// // Calculate the corrections in the central regions // // Inputs: // - AliESDEvent // // Outputs: // - AliAODCentralMult // // Histograms // // Corrections used // #include "AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask.h" #include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliPhysicsSelection.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include "AliCentralCorrSecondaryMap.h" #include "AliCentralCorrAcceptance.h" #include "AliForwardUtil.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== namespace { const char* GetEventName(Bool_t tr, Bool_t vtx) { return Form("nEvents%s%s", (tr ? "Tr" : ""), (vtx ? "Vtx" : "")); } } //==================================================================== AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fInspector(), fTrackDensity(), fVtxBins(0), fFirstEvent(true), fHEvents(0), fHEventsTr(0), fHEventsTrVtx(0), fVtxAxis(), fEtaAxis(), fList(), fNPhiBins(20), fEffectiveCorr(true) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // name Name of task // DGUARD(fDebug, 3,"Default CTOR of AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fInspector("eventInspector"), fTrackDensity("trackDensity"), fVtxBins(0), fFirstEvent(true), fHEvents(0), fHEventsTr(0), fHEventsTrVtx(0), fVtxAxis(10,-10,10), fEtaAxis(200,-4,6), fList(), fNPhiBins(20), fEffectiveCorr(true) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // name Name of task // DGUARD(fDebug, 3,"Named CTOR of AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask: %s",name); DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); DefineOutput(2, TList::Class()); fBranchNames = "ESD:AliESDRun.,AliESDHeader.,AliMultiplicity.," "SPDVertex.,PrimaryVertex."; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask(const AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask& o) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(o), fInspector(o.fInspector), fTrackDensity(), fVtxBins(0), fFirstEvent(o.fFirstEvent), fHEvents(o.fHEvents), fHEventsTr(o.fHEventsTr), fHEventsTrVtx(o.fHEventsTrVtx), fVtxAxis(10,-10,10), fEtaAxis(200,-4,6), fList(o.fList), fNPhiBins(o.fNPhiBins), fEffectiveCorr(o.fEffectiveCorr) { // // Copy constructor // // Parameters: // o Object to copy from // DGUARD(fDebug, 3,"Copy CTOR of AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask& AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::operator=(const AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask& o) { // // Assignment operator // // Parameters: // o Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this object // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Assignment of AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); if (&o == this) return *this; fInspector = o.fInspector; fTrackDensity = o.fTrackDensity; fVtxBins = o.fVtxBins; fFirstEvent = o.fFirstEvent; fHEvents = o.fHEvents; fHEventsTr = o.fHEventsTr; fHEventsTrVtx = o.fHEventsTrVtx; SetVertexAxis(o.fVtxAxis); SetEtaAxis(o.fEtaAxis); fNPhiBins = o.fNPhiBins; fEffectiveCorr = o.fEffectiveCorr; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::Init() { // // Initialize the task // // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Initialize AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::SetVertexAxis(Int_t nBin, Double_t min, Double_t max) { // // Set the vertex axis to use // // Parameters: // nBins Number of bins // vzMin Least @f$z@f$ coordinate of interation point // vzMax Largest @f$z@f$ coordinate of interation point // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set vertex axis AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask [%d,%f,%f]", nBin, min, max); if (max < min) { Double_t tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } if (min < -10) AliWarning(Form("Minimum vertex %f < -10, make sure you want this",min)); if (max > +10) AliWarning(Form("Minimum vertex %f > +10, make sure you want this",max)); fVtxAxis.Set(nBin, min, max); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::SetVertexAxis(const TAxis& axis) { // // Set the vertex axis to use // // Parameters: // axis Axis // SetVertexAxis(axis.GetNbins(),axis.GetXmin(),axis.GetXmax()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::SetEtaAxis(Int_t nBin, Double_t min, Double_t max) { // // Set the eta axis to use // // Parameters: // nBins Number of bins // vzMin Least @f$\eta@f$ // vzMax Largest @f$\eta@f$ // DGUARD(fDebug,3,"Set eta axis AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask [%d,%f,%f]", nBin, min, max); if (max < min) { Double_t tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } if (min < -4) AliWarning(Form("Minimum eta %f < -4, make sure you want this",min)); if (max > +6) AliWarning(Form("Minimum eta %f > +6, make sure you want this",max)); fEtaAxis.Set(nBin, min, max); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::SetEtaAxis(const TAxis& axis) { // // Set the eta axis to use // // Parameters: // axis Axis // SetEtaAxis(axis.GetNbins(),axis.GetXmin(),axis.GetXmax()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::DefineBins(TList* l) { DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Define bins in AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); if (!fVtxBins) fVtxBins = new TObjArray(fVtxAxis.GetNbins(), 1); if (fVtxBins->GetEntries() > 0) return; fVtxBins->SetOwner(); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= fVtxAxis.GetNbins(); i++) { Double_t low = fVtxAxis.GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t high = fVtxAxis.GetBinUpEdge(i); VtxBin* bin = new VtxBin(low, high, fEtaAxis, fNPhiBins); fVtxBins->AddAt(bin, i); bin->CreateOutputObjects(l); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Create output objects // // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Create user output for AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask"); fList = new TList; fList->SetOwner(); fList->SetName(Form("%sSums", GetName())); DefineBins(fList); fHEvents = new TH1I(GetEventName(false,false), "Number of all events", fVtxAxis.GetNbins(), fVtxAxis.GetXmin(), fVtxAxis.GetXmax()); fHEvents->SetXTitle("v_{z} [cm]"); fHEvents->SetYTitle("# of events"); fHEvents->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fHEvents->SetFillStyle(3001); fHEvents->SetDirectory(0); fList->Add(fHEvents); fHEventsTr = new TH1I(GetEventName(true, false), "Number of triggered events", fVtxAxis.GetNbins(), fVtxAxis.GetXmin(), fVtxAxis.GetXmax()); fHEventsTr->SetXTitle("v_{z} [cm]"); fHEventsTr->SetYTitle("# of events"); fHEventsTr->SetFillColor(kRed+1); fHEventsTr->SetFillStyle(3001); fHEventsTr->SetDirectory(0); fList->Add(fHEventsTr); fHEventsTrVtx = new TH1I(GetEventName(true,true), "Number of events w/trigger and vertex", fVtxAxis.GetNbins(), fVtxAxis.GetXmin(), fVtxAxis.GetXmax()); fHEventsTrVtx->SetXTitle("v_{z} [cm]"); fHEventsTrVtx->SetYTitle("# of events"); fHEventsTrVtx->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fHEventsTrVtx->SetFillStyle(3001); fHEventsTrVtx->SetDirectory(0); fList->Add(fHEventsTrVtx); // Copy axis objects to output TH1* vtxAxis = new TH1D("vtxAxis", "Vertex axis", fVtxAxis.GetNbins(), fVtxAxis.GetXmin(), fVtxAxis.GetXmax()); TH1* etaAxis = new TH1D("etaAxis", "Eta axis", fEtaAxis.GetNbins(), fEtaAxis.GetXmin(), fEtaAxis.GetXmax()); fList->Add(vtxAxis); fList->Add(etaAxis); AliInfo(Form("Initialising sub-routines: %p, %p", &fInspector, &fTrackDensity)); fInspector.CreateOutputObjects(fList); fTrackDensity.CreateOutputObjects(fList); PostData(1, fList); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::UserExec(Option_t*) { // // Process each event // // Parameters: // option Not used // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask process an event"); // Get the input data - MC event AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent(); if (!mcEvent) { AliWarning("No MC event found"); return; } // Get the input data - ESD event AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!esd) { AliWarning("No ESD event found for input event"); return; } //--- Read run information ----------------------------------------- if (fFirstEvent && esd->GetESDRun()) { fInspector.ReadRunDetails(esd); AliInfo(Form("Initializing with parameters from the ESD:\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamEnergy() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamType() ->%s\n" " AliESDEvent::GetCurrentL3() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetMagneticField()->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetRunNumber() ->%d\n", esd->GetBeamEnergy(), esd->GetBeamType(), esd->GetCurrentL3(), esd->GetMagneticField(), esd->GetRunNumber())); fInspector.SetupForData(fVtxAxis); Print(); fFirstEvent = false; } // Some variables UInt_t triggers = 0; // Trigger bits Bool_t lowFlux = true; // Low flux flag UShort_t iVz = 0; // Vertex bin from ESD TVector3 ip; // Z coordinate from ESD Double_t cent = -1; // Centrality UShort_t iVzMc = 0; // Vertex bin from MC Double_t vZMc = 1000; // Z coordinate of IP vertex from MC Double_t b = -1; // Impact parameter Double_t cMC = -1; // Centrality estimate from b Int_t nPart = -1; // Number of participants Int_t nBin = -1; // Number of binary collisions Double_t phiR = 1000; // Reaction plane from MC UShort_t nClusters = 0; // Number of SPD clusters // Process the data UInt_t retESD = fInspector.Process(esd, triggers, lowFlux, iVz, ip, cent, nClusters); fInspector.ProcessMC(mcEvent, triggers, iVzMc, vZMc, b, cMC, nPart, nBin, phiR); Bool_t isInel = triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kInel; Bool_t hasVtx = retESD == AliFMDMCEventInspector::kOk; // Fill the event count histograms if (isInel) fHEventsTr->Fill(vZMc); if (isInel && hasVtx) fHEventsTrVtx->Fill(vZMc); fHEvents->Fill(vZMc); // Now find our vertex bin object VtxBin* bin = 0; if (iVzMc > 0 && iVzMc <= fVtxAxis.GetNbins()) bin = static_cast(fVtxBins->At(iVzMc)); if (!bin) { // AliError(Form("No vertex bin object @ %d (%f)", iVzMc, vZMc)); return; } // Now process our input data and store in own ESD object fTrackDensity.Calculate(*mcEvent, vZMc, *bin->fHits, bin->fPrimary); // Get the ESD object const AliMultiplicity* spdmult = esd->GetMultiplicity(); // Count number of tracklets per bin for(Int_t j = 0; j< spdmult->GetNumberOfTracklets();j++) bin->fClusters->Fill(spdmult->GetEta(j),spdmult->GetPhi(j)); //...and then the unused clusters in layer 1 for(Int_t j = 0; j< spdmult->GetNumberOfSingleClusters();j++) { Double_t eta = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(spdmult->GetThetaSingle(j)/2.)); bin->fClusters->Fill(eta, spdmult->GetPhiSingle(j)); } // Count events bin->fCounts->Fill(0.5); PostData(1, fList); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::Terminate(Option_t*) { // // End of job // // Parameters: // option Not used // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask analyse merged output"); fList = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!fList) { AliError("No output list defined"); return; } DefineBins(fList); // Output list TList* output = new TList; output->SetOwner(); output->SetName(Form("%sResults", GetName())); // --- Fill correction object -------------------------------------- AliCentralCorrSecondaryMap* corr = new AliCentralCorrSecondaryMap; corr->SetVertexAxis(fVtxAxis); // corr->SetEtaAxis(fEtaAxis); AliCentralCorrAcceptance* acorr = new AliCentralCorrAcceptance; acorr->SetVertexAxis(fVtxAxis); TIter next(fVtxBins); VtxBin* bin = 0; UShort_t iVz = 1; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) bin->Terminate(fList, output, iVz++, fEffectiveCorr, corr,acorr); output->Add(corr); output->Add(acorr); PostData(2, output); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::Print(Option_t* option) const { std::cout << ClassName() << "\n" << " Vertex bins: " << fVtxAxis.GetNbins() << '\n' << " Vertex range: [" << fVtxAxis.GetXmin() << "," << fVtxAxis.GetXmax() << "]\n" << " Eta bins: " << fEtaAxis.GetNbins() << '\n' << " Eta range: [" << fEtaAxis.GetXmin() << "," << fEtaAxis.GetXmax() << "]\n" << " # of phi bins: " << fNPhiBins << std::endl; gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); fInspector.Print(option); fTrackDensity.Print(option); gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } //==================================================================== const char* AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::BinName(Double_t low, Double_t high) { static TString buf; buf = Form("vtx%+05.1f_%+05.1f", low, high); buf.ReplaceAll("+", "p"); buf.ReplaceAll("-", "m"); buf.ReplaceAll(".", "d"); return buf.Data(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::VtxBin() : fHits(0), fClusters(0), fPrimary(0), fCounts(0) { } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::VtxBin(Double_t low, Double_t high, const TAxis& axis, UShort_t nPhi) : TNamed(BinName(low, high), Form("%+5.1fcmSetXTitle("#eta"); fPrimary->SetYTitle("#varphi [radians]"); fPrimary->Sumw2(); fPrimary->SetDirectory(0); fHits = static_cast(fPrimary->Clone("hits")); fHits->SetTitle("Hits"); fHits->SetDirectory(0); fClusters = static_cast(fPrimary->Clone("clusters")); fClusters->SetTitle("Clusters"); fClusters->SetDirectory(0); fCounts = new TH1D("counts", "Counts", 1, 0, 1); fCounts->SetXTitle("Events"); fCounts->SetYTitle("# of Events"); fCounts->SetDirectory(0); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::VtxBin(const VtxBin& o) : TNamed(o), fHits(0), fClusters(0), fPrimary(0), fCounts(0) { if (o.fHits) { fHits = static_cast(o.fHits->Clone()); fHits->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fClusters) { fClusters = static_cast(o.fClusters->Clone()); fClusters->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fPrimary) { fPrimary = static_cast(o.fPrimary->Clone()); fPrimary->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fCounts) { fCounts = static_cast(o.fCounts->Clone()); fCounts->SetDirectory(0); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin& AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::operator=(const VtxBin& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; TNamed::operator=(o); fHits = 0; fPrimary = 0; fClusters = 0; fCounts = 0; if (o.fHits) { fHits = static_cast(o.fHits->Clone()); fHits->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fClusters) { fClusters = static_cast(o.fClusters->Clone()); fClusters->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fPrimary) { fPrimary = static_cast(o.fPrimary->Clone()); fPrimary->SetDirectory(0); } if (o.fCounts) { fCounts = static_cast(o.fCounts->Clone()); fCounts->SetDirectory(0); } return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::CreateOutputObjects(TList* l) { TList* d = new TList; d->SetName(GetName()); d->SetOwner(); l->Add(d); d->Add(fHits); d->Add(fClusters); d->Add(fPrimary); d->Add(fCounts); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCentralMCCorrectionsTask::VtxBin::Terminate(const TList* input, TList* output, UShort_t iVz, Bool_t effectiveCorr, AliCentralCorrSecondaryMap* map, AliCentralCorrAcceptance* acorr) { TList* out = new TList; out->SetName(GetName()); out->SetOwner(); output->Add(out); TList* l = static_cast(input->FindObject(GetName())); if (!l) { AliError(Form("List %s not found in %s", GetName(), input->GetName())); return; } TH2D* hits = static_cast(l->FindObject("hits")); TH2D* clus = static_cast(l->FindObject("clusters")); TH2D* prim = static_cast(l->FindObject("primary")); if (!hits || !prim) { AliError(Form("Missing histograms: %p, %p", hits, prim)); return; } TH2D* h = 0; if (effectiveCorr) h = static_cast(clus->Clone("bgCorr")); else h = static_cast(hits->Clone("bgCorr")); h->SetDirectory(0); h->Divide(prim); TH1D* acc = new TH1D(Form("SPDacc_vrtbin_%d",iVz), "Acceptance correction for SPD" , fPrimary->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(), fPrimary->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), fPrimary->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); TH1F* accden = static_cast(acc->Clone(Form("%s_den",acc->GetName()))); for(Int_t xx = 1; xx <=h->GetNbinsX(); xx++) { for(Int_t yy = 1; yy <=h->GetNbinsY(); yy++) { if(TMath::Abs(h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(xx)) > 1.9) { h->SetBinContent(xx,yy,0.); h->SetBinError(xx,yy,0.); } if(h->GetBinContent(xx,yy) > 0.9) acc->Fill(h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(xx)); else { h->SetBinContent(xx,yy,0.); h->SetBinError(xx,yy,0.); } accden->Fill(h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(xx)); } } acc->Divide(accden); map->SetCorrection(iVz, h); acorr->SetCorrection(iVz, acc); out->Add(h); out->Add(acc); } // // EOF //