Int_t color = GetColor(); AliInfo(Form("Marker style=%d, color=%d", style, color)); while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->End(fSums, fOutput, fNormalizationScheme, fShapeCorr, fTriggerEff, fTriggerEff0, fSymmetrice, fRebin, fUseROOTProj, fCorrEmpty, fCutEdges, fTriggerMask, style, color, mclist, truthlist); if (fCentAxis && bin->IsAllBin()) continue; TH1* dndeta = bin->GetResult(0, false, ""); TH1* dndetaSym = bin->GetResult(0, true, ""); TH1* dndetaMC = bin->GetResult(0, false, "MC"); TH1* dndetaMCSym = bin->GetResult(0, true, "MC"); if (dndeta) dndetaStack->Add(dndeta); if (dndetaSym) dndetaStack->Add(dndetaSym); if (dndetaMC) dndetaMCStack->Add(dndetaMC); if (dndetaMCSym) dndetaMCStack->Add(dndetaMCSym); if (fRebin > 1) { dndeta = bin->GetResult(fRebin, false, ""); dndetaSym = bin->GetResult(fRebin, true, ""); dndetaMC = bin->GetResult(fRebin, false, "MC"); dndetaMCSym = bin->GetResult(fRebin, true, "MC"); if (dndeta) dndetaStackRebin->Add(dndeta); if (dndetaSym) dndetaStackRebin->Add(dndetaSym); if (dndetaMC) dndetaMCStackRebin->Add(dndetaMC); if (dndetaMCSym) dndetaMCStackRebin->Add(dndetaMCSym); } } // Output the stack fOutput->Add(dndetaStack); // If available output rebinned stack if (!dndetaStackRebin->GetHists() || dndetaStackRebin->GetHists()->GetEntries() <= 0) { AliWarning("No rebinned histograms found"); delete dndetaStackRebin; dndetaStackRebin = 0; } if (dndetaStackRebin) fOutput->Add(dndetaStackRebin); // If available, output track-ref stack if (!dndetaMCStack->GetHists() || dndetaMCStack->GetHists()->GetEntries() <= 0) { AliWarning("No MC histograms found"); delete dndetaMCStack; dndetaMCStack = 0; } if (dndetaMCStack) fOutput->Add(dndetaMCStack); // If available, output rebinned track-ref stack if (!dndetaMCStackRebin->GetHists() || dndetaMCStackRebin->GetHists()->GetEntries() <= 0) { AliWarning("No rebinned MC histograms found"); delete dndetaMCStackRebin; dndetaMCStackRebin = 0; } if (dndetaMCStackRebin) fOutput->Add(dndetaMCStackRebin); // Output collision energy string if (fSNNString) { UShort_t sNN = fSNNString->GetUniqueID(); TNamed* sNNObj = new TNamed(fSNNString->GetName(), AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassEnergyString(sNN)); sNNObj->SetUniqueID(sNN); fOutput->Add(sNNObj); // fSNNString->Clone()); } // Output collision system string if (fSysString) { UShort_t sys = fSysString->GetUniqueID(); TNamed* sysObj = new TNamed(fSysString->GetName(), AliForwardUtil::CollisionSystemString(sys)); sysObj->SetUniqueID(sys); fOutput->Add(sysObj); // fSysString->Clone()); } // Output centrality axis if (fCentAxis) fOutput->Add(fCentAxis); // Output trigger string if (fTriggerString) { UShort_t mask = fTriggerString->GetUniqueID(); TNamed* maskObj = new TNamed(fTriggerString->GetName(), AliAODForwardMult::GetTriggerString(mask)); maskObj->SetUniqueID(mask); fOutput->Add(maskObj); // fTriggerString->Clone()); } // Normalization string if (fSchemeString) { UShort_t scheme = fSchemeString->GetUniqueID(); TNamed* schemeObj = new TNamed(fSchemeString->GetName(), NormalizationSchemeString(scheme)); schemeObj->SetUniqueID(scheme); fOutput->Add(schemeObj); // fSchemeString->Clone()); } // Output vertex axis TAxis* vtxAxis = new TAxis(1,fVtxMin,fVtxMax); vtxAxis->SetName("vtxAxis"); vtxAxis->SetTitle(Form("v_{z}#in[%+5.1f,%+5.1f]cm", fVtxMin,fVtxMax)); fOutput->Add(vtxAxis); // Output trigger efficiency and shape correction fOutput->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("triggerEff", fTriggerEff)); fOutput->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("triggerEff0", fTriggerEff0)); if (fShapeCorr) fOutput->Add(fShapeCorr); TNamed* options = new TNamed("options",""); TString str; str.Append(Form("Edges %scut, ", fCutEdges ? "" : "not ")); str.Append(Form("Empty bins %scorrected for, ", fCorrEmpty ? "" : "not ")); str.Append(Form("TH2::ProjectionX %sused", fUseROOTProj ? "" : "not ")); options->SetTitle(str); fOutput->Add(options); PostData(2, fOutput); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::LoadNormalizationData(UShort_t sys, UShort_t energy) { // Load the normalisation data for dN/deta for pp INEL, INEL>0, and NSD DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Load the normalization data for sys=%d, energy=%d", sys, energy); TString type("pp"); TString snn("900"); if(energy == 7000) snn.Form("7000"); if(energy == 2750) snn.Form("2750"); if(fShapeCorr && (fTriggerEff != 1)) { AliInfo("Objects already set for normalization - no action taken"); return; } TFile* fin = TFile::Open(Form("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/corrections/" "Normalization/normalizationHists_%s_%s.root", type.Data(),snn.Data())); if(!fin) { AliWarning(Form("no file for normalization of %d/%d", sys, energy)); return; } // Shape correction if ((fNormalizationScheme & kShape) && !fShapeCorr) { TString trigName("All"); if (fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInel || fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kNClusterGt0) trigName = "Inel"; else if (fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kNSD) trigName = "NSD"; else if (fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0) trigName = "InelGt0"; else { AliWarning(Form("Normalization for trigger %s not known, using all", AliAODForwardMult::GetTriggerString(fTriggerMask))); } TString shapeCorName(Form("h%sNormalization", trigName.Data())); TH2F* shapeCor = dynamic_cast(fin->Get(shapeCorName)); if (shapeCor) SetShapeCorrection(shapeCor); else { AliWarning(Form("No shape correction found for %s", trigName.Data())); } } // Trigger efficiency TString effName(Form("%sTriggerEff", fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInel ? "inel" : fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kNSD ? "nsd" : fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0 ? "inelgt0" : "all")); Double_t trigEff = 1; if (fNormalizationScheme & kTriggerEfficiency) { TObject* eff = fin->Get(effName); if (eff) AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(eff, trigEff); } if (fTriggerEff != 1) SetTriggerEff(trigEff); if (fTriggerEff < 0) fTriggerEff = 1; // Trigger efficiency TString eff0Name(Form("%sTriggerEff0", fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInel ? "inel" : fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kNSD ? "nsd" : fTriggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0 ? "inelgt0" : "all")); Double_t trigEff0 = 1; if (fNormalizationScheme & kTriggerEfficiency) { TObject* eff = fin->Get(eff0Name); if (eff) AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(eff, trigEff0); } if (fTriggerEff0 != 1) SetTriggerEff0(trigEff0); if (fTriggerEff0 < 0) fTriggerEff0 = 1; // TEMPORARY FIX // Rescale the shape correction by the trigger efficiency if (fShapeCorr) { AliWarning(Form("Rescaling shape correction by trigger efficiency: " "1/E_X=1/%f", trigEff)); fShapeCorr->Scale(1. / trigEff); } // Print - out if (fShapeCorr && fTriggerEff) AliInfo("Loaded objects for normalization."); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::Print(Option_t*) const { // // Print information // std::cout << this->ClassName() << ": " << this->GetName() << "\n" << std::boolalpha << " Trigger: " << (fTriggerString ? fTriggerString->GetTitle() : "none") << "\n" << " Vertex range: [" << fVtxMin << ":" << fVtxMax << "]\n" << " Rebin factor: " << fRebin << "\n" << " Cut edges: " << fCutEdges << "\n" << " Symmertrice: " << fSymmetrice << "\n" << " Use TH2::ProjectionX: " << fUseROOTProj << "\n" << " Correct for empty: " << fCorrEmpty << "\n" << " Normalization scheme: " << (fSchemeString ? fSchemeString->GetTitle() : "none") <<"\n" << " Trigger efficiency: " << fTriggerEff << "\n" << " Bin-0 Trigger efficiency: " << fTriggerEff0 << "\n" << " Shape correction: " << (fShapeCorr ? fShapeCorr->GetName() : "none") << "\n" << " sqrt(s_NN): " << (fSNNString ? fSNNString->GetTitle() : "unknown") << "\n" << " Collision system: " << (fSysString ? fSysString->GetTitle() : "unknown") << "\n" << " Centrality bins: " << (fCentAxis ? "" : "none"); if (fCentAxis) { Int_t nBins = fCentAxis->GetNbins(); const Double_t* bins = fCentAxis->GetXbins()->GetArray(); for (Int_t i = 0; i <= nBins; i++) std::cout << (i==0 ? "" : "-") << bins[i]; } std::cout << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; } //________________________________________________________________________ TH1D* AliBasedNdetaTask::Rebin(const TH1D* h, Int_t rebin, Bool_t cutEdges) { // // Make a copy of the input histogram and rebin that histogram // // Parameters: // h Histogram to rebin // // Return: // New (rebinned) histogram // if (rebin <= 1) return 0; Int_t nBins = h->GetNbinsX(); if(nBins % rebin != 0) { AliWarningGeneral("AliBasedNdetaTask", Form("Rebin factor %d is not a devisor of current number " "of bins %d in the histogram %s", rebin, nBins, h->GetName())); return 0; } // Make a copy TH1D* tmp = static_cast(h->Clone(Form("%s_rebin%02d", h->GetName(), rebin))); tmp->Rebin(rebin); tmp->SetDirectory(0); // The new number of bins Int_t nBinsNew = nBins / rebin; for(Int_t i = 1;i<= nBinsNew; i++) { Double_t content = 0; Double_t sumw = 0; Double_t wsum = 0; Int_t nbins = 0; for(Int_t j = 1; j<=rebin;j++) { Int_t bin = (i-1)*rebin + j; Double_t c = h->GetBinContent(bin); if (c <= 0) continue; if (cutEdges) { if (h->GetBinContent(bin+1)<=0 || h->GetBinContent(bin-1)<=0) { #if 0 AliWarningGeneral("AliBasedNdetaTask", Form("removing bin %d=%f of %s (%d=%f,%d=%f)", bin, c, h->GetName(), bin+1, h->GetBinContent(bin+1), bin-1, h->GetBinContent(bin-1))); #endif continue; } } Double_t e = h->GetBinError(bin); Double_t w = 1 / (e*e); // 1/c/c content += c; sumw += w; wsum += w * c; nbins++; } if(content > 0 && nbins > 0) { tmp->SetBinContent(i, wsum / sumw); tmp->SetBinError(i,1./TMath::Sqrt(sumw)); } } return tmp; } //__________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliBasedNdetaTask::Symmetrice(const TH1* h) { // // Make an extension of @a h to make it symmetric about 0 // // Parameters: // h Histogram to symmertrice // // Return: // Symmetric extension of @a h // Int_t nBins = h->GetNbinsX(); TH1* s = static_cast(h->Clone(Form("%s_mirror", h->GetName()))); s->SetTitle(Form("%s (mirrored)", h->GetTitle())); s->Reset(); s->SetBins(nBins, -h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), -h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()); s->SetMarkerColor(h->GetMarkerColor()); s->SetMarkerSize(h->GetMarkerSize()); s->SetMarkerStyle(FlipHollowStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle())); s->SetFillColor(h->GetFillColor()); s->SetFillStyle(h->GetFillStyle()); s->SetDirectory(0); // Find the first and last bin with data Int_t first = nBins+1; Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBins; i++) { if (h->GetBinContent(i) <= 0) continue; first = TMath::Min(first, i); last = TMath::Max(last, i); } Double_t xfirst = h->GetBinCenter(first-1); Int_t f1 = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(-xfirst); Int_t l2 = s->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xfirst); for (Int_t i = f1, j=l2; i <= last; i++,j--) { s->SetBinContent(j, h->GetBinContent(i)); s->SetBinError(j, h->GetBinError(i)); } // Fill in overlap bin s->SetBinContent(l2+1, h->GetBinContent(first)); s->SetBinError(l2+1, h->GetBinError(first)); return s; } //__________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBasedNdetaTask::GetMarkerStyle(UShort_t bits) { Int_t base = bits & (0xFE); Bool_t hollow = bits & kHollow; switch (base) { case kCircle: return (hollow ? 24 : 20); case kSquare: return (hollow ? 25 : 21); case kUpTriangle: return (hollow ? 26 : 22); case kDownTriangle: return (hollow ? 32 : 23); case kDiamond: return (hollow ? 27 : 33); case kCross: return (hollow ? 28 : 34); case kStar: return (hollow ? 30 : 29); } return 1; } //__________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliBasedNdetaTask::GetMarkerBits(Int_t style) { UShort_t bits = 0; switch (style) { case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 30: case 32: bits |= kHollow; break; } switch (style) { case 20: case 24: bits |= kCircle; break; case 21: case 25: bits |= kSquare; break; case 22: case 26: bits |= kUpTriangle; break; case 23: case 32: bits |= kDownTriangle; break; case 27: case 33: bits |= kDiamond; break; case 28: case 34: bits |= kCross; break; case 29: case 30: bits |= kStar; break; } return bits; } //__________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBasedNdetaTask::FlipHollowStyle(Int_t style) { UShort_t bits = GetMarkerBits(style); Int_t ret = GetMarkerStyle(bits ^ kHollow); return ret; } //==================================================================== void AliBasedNdetaTask::Sum::Init(TList* list, const TH2D* data, Int_t col) { DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Initializing sums with %s", data->GetName()); TString n(GetHistName(0)); TString n0(GetHistName(1)); const char* postfix = GetTitle(); fSum = static_cast(data->Clone(n)); if (postfix) fSum->SetTitle(Form("%s (%s)", data->GetTitle(), postfix)); fSum->SetDirectory(0); fSum->SetMarkerColor(col); fSum->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle(kCircle|kSolid)); fSum->Reset(); list->Add(fSum); fSum0 = static_cast(data->Clone(n0)); if (postfix) fSum0->SetTitle(Form("%s 0-bin (%s)", data->GetTitle(), postfix)); else fSum0->SetTitle(Form("%s 0-bin", data->GetTitle())); fSum0->SetDirectory(0); fSum0->SetMarkerColor(col); fSum0->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle(kCross|kHollow)); fSum0->Reset(); list->Add(fSum0); fEvents = new TH1I(GetHistName(2), "Event types", 2, -.5, 1.5); fEvents->SetDirectory(0); fEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "Non-zero"); fEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Zero"); list->Add(fEvents); } //____________________________________________________________________ TString AliBasedNdetaTask::Sum::GetHistName(const char* name, Int_t what, const char* post) { TString n(name); if (what == 1) n.Append("0"); else if (what == 2) n.Append("Events"); if (post && post[0] != '\0') n.Append(post); return n; } //____________________________________________________________________ TString AliBasedNdetaTask::Sum::GetHistName(Int_t what) const { return GetHistName(GetName(), what, GetTitle()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::Sum::Add(const TH2D* data, Bool_t isZero) { DGUARD(fDebug,2,"Adding %s to sums", data->GetName()); if (isZero) fSum0->Add(data); else fSum->Add(data); fEvents->Fill(isZero ? 1 : 0); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2D* AliBasedNdetaTask::Sum::CalcSum(TList* output, Double_t& ntotal, Double_t epsilon0, Double_t epsilon, Int_t marker, Bool_t rootProj, Bool_t corrEmpty) const { DGUARD(fDebug,2,"Calculating final summed histogram %s", fSum->GetName()); TH2D* ret = static_cast(fSum->Clone(fSum->GetName())); ret->SetDirectory(0); ret->Reset(); Int_t n = Int_t(fEvents->GetBinContent(1)); Int_t n0 = Int_t(fEvents->GetBinContent(2)); AliInfoF("Adding histograms %s(%d) and %s(%d) with weights %f and %f resp.", fSum0->GetName(), n, fSum->GetName(), n0, 1./epsilon, 1./epsilon0); DMSG(fDebug,2, "Adding histograms %s and %s with weights %f and %f resp.", fSum0->GetName(), fSum->GetName(), 1./epsilon, 1./epsilon0); // Generate merged histogram ret->Add(fSum0, fSum, 1. / epsilon0, 1. / epsilon); ntotal = n / epsilon + n0 / epsilon0; TList* out = new TList; out->SetOwner(); const char* postfix = GetTitle(); if (!postfix) postfix = ""; out->SetName(Form("partial%s", postfix)); output->Add(out); // Now make copies, normalize them, and store in output list TH2D* sumCopy = static_cast(fSum->Clone("sum")); TH2D* sum0Copy = static_cast(fSum0->Clone("sum0")); TH2D* retCopy = static_cast(ret->Clone("sumAll")); sumCopy->SetMarkerStyle(FlipHollowStyle(marker)); sumCopy->SetDirectory(0); sum0Copy->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerBits(marker)+4)); sum0Copy->SetDirectory(0); retCopy->SetMarkerStyle(marker); retCopy->SetDirectory(0); TH1D* norm = ProjectX(fSum, "norm", 0, 0, rootProj, corrEmpty, false); TH1D* norm0 = ProjectX(fSum0, "norm0", 0, 0, rootProj, corrEmpty, false); TH1D* normAll = ProjectX(ret, "normAll", 0, 0, rootProj, corrEmpty, false); norm->SetDirectory(0); norm0->SetDirectory(0); normAll->SetDirectory(0); ScaleToCoverage(sumCopy, norm); ScaleToCoverage(sum0Copy, norm0); ScaleToCoverage(retCopy, normAll); Int_t nY = fSum->GetNbinsY(); TH1D* sumCopyPx = ProjectX(sumCopy, "average", 1, nY,rootProj,corrEmpty); TH1D* sum0CopyPx = ProjectX(sum0Copy, "average0", 1, nY,rootProj,corrEmpty); TH1D* retCopyPx = ProjectX(retCopy, "averageAll", 1, nY,rootProj,corrEmpty); sumCopyPx->SetDirectory(0); sum0CopyPx->SetDirectory(0); retCopyPx->SetDirectory(0); // Scale our 1D histograms sumCopyPx->Scale(1., "width"); sum0CopyPx->Scale(1., "width"); retCopyPx->Scale(1., "width"); AliInfo(Form("Maximum %f,%f changed to %f", sumCopyPx->GetMaximum(), sum0CopyPx->GetMaximum(), retCopyPx->GetMaximum())); // Scale the normalization - they should be 1 at the maximum norm->Scale(n > 0 ? 1. / n : 1); norm0->Scale(n0 > 0 ? 1. / n0 : 1); normAll->Scale(ntotal > 0 ? 1. / ntotal : 1); out->Add(sumCopy); out->Add(sum0Copy); out->Add(retCopy); out->Add(sumCopyPx); out->Add(sum0CopyPx); out->Add(retCopyPx); out->Add(norm); out->Add(norm0); out->Add(normAll); AliInfoF("Returning (1/%f * %s + 1/%f * %s), " "1/%f * %d + 1/%f * %d = %d", epsilon0, fSum0->GetName(), epsilon, fSum->GetName(), epsilon0, n0, epsilon, n, int(ntotal)); #if 0 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= ret->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Double_t nc = sum->GetBinContent(i, 0); Double_t nc0 = sum0->GetBinContent(i, 0); ret->SetBinContent(i, 0, nc + nc0); // Just count events } #endif return ret; } //==================================================================== AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CentralityBin() : TNamed("", ""), fSums(0), fOutput(0), fSum(0), fSumMC(0), fTriggers(0), fLow(0), fHigh(0), fDoFinalMCCorrection(false), fDebug(0) { // // Constructor // DGUARD(0,0,"Centrality bin default construction"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CentralityBin(const char* name, Short_t low, Short_t high) : TNamed(name, ""), fSums(0), fOutput(0), fSum(0), fSumMC(0), fTriggers(0), fLow(low), fHigh(high), fDoFinalMCCorrection(false), fDebug(0) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // name Name used for histograms (e.g., Forward) // low Lower centrality cut in percent // high Upper centrality cut in percent // DGUARD(0,0,"Named Centrality bin construction: %s [%3d,%3d]",name,low,high); if (low <= 0 && high <= 0) { fLow = 0; fHigh = 0; SetTitle("All centralities"); } else { fLow = low; fHigh = high; SetTitle(Form("Centrality bin from %3d%% to %3d%%", low, high)); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CentralityBin(const CentralityBin& o) : TNamed(o), fSums(o.fSums), fOutput(o.fOutput), fSum(o.fSum), fSumMC(o.fSumMC), fTriggers(o.fTriggers), fLow(o.fLow), fHigh(o.fHigh), fDoFinalMCCorrection(o.fDoFinalMCCorrection), fDebug(o.fDebug) { // // Copy constructor // // Parameters: // other Object to copy from // DGUARD(0,0,"Copy Centrality bin construction"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::~CentralityBin() { // // Destructor // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Centrality bin desctruction"); if (fSums) fSums->Delete(); if (fOutput) fOutput->Delete(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin& AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::operator=(const CentralityBin& o) { // // Assignment operator // // Parameters: // other Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Centrality bin assignment"); if (&o == this) return *this; SetName(o.GetName()); SetTitle(o.GetTitle()); fSums = o.fSums; fOutput = o.fOutput; fSum = o.fSum; fSumMC = o.fSumMC; fTriggers = o.fTriggers; fLow = o.fLow; fHigh = o.fHigh; fDoFinalMCCorrection = o.fDoFinalMCCorrection; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::GetColor(Int_t fallback) const { if (IsAllBin()) return fallback; Float_t fc = (fLow+double(fHigh-fLow)/2) / 100; Int_t nCol = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); Int_t icol = TMath::Min(nCol-1,int(fc * nCol + .5)); Int_t col = gStyle->GetColorPalette(icol); return col; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::GetListName() const { // // Get the list name // // Return: // List Name // if (IsAllBin()) return "all"; return Form("cent%03d_%03d", fLow, fHigh); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir, Int_t mask) { // // Create output objects // // Parameters: // dir Parent list // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Create centrality bin output objects"); fSums = new TList; fSums->SetName(GetListName()); fSums->SetOwner(); dir->Add(fSums); fTriggers = AliAODForwardMult::MakeTriggerHistogram("triggers", mask); fTriggers->SetDirectory(0); fSums->Add(fTriggers); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::SetDebugLevel(Int_t lvl) { fDebug = lvl; if (fSum) fSum->fDebug = lvl; if (fSumMC) fSumMC->fDebug = lvl; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::ReadSum(TList* list, bool mc) { const char* post = (mc ? "MC" : ""); TString sn = Sum::GetHistName(GetName(),0,post); TString sn0 = Sum::GetHistName(GetName(),1,post); TString ev = Sum::GetHistName(GetName(),2,post); TH2D* sum = static_cast(list->FindObject(sn)); TH2D* sum0 = static_cast(list->FindObject(sn0)); TH1I* events = static_cast(list->FindObject(ev)); if (!sum || !sum0 || !events) { AliWarningF("Failed to find one or more histograms: " "%s (%p) %s (%p) %s (%p)", sn.Data(), sum, sn0.Data(), sum0, ev.Data(), events); return false; } Sum* ret = new Sum(GetName(), post); ret->fSum = sum; ret->fSum0 = sum0; ret->fEvents = events; ret->fDebug = fDebug; if (mc) fSumMC = ret; else fSum = ret; return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CreateSums(const TH2D* data, const TH2D* mc) { // // Create sum histogram // // Parameters: // data Data histogram to clone // mc (optional) MC histogram to clone // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Create centrality bin sums from %s", data ? data->GetName() : "(null)"); if (data) { fSum = new Sum(GetName(),""); fSum->Init(fSums, data, GetColor()); fSum->fDebug = fDebug; } // If no MC data is given, then do not create MC sum histogram if (!mc) return; fSumMC = new Sum(GetName(), "MC"); fSumMC->Init(fSums, mc, GetColor()); fSumMC->fDebug = fDebug; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::CheckEvent(const AliAODForwardMult* forward, Int_t triggerMask, Double_t vzMin, Double_t vzMax) { // // Check the trigger, vertex, and centrality // // Parameters: // aod Event input // // Return: // true if the event is to be used // if (!forward) return false; DGUARD(fDebug,2,"Check the event"); // We do not check for centrality here - it's already done return forward->CheckEvent(triggerMask, vzMin, vzMax, 0, 0, fTriggers); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::ProcessEvent(const AliAODForwardMult* forward, Int_t triggerMask, Bool_t isZero, Double_t vzMin, Double_t vzMax, const TH2D* data, const TH2D* mc) { // // Process an event // // Parameters: // forward Forward data (for trigger, vertex, & centrality) // triggerMask Trigger mask // vzMin Minimum IP z coordinate // vzMax Maximum IP z coordinate // data Data histogram // mc MC histogram // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Process one event for %s a given centrality bin", data ? data->GetName() : "(null)"); if (!CheckEvent(forward, triggerMask, vzMin, vzMax)) return; if (!data) return; if (!fSum) CreateSums(data, mc); fSum->Add(data, isZero); if (mc) fSumMC->Add(mc, isZero); } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::Normalization(const TH1I& t, UShort_t scheme, Double_t trigEff, Double_t& ntotal, TString* text) const { // // Calculate normalization // // Parameters: // t Trigger histogram // scheme Normaliztion scheme // trigEff From MC // ntotal On return, contains the number of events. // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Normalize centrality bin %s with %s", GetName(), t.GetName()); Double_t nAll = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinAll); Double_t nB = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinB); Double_t nA = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinA); Double_t nC = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinC); Double_t nE = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinE); Double_t nOffline = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kBinOffline); Double_t nTriggered = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kWithTrigger); Double_t nWithVertex = t.GetBinContent(AliAODForwardMult::kWithVertex); Double_t nAccepted = ntotal; ntotal = 0; if (nTriggered <= 0.1) { AliError("Number of triggered events <= 0"); return -1; } if (nWithVertex <= 0.1) { AliError("Number of events with vertex <= 0"); return -1; } ntotal = nAccepted; Double_t vtxEff = nWithVertex / nTriggered; Double_t scaler = 1; Double_t beta = nA + nC - 2*nE; TString rhs("N = N_acc"); if (!(scheme & kZeroBin)) { if (scheme & kEventLevel) { ntotal = nAccepted / vtxEff; scaler = vtxEff; AliInfoF("Calculating event normalisation as\n" " N = N_A * N_T / N_V = %d * %d / %d = %f (%f)", Int_t(nAccepted), Int_t(nTriggered), Int_t(nWithVertex), ntotal, scaler); if (scheme & kBackground) { // 1 E_V E_V // s = --------- = ------------- = ------------ // 1 - beta 1 - beta E_V 1 - beta N_V // --- ---- -------- ---- --- // E_V N_V N_V N_V N_T // // E_V // = ------------ // 1 - beta // ---- // N_T // ntotal -= nAccepted * beta / nWithVertex; // This one is direct and correct. // scaler = 1. / (1. / vtxEff - beta / nWithVertex); // A simpler expresion scaler /= (1 - beta / nTriggered); // 0.831631 -> 0.780689 AliInfo(Form("Calculating event normalisation as\n" " beta = N_a + N_c + 2 N_e = %d + %d - 2 * %d = %d\n" " N = N - N_A * beta / N_V = %f - %d * %d / %d = %f (%f)", Int_t(nA), Int_t(nC), Int_t(nE), Int_t(beta), nAccepted / vtxEff, Int_t(nAccepted), Int_t(beta), Int_t(nWithVertex), ntotal, scaler)); rhs.Append("(1/eps_V - beta/N_vtx)"); } // Background else rhs.Append("/eps_V"); } // Event-level if (scheme & kTriggerEfficiency) { ntotal /= trigEff; scaler *= trigEff; AliInfo(Form("Correcting for trigger efficiency:\n" " N = 1 / E_X * N = 1 / %f * %d = %f (%f)", trigEff, Int_t(ntotal), ntotal / trigEff, scaler)); rhs.Append("/eps_T"); } // Trigger efficiency } else { // Calculate as // // N = N_A + 1/E_X * N_A / N_V (N_T - N_V - beta) // = N_A (1 + 1/E_X (N_T/N_V - 1 - beta / N_V)) // = N_A (1 + 1/E_X (1/E_V - 1 - beta / N_V)) // // s = N_A/N = 1 / (1 + 1/E_X (N_T/N_V - 1 - beta / N_V)) // = N_V / (N_V + 1/E_X (N_T - N_V - beta)) // if (!(scheme & kBackground)) beta = 0; ntotal = nAccepted * (1 + 1/trigEff * (nTriggered / nWithVertex - 1 - beta / nWithVertex)); scaler = nWithVertex / (nWithVertex + 1/trigEff * (nTriggered-nWithVertex-beta)); AliInfo(Form("Calculating event normalisation as\n" " beta = N_a + N_c + 2 N_e = %d + %d - 2 * %d = %d\n" " N = N_A (1 + 1/E_X (N_T/N_V - 1 - beta / N_V)) = " "%d (1 + 1 / %f (%d / %d - 1 - %d / %d)) = %f (%f)", Int_t(nA), Int_t(nC), Int_t(nE), Int_t(beta), Int_t(nAccepted), trigEff, Int_t(nTriggered), Int_t(nWithVertex), Int_t(beta), Int_t(nWithVertex), ntotal, scaler)); rhs.Append("(1+1/eps_T(1/eps_V-1-beta/N_vtx))"); } if (text) { text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_all", UInt_t(nAll))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_acc", UInt_t(nAccepted))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_trg", UInt_t(nTriggered))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_vtx", UInt_t(nWithVertex))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_B", UInt_t(nB))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_A", UInt_t(nA))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_C", UInt_t(nC))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "N_E", UInt_t(nE))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %d\n", "beta = N_A + N_C - 2N_E",UInt_t(beta))); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %f\n", "eps_V = N_vtx/N_trg",vtxEff)); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %f\n", "eps_T", trigEff)); text->Append(Form("%-40s = %f\n", rhs.Data(), ntotal)); } AliInfo(Form("\n" " Total of %9d events for %s\n" " of these %9d have an offline trigger\n" " of these N_T = %9d has the selected trigger\n" " of these N_V = %9d has a vertex\n" " of these N_A = %9d were in the selected range\n" " Triggers by hardware type:\n" " N_b = %9d\n" " N_ac = %9d (%d+%d)\n" " N_e = %9d\n" " Vertex efficiency: %f\n" " Trigger efficiency: %f\n" " Total number of events: N = %f\n" " Scaler (N_A/N): %f\n" " %25s = %f", Int_t(nAll), GetTitle(), Int_t(nOffline), Int_t(nTriggered), Int_t(nWithVertex), Int_t(nAccepted), Int_t(nB), Int_t(nA+nC), Int_t(nA), Int_t(nC), Int_t(nE), vtxEff, trigEff, ntotal, scaler, rhs.Data(), ntotal)); return scaler; } //________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::GetResultName(Int_t rebin, Bool_t sym, const char* postfix) const { static TString n; n = Form("dndeta%s%s",GetName(), postfix); if (rebin > 1) n.Append(Form("_rebin%02d", rebin)); if (sym) n.Append("_mirror"); return n.Data(); } //________________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::GetResult(Int_t rebin, Bool_t sym, const char* postfix) const { if (!fOutput) { AliWarning(Form("No output list defined in %s [%3d,%3d]", GetName(), fLow, fHigh)); return 0; } TString n = GetResultName(rebin, sym, postfix); TObject* o = fOutput->FindObject(n.Data()); if (!o) { // AliWarning(Form("Object %s not found in output list", n.Data())); return 0; } return static_cast(o); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::MakeResult(const TH2D* sum, const char* postfix, bool rootProj, bool corrEmpty, const TH2F* shapeCorr, Double_t scaler, bool symmetrice, Int_t rebin, bool cutEdges, Int_t marker, Int_t color, TList* mclist, TList* truthlist) { // // Generate the dN/deta result from input // // Parameters: // sum Sum of 2D hists // postfix Post fix on names // rootProj Whether to use ROOT TH2::ProjectionX // corrEmpty Correct for empty bins // shapeCorr Shape correction to use // scaler Event-level normalization scaler // symmetrice Whether to make symmetric extensions // rebin Whether to rebin // cutEdges Whether to cut edges when rebinning // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Make centrality bin result from %s", sum->GetName()); TH2D* copy = static_cast(sum->Clone(Form("d2Ndetadphi%s%s", GetName(), postfix))); TH1D* accNorm = ProjectX(sum, Form("norm%s%s",GetName(), postfix), 0, 0, rootProj, corrEmpty, false); accNorm->SetDirectory(0); // ---- Scale by shape correction ---------------------------------- if (shapeCorr) copy->Divide(shapeCorr); else AliInfo("No shape correction specified, or disabled"); // --- Normalize to the coverage ----------------------------------- ScaleToCoverage(copy, accNorm); // --- Event-level normalization ----------------------------------- copy->Scale(scaler); // --- Project on X axis ------------------------------------------- TH1D* dndeta = ProjectX(copy, Form("dndeta%s%s",GetName(), postfix), 1, sum->GetNbinsY(), rootProj, corrEmpty); dndeta->SetDirectory(0); // Event-level normalization dndeta->Scale(1., "width"); copy->Scale(1., "width"); TH1D* dndetaMCCorrection = 0; TList* centlist = 0; TH1D* dndetaMCtruth = 0; TList* truthcentlist = 0; // Possible final correction to / if(mclist) centlist = static_cast (mclist->FindObject(GetListName())); if(centlist) dndetaMCCorrection = static_cast(centlist->FindObject(Form("dndeta%s%s", GetName(), postfix))); if(truthlist) truthcentlist =static_cast(truthlist->FindObject(GetListName())); if(truthcentlist) dndetaMCtruth =static_cast(truthcentlist->FindObject("dndetaTruth")); if(dndetaMCCorrection && dndetaMCtruth) { AliInfo("Correcting with final MC correction"); dndetaMCCorrection->Divide(dndetaMCtruth); dndetaMCCorrection->SetTitle("Final MC correction"); dndetaMCCorrection->SetName("finalMCCorr"); dndeta->Divide(dndetaMCCorrection); } else AliInfo("No final MC correction applied"); // --- Set some histogram attributes ------------------------------- TString post; Int_t rColor = GetColor(color); if (postfix && postfix[0] != '\0') post = Form(" (%s)", postfix); SetHistogramAttributes(dndeta, rColor, marker, Form("ALICE %s%s", GetName(), post.Data())); SetHistogramAttributes(accNorm, rColor, marker, Form("ALICE %s normalisation%s", GetName(), post.Data())); // --- Make symmetric extensions and rebinnings -------------------- if (symmetrice) fOutput->Add(Symmetrice(dndeta)); fOutput->Add(dndeta); fOutput->Add(accNorm); fOutput->Add(copy); fOutput->Add(Rebin(dndeta, rebin, cutEdges)); if (symmetrice) fOutput->Add(Symmetrice(Rebin(dndeta, rebin, cutEdges))); if (dndetaMCCorrection) fOutput->Add(dndetaMCCorrection); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin::End(TList* sums, TList* results, UShort_t scheme, const TH2F* shapeCorr, Double_t trigEff, Double_t trigEff0, Bool_t symmetrice, Int_t rebin, Bool_t rootProj, Bool_t corrEmpty, Bool_t cutEdges, Int_t triggerMask, Int_t marker, Int_t color, TList* mclist, TList* truthlist) { // // End of processing // // Parameters: // sums List of sums // results Output list of results // shapeCorr Shape correction or nil // trigEff Trigger efficiency // symmetrice Whether to symmetrice the results // rebin Whether to rebin the results // corrEmpty Whether to correct for empty bins // cutEdges Whether to cut edges when rebinning // triggerMask Trigger mask // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"End centrality bin procesing"); fSums = dynamic_cast(sums->FindObject(GetListName())); if(!fSums) { AliError("Could not retrieve TList fSums"); return; } fOutput = new TList; fOutput->SetName(GetListName()); fOutput->SetOwner(); results->Add(fOutput); if (!fSum) { if (!ReadSum(fSums, false)) { AliInfo("This task did not produce any output"); return; } } if (!fSumMC) ReadSum(fSums, true); fTriggers = static_cast(fSums->FindObject("triggers")); if (!fTriggers) { AliError("Couldn't find histogram 'triggers' in list"); return; } // --- Get normalization scaler ------------------------------------ Double_t epsilonT = trigEff; Double_t epsilonT0 = trigEff0; AliInfoF("Using epsilonT=%f, epsilonT0=%f for %d", epsilonT, epsilonT0, triggerMask); #if 0 // TEMPORARY FIX if (triggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kNSD) { // This is a local change epsilonT = 0.96; AliWarning(Form("Using hard-coded NSD trigger efficiency of %f",epsilonT)); } else if (triggerMask == AliAODForwardMult::kInel) { // This is a local change epsilonT = 0.934; AliWarning(Form("Using hard-coded Inel trigger efficiency of %f",epsilonT)); } if (scheme & kZeroBin) { if (triggerMask==AliAODForwardMult::kInel) epsilonT0 = 0.785021; // 0.100240; else if (triggerMask==AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0) epsilonT0 = 0; else if (triggerMask==AliAODForwardMult::kNSD) epsilonT0 = .706587; epsilonT = 1; AliWarning(Form("Using hard-coded NCluster>0 trigger efficiency of %f", epsilonT0)); } #endif // Get our histograms Double_t nSum = 0; TH2D* sum = fSum->CalcSum(fOutput, nSum, epsilonT0, epsilonT, marker, rootProj, corrEmpty); Double_t nSumMC = 0; TH2D* sumMC = 0; if (fSumMC) sumMC = fSumMC->CalcSum(fOutput, nSumMC, epsilonT0, epsilonT, marker, rootProj, corrEmpty); if (!sum) { AliError("Failed to get sum from summer - bailing out"); return; } TString text; Double_t ntotal = nSum; Double_t scaler = Normalization(*fTriggers, scheme, epsilonT, ntotal, &text); if (scaler < 0) { AliError("Failed to calculate normalization - bailing out"); return; } fOutput->Add(fTriggers->Clone()); fOutput->Add(new TNamed("normCalc", text.Data())); // --- Make result and store --------------------------------------- MakeResult(sum, "", rootProj, corrEmpty, (scheme & kShape) ? shapeCorr : 0, scaler, symmetrice, rebin, cutEdges, marker, color, mclist, truthlist); // --- Process result from TrackRefs ------------------------------- if (sumMC) MakeResult(sumMC, "MC", rootProj, corrEmpty, (scheme & kShape) ? shapeCorr : 0, scaler, symmetrice, rebin, cutEdges, GetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerBits(marker)+4), color, mclist, truthlist); // Temporary stuff // if (!IsAllBin()) return; } // // EOF //